July 28, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1459 they have the resources and technology to Social Security program. Social Security has his long and dedicated career he was also better carry out their mission. been one of the most popular and successful awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, Le- Mr. Speaker I urge my colleagues to sup- government programs in our nation’s history. It gion of Merit, two Bronze Stars, and Purple port this legislation. It serves as an opportunity is a social compact that extends across all Heart. to give air traffic controllers the acknowledge- generations and all income groups. More than Following his service in the Army, Nick ment they so deserve and encourage them to 95 percent of American workers pay into the Bacon served his fellow veterans and his state keep our skies safe for all. system and without it, more than half of to- as Director of the Arkansas Department of f day’s seniors would live below the poverty Veterans Affairs and President of the Medal of line. In addition to lifting millions of elderly Honor Society. He had steadfast support for NINA ARCHABAL’S 23 YEARS OF Americans out of poverty, Social Security pro- the veterans of Arkansas and was instru- SERVICE TO MINNESOTA AS THE vides vital social insurance to countless dis- mental in the creation of the Arkansas State DIRECTOR OF THE MINNESOTA abled workers and survivor benefits for de- Veterans Cemetery and the Arkansas State HISTORICAL SOCIETY pendent spouses and families. Because so Veterans Cemetery Beautification Foundation. many people depend upon the Social Security I wish First Sergeant Bacon’s family the HON. BETTY McCOLLUM benefits they have earned over a lifetime of deepest condolences for their loss. Nick OF MINNESOTA work, any changes in the current system must Bacon conducted his life in a selfless, dedi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES be reviewed very carefully. Any effort to cated manner that we all should aspire to; his Wednesday, July 28, 2010 change the Social Security system should be service and sacrifice will not soon be forgotten bipartisan, reflect broad public support and in his state or by his fellow soldiers. I ask Ms. MCCOLLUM. Madam Speaker, I rise today of my fellow colleagues that we stand today in recognition of Nina Archabal for her continue to ensure a guaranteed benefit with annual cost-of-living adjustments. I will con- and honor the legacy of First Sergeant Nick 33 years of service to the Minnesota Historical Bacon. Society, including 23 years of service as the tinue to work with my colleagues to preserve Director and strengthen the current Social Security pro- f The Minnesota Historical Society is a private gram and to oppose any plan that would vio- HONORING MR. SHEPARD ‘‘SHEP’’ nonprofit organization that was founded in late our nation’s compact with retirees. LEE 1849 to preserve the history of the State of f Minnesota, while providing educational and RECOGNIZING PASTOR SHAWN HON. MICHAEL H. MICHAUD cultural learning opportunities. Today, the soci- BLACK OF MAINE ety operates 26 historic sites and museums IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES throughout the state of Minnesota. Wednesday, July 28, 2010 Ms. Archabal began her distinguished ca- HON. JOHN CAMPBELL reer with the Minnesota Historical Society in OF CALIFORNIA Mr. MICHAUD. Madam Speaker, I rise 1977. In 1987, Archabal became the Historical IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES today to commemorate the accomplishments Society’s 10th Director after serving nine years Wednesday, July 28, 2010 and life of Shepard ‘‘Shep’’ Lee, who passed as deputy director. away on June 23rd of this year. While at the helm of the Historical Society, Mr. CAMPBELL. Madam Speaker, I rise Shep was a well-known entrepreneur and Archabal oversaw several major projects in- today to recognize a constituent of mine, Pas- philanthropist within the state of Maine. After cluding the construction of the Minnesota His- tor Shawn Black of Calvary Chapel in Costa taking over his father’s local automobile deal- torical Society Center in Saint Paul, the Mille Mesa, California. Pastor Black served as our ership in 1947, he eventually expanded the Lacs Indian Museum in Onamaia and the Mill guest Chaplain this morning. Eight years ago, business to encompass thirteen locations City Museum in Minneapolis. These projects he founded Project Prayer Flag, a non-profit throughout Maine. He was a true pioneer in have helped to preserve and protect Min- organization which has supported over his field and was never afraid to take a risk to nesota’s past and tell Minnesota’s story. Visi- 700,000 American military personnel by pro- help the business community. He was the first tors to Historical Society sites learn about our viding care packages and support for troops’ local car dealer to use television ads in the past through unique and engaging exhibits, in- families. Pastor Black himself volunteered for 1960s and employ a board of directors. He cluding ‘‘living history’’ demonstrations like the military service at age 17, and in addition to was a tireless advocate of economic develop- beloved celebration of the holidays at the his ministry, has spent over twenty years in ment in Maine, even offering advice to com- Saint Paul home of Minnesota’s first territorial law enforcement, including a stint as a Federal petitors. governor, Alexander Ramsey, where visitors Air Marshal from 2002–2005. I would like to In addition, Shep is remembered for his experience Christmas 1875 by meeting ‘‘mem- thank him for opening this session of Con- contributions to the greater community. A bers’’ of the Ramsey family, sampling fresh gress today in prayer, as well as for his many graduate of Bowdoin College, he championed cookies from the wood-burning stove. These years of dedicated service to our country. educational progress, donating generous unique traditions make history accessible and f amounts to both Bowdoin and Bates Colleges and the George Mitchell Scholarship fund. He understandable to young and old alike. TRIBUTE TO NICK DANIEL BACON Throughout her career, Nina Archabal has sat on the law and business school boards of demonstrated strength of character, hard the University of Southern Maine, the board of work, dedication and perseverance that has HON. MARION BERRY the Muskie School of Public Service and the made the Minnesota Historical Society a na- OF ARKANSAS Maine Community College Board. tional model for historic preservation and inter- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES His life-long commitment to gender equality and civil rights was also remarkable. He was pretation. I value her service and commitment, Wednesday, July 28, 2010 which will be felt by generations of Minneso- an active member of the Maine branch of the Mr. BERRY. Madam Speaker, I rise today to NAACP and served on the board of the Amer- tans in the future. pay tribute to the life of a Medal of Honor re- Madam Speaker, please join me in con- ican Civil Liberties Union, later receiving the cipient, a committed advocate of veterans’ gratulating Nina Archabal for her 23 years of Roger Baldwin Award, the ACLU’s higher rights, and a true American hero. On July service for the state of Minnesota. It is my honor. Shep supported gay rights legislation 17th, 2010 Nick ‘‘Nicky’’ Bacon passed away honor to submit this statement. well before the passage of Maine’s non-dis- at the age of 64 after a hard-fought battle with crimination law. f cancer. He lived a life of service to our na- An advisor, friend and tireless fund-raiser for SOCIAL SECURITY’S 75TH tion’s military, our country and our state. Senator George Mitchell, the late Justice ANNIVERSARY Nick Bacon served in the United States Frank Coffin and the late Edmund Muskie, Army from 1963 to 1984; in his service he dis- Shep’s political activism was notable both lo- HON. HENRY A. WAXMAN played a love of country and faithful service to cally and nationally. He is fondly remembered OF CALIFORNIA his fellow soldiers. While serving, he risked his by his friends, family and colleagues, and his life and led two platoons forward through IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES contributions to the State of Maine will not heavy enemy fire to save men pinned down soon be forgotten. Wednesday, July 28, 2010 on the battlefield. It was for this act of selfless Madam Speaker, please join me in honoring Mr. WAXMAN. Madam Speaker, I rise today valor and courage under fire that Nick Bacon Shepard Lee for his life of dedication and to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the earned the Congressional Medal of Honor. In service to his community and his country. VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:40 Jul 29, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28JY8.046 E28JYPT1 pwalker on DSK8KYBLC1PROD with REMARKS.
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