PUBLIC NOTICES ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS project areas be completed prior to ELITE OFFICE PRODUCTS, 455.42; KORTH, MIKE, 1,600.00; THIES, GREG- Madison Public Schools, Madison, preparing bids. The owner assumes no WALMART COMMUNITY, 51.32; WELLS ORY, 1,600.00; KUCHTA, LAWRENCE, Nebraska, will receive bids for con- responsibility for errors or misinterpre- FARGO CARD SERVICES, 35.99; CON- 1,506.30; BAKER, JEFFREY, 1,600.00; struction services at Madison High tations resulting from a contractor´s NECTING POINT, 405.00; WESTERN DEGROOT, THOMAS, 376.00; ELLEN- School until 4:00 p.m. on Monday, failure to base the bid on the on-site OFFICE PLUS, 199.50; WALMART COM- BERGER, ROGER L, 1,049.00; June 14, 2010 at the Office of the Su- inspection. MUNITY, 35.26; PITNEY BOWES, FREUDENBURG, MARION, 1,598.00; perintendent, 700 South Kent St., Box Each bid shall be accompanied in a 118.63; WELLS FARGO CARD SER- GILSDORF, CHAD, 1,485.00; HER- 450 Madison, Nebraska. At that time, separate sealed envelope by a certified VICES, 319.93; A&D TECHNICAL SUP- CHENBACH, DARYL G, 1,484.00; all bids will be opened and publicly check drawn on a solvent bank in the PLY COMPANY, 58.36; ELITE OFFICE HINTZ, THOMAS T, 1,980.00; read aloud. State of Nebraska, or bid bond, in an PRODUCTS, 438.48 KREIKEMEIER, NEIL, 327.00; KUCHAR, The work contemplated in this amount not less than five percent of POSTAGE DENNIS, 800.00; LUBISCHER, GREG, project includes the following: the bid, and shall be payable to the WELLS FARGO CARD SERVICES, 800.00; LUBISCHER, DAVID, 800.00; Provide all labor, equipment, and Madison Public Schools as security 199.76; RESERVE ACCOUNT, MILLER, MARK L, 1,600.00; materials required for construction that the bidder to whom the contract 1,000.00; WELLS FARGO CARD SER- WEDEKIND, KEVIN, 1,200.00; WEID- of a concrete playground area at will be awarded will enter into a con- VICES, 11.13 NER, GREG, 1,600.00; WERKMEISTER, Madison Elementary School. tract to build the improvements in ac- SPECIAL PROJECTS MARVIN, 2,400.00 The bid will be an aggregate bid on cordance with this notice and give UNIVERSITYOFNEBRASKA, CHEMIGATION PAY DEQ all work to be performed for the bond in the sum hereinafter provided 3,500.00 NE DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUAL- project. Details of construction, materi- for construction of the improvements. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ITY, 780.00 als to be used, and methods of instal- Checks and bonds accompanying bids OLSSON ASSOCIATES, 29,805.19; FORESTRY lation for this project are available from not accepted shall be returned to the DANA F COLE & COMPANY, 40.00; JEO BEEMER ELEMENTARY, 650.00; the Superintendent. A contract will be bidder. CONSULTING GROUP INC, 4,042.00; OAKLAND GOLF CLUB INC, 2,026.00 awarded to the low, responsive, re- No bids shall be withdrawn after the JEO CONSULTING, 1,527.00; JEO CON- FORESTRY ADVERTISING sponsible bidder, based on the aggre- opening of bids without the consent of SULTING GROUP INC, 4,984.00 KTIC-KWPN, 150.00; KNEN FM, gate bid for the work, demolition and the authorized official of the Madison PROJECT CONSTRUCTION 224.00; KTCH, 144.00; US92 RADIO, construction time schedule, materials, Public Schools, Madison, Nebraska, for ELKHORN RURAL PUBLIC POWER 150.00; WJAG-KEXL, 412.35 and past performance on contracts a period of 60 days after the DISTRICT, 580.60; ELECTRIC FIXTURE WAGES with the owner. scheduled time of opening of bids. & SUPPLY, 21.19; CORNHUSKER WIN- Robert Barg, 361.55; Ron Bartak, Complete information regarding this The successful bidder will be re- NELSON CO, 1,316.45; NEBRASKA 1,579.72; Pam Bergstrom, 2,219.41; project may be obtained from the Of- quired to furnish a performance bond, ELECTRICAL BOARD, 312.00; CLASSIC Ken Berney, 5,930.31; Leonard Bor- fice of the Superintendent of Madison as well as a labor and materials pay- VIBURNUMS, 1,160.25; FALLER LAND- yca, 2,374.54; Brian Bruckner, Public Schools, 700 South Kent St., ment bond, on the forms included in SCAPE, 1,390.73; NE STATEWIDE AR- 2,431.84; Vickie DeJong, 2,498.85; Box 450, Madison, Nebraska. It is ad- the contract documents, each to be in BORETUM, 566.00; PRUSS EXCAVA- Kathy Dohmen, 2,162.42; Reynold vised that an on-site inspection of the an amount equal to 100 percent of the TION, 378,493.93 Erbst, 405.97; Dale Fenske, 125.72; project areas be completed prior to contract price. Said bonds, to be ex- OPERATION & MAINTENANCE Karen Hansen, 2,053.46; Danny John- preparing bids. The owner assumes no ecuted by a responsible corporate BOMGAARS, 59.88; WALMART COM- son, 2,597.22; Don Kahler, 2,693.15; responsibility for errors or misinterpre- surety, shall guarantee: the faithful MUNITY, 110.86; BOMGAARS, 609.51; Longin Karel, 1,731.68; Phyllis tations resulting from a contractor´s performance of the contact; the terms NORFOLK AREA SHOPPER, 14.70; Knobbe, 2,245.08; Jim Kruse, failure to base the bid on the on-site and conditions therein contained; and, WELLSFARGOCARDSERVICES, 2,195.23; Tammi Loberg, 2,082.18; inspection. payment for all labor and materials 210.35; SAEGEBARTH, ROGER, 88.00; Bob Lundeen, 195.09; Melvin Meyer, Each bid shall be accompanied in a used in connection with the work. SELLIN, GAYLE, 148.00; POHLMAN, 1,036.68; Richard Moore, 298.29; separate sealed envelope by a certified The Madison Public Schools, Madi- SHEILA, 140.00; VOIGT LOCKSMITH, Mike Murphy, 2,311.49; Char Newkirk, check drawn on a solvent bank in the son, Nebraska, reserves the right to re- 17.40; KERBEL, JEREMY, 1,625.00; 1,534.80; Dewayne Noelle, 701.38; State of Nebraska, or bid bond, in an ject any and all bids and to waive any BLUEBIRD NURSERY INC, 48.75; Adam Nolan, 2,494.60; Kevin Patras, amount not less than five percent of technicalities in bidding. BURESH GOLF & EQUIPMENT, 122.00; 1,430.77; Ken Peitzmeier, 609.51; Pat the bid, and shall be payable to the Dated at Madison, Nebraska, this MERKEL ELECTRIC CO, 265.40; KELLY Rossmeier, 464.06; Laurie Schold, Madison Public Schools as security 1st day of June, 2010. SUPPLY CO, 35.28; PRIME SANITATION 1,897.66; Stan Staab, 4,820.19; that the bidder to whom the contract MADISON PUBLIC SCHOOLS, SERVICE, 283.25; VOLKMAN Valissa Tegeler, 2,041.39; Carey Tejkl, will be awarded will enter into a con- MADISON, NEBRASKA PLUMBING & HEATING, 161.50; 2,125.63; Linda Unkel, 2,073.87; Lor- tract to build the improvements in ac- David L. Melick GREENLINE EQUIPMENT, 56.55; raine Walton, 328.76; Carter Wester- cordance with this notice and give Superintendent SCHEER´S ACE HARDWARE, 4.59; hold, 260.63; Suzan Widhalm, bond in the sum hereinafter provided (June 3, 4, 7, 9) NORFOLK PRINTING CO, 217.48; 1,465.82; Rick Wozniak, 2,687.99; Ju- for construction of the improvements. BURESH GOLF & EQUIPMENT, 575.00; lie Wragge, 2,680.74 Checks and bonds accompanying bids STANTON CO PUBLIC POWER, 23.00; (June 7, 2010) not accepted shall be returned to the PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE MERKEL ELECTRIC CO, 164.50; VIC´S bidder. Notice is hereby given of the meet- ENGINE SERVICE INC, 1,058.26; POL- No bids shall be withdrawn after the ing of the Region 4 Governing Board on LARD PUMPING INC, 175.00 opening of bids without the consent of Wednesday, June 16, 2010, at 9:30 STOCK PURCHASES the authorized official of the Madison a.m. The meeting will be held at Region ARBOR DAY FOUNDATION, 3,400.00 Public Schools, Madison, Nebraska, for 4 Behavioral Health System, 206 Mon- TELEPHONE a period of 60 days after the roe Avenue, Norfolk, Nebraska. An US CELLULAR, 110.77; VERIZON scheduled time of opening of bids. agenda is available for inspection at WIRELESS, 295.53; CONNECTING The successful bidder will be re- this address. POINT, 31.90; STANTON TELECOM, quired to furnish a performance bond, (June 7, 2010) 147.20; QWEST, 455.70; inCONTACT as well as a labor and materials pay- INC, 54.93; US CELLULAR, 110.77 ment bond, on the forms included in LOWER ELKHORN NATURAL UTILITIES the contract documents, each to be in RESOURCES DISTRICT STANTONCOPUBLICPOWER, an amount equal to 100 percent of the As per requirements by Section 1,567.97 contract price. Said bonds, to be ex- 2-3220, R.R.S. BUILDING MAINTENANCE ecuted by a responsible corporate May 27, 2010 NORTHEAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE, surety, shall guarantee: the faithful MACHINERY/EQUIPMENT 3,267.00; CULLIGAN, 51.50; performance of the contact; the terms VIC´S ENGINE SERVICE INC, NORTHEAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE, and conditions therein contained; and, 1,259.94 3,267.00 payment for all labor and materials AUTO & TRUCK EXPENSE WATER RESOURCES used in connection with the work. WELLS FARGO CARD SERVICES, BOMGAARS, 117.20; CULLIGAN, The Madison Public Schools, Madi- 50.75; COURTESY FORD, 103.50; 28.15; BOMGAARS, 454.13; SILVER son, Nebraska, reserves the right to re- CONOCOPHILLIPS, 53.88; PHILLIPS 66 LAKE RESEARCH CORP, 611.00; ject any and all bids and to waive any - CONOCO, 23.15; MORRISSEY MO- GEOTECH, 2,177.89; MOTOPLEX, technicalities in bidding. TORS, 707.26; SHELL FLEET PLUS, 71.74; NE HEALTH LABORATORY, Dated at Madison, Nebraska, this 1,205.20; LUEDEKE OIL CO INC, 24.00 1st day of June, 2010. 612.27; WATTIER´S AUTO BODY, WELL SEALING MADISON PUBLIC SCHOOLS, 939.37 VYBORNY, JANELL F, 123.81; J&W MADISON, NEBRASKA DIRECTORS EXPENSE FARMS A PARTNERSHIP, 500.00; HAN- David L.
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