TM Winter 2021 American Physical Society aps.org/units/fip/ INSIDE THIS ISSUE Letter from the Chair .............................................................................2 Focus on the International Training and Research Programme (INTR) at ICTP, Trieste, Petra Rudolf ............................................. 12 Editorial from the Editor .....................................................................4 The Voice of Physical Societies on Horizon Europe (2021-2027), 2020 Physics Matters Online Colloquia ..........................................5 Angela Bracco................................................................................... 13 NEWS APS International Engagement Around the World, Alex Adams ........................................................................................ 14 FIP News ....................................................................................................6 FIP Honors and Awards ........................................................................6 OTHER APS Statements .................................................................................... 15 ARTICLES In Memoriam......................................................................................... 16 The Square Kilometre Array Observatory (SKAO), Justin Leonard Jonas ........................................................................8 Africa, Physics in Africa, and the African Physics Newsletter, Executive Committee ......................................................................... 17 James E. Gubernatis ....................................................................... 11 Views and opinions expressed in articles are those of the author and are not necessarily shared by the editor or the APS/FIP. Letter from the FIP Chair 2020 Luisa Cifarelli Dear FIP Members, laboration between physicists in developed and developing countries. Notice that this program has been on-hold in 2020 While stepping down as the 2020 due to the COVID pandemic. Next year, if the pandemic situ- Chair of the APS FIP (Forum on In- ation will still prevent travels and exchange visits, FIP might ternational Physics), I would like to envisage to fund some remote collaboration work with the briefly recapitulate the activities and IRTAP grants, for instance providing funds for connectivity projects of the Forum in this special equipment (if needed). year of COVID pandemic. • FIP has also increased its funding of the Distinguished Stu- The FIP Executive Committee has dent (DS) program to support overseas students to attend met twice this year, in April and in APS meetings, targeting special scientifically emerging re- October, using Zoom of course. But gions of the world. In 2020-2021 these are Jordan, Pakistan we are all very familiar now with this and North Africa. Due to the pandemic, the DS awardees will kind of remote interactions and dis- be invited to present their work by giving a virtual talk at the cussions, and the Executive Committee has been able to efficient- March or April Meetings 2021 and their registration fees will ly operate all the same. be reimbursed. In addition, the awardees will be invited to The FIP Program Committee, chaired by Alan Hurd (FIP Vice publish highlights of their talks in this newsletter. Chair), has been carrying out the organisation of the APS March and April 2021 Meetings. These have soon been transformed into • In line with the announced outreach activities, FIP has com- online meetings. Topical FIP sessions have been identified, some pleted the first phase of the series: PHYSICS MATTERS – of them shared with the Forum on Physics and Society (FPS) and Online colloquia as Physics for Development initiative in the Forum on Early Career Scientists (FECS). You are all invited COVID times. The main goal of these colloquia as part of the to register and follow, joining our large audience of international “Physics for Development” strategy of FIP is to support APS scientists. international commitment towards students and early career physicists, targeting developing country audiences. The first The FIP Fellowship Committee, that I chaired, has selected 5 phase of the PHYSICS MATTERS series has been completed distinguished candidates out of a list of 11 applicants, who have in the fall of 2020, with recorded video colloquia which have been approved by the APS. These new APS FIP Fellows are: Su- been broadcast weekly without registration from the APS FIP san Scott (University of Canberra, Australia), Steinar Stapnes web page and Facebook page. The full PHYSICS MATTERS (University of Oslo, Norway), Panagiotis Spentzouris (Fermilab, 2020 program can be found in this newsletter and at the link USA), Kaixuan Ni (UC San Diego, USA), Carlos Henrique de https://engage.aps.org/fip/resources/activities/physics-mat- Brito Cruz (University of Campinas, Brazil). ters, where the appropriate links to watch the videos still available on YouTube are provided. The Wheatley Award Selection Committee, whose members were: Elena Aprile, Emanuela Barzi, Alan Hurd, Vengu Laksh- • In 2021 FIP plans to continue the PHYSICS MATTERS se- minarayanan, Joe Niemela, and Federico Rosei (2019 Awardee), ries including also live online colloquia that will primarily has selected two ex aequo recipients of the 2021 John Wheatley involve some test centers, selected from within the SESAME Award: Nathan Berkovits (ICTP-SAIFR/IFT-UNESP, Sao Paolo, project partner countries, a well-known project supported by Brazil) and Fernando Quevedo (University of Cambridge, UK). the APS, namely Jordan, Iran and Pakistan. Addressing at The Nominating Committee, chaired by Elena Aprile (FIP Past first some specific countries in the Middle East, FIP has in Chair), has prepared a slate of candidates for the positions of Vice mind however to enlarge the audience to as many develop- Chair and two Members-at-Large. After the elections, which took ing countries as possible. FIP is also eager to take advantage place in October, Christine Darve (ESS, Lund, Sweden) is the in this outreach program of the future contribution of other new FIP Vice Chair, and Tabbetha Dobbins (Rowan University, APS Forums, in particular: Early Career Scientists (FECS), USA) and Frank Zimmerman (CERN) are the new FIP Members- Graduate Student Affairs (FGSA), Outreach and Engaging at-Large. The FIP Executive Committee has also decided to soon the Public (FOEP). update its by-laws in order to formally include an early career Let me come now to the newly established FIP Outreach & Com- physicist among its members as it is the case in many other APS munication Committee (OCC) which was meant as a task force Units. to improve FIP’s visibility through its newsletter, web page and In 2020 the leitmotiv of FIP has been “Physics for Development”, social media, to promote at large its many activities and initia- in line with the desired international engagement of the APS. To tives, and to find efficient means to campaign for member re- this purpose, a number of things have been done: cruitment at the international level, namely from big international laboratories to various kinds of institutions and centers around • FIP has substantially increased (i.e., more than doubled) its the world, including developing countries. To this end the OCC funding contribution to the International Travel Award Pro- has implemented many of the actions foreseen. In particular, vol- gram (IRTAP) for the year 2021 to support research col- untary help has been found for our newsletter graphics and for 2 Forum on International Physics / Winter 2021 the maintenance and update of our web and social media pages. At the end of my mandate as FIP Chair, I will not disappear but let In this respect I would like to thank Carmelo Pellegrino (Italian me conclude by expressing my warm gratitude to Alan Hurd (FIP National Institute of Nuclear Physics), Vitaly Pronskikh (FNAL) Chair Elect), Joe Niemela (Vice Chair), Elena Aprile (Past Chair), and Maninora Sanges (Italian Physical Society). Thanks to Paola and the members of the FIP Executive Committee: Ilham Al-Qa- Catapano (Head of the CERN Audiovisual Production Service) radawi (Member-at-Large), Bill Barletta (Member-at-Large), who joined the FIP OCC, a short (one minute) trailer to promote Dmitri Denisov (Member-at-Large), Emanuela Barzi (Council- FIP’s international engagement has been produced. It has already or), Carlos Bertulani (Secretary/Treasurer), Vengu Lakshmina- been used as an introductory video for the PHYSICS MATTERS rayanan (Member-at-Large), Maria Longobardi (Newsletter Ed- colloquia, and it could be used as well for any FIP session at APS itor), Abhishek Kumar (Member-at-Large), and Anne Matsuura Meetings. The trailer is embedded in the FIP web page and also (Member-at-Large). My heartfelt thanks go as well to Amy Flat- available from the CERN CDS video server. ten (APS Director of International Affairs) and to Michele Irwin (APS International Programs Manager), for their wonderful help Finally, let me say how deeply the international community has and support, on a personal level and through the APS Committee been troubled by the recent episode of violence happening with on International Scientific Affairs. It has been a privilege and an the murder of Iran’s leading nuclear physicist, Mohsen Fakhriza- honor to serve FIP and to work with all of them in this special and deh. FIP strongly supports the APS presidential letter by Philip H. unforgettable year 2020. Bucksbaum of December 11, 2020, calling “on all governments to condemn the
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