Patented Mar. 20, 1951 2,545,677 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 2,545,677 MICROCRYSTALLINE WAXASAN ANTIFOAM AGENT IN SOLUBLE OL-WATER EMUSON Elmer H. Sperry, Drexel Hill, Pa., assignor to Sun Oil Company, Philadelphia, Pa., a corporation of New Jersey No Drawing. Application May 29, 1947, Serial No. 751,458 5 Claims. (C. 252-49.5) 1 This invention relates to a novel Cutting Or More Specifically, the more important prop metal working oil emulsion having improved re erties of microcrystalline wax may be summarized sistance to foaming and rapid defoanning chair as follows: acteristics. Flash point (A. S. T. M. D92-33), over 400° F. In the metal working art soluble oil emulsion Melting point (A. S. T. M. D127-30), 14.5 F-200 compositions are employed. In use during metal F. working these compositions are found usually to Wiscosity (A. S. T. M. D445-42T), 50-105 sec./210 -foam to an extent such that the foam interfereS E. With the work. For example, the foam accumu Penetration (A. S. T. M.), 1-150 lates on the metal being Worked and makes ob O Molecular weight, 500-850 servation of it difficult. Also, the foam causes overflow of reservoirs in which are kept bulk It will be understood by those versed in the quantities of the composition. Other readily art that I may employ the microcrystalline Wax visualized disadvantages are also encountered. in its crude state, that is, as recovered from the According to this invention soluble oil emulsion 5 de-waxing operation. In this state an amount compositions having foaming properties under of Oil is present in the wax body. When crude use conditions are modified to produce composi wax is employed, it may in Some instances vary tions which have greatly improved resistance to from refined nicrocrystalline wax in one or more foaming and rapid, if not almost immediate, de of its properties. The properties most likely to be foaming characteristics. 20 different are melting point and penetration. Thus, according to this invention, to a Soluble Melting point will be correspondingly lowered oil composition, having foaming properties under and penetration correspondingly raised. How use conditions, is added a hydrocarbon wax hav ever, as long as microcrystalline Wax is employed, ing a high melting point (over 145 F.), such as Whether refined Or in the crude state, the objects microcrystalline wax, under conditions and in a 25 of this invention can be accomplished. manner described fully hereinafter. Thus, according to this invention there may be Microcrystalline wax is now obtained in the oil employed either refined microcrystalline wax or refinery. The general nature and characteristics this wax in one of its crude States. One of these of microcrystalline wax are referred to in "Pe crude waxes which has been employed with Satis troleum Refiner,' vol. 25, No. 5, page 201, 202, so factory results has the following properties: “Industrial Use of Petroleum Waxes,’ J. C. Dean. Melting point, 165 F. As the name implies, the individual crystals of Wiscosity, 91 sec./210° F. microcrystalline wax are much Smaller than Penetration, 170 those of paraffin wax. In general, microCrystal Molecular weight, 680 (approx.) line Waxes are tough rather than brittle; some of them are flexible even at low temperatures and 8 Oil content (by recrystallization from 10 vols. of many of them possess a noticeable degree of tack. ethylene dichloride at 0°F.), 20-25% The viscosity of these waxes in molten condition The soluble oil compositions to which micro is substantially and materially greater than par crystalline wax can be added to improve their re affin wax. Though microcrystalline wax is par 40 sistance to foaming and to impart to then rapid affinic in its chemical nature, the compounds of defoaming characteristics are well known in the which it consists are not the same as those which art. constitute paraffin wax. The compounds which ... In Patent No. 2,056,913, Terrell, Hughes, and constitute nicrocrystalline wax have a materially Carter, issued October 6, 1936, there is described higher molecular weight and lower proportion of 45 and claimed a method for the preparation of a normal or straight chain hydrocarbons than do . soluble oil composition comprising a blend of those found in paraffin waxes. Microcrystalline lubricating oil and soaps of petroleum naphthenic wax is derived from oils heavier than those from acids. Briefly, the process comprises adding a which paraffin waxes are made and usually are mineral acid to asphaltic bottoms containing recovered from residual oils, that is, from oils 50 naphthenic acid soaps, produced in the distilla taken off as distillation jottoms. tion of naphthenic base oil in the presence of an 2,545,677 3 4. alkali, to effect the acidification of such soaps, can be added to the soluble oil emulsion com and adding also a sufficient quantity of lubri position. cating oil of lower boiling point than the as Wariation and modification is possible within phaltic bottoms to enable the hereinafter recited the Scope of the invention covered in the ap distillation to be effected without substantial 5 pended claims the essence of which is that micro Cracking of the distillate, subjecting the resultant Crystalline Wax is added to soluble oils or emul emulsion of asphalt, oil and naphthenic acids to Sions to improve their resistance to foaming and distillation to vaporize the acids and oil, con to impart to them rapid defoaming characteris densing the acid-oil vapors, and adding to the tics. condensate an alkali adapted to convert the con O I clain: tained acids to Soaps and form a mineral oil and 1. A composition of matter comprising a Soap emulsion. Another soluble oil composition Soluble oil having the known composition of a is fully described in Patent No. 2,395,627 to John major proportion of a mineral oil and a minor Son and Perrine, issued February 26, 1946. The proportion, effective to impart to the mineral soluble oil product of that patent comprises a ma-.. oil. Iniscibility with water, of a soap, said known jor proportion of lubricating oil and a minor pro compositions being characterized by miscibility portion of alkali metal soaps of relatively weak With Water to form an emulsion having foam Synthetic acids possessing the characteristics of ing properties, and microcrystalline wax having the acid fraction obtained by oxidizing a naph a melting point of from 145 F. to 2009 F. and a thenic base lubricating oil of about 270. S. U. 20. molecular Weight. of from 500 to 850 in a quantity viscosity at 100°F. in liquid phase by means of a comprising a small fractional proportion of said free-oxygen containing gas at a temperature Soap and effective to inhibit excessive foaming within the range of 120 C-165° C. and a super and to cause rapid defoaming. atmospheric pressure below 175 pounds per square 2. A composition of matter comprising a inch, discontinuing the oxidation. When the reac 25 Soluble oil having the known composition of a tion mixture has a Saponification value of 110 major proportion of a mineral lubricating oil 120 milligrams KOH per gram, completely 'sa and a minor proportion, effective to impart to ponifying the reaction mixture. With an alkali the mineral lubricating oil miscibility with water, metal hydroxide, fractionally acidifying about 50 of SoapS. Of petroleum naphthenic acids, said per cent of the Soaps in the saponified mixture- to 30 known compositions being characterized by obtain, a relatively weak acid fraction and wash miscibility. With Water to form an emulsion havi ing Said fraction. With water. ing foaming properties and microCrystalline wax According to this invention a microcrystalline having a melting point of from 145° F to 200°F. wax is stirred vigorously into the soluble and a molecular weight of from 500 to 850; in a position which is preferably preheated to about 3 5 quantity comprising a small fractional propor the melting point of the wax. tion of Said Soap and effective to inhibit ex The quantity of Wax added will depend upon a cessive foaming and to cause rapid defoaming. number of factors. Thus, the exact quantity of 3. A composition of matter according to claim Wax fraction added Will depend upon the nature 2 wherein said microcrystalline wax is present of the Soluble oil composition to Which it is to be 40 in a quantity within the range 0.01%-1.0% of added and the degree if any to which the wax the oil, has been refined. It has been found that, the 4. A composition of matter comprising a practical upper limit for the quantity of wax Soluble oil consisting essentially of a major pro which can be added is about that which can be . portion of mineral oil and a minor proportion, caused to dissolve completely in the mineral oil effective to impart to the mineral oil miscibility emulsion composition. Usually a quantity in the With Water, of a soap, Said soluble oil being range 0.01%-1.0% Will cause... a substantial in characterized by miscibility with Water to form provement in the foam resisting tendency and an emulsion having foaming properties, and defoaming characteristics of the emulsion. A from 0.01% to 1.0% of a microcrystalline Wax slight overloading" of the Soluble oil composition, 50 having a melting point of from 145° F. to 2009 F. from the-viewpoint of complete. Solubility and a molecular weight of from 500 to 850 as preferred. the sole antifoaming agent. The following table shows a comparison of re 5. A composition of matter comprising a sults obtained upon testing a Soluble: oil emulsion Soluble oil consisting essentially of a major pro composition according to Patent No.
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