I The Clinton Independent. VOL XXXII.—NO. U5. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1898. WHOLE NO.-1640 Management. ” His talk upon this sub ­ GrUsnu Post Camp Fire. ject was exceedingly interesting, and DECLAMATION CONTEST surely lent new inspiration to bis hear ­ The annual camp fire of Charles E. ers. Superintendents and teachers were IN Till! LAND OF GOLD Grisson Poet, G. A. R., will be held at urged to prepare themselves each week Will M« Held at tbs School Hou*t Next G. A. R. ball Saturday evening, April 9, to teach their classes. Have a program Tuesday, April IS. 1898. A good program has been care­ Held an Interesting Convention and study it out. having it ready to work fully arranged, with music, speaking, Clinton County Gold Seekers at The Declamation contest is announc ­ In the Race we Lost Three Su­ recitations, etc. Everybody invited. out tbe good for which it was intended. ed to take place at the High school next in This Village Afteraeong question pllps were dis­ - Copper River. pervisors by a Throatlatch. C. T. CABUS8, tributed among the audience, which Tuesday evening. This custom of R. C. Lewis. were gathered up by the ushers aud read closing the year s work of the High Silas Losev , * * School Literary Society with a declama­ Committee. • IX FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OF LAST and answered by Mr. Mobr. A MEMBER OF THE PARTY DESCRIBES tion contest, started in this school four Tbe minutes of the previous session HOARD NOW STANDS 13 REPUBLICAN WEEK. THEIR TRIP years ago, aud has been a decided suc­ were read by the secretary. cess each year i and an improvement AND 3 UNION SILVER. BUSINE88 LOCALS The Committee on Organization re­ upon the last. This year there have ported that Rev. l'riest, of Riley, aud been two societies instead of one, Ladies’ House Wrappers Ilia Attendance Vfn Not Large but the E. M. Plunkett, of Ovid, had been ap ­ pointed as delegates to the state con ­ In an Interesting Letter Written to the owing to the separation of the high Tha Proposition to Raise $8,000 For New Made to order from any goods you Session Proved Very Helpful to school into two rooms, and so the con­ vention, which will be held in Saginaw, Editor of the Lansing Republican. Mode of Heating the Court House may select. Fit guaranteed at Those Who Were Present. in November, from the 14th to the 16th. testants are members from both socie­ John Hicks . ties. This aunual custom should be en ­ Carried by a llmuUoine Majority. Mr. Plunkett declined the appoint ­ couraged in our school this year as it For Easter Millinery ment, on account of his limited spare hasbeen in the past, as it helps to time, stating that-it would be impossi­ The following letter to the Lansing call on Mrs. H. W. Holton. Best goods ble for him to act. Mr. C. C. Vaughan, maintain interest and developes the —Lowest prices. The eleventh annual convention of Republican from a member of the Lan ­ school to an unlimited extent. Tbe The elections in this county last Mon­ of St. Johns, was then appointed. A Practical Shoemaker. the Clinton County Sunday School As­ sing Klondike party, which started for usual first and second prizes will be day, were in no great degree surprising Saturday afternoon session was open ­ awarded to the two deemed most pro ­ If you want boots or shoes made to sociation occurred at the M. E. church ed by devotional exercises, led by Rev. the Copper river from Portland March ficient by the judges, who, by the way, to either side. Just before tbe closing order, or repairing done neatly, prompt ­ in this village last Friday and Saturday, A. P. Moors. Miss Sara Pouch, of St. 8 , will be of interest to our readers. It Johus, read an essay on tbe subject of are all people from out of town. of the polls in Riley, a big hearted sil- ly and at resonabie charges, call on me April 1 and 2. The attendance wa9 not “ What is the Office of the Sunday will be remembered that Bart. Hettler The first prize will be a gold medal verite stepped up and voted for the Re­ over Woodruff & Tromp ’s shoe store. as large as was hoped for. but the ses­ and ChaB. Gadt. formerly of this village, presented by the two classes jointlA; G. H. Pekvokse . School? ” The essay was an excellent and the second a silver medal, presedt- publican nominees for supervisor aud sions proved very interesting and help one, and brought out many good are members of the party: treasurer, thinking his own party nomi ­ thoughts which limited time and space ted by the teachers of tbe high school. Who Does Year Braying I ful to those who attended. An attrac­ forbid us mentioning. Editor State Republican: This letter The following select program will be nees did not need his vote in order to be 1 am thoroughly prepared with well- tive feature of the program was the “ Sunday Reading ” was the topic is written at sea on board the Albion, rendered : elected. How little he knew of the situ­ fed and capable horses, strong spring presence of Prof. Guerney.of Hillsdale, treated upon by Miss Jessie Bruce, of Meeting opened by President Nichols. ation. The Republican supervisor was drays and careful and obliging drivers, March 13, aud five days out. This is an Duet, (Instrumental; Butterfly Galop." to do work in my line with safety and at and Mr. E. K. Mohr, State Field Sup- Ovid. Miss Bruce made an earnest awful slow boat but it is a strong one, Meloote —Misses McFarland and Emmons, elected one vote, and that was the one >lea in defense of only the choicest of Prayer by Rev. Ewing. reasonable charges. I have a first-class erintendaut of Sunday School Work, of iterature for Sunday reading. Let our so 1 guess it’s all right. The first day Duet (vocal) "Come slater Elves,” Holttm- tbis free silver man gave him. Gener ­ piano mover, and make a specialty of f Misses Elolse Price and Joaepblne Scotteid. that kind of work. Richard G ay Grand Rapids, books be like our friends —well chosen. and night out nearly all on board were Contest — ous to a fault. In Lebanon there was a We take the following from the sec­ This subject, furnished much food for seasick. This, of course, includes the Eleanor Smith, "Searching for the Slain," tie vote on supervisor and the Republi ­ retary’s minutes of the Friday moruing, discussion. writer for 1 felt 1 did not care how* it Wiggins. can nominee was successful in tbe draw­ Plow Shoes that are all leather $1.25, Florence Perkins, "The 8tory of Patsy," ing. The silver forces in Bath lost their $1.60, $175 and $2.00 and we want your afternoon and eveniug sessions : ■ ** Importance of “Teachers ’ Meetings ” was, sink or swim: but 1 have gotten Kate Douglas Meeting called to order by President was dwelt upon by G. C. Stanton, of over this and I want to swim. The George Marvin, "The Sack of Baltimore." nominee for supervisor through apathy. trade. Woodruff & Trom p. D. II Hunt and opened with devotional Ovid, who brought out many good steamship companies tell all passengers Thomas Davis. In DeWitt, while the silver forces lost exercises led by Rev. G. C. .Longman. things upon tbe subject. they take the outside course: but tbis is Myrtelle Moore. "Tha Old Actor's Story. supervisor they made a good showing in If you want a good watch, buy it at George P 81ms. Allison ’s._______________ Miuutes of the last meeting were read Mr. Mobr then addressed the associa­ not so. They all take the inside chan ­ Warner Vredenburg, "Liberty or Death. ” their increased vote. Victor remains and approved. The following com­ tion upon the subject of the “Home nel, for tbis reason, they have no ships Patrick Henry. loyal to tbe principles of bimetallism. New Designs in Lace Curtains at mittees on nominations were appointed Department. ” Mr. Mohr ’s remarks sufficiently strong to cross the Pacific. Charles Bishop, "23rd Chapter of Quo Vadls. The silver cause is gaining grounds in John Hi^ks. For my part 1 am delighted with it. It Henryk Slenklewitz. in Greenbush. The proposition to raise by the president: Rev. D. D. Martin, upon this line of work were of the Solo, (violin) selected—Mr. Henry Washburn. or St. Johns ; Rev. F. J. Priest. Ril6y, greatest good to those interested in the reminds me of some big river. We are Solo, (piano) Pendant la Mazurta, Paul $2,000 for some different mode of heat ­ They ’re Beauties. and Geo. M. Ferry. On place of next work, but were undecided as to plans seldom over 12 miles from shore and in Wacha. —Mrs. Townsend. ing the court house was adopted by a Those new and pretty shapes in meeting : E. M. Plunkett, Mrs. W. T. and methods of reaching the people out­ some places it seems as though I could 8olo, t vocal) September,Charlton —Mrs. Peck handsome majority. Below we give the Easter Hats at Boucher & Petsch ’s Bair aud Mr. Daley. Auditing com­ side the church The “Home Depart ­ almost jump ashore, the mountains are Report of judges. vote on the proposition as cast in tbe mittee : Rev. G. C. Longman and Miss ment, ” if organized and worked, fur­ on both sides of the ship. They are Fishing, Parks—Amphion Quartet. various townships. The reports from For Sale, Tbe doors will be opened at 7:30 aad the county, as given below, tells the Fannie Church.
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