George Brown hits at Six-County Unionists ELECTION POLICY IN accordance with what is known in Britain as demo- cracy," Mr. Wilson has an- nounced a General Election on March 31st. TAME In the rules of the game played on Westminster green there is no requirement to shout "Fore" when one of your opponents stands a chance of a ball amidships. One's oppo- nents are left guessing as long as possible, and the shorter the campaign the eashr it is IRISH for the contestants to keep everything that really matters TORY away from the attention of the electorate. But if they fail in this the electorate will still find things DEMOCRAT nicely sewn up. Only tweedle- dum and tweedledee have a No. 257 chance of winning, and if MARCH 1966 somebody else comes along nobody is supposed to vote for him as he'll be regarded as HACKS splitting the vote of one of the tweedles. That, as they say in Britain, is British democracy. To bs familiar with this monstrous travesty of popu- NEW I.R.A. lar representation, is not STAN ORME DEMANDS PROBE however to be overawed by it. Basically the position is SCARE IN that only landslides count in Britain. The electoral system PARTITIONISTS IN HEAVY WEATHER provides room for only two THE NORTH major parties. When Labour IKE the swallows came forward, the Liberals L that "^pHERE were indignant protests from the twelve six county Unionists when made way for them. The come in summer, a new various social and national I.R.A. scare is fluttering the Mr. George Brown described them as "twelve tame hacks" voting for the radicals, including the Labour six-county dove-cotes with pre- left, can only win victory nr • ^ under this system when one sages of an early General 1 ones. of the two major parties is Election. Members had been discussing the £150,000,000 that the pushed out of the way. But on these general calculations The full-time reserve force of Government is ear-marking for the already over-rich mono- the R.U.C. has been re-formed and alone, any Irishman can see polists of British industry. is being given a self-loading rifle. that if one of the two politi- One of the Unionists ventured feeling for Ireland. But he is a cal caucuses which dominate The mobilised men will be sent to to wonder if there would be any formidable figure. Perhaps it was British public life has to be the border areas. They will, of pickings for "Ulster", and when accident, or perhaps his outburst put out of the wajL it might course, be handy to intimidate Mr. Brown said he was not sure, gave the necessary encourage- just as well be the party of voters. Peel, Balfour, Churchill, Car- Conservatives expressed pained ment, but the very next day Stan son and Birkenhead. Sandbags have been erected surprise. Orme's motion demanding a probe around a number of police sta- into the working of the Govern- Then the left and right tions. UPROAR Mr. Brown then explained that ment of Ireland Act (under which within the Labour movement Evidence of I,R.A. activities? the twelve take their seats ati can conduct further debate. None. he was "paying Northern Ireland The great division of British the courtesy of finding out Westminster) was tabled under But two cases where attempts the names of Paul Rose, Stan politics is indeed not between were made to set Are to a Catho- whether we have got this agreed the two front benchns. The Orme, Michael McGuire (a Mayo Labour front bench often lic church and a Catholic with them." lie then added "un like the partskpposite which has man and staunch anti-Lmperi- seems as Tory as Heath or Significant of the m Home, ft is within the body now being peddled in Fianna Pail twelve tame hacks from Northern (Cont. on page eightj of the Labour movement, and circles is the brazen announce- Ireland . ." His words were between the two caucuses and ment in public that a radio link drowned in uproar. the radicals who are kept in has been established between the When the Speaker had restored the background. police forces of the six counties order, Mr. Brown offered to with- The aim therefore must be and the Republic. STAN ORME, M.P. to defeat Toryism while draw the word "tame" to which simultaneously strengthening Mr. Quintin Hogg protested that the real as opposed to the that made it worse. rham opposition. This can be done by, on the one hand, MAULING giving not a vote, not a word NO CARSON HERE' This Interchange came about nor even a thought In favour after the twelve "Ulster Unionists" of the Tories, while at the had received a fair mauling in the same time refusing to be blackmailed over the alterna- correspondence columns of the by tive. Another Labour Govern- SAYS GOVERNOR no means anti-imperialist ment like the one we have "Guardian." just had is no good to the U/HEN Belfast Corporation tative of the monarch can give orders, but where the Pritish Par- Manchester Members of Parlia- Irish. Down with the Tories, ™ built the new bridge but up with those of their op- ment had been strongly impressed across the Lagan what more liament is afraid to intervene. ponents who by word or deed by the fact that their life was natural than to call it "Carson" show themselves friendly to Whether or not, despite the being made unnecessarily hard for the national aspirations of Bridge after the fanatically champings of Mr. Minford, the them by the Government's tiny the Irish people, and the in- Unionist Dubiinman Who Belfastmen dutifully changed the majority, and that but for the terests of the Irish workers in helped the British to partition name of the bridge and it is now presence of the terrible twelve Britain. Ireland and was subsequently to be called (for the time being) Mr. Wilson would have a com- GEORGE BROWN, M.P. Queen Elizabeth Bridge. But thrown aside like a worn-out fortable majority. Sackville Street became O'Connell tool ? They resented the fact that when Street long before it was so they asked questions about the ORDER YOUR COPY NOW labelled in Irish and English. This And what more natural to follow discrimination, g e r rymandering TO mark the fiftieth anniversary of the Easter one might be called Casement and draconic police measures they that up by inviting the Queen of 1 Rising, the "Irish Democrat" will publish a special Bridge quite soon. Who knows? were ruled out of order, but the England to Ireland to open Carson twelve page issue in larger format. Usually we Bridge? twelve Tories were allowed to vote CHANGED against the Manchester Corpora- absorb the extra cost of these bigger issues, but this time the paper is' short of funds and we are com- Imagine the consternation when The more diehard Unionists tion Bill. If Northern Ireland was not within the control of West- a telephone call, as discreet an these days don't know what has pelled to charge a shilling. We are oonfident that our minster M.P.s why was it repre- anything can be discreet In Bel- hit them. The more far-seeing readers will think it is well worth the extra. sented at Westminster? fast, was received at the City Hall like Terence O'Neill realise that from His Excellency, Lord Erskine, times have changed. But there was worse to come. EASTER 7976 SPECIAL the Governor-General, to the Mr. George Brown is, of course, effect that Her Majesty might be Mr. Harold Wilson's imperial the only man In Labour's upper PRICE 1/- embarrassed at having to open a_ Britain is engaged In the re-con- hierarchy who has the slightest bridge named after the man who quest of the twenty-six counties kept the monarchy in Ireland. and the Unionists have been told to pipe down until the process is complete. Then they hope (and INDIGNANT NEW POWER STATION FOR DUBLIN hope spring* eternal) they will ba There were indignant protests. restored to their rightful position rPHE Pigeon House, Dublin, is to of the E.S.B. development pro- present Pigeon House, the new Six-county Unionists have been so in th« ascendancy of the new be the site of a new £50 mil- gramme, which alms to double the station will stand on a 55-acre site, long kidding the world that Stor- Union. lion power station. The Electricity present generating capacity. It is which will include a wharf to ac- mont is "independent" that they Supply Board has begun prelimi- hoped that the station will start commodate the largest tankers, have come to fool themselves. Here On the other hand, while Bri- nary site development. It is ex- operating when the first stage is As part of the E.S.B. programme, they were being shown up for tain is Juggling with the bait, Ire- pected that the station will take completed in 1971. other stations are now under con- what they really are. a Crown land might get a chance to get 15 years to build. struction at Great Island, Co. Colony, where the direct repreeen- off the hook. The new station is a major part Located on the east side of the Wexford and Tarbert. C. Kerry. < € < « REMEMBER NlGHT-Porehester Hall ] nn AAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAflAAAAAftAft AAAA*AAAAAA«AAAA AAAAAAAIiAAAAAAAA A AAA ( 2 THE IRISH DEMOCRAT March 1966 March 1966 THE IRISH DEMOCRAT 3 WORLD COMMENTARY By PAT DEVIN£ HAMPSTEAD IRISH QUIZ CANDIDATES THE IRISH "THtHEF LabouI ahnnr GovernmenHnuprnmpntt must M.P.
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