EXHIBITS OF ALL PLAINTIFFS ­­ Exhibits Before the Court Date 1 Exhibit # Description Admitted PL­1 4 pg. typed document of letter 8/24/73 dated 8/30/1854 from Charles E. 5/3/94 (89­ Mix, Acting Commissioner of 3) Indian Affairs to Stevens. Instruction to Stevens re: treaties (typed version of PL­ 34) PL­2 Excerpts from House Doc. 315, 8/24/73 54th Cong. 2d Sess, Report of Join Commissioners (US & Can.) concerning the preservation of fisheries in waters contiguous to the US and Can.; 12/31/1896. pp. 1­2, 14­15, 163­178. PL­3 Typed letter written by M. T. 8/24/73 Simmons, Indian Agent, dated 10/13/1859. PL­4 Typed letter by M. T. Simmons, 8/24/73 Indian Agent, dated 12/13/1859. PL­5 Memorandum opinion dated 9/4/73 7/27/1972 by Dept. of the Interior Assoc. Solicitor, Indian Affairs, entitled "Treaty Status of the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe of the Muckleshoot Reservation", 80 I.D. 222 PL­6 Excerpt from typed report of 8/24/73 1860 from Comm. of Indian Affairs to Secy. of the Interior. Report sent by M. T. Simmons, Indian Agent, WA Terr., to Edward R. Geary, Superintendent of Indian Affiars, OR & WA Terr. PL­7 One­page longhand letter dated 8/24/73 12/6/1856, from Isaac I. Stevens to E. W. Fowler 2 PL­8 Three­page longhand letter dated 8/24/73 12/16/1856 from E. S. Fowler to 5/3/94 (89­ Isaac I. Stevens with one­page 3) typed version attached. PL­9 35­page typed document (pp. 8­ 8/24/73 42) of Report of George Gibbs, 4/22/94 (89­ dated 3/4/1854, to Capt. 3) McClellan and publ. as Exec. Doc. #91, House of Repr. for 2d Sess. of 33rd Cong. (from Pacific Rail Road Report) PL­10a 14­page typed and longhand 8/24/73 document, partial record of 5/4/94 (89­ proceedings of commission to 3) hold treaties w/tribes in WA Terr. and Blackfoot country 12/7 ­ 26/1854. PL­10b 14­page typed and longhand 8/24/73 documents, another copy of 5/4/94 (89­ proceedings of Comm. to hold 3) treaties w/tribes in WA Terr. and Blackfoot country between 12/7/1854 and 1/3/1855. PL­11 12­page longhand document, 8/24/73 letter dated 12/30/1854 from 5/4/94 (89­ Stevens to Comm. of Indian 3) Affairs transmitting Treaty of Medicine Creek and proceedings of Treaty Comm. between 12/7 ­ 26/1854 tracings of Nisqually, Puyallup & Squawksin reservations PL­12 6­page typed documents of 8/24/73 partial record of proceedings on 5/4/94 (89­ 1/22/1855, Treaty of Pt. Elliott 3) negotiated and executed. PL­13 5­page longhand document of 8/24/73 draft of Treaty of Pt. Elliott (w/changes shown) drafted by U.S. Treaty Comm. 3 EXHIBITS OF ALL PLAINTIFFS ­­ Exhibits Before the Court PL­14 14­page longhand document 8/24/73 consisting of a letter dated 5/4/94 (89­ 5/4/1855, from Stevens to 3) Commissioner of Indian Affairs transmitting proceedings of Treaty of Pt. Elliott Treaty Comm., bwetween 1/5 ­ 23/1855, and transmitting Treaties of Pt. Elliott, Point No Point, & Neah Bay, negotiated and executed respectively 1/22, 1/25, & 1/31/1855 PL­15 8­page longhand document of 8/24/73 record of council proceedings, 5/4/94 (89­ wherein Treaty of Point No Point 3) negotiated and executed 1/24 ­ 26/1855 PL­16a 2­page longhand document 8/24/73 consisting of a rough draft of portions of Treaty of Neah Bay drafted by U.S. Treaty Commissioners w/changes shown PL­16b 7­page document (6 pp. of 8/24/73 longhand text) consisting of 5/4/94 (89­ record of council and 3) negotiation proceedings prior to & including execution of Treaty of Neah Bay, 1/29 ­ 31/1855. PL­17a Handwritten rough minutes of 8/24/73 council w/the Upper and Lower Chihalis . & Quinaiut'l Indians, 2/20 ­ 3/3/1855 PL­17b Handwritten bound volume version 8/24/73 of above council PL­17c Non­official typed copy of PL­ 8/24/73 17b 4 EXHIBITS OF ALL PLAINTIFFS ­­ Exhibits Before the Court PL­18 7­page document consisting of 4­ 8/24/73 pg. longhand letter dated 12/21/1854 & 3­pg. typed letter dated 1/6/1855 from George Gibbs, surveyor under Treaty of Medicine Creek to Stevens reporting survey of proposed Puyallup Reservation. PL­19 4­page longhand document of 8/24/73 letter dated 2/14/1855 from Comm. of Indian Affairs reporting on Treaty of Medicine Creek PL­20 4­page typed document consisting 8/24/73 of letter dated 8/28/1856 from 5/4/94 (89­ Stevens to Comm. of Indian 3) Affairs recommending change in reservations initially proposed for Nisqually & Puyallup Indians PL­21 7­page longhand document of 8/24/73 report dated 11/29/1856 by board appointed by Stevens to formulate plan for carrying into effect Treaty of Medicine Creek. PL­22 Longhand letter of approx. 150 8/24/73 pp. from Stevens to Comm. of Indian Affairs enclosing "Journal of Operations of Gov. Stevens, Superintendent Indian Affairs and Commissioner treating with Indian Tribes East of the Cascade Mountains in Washington Territory and Blackfeet and neighboring Tribes near Great Falls of the Missouri in the Year 1855", which covers period 1/20/1855 and 1/4/1856. PL­23 Report of Dr. Carroll Riley re: 8/24/73 Muckleshoot Tribe 5 EXHIBITS OF ALL PLAINTIFFS ­­ Exhibits Before the Court PL­24 Report of Dr. Carroll Riley re: 8/24/73 Nooksack Tribe PL­25 4­page letter dated 11/14/1958 8/24/73 from Bureau of Indian Affairs to Mr. Walter Neubrech. PL­26 Representation of areas ceded by 8/24/73 treaties involved in this case (overlay map) PL­27 3­page document dated in 1885 8/24/73 and 1856, including transmittals of treaties PL­28 7­page document consisting of 8/24/73 letters dated 5/9 through 5/4/94 (89­ 6/7/1853, from George W. 3) Manypenny to Isaac I. Stevens PL­29 One­page document of letter 8/24/73 dated 6/10/1854 from Charles E. Mix to Secy. of Interior PL­30 7­page document including letter 8/24/73 dated 2/6/1854 from George W. 5/4/94 (89­ Manypenny to Secy. of Interior 3) PL­31 7­page handwritten version of 8/24/73 articles of Treaty of Medicine 5/4/94 (89­ Creek 3) PL­32 3­page document including 8/24/73 letters of 7/9/1856 from George W. Manypenny to Secy. Interior PL­33 Photographic print depicting 8/24/73 ceded areas for treaties involved in this case PL­34 4­page letter of 8/30/1854 from 8/24/73 Charles E. Mix to Gov. Stevens (rough­hand version of PL­1) 6 EXHIBITS OF ALL PLAINTIFFS ­­ Exhibits Before the Court PL­35 Photographic print depicting map 8/24/73 "from Wilkes charge of portion 5/4/94 (89­ of Puget Sound" forwarded 1/1856 3) by Isaac I. Stevens PL­36 Print of Olympic Peninsula 8/24/73 portion of WA Terr. forwarded by 5/4/94 (89­ Isaac I. Stevens, 12/30/1856. 3) PL­37 Certified Game Commission 8/24/73 Minutes, 10/2/1972. PL­38 Certified Game Commission 8/24/73 Minutes, 1/8/1973 PL­39 Certified Game Commission 8/24/73 Minutes, 4/9/1973 PL­40 Report of Agent M. T. Simmons to 8/24/73 Colonel J. W. Nesmith, 6/30/1858 5/4/94 (89­ 3) PL­41 Report of Agent M. T. Simmons to 8/24/73 Superintendent Geary 7/1/1860 5/4/94 (89­ 3) PL­42 Report of Superintendent C. H. 8/24/73 Hale to Comm. of Indian Affairs, 10/19/1862. PL­43 Annual Report of Agent G. A. 8/24/73 Paige to Superintendent C. H. 5/4/94 (89­ Hale, 6/30/1862. 3) PL­44 Report of Subagent F. C. Purdy 8/24/73 to Superintendent C. H. Hale, 5/4/94 (89­ 7/20/1863 3) PL­45 Report of Agent A. R. Elder to 8/24/73 Superintendent C. H. Hale, 5/4/94 (89­ 9/7/1863 3) 7 EXHIBITS OF ALL PLAINTIFFS ­­ Exhibits Before the Court PL­46 Annual Report of Agent A. R. 8/24/73 Elder to T. J. McKenny, 5/4/94 (89­ 7/28/1867. 3) PL­47 Report of Gov. Stevens to Comm. 8/24/73 of Indian Affairs, 9/16/1854 (In 5/4/94 (89­ Vol. 746, Exec. Docs. of the 3) Senate, 33rd Cong. 2d Sess, 1854 ­ 1855, p. 392) PL­48 Memorandum of 7/26/1972 from 9/4/73 Comm. to Indian Affairs to Solicitor requesting opinion re: Muckleshoot Indians PL­49 George Gibbs Indian Nomenclature 8/24/73 of Localities in Washington and 5/4/94 (89­ Oregon Territories, 1853. 3) Bureau of American Ethnology Manuscripts #714. PL­50 Report upon the Fishes Collected 8/24/73 on the Survey; Report Upon the 5/4/94 (89­ Salmonidae, G. Suckley, Pacific 3) Rail Road Report, 1854. PL­51 Notice and preliminary agenda of 8/24/73 Game Commission meeting of 10/2/1972. PL­52 Final agenda, Game Commission 8/24/73 meeting of 10/2/1972.
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