NAMUZIGA “The Rotary Wheel” THE ROTARY CLUB OF KAMPALA Theme 2013- 2014 “Engage Rotary Change Lives” Magazine Month Vol. 3 Issue 38, 17th April, 2014 Since May 20th 1957, District 9211, R.I Zone 20A E: [email protected] @: www.kampalarotary.org PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Dear members of the Rotary club of Kampala, welcome to our meeting today. At the weekend we joined Rotarians country wide in the Ro- tary Health days by holding a health camp at Wakiso centre IV hospital. Join me in thanking Rtn Herbert Kakiza and our Administrator Winnie for a job well done. Our Wakiso outreach was very well attended and a few of the clients i spoke too were very grateful and appreciative of the service to the extent that they wanted us to be there for a few extra days. Please also thank PE David and the PN Edward for doing a job as kanyama’s for crowd control, Rtns Flavia,her ladyship Patricia, Sheena, Doris, John, Fred, Semuga, Shem and his lovely princesses, PP Andrew, PP Mudoola,PP Godfrey, Aida and our guests Sheila, Diana, and Rev David and Rotaractors President Robert of MUBs, Noor of Kampala city, Dixon of MUK , Stephen from Kyambogo and Irena from Nairobi Central. We also thank the Rotary Uganda team led by Rtn Dr Carol Abeja who ensured for the first time we had free drugs from the Ministry of health which were received by the district and dispensed on that day many were actually left over. We also acknowledge receipt of 3 t-shirts and 9 aprons plus cash 350,000 shs as contribution towards the facilitation for the health workers. Our thanks also go the service providers namely 1. The management of Wakiso centre IV represented by the sister in charge Sister Namagganda. 2. The village health teams which did a great job in mobilizing. 3. The clinical officers who handled the general clinic, laboratory, pharmacy, nutrition ,immunization, diabetic clinic, and antenatal. 4. Rtn Mutawe and his dental team. Continued on pg 7 1 Zone in charge of Fellowship: THE OBJECT OF ROTARY KOMAMBOGA - Father: James Serugo The object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enter- Call Fellowship to order Hosting of both National & RI flags: prise and in particular to encourage and foster: National Anthem Grace: First: Loyal toast: The development of acquaintance as an 4 Way Test: opportunity for service Object of Rotary: Apologies: Second: Ambassadorial Reports: High ethical standards in business and professions, Guest Speaker: Mr. Andrew Ndawula Kalema the recognition of the worthiness of all useful Topic: occupations and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s Vote of Thanks: occupation as an opportunity to serve society. Sergeant at Arms: Club Song: Third: Final Toast: The application of the ideal of service in each Welcoming Guests and Registration: Rotarian’s personal, busines and community life. Fourth: The advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service The 4 way test 1. Is it the truth? 2. Is it fair to all concerned? 3. Will it build goodwill and better friendship? Teddy James 4. Will it be benefitial to all concerned? Owor-Okot Serugo The Grace; For what we have recieved and are about to Jim K. Muhwezi recieve, may God make us truly thankful and ever mindful of the needs of others. Amen. Club President: Secretary: Club Treasurer: Enid Nambuya Stephen Ssemuga Frederick Kamya Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Tel: 0702 995 613 Tel: 0772 451 418 Tel: 0772 507 857 2 RIGREETINGS TRUSTEE FROM CHAIR’S KOMAMBOGA ZONE This Magazine month we started with a presentation during fellowshipMESSAGE of what the variousFOR soft APRIL,and hard copy 2014 magazines from Rotary, District 9211, Our Namuziga and other Ugandan RotaryCelebrate clubs Magazine offer us. Month.We the Kawaala family, join the Rotary fraternityToday, with in Rotary’sexpressing club our membership thanks to all spanning who take more time than to con 200- tributecountries to andmagazines geographical and newsletters. areas, its publications These special are thanks more comevital than from ever. Flavia The Nakayima RI Board of Miiro, Directors Counsel has designatedFrancis Gimara, April Johnof every Walugembe, year as Magazine Lucy Muramuzi, Month, andRosemary it is a time Mutyabule, to recognize Rho- nathe Sserwadda,role that our PP Rotary Godfrey publications Nsubuga play and in the our one Rotary and lives only – Pastand RIthe Director/TRF role that we Trustee should Sam play Owori. in our publications. TheThere Rotarian, is an ongoing which quest is edited by IPP hereJames at Galabuzi RI headquarters for Past Presidents in Evanston, of the Ill., Rotary USA, clubhas ofa circulationKampala to of take about time 500,000.and share Around with the the club world, in writing 31 more “their magazines year in office” are. Thepublished history ofin morethe oldest than Rotary 20 languages. club in Uganda In total, needs these to 32 be magazines told by none reach other more than than its leaders. 1.2 million This willpeople. enrich To what make we this share happen, each itApril. takes more than just an editorial staff – it also takes the good work of Rotarians. I always feel that the best part of reading any Rotary publication Thisis the challenge opportunity to preserve to find theout historywhat ofother any clubs club goesare doing. out to Eachall the issue, clubs each in Uganda article, and is a beyond.chance toAnd be let informed me add, and we inspired. also need to compile all the “Namuziga” magazines ever made for the club, all the annual project reports and pictures. In an era when electronic communication seems to be everywhere, the role of paper Wemagazines have a isfew still volunteerimportant members to our organization, who take pictures but we andmust share be open them to with new all; formats others keepto get them the wordwaiting out. for That’s the right why, moment this April, to I shareencourage them. Theyou momentall to explore is now, The this Rotarian month, thismagazine’s year;please new find digital time experience:to put all those TheRotarianMagazine.com. photos together and share Emailthem. theIt’s storieseasier said to thanfriends done! and Wefamily. may Share need themsome onvolunteers Facebook to sort and through Twitter. them This isand a chance digitize them.to take It’s the an ideagreat that ideas we and hope great grows work wings of Rotariansand settles even into afurther golden and egg to –inspire a History future book generations complete withto do articles the same. and pictures of Rotary in Uganda by the Grand Father of Rotary in Uganda. WhenDong Kurnwe share (D.K.) ourLee information this way, we are promoting all the Objects of Rotary. WhenTrustee one Chair reads 2013-14 about another, they share, when you next meet and talk, it’s like you have known the other Rotarian, you are acquainted and can serve each other. The inspiring stories in the Rotarian magazine encourage us to reach out and achieve in our professions and serve with high ethical standards. When we share the magazines, the Namuziga, the Rotarian with our families and business associates to read, the stories enlighten them about who we try to be, and who we are when we go out into the com- munity to serve those less fortunate. This magazine month, lets write about what we have done together as buddy groups, as a club, as a ‘swallowship’ as a district, as a Rotary family. Let’s promote peace and international understanding. The Kawaala family saysGATES enjoy the OPEN, Namuziga, 7:00PM enjoy our fellowship, Support and enjoy the upcoming District Convention. Entrance fees: BRONZE - 30,000/= Rtn. James Serugo SILVER - 100,000/= Father, KOMAMBOGA BUDDY GROUP.GOLD - 300,000/= COPRATE3 TABLE OF 10 PEOPLE - 2,500,000/= ABOUT OUR GUEST SPEAKER TODAY: Mr. Andrew Ndawula Kalema Andrew is a Ugandan born on the 11th of July, 1969 He is married with three children. Andrew holds a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication from Makerere University (1991- 1994) A professional journalist, passionate about farming. Veteran farming journalist; using different platforms to gather process and dissemi- nate agriculture information. A practicing farmer, trainer and consultant. Founding editor (2010/2011); Harvest Money, a weekly farmers’ section in The New Vision newspaper. Currently a columnist with Seeds of Gold, a weekly farming section in The Daily Moni- tor, Uganda’s leading independent (not government owned) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECOGNITION OF MEMBERS WHO HAVE COMPLETED THEIR ANNUAL POLIO PLUS CONTRIBUTION. NAME AMOUNT (UGX) Rtn. Hatega Gabriel 150,000 Rtn Kaddumukasa Edward 120,000 Rtn Fredrick Kamya 120,000 Rtn Elly Karuhanga 120,000 Rtn George Kassede Mukasa 120,000 Rtn David Kasingwire 120,000 Rtn Kiddu Makubuya 120,000 Rtn Kwesigabo Johnson 120.000 Rtn Stephen Musisi 120,000 Rtn Harriet Muwanga 120,000 Rtn May Kwesiga 120,000 Prsdt Enid Nambuya 120,000 Rtn Shem Nnaggenda 120,000 Rtn Sheena Namitala Ntege 150,000 Rtn Ntegeka Andrew 160,000 Rtn Nyanzi Frank 120,000 Rtn Ogang Martin 120,000 Rtn Alfred Okot Okidi 120,000 Rtn Owor Esther 120,000 Rtn James Sebugenyi Mukasa 120,000 Rtn Henry Ssentoogo 120,000 Rtn Emmanuel Tumusiime Mutebile 120,000 Rtn Twahirwa David 120,000 4 Cancer Run PHOTOS Statistics from Wakiso Medical outreach held on Saturday 12th April, 2014 Preliminary statistics indicate we reached out to 1,184 patients. Dental -70 Cancer - 96 -Breast
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