20 ^ MANCHESTER HERALD. Fri.. Sept. 10. 1982 Pipers brighten State unveils • 9 Pundits predict win i . by Toby ‘Moffett 70th anniversary heat aid plan . page 6 . page 3 page 5 East of the River JAMES R. McCAVANAGH Real Estate AGENCY Manchester, Conn. • RESIDENTIAL Sunny, hazy, THROUGH THE YEARS • COMMERCIAL warm Sunday Saturday, Sept. 11, 1982 home ownership has been the best « PROPERTY MANAGEMENT — See page 2 lilanrlirBlpr Mrralb Single copy 25«; • RENTALS investment a family can make I IT STILL IS Complete Real Estate Service | 73 West Center St., Manchester Senate smashes I 649-3800 funding bill veto p r t J But supporters noted the total cost WASHINGTON (UPI) - The of the measure was nearly $2 billion Republican-led Senate Friday - h REALTOR below what Reagan asked for, and defiantly overrode President Both of Connecticut’s they accused the administration of Reagan’s veto of a supplemental senators. Democrat trying to eliminate social welfare funding bill, and handed him the programs for the elderly, the poor, NEW LISTING Christopher Dodd and first “serious loss” of his presiden­ Republican Lowell Weicker, the handicapped and school cy. voted with the majority in the children. Despite an intense, long-distance Senate to override President One program Reagan sought to lobbying effort by the president, the Reagan’s veto of the kill with the veto was the Senior Senate voted 60-30 — precisely the supplemental appropriations Community .Service Employment two-thirds majority needed — to bill. Program, a popular jobs program override the Reagan veto and enact FANTASTIC BUY! tmm •■■■ JP for 54,200 elderly poor people. into law the $14,2 billion funding bill. Three western Republican This Koresl Hills L-Shapoil Ram-h has 4 bednmms. center It was the first time Congress has fireplace in the living riHim & dining room. 2 full baths (one in bill that Reagan argued would “bust senator.s who generally support the master biKlrooni) and a 2 car garage! 12'^ FIXED KATE, Winning turned back a Reagan veto of a r . i the budget” president — Orrin Hatch and Paul MORTf'iAGE 25 YFIAHS available to qualified buyers, money bill, or any major legislation Laxalt of Utah and Malcolm Wallop CALL 649-0017 effort Charming 6 room alum, sided Ranch with over- RIVER BEND INDUSTRIAL PARK for that matter. Till-; SUIMM.EV1ENTAL bill of Wyoming — returned to slzecl garage. Many outstanding features'such as Twenty-one of the 47 Republicans provides extra funds for federal Washington at Iteagan’s request for present deserted Reagan, including 2 full baths, fireplace, fenced In yard, built In NORTH MAIN ST. agencies and programs through the key vote, ffatch and Laxalt such key leaders as Budget Com­ vacuum system, etc. $79,500. * Marlon Starling has his •Sept. 30, the end of the fiscal year returned on Air Force planes. arm ralood^(top photo) mittee chairman Pete Domenici of 1982, But the dispute was basically Republicans in favor of an override HOME a BUSINESS .New Mexico and Appropriations one of guns vs. butter. were not provided such VIP New 6400 square feet after 10-round un­ animous decision over Committee chairman Mark Hatfield In his veto message Aug. 28, transportation. of Oregon. building avaiiabie immediateiy. M ao DeLaRosa In Reagan said the bill contained $918 Reagan, in Utah to make a speech TOUCHDOWNS welterweight bout A I.Ofll) KOf!M) of applause and million too much for nondefense on Hatch’s behalf, made 17 long­ -All utilities — Loading dock programs — “busting the budget by You will score big when you move your spouse Friday night at the Hart­ cheers erupted in the Senate as the distance . phone calls to both -Sprinklers — Drive-in ramp Into this comfortable two bedroom townhouse nearly a billion dollars” — and only Rcpublic'an and Democratic ford Civic Center. final vote was announced, and -Gas heat — A bundance of condominluni. One and one half baths, wall-to- Senate Republican leader Howard $500 million of the $2.6 billion he senator.s to seek their support, aides wall, appllanced kitchen, full b&sement and Starling lands left jab to wanted for military programs. said. HERE IS A SUPER 2 FAMILY parking chin of DeLaRosa In Baker of Tennessee, who had private patio. $56,900. See It today. backed Reagan, slowly walked over with a huge 91'x305' lot for your enjoyment or possible develop­ bottom photo. ment This property comes with so many new features, it is to Hatfield and shook his hand. almost a new home' Invest without any major renovations or Lovely older 3 bedrpom fully remodeled Asking $215,000 “It would be a serious loss for the repairs for vears! Only $85,900. Colonial with 2 fujTbaths, fireplace, large Herald photo by Tarqulnlo president,’’ Baker had said CALL 649-0917 kitchen, laundry room. Plus additional beforehand, in assessing the effects u i i u x r . building for office or store. Price $85,000. DANIEL F. REALE, INC. of an override of the veto, “ft’s ob­ Dark horse vious it would be a reverse” for ZINSSER AGENCY tMARREN E. HOtNLAND, Inc. REALTORS Reagan’s policies. ALIBRIO REALTY, Inc. 175 Main 81., Manchaalar Although Sen. Bob Dole, R-Kan., 182 South Main 8t., Manchaalar 7S0 Main 81., Mane. 5S5 Main Straat Manchaalar 649-0917 au ix o ra 648-1S11 643-1108 646-4525 told his colleagues that overriding the veto could “bust the president," holding line Reagan was pugnacious in his reac­ “BUILDERS CLOSEOirr tion to the final tally, MAINTENANCE FREE VINYL SIDINQ” b e t t Ie r v a l u e s Reagan, on a campaign-style swing through Utah, told reporters, “I’m dissappointed but it doesn't change my mind any about what I’m on spending going to do. I intend to veto budget busting bills and I will continue to do it.” By Paul Hendrie District organization, also expects to be active in Klein’s campaign. MANCHESTER $89,900 Of the defecting Republicans, Herald Reporter Spacious 8 R(n Colonial on a large lot, in a lovely rural area, Reagan said, “Everyone makes Klein insists his low-budget cam­ minutes to 1-84. 4 bedrooms, 2t4 baths, formal dining room, 1st some mistakes,” but “no, no," he In the 2nd Congressional District, paign is serious, but he makes no floor family room w/flreplace, built-ins, carpeting, 8i 2 garages. was not angry. Republican Anthony Gugliemo plans attempt to disguise the difficulty he “I’m just terribly, terribly hurt,” to spend some $450,000 on his cam­ will face. .No Republican has been -TWO fA M lir SOUTH WINDSOR- 2 year old 8 room paign, while Democratic incumbent able to wrest the 1st District seat Colonial, all good sized rooms, above he said. Only four Democrats voted to sus­ Samuel Gejdenson says he hopes to from the Democrats since the early' ground pool. $132,000. “'Safa. fight back with about $200,000. 1950s. Klein frankly admits he can’t 5 rooms, breezeway and attached 2-car garage, tain the Reagan veto. Seven GOP members did not vote. Other candidates for Congress count on winning. fireplace with woodburning stove, finished base­ measure their campaign con­ “My objective is that if 1 lose, I ment, carpeting, lot approximately 117'x350’. The House had voted by 301117 Thursday to override the veto of the tributions by the hundreds of don’t want to be deeply in debt," he $86,900. thousands, as well. Megabucks and said. ' WOODLAND MANOR CONDOMINIUMS the slick television advertising they I’l BMC Ol’IMON polling is the buy rule politics these days. STRAND REAL ESTATE modern politician’s tool, but it won’t But there will be no television U&R built 1, 2, and 3 bedroom units feature 646-2000 MANCHESTER $68,900 GSA misses lease date play a role ia Klein’s campaign. commercials or other expensive Other candidates u.se the data spacious rooms, separate basements, In­ 8 rm. duplex w/2 bedrooms on each side. Separate furnaces, trappings in Herschel A.. Klein’s modem kitchens, paneling, carpeting i permanent siding. Let polls provide to tell them what they dividual heat, and are fully appllanced. STRANO has connections nationally! (naturally). long-shot bid to unseat Rep. Barbara your tenant help pay your mortgage. need to do to court the voters and to B. Kennelly, D-lst District. We invite comparison for quality and price. 1 If you are moving to a new location anywhere In SOUTH WINDSOR — New 8 room Contem­ show the public they are building Klein said Friday he hopes to bedroom — $41,900, 2 bedroom — $51,900, the country, you may call Toll-Free, for Informa­ porary, 3-4 bedrooms, carpeting, central momentum. Blunder cost: $24 million raise and spend about $40,000, a drop Gov. William A O'Neill can say a and 3 bedroom — $56,900. tion about your now location. air cond. $147,000. in the bucket by today’s standards. poll is good news for him, because it 1-800-523-2460 Ext B-233 In what may be a hopeless crusade, WASHINGTON (UPI) - In a volved in monitoring the lease but buildings in San Francisco and one agreed to renew the lease for 187,000 shows him winring. His challenger, Save this number, or pass It along to a friend. It ■■ordan Klein is smart enough to want to KEITH REAL ESTATE “nightmare” blunder, General Ser- no final decision has been made. in San Jose, Calif., adding millions square feet to the government for stay out of debt, Lewis B. Itome, can cite the same U&R REALTY CO.
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