PROCEEDINGS ICTESS UNISRI 2017 ISSN: 2549-094X Vol 1, Number 1, January 2017 Nationalism In The Indonesian Multicultural Community Yuliani Sri Widaningsih Educational History Univet Bantara Sukoharjo, Surakarta, Indonesia e-mail: [email protected] Abstract: Indonesia's historical experience with nationalism, especially in relation to ethnicity and religion is very complex. The complexity was not only due to differences in historical experiences in the process of growing nationalism, but also by the reality of Indonesia which is very pluralistic, either ethnically or religion. Indonesian ethnographic map is very complex, it is as a result of the region's typography. Indonesia populated by large numbers of ethnic group which having physical -biological and cultural similarities substantially. Keywords: Nasionalism, Indonesian, Multiculural Community 1 THE MEANING OF NASIONALISM now have to have the will and desire to live together (Soekarno, 1964: 3). Nasionalism according to Kohn (1976: 11) 3. Sukarno in the speech of Pancasila is a notion which found that the highest birth defining nationalism by considering fidelity of the individual must be submitted the views of Otto Bauer and Ernest Renan to the State of nationality. Etymologically added with some other opinions and they the word nation, rooted in the word nascor were combined. Nationalism is defined as a "I was born". At the time of the Roman sense of desire to unite, unity as a sense of Empire, the word nation is used to make fun desire for unity, temperament unity and fate of people as the name for a group of foreign and the unity between the people and places students in universities. Furthermore, during (Soekarno, 1964: 19-21). the French Revolution, the French Noting the definition of nationalism, Revolution of Parliament calling themselves showed that nationalism has an idea of the as assemble nationale (National Council) political, economic, social and cultural. politics. Finally, the word ‘nation’ referring According to Soekarno Western nationalism to a nation or group of people who became is different from Eastern nationalism. legal residents of a country. Likewise, Indonesian nationalism is not the Many people interpret the nation are as same as Western and Eastern nationalism. follows: Nationalism has risen in Indonesia has a 1. Otto Bauer: the nation is a style not only against imperialism, temperament union arising from unity of colonialism and capitalism but also has the fate. Nationalism is a faith, a conviction of perception to unite the various ethnic groups the people that they are one group, one in the colonies of the Netherlands nation (Soekarno, 1964: 20). (Indonesia) as well as trying to reorganize 2. Ernest Renan: the nation is one life, the system of power that used traditional a principle reason that happened because it style for replacement into modern power was once together undergo a history and systems in Unitary State of Indonesia. Therefore, nasionalism in Indonesia has the 221 PROCEEDINGS ICTESS UNISRI 2017 ISSN: 2549-094X Vol 1, Number 1, January 2017 characteristics no longer the highest fidelity the Indonesian nationalist movement grew to the king but to the nation and the country. and developed as a reaction to Western colonialism in Indonesia. Thus, the main 2 EMERGENCE OF INDONESIAN cause of the born of Indonesian nationalism NATIONALISM is that mental and phisical suffering of Indonesian people that because of Western Before the rise of Indonesian nationalism, colonialism and a desire to achieve the reaction of the Indonesian people independence. against colonialism manifested in the armed The emergence of nationalism in Indonesia resistance. The insurgencies carried out by is affected by some factors from within the the Kingdom of Demak, the kingdom of country and abroad. These factors were as Ternate, the Kingdom of Aceh, the follows: Kingdom of Banten, the Kingdom of Mataram, the Kingdom of Makassar, Kiai Tapa (against VOC), Padri War, 2.1. Factors within the Country Diponegoro War, Aceh War, Tapanuli War, a.Suffering due to colonization Banjar War, Bali War and Lombok war Feelings of solidarity sometimes grow by against the Netherlands . The war is a form common fate and enemies. In this case, the of denial of Indonesia on arrival and enemy of the Indonesian nation is Dutch. colonial practices committed by the Indonesia has long suffered from the Dutch colonialists. In the XX century, a sense of colonization. The equation of the fate Indonesian nationalism began to rise. encourages Indonesian people to unite At that time, the nation of Indonesia is against the colonist. Resurrection or the always a failure in the resistance. The birth of nationalism is a reaction to colonist. causes of failure of Indonesia against b.Unity of Indonesia under Pax Western colonialism are as follows: Neerlandica Resistance still localized (regional). Pax Neerlandica (Permasaan Neerlandika) Uprising depends on the power of a intended as the unity of Indonesia under charismatic leader (irrational). As a Dutch colonial rule, which implies the result of such opposition to this is that if unification and pasification. Before Pax the opposition leader were captured or Neerlandica created, there are many killed, then the opposition will end. kingdoms in Indonesia that have not been Resistance is not well organized, so it is controlled by the Dutch. not effective. c.Development of communication Failure of the insurgencies raises awareness Communication facilitate the relationship. of the nation's leaders at that time to change People know the actual political situation in tactics in the fight against Western the Netherlands sooner so that everything is colonialism. The realization arise an idea to easier detected by general public. foster unity and unity as a form of Communication development also make nationalism. What is Nationalism? Indonesian people who came from various Sartono Kartodirdjo (1969) said, islands starting easy and frequent to contact. nationalism as a historical phenomenon This situation is accelerating the growth of evolved as a response to the political, the spirit of nationalism Indonesia. economic, and social, especially those d.The use of Melayu caused by the colonial situation. Among natives, the use of Dutch is limited. Historically, the process of the birth and Instead introduced the Malay language for growth of nationalism in Indonesia can be colloquial language. Over time, the Malay seen in the national movement. At that time, language developed into the lingua franca. 222 PROCEEDINGS ICTESS UNISRI 2017 ISSN: 2549-094X Vol 1, Number 1, January 2017 The peak on October 28, 1928, Malay is set namely Budi Utomo. Budi Utomo was born to be the Indonesian national language in on May 20, 1908 the Youth Oath. e.Inspiration from the Past Glory 3 THE DEVELOPMENT OF The golden age of the Srivijaya and INDONESIAN NATIONALISM Majapahit kindomg inspire Indonesian How is the development of contemporary people to unite against the invaders. At that nationalism in Indonesia? Rather difficult to time, the power of Srivijaya and Majapahit give a definite and accurate maps. until Perlak, Johor, and the Philippines. Admittedly, there is such a dearth of studies on nationalism in Indonesia in the last 2.2. Factors from abroad decade. It is still scarcity on studies of this a.Impact of Overseas Education subject. Students who study abroad bring new ideas to make a change for the fate of Indonesian Furthermore, the State Secretariat RI (2008) nation report on the development of Indonesian b.Japan's victory over Russia in 1905 nationalism now is as follows: The Japanese victory restore the confidence of the Indonesian people of their own Hinted that generally experts on Southeast abilities. Asian Nations raised her self- Asia seem to regard nationalism is no confidence that they can beat the longer a critical issue for the region. This Europeans. also indicates that the turmoil and the rumble of nationalism that is so blazing 2.3. Nationalism of Asia since the beginning of the 20th century until The movement and the struggle of the the late 1960s, is now increasingly recede in nations in Asia oppose the invaders come to Southeast Asia. be one of the driving factors the rising of Indonesian nationalism. Asia's struggle for Indeed, in recent decades, one of the central independence, for example, carried out by issues in this area is the modernization and India, Turkey, the Philippines (1896), and industrialization or development, China (1911). particularly in Indonesia. But to what extent These factors led the development of the impact or influence of modernization Indonesian nationalism more increasing. At toward nationalism? the beginning of the 20th century, in Indonesia has raised an underdeveloped Modernization or industrialization appears sense of awareness of the situation caused to be one important factor responsible for by colonialism and traditionalism. The Indonesian nationalism recedes. However, Indonesian people aware of the existence of contrary to the opinion of Fukuyama earlier, inequality (discrimination) between the the ideology of modernization and colonizers and the colonized nations. Their developmentalism, de facto, replacing backward position support them to move nationalism (political), which became the forward and educated. dominant ideology in this region before the The pioneer of Indonesian national revival 1970s. Needs and pragmatic considerations is dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo and dr. to achieve the planned
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