Amer. J. Bot. 64(6): 680-686. 1977. CHROMOSOME COUNTS OF COMPOSITAE FROM THE UNITED STATES AND MEXIC01 DONALD J. PINKAVA AND DAVID J. KEIL Department of Botany and Microbiology, Arizona State University, Tempe 85281 ABSTRACT Chromosome counts are reported for 126 taxa representing 122 species and 61 genera of Compositae. First reports include two genera, Stylocline (n == 14) and Chromolepis (n == 19), 17 species, two infraspecific taxa, and one interspecific hybrid. Five additional taxa have chro­ mosome numbers differing from previously published accounts. Carminatia is reinstated to generic status. THIS is the second in a series of studies document­ ports for the respective genera. Our counts for ing chromosome numbers of Compositae of the 17 species, two infraspecific taxa and one inter­ United States and Mexico (cf. Keil and Pinkava, specific hybrid are first reports. Five additional . 1976). Vouchered chromosome counts represent taxa have chromosome numbers differing from both hitherto unreported taxa and taxa for which previously published accounts. In the following counts have been published previously. The for­ discussion, commentary is restricted to those mer counts serve to increase the number of taxa cases for which it is necessary to add to the ma­ for which cytological data is available and can terial in Table 1 or to provide information regard­ provide insights into evolutionary relationships. ing their taxonomic or evolutionary significance. The latter counts provide information about varia­ tion in chromosome complements and broaden the DISCUSSION-VERNONIEAE-Vernonia X geor­ geographical sample of the various taxa. giana is a diploid hybrid between V. acaulis (Walt.) Gleason (n== 18) and V. angustifolia METHoDs-Immature capitula were killed and Michx. (n == 18) (Jones, 1967). Although Jones fixed in modified Carnoy's fixative [4 (or 6) chlo­ was successful in synthesizing this hybrid, he did roform: 3 ethanol: 1 glacial acetic acid, v: v]. not obtain a chromosome count. He suggested, Florets were stained in iron-acetocarmine and however, that it would be a diploid with n == 18 were squashed in a drop of Hoyer's medium in and would have normal meiosis. Our first report modification of methods by Beeks (1955). Chro­ for V. X georgiana bears out Jones' prediction. mosome counts and behavior were ascertained from meiotic microsporocytes unless otherwise ASTEREAE-Beaman (1957) reported that only noted and were documented by camera lucida two genera of Astereae are known to have apomic­ drawings. Voucher specimens, microslides and tic species, Erigeron and Townsendia. Meiosis is drawings are deposited in ASU. Percent pollen extremely irregular in apomictic forms of both stainability, based on 200-grain samples stained genera. Achaetogeron chihuahensis (3n == 27, in aniline blue in lactophenol, was calculated for 4n == 36) has meiotic irregularities comparable some plants. to those reported by Keil and Pinkava (1976) for nearby apomictic populations of Erigeron RESULTs-In this study 206 counts are re­ divergens T. & G. (also 3n == 27, 4n == 36). De­ ported for 61 genera, 122 species, one interspecific spite the irregular meiosis and low pollen stain­ hybrid, and three additional infraspecific taxa ability, A. chihuahensis forms full achenes, a~ (Table 1). The counts of n == 19 for Chromo­ parently apomictically. The apomictic mechanism lepis heterophylla and n == 14 for Stylocline gna­ is unknown for this species. phalioides, and S. micropoides represent first re- The generic placement of A. chihuahensis is questionable. Blake (1940), Kittell (1941), and 1 Received for publication 13 September 1976; revision McDougall (1973) all noted the close similarity accepted 21 February 1977. between A. chihuahensis and E. divergens. Eri­ We acknowledge the cooperation of the curators of the following herbaria for making specimens available for geron and Achaetogeron are said to differ pri­ our studies: ARIZ, ASU, GH, MO, TEX, US. Field marily by the presence or absence of a setose pap­ work was supported in part by NSF Grant BMS 7501417 pus, respectively (Cronquist, 1947). One of our to Dr. Thomas H. Nash III, Department of Botany and voucher specimens of Achaetogeron chihuahensis Microbiology, Arizona State University. We thank those collectors who contributed plant materials in support of (L19146A) has achenes bearing one or two fra- our research. gile capillary bristles in addition to a low crown. 680 ~ TABLE 1. Chromosome counts of Compositae. Voucher specimens are deposited at ASU e ~ Taxon Chromosome count Location and voucher ~ \0 .....,J VERNONIEAE ~ a *Vernonia X georgiana Bartlett 2n == 18rr NC: Cumberland Co.: Ft. Bragg, Kl1653. EUPATORIEAE Brickellia atractyloides A. Gray 2n == 9rr AZ: Yavapai Co.: Lake Pleasant Regional Park, L19726. Brickellia coulteri A. Gray 2n == 9rr MEXICO: SON.: 5 mi SE of Sonoita, L19253. AZ: Maricopa Co.: White Tank Mts Regional Park, Kll183. ~ *Brickellia urolepis Blake 2n == 9rr MEXICO: COAH.: Sierra de la Madera, Canon Hacienda, P13677. Z Stevia berlandieri A. Gray var. berlandieri 2n == 12rr MEXICO: COAH.: E of San Antonio, P13571. ~ Stevia salicifolia Cav. var. stenophylla (A. Gray) B. L. 2n == 12rr MEXICO: ZAC.: E of Concepcion del Oro, P13487. Robins. ~ ASTEREAE ~tj Acamptopappus schockleyi A. Gray 2n == 9rr NV: Clark Co.: NW of Las Vegas, L19846, £19850. ~ Acamptopappus sphaerocephalus (H. & G.) A. Gray 2n == 9rr AZ: Maricopa Co.: McDowell Mts Regional Park, ML1933. tr1 *Achaetogeron chihuahensis Larsen ex Blake 3n == 27r AZ: Apache Co.: W of Green's Peak, £19169. f 4n == 36r AZ: Apache Co.: Carnero Lake, L19146A (17.3).b n t:C *Aster lemmonii A. Gray 2n == 5rr MEXICO: CHIH.: WofLaJunta,P13256. ~ *Aster paternus Cronq. 2n 9rr NC: Cumberland Co.: Ft. Bragg, Kl1602. o == ~ *Aster tortifolius Michx. 2n 9rr NC: Cumberland Co.: Ft.Bragg, Kl1629. o == C/) Astranthium beamannii De Jong 2n == 12rr MEXICO: COAH.: E of San Antonio, P13563. o Astranthium orthopodum (B. L. Robins. & Fern.) Larsen 2n 3rr MEXICO: DGO.: NW of Durango, P13442. ~ == tr1 Baccharis salicifolia (R. & P.) Pers. (== B. glutinosa Pers.) 2n == 9rr AZ: Maricopa Co.: McDowell Mts Regional Park, MLll14, 1739. n *Ericameria diffusa Benth. Haplopappus sonoriensis (A. MEXICO: SIN.: SSW of EI Gato, L19637; WNW of Huatabampito, L19640. o (== 2n == 9rr e Gray) Blake) z I-i Ericameria ericoides (Less.) Jeps. 2n == 9rr CA: San Luis Obispo Co.: Montana del Oro State Park, K10983. C/) Erigeron divergens T. & G. var. divergens 3n == 27r AZ: Maricopa Co.: just S of Canyon Lake, Kl1335A; Pima Co.: Santa Catalina o Mts, Kl1355; Pinal Co.: 30 mi NW of Tucson, Leithliter 324,325. "'r:t n Erigeron lobatus A. Nels. +4n == 36r AZ: Maricopa Co.: just S of Canyon Lake Kl1334A, B. o Erigeron neomexicanus A. Gray AZ: Cochise Co.: Chiricahua Mts, R948. ~ 2n == 18rr ~ *Erigeron oxyphyllus Greene 2n 9rr AZ: Maricopa Co.: White Tank Mts Regional Park Kll199A, B. o == C/) Grindelia aphanactis Rydb. 2n == 12rr AZ: Yavapai Co.: SE of Mayer, Kl1442. ~ Grindelia arizonica A. Gray 2n == 6rr AZ: Navajo Co.: Show Low, P12341. > tr1 Grindelia grandiflora Hook. 2n == 6rr MEXICO: COAH.: Muzquiz, P13009. *Grindelia greenmanii Steyerm. 2n == 6rr MEXICO: COAH.: E of San Antonio, P13570. Grindelia latifolia Kell. ssp. latifolia 2n == 12rr CA: Monterey Co.: N of Castroville, K10948. Grindelia lali/olia Kell. ssp. platyphylla (Greene) Keck 2n == 12rr CA: Monterey Co.: N of Castroville, K10950. Grindelia oxylepis Greene var. eligulata Steyerm. 2n == 6rr + 1B MEXICO: N.L.: NW of San Roberto, P13557. *Grindelia squarrosa (Pursh) Dunal var. serrulata (Rydb). 2n == 6rr UT: Wayne Co.: N of Hanksville, K10845. WY: Albany Co.: 1-80 at Buford Steyerm. exit, K10909. Gutierrezia sarothrae (Pursh) Britt. & Rusby 2n == 4rr AZ: Maricopa Co.: Glendale, Kl1384. Gutierrezia serotina Greene 2n== 4rr AZ: Pima Co.: near base of Santa Catalina Mts, Kl1357A, B. Gymnosperma glutinosum (Spreng.) Less. 2n == 8rr MEXICO: S.L.P.: ESE of Salinas, P13524; ZAC.: W of Concepcion del Oro, P13488. AZ: Pima Co.: Organ Pipe Cactus National Mon., £19225. 0'\ ~00 0'\ 00 N TABLE 1. Continued Taxon Chromosome count Location and voucher Haplopappus gooddingii (A. Nels.) 2n == 4 11 AZ: Maricopa Co.: McDowell Mts Regional Park, ML940. Munz & Johnst. +2n == 811 AZ: Maricopa Co.: just S of Canyon Lake, K11340. Haplopappus gracilis (Nutt.) A. Gray 2n == 2II AZ: Maricopa Co.: just S of Canyon Lake, K11342A, B, C; just N of Wicken­ burg, K11459; Navajo Co.: NE of Carrizo, L18946; Santa Cruz Co.: W of 1-19 on Ruby Rd, KI1036A. 2n == 2II + I B NM: Catron Co.: near Luna, P12756. 2n == III + 1111 . AZ: Gila Co.: SW of Seneca, L18935A. 2n == 311 AZ: Maricopa Co.: E of Queen Creek Tunnel, L18912. Haplopappus ravenii R. C. Jackson 2n == 4II AZ: Yavapai Co.: 1.5 mi W of Cleator, K11386A; NW of Mayer, K11439A, B. Haplopappus spinulosus (Pursh) DC. ssp. australis (Greene) 2n == 411 NM: Sandoval Co.: Albuquerque, K10725. Hall Haplopappus spinulosus (Pursh) DC. ssp. australis (Greene) 2n == 4II MEXICO: COAH.: Cuatro Cienegas Basin, P10413-2. Hall intermediate to ssp. scabrellus (Greene) Hall +2n == 5II MEXICO: COAH.: Cuatro Cienegas Basin, P10413-1. ~ tr1 Haplopappus spinulosus (Pursh) DC. ssp. scabrellus 2n == 811 MEXICO: CHIH.: 82 mi N of Chihuahua City, P13228A, B. ~ (Greene) Hall n MEXICO: BAJA C.: 19 mi S of San Vicente, P9020. *Haplopappus venetus (H.B.K.) Blake ssp. furfuraceus 2n == 12II ~ (Greene) Hall ol:...l Haplopappus venetus (H.B.K.) Blake ssp. vernonioides 2n == 6II CA: San Luis Obispo Co.: Turri Rd, McLeod 1246. c (Nutt.) Hall ~z *Haplopappus sp.c 2n == 411 AZ: Pima Co.: N of Ajo, K10997; 11 miW of Quijotoa, K11000; base of Santa > t""I Catalina Mts, K11358B, C. o *Heterotheca leptoglossa DC. 2n == 911 MEXICO: SIN.: 11 mi NE of Choix, L19519. "'r:t Machaeranthera arida Turner & Horne 2n == 5II AZ: Maricopa Co.: 1-10 at Maricopa Rd, K11134; Pima Co.: 1-19 at Papago Rd, t:C K11091A, B; 25 mi N of Quijotoa, P10781; Yuma Co.: Alamo State Park, o P10314.
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