
0022 -2 0 2 X /8 ~ /8;J02 - 0 14;'$02.00/0 TH E .JOU RNAL OF INV ESTIGATI VE DERMATOI.O Gy.83:14 .'i - 14 9. 1984 Vo l. R:l. No. :! J by & Cop y right (0 984 The Willia ms Wilkins Co. j Jrinied in LI . , ~' . A . Dopachrome Oxidoreductase: A New Enzyme in the Pigment Pathway JOAN 1. BARBER, PH.D. , DEWAYNE TOWN S END, PH.D. , DAVID P . OLDS, M .S ., AND RICHARD A. KING , M .D. , PH.D. Department of M edicine, Medical School (JIB. DPO, RA I() and Division of Human and Oral nenetics. /J ental School (DT). Universityo( Minnes()t a. Minneap()lis. 11.:"".04 . We report our preliminary characterization of a new us to beli eve t hat this activity is due to a new enzyme in the enzyme in the pigment pathway which we propose to pi gment pathway, which we propose to call dopachrome ox i­ call dopachrome oxidoreductase (DeOR). This enzyme, doreductase (DCOR), a nd our studies suggest t hat this enzy me prepared from mouse melanoma, catalyzed the conver­ acts as both the "dopac hrome co nversion" and t he "indole sion of dopachrome to 5,6-dihydroxyindole and also ap­ bl oc king" factors. peared to block the pigment pathway at this latter com­ pound in the absence of tyrosinase. DeOR was protease­ sensitive, heat-labile, and showed maximum stability in MATERJALS AND METHODS the range of pH 6-8. The molecular weight of DeOR Prepa ration ()( f)() pachrome Oxidoreductase from Tumor w-as estimated to be 34,000 by gel filtration. De OR had The preparation of crude DCOR from tumor was carried out at :; oC a subcellular distribution within the melanocyte which unless otherwi se spec ifi ed. Amelanotic a nd melanotic 8- 16 melanoma w-as similar to that of tyrosinase, but DeOR activity was tumors were coll ected from C57BL/6J mi ce, washed twice in 0.8:; 0;' found in melanocytes devoid of tyrosinase activity and saline, pell eted at :;00 g, and stored at -20°C. Amela notic tumors were w-as not inhibited by tyrosinase inhibitors. DeOR may lI sed in the cha racteri za t.i on studies t.o avoid confusion wi t h tyrosinase, prove to be an active regulatory enzyme in melanoge­ a fte r demonstrating DCOR activity in t hi s t issue. Thawed portions of tumor were homogeni zed wit.h a ground-glass tissue grinder in 10 nesis. volumes of 0.05 M sodium phosphate, pH 6.8, containing 1 % Triton X- 100, fo ll owed by incubation on ice for 30 min to release enzyme. The homogenate was centrifuged at 105,000 g for 15 min at. 5°C a nd the It has long been thought that the melanin pathway employed supernatant used as the crude DCOR. t he single enzyme tyrosinase for the oxidation of tyros ine ---+ In some experiments, Triton X -IOO was removed from the crude d opa ---+ dopaquinone and that subsequent. steps in melanin enzy me preparation wit.h BioBeads. The crude DCOR prepa ration was synthesis [l eukodopachrome ---+ dopachrome(D C) ---+ 5.' 6-dihy­ mixed with an equal volume of BioBeads 8 M2 (Bio-Rad) a nd gent ly dro xyindole(DHI) ---+ Il1dole -5 ,6-qull1one(lQ) ---+ melanll1J were rotated for 90 min at 4°C [71. The Triton X-lOO bound to the Bio­ wit hout enzyme requirement. However, recent studies have Beads and t he enzyme was removed in the supernatant. s u ggested that there may be pathway control distal to dopaqui­ Pr('parotion o( f) opachrome Oxidoreductase (rom Hairbulbs n o ne [1 - 6] . Logan and Weatherhead's studies on molting Si­ berian hamsters provided the first convincing evidence that Mouse hai:buLbs: All hai~ over t he dorsal trunk was removed by tyrosinase activity does not correlate directly with melani.n pluckIng to stllnulate new hall' growth. At 14 days, t he skin was removed and the ha ir follicles were scraped from the inner surface of one skin production. They found that t.yrosll1ase actIvIty Il1 the haIr in to 10 ml of co ld saline. This suspension was centrifuged at 105,000 g follicles of Siberi an hamsters was high during the spring and for 15 min, aft er which the fat layer and t he saline were removed. The a utumn molts but the hair produced following the latter molt. ent.ire pell et. was incuba t.ed on ice for 60 min for enzyme release in 500 wa s unpigmented [lJ. Subsequently, they showed t.hat. mela­ 1-' 1 of 0. 05 M sodium phosphate, pH 6.8, containing 0.001 M di ethyldi­ t onin or cG MP (guanosine-3',5' -cyclic phosphate) inhibited thioca rbamate (DOC), 0.001 M phenylt hi ourea (PTU), a nd 1% T ri t.o n m e lanin format ion in cultured hamster hair follicles without X- IO O. The sample was cen t. rifuged at 105,000 g for 20 min at 5°C a nd a ffecting tyrosinase activity 12J. At about. t.he same t.im e, Paw­ 2:;01-'1 of the supernata nt was used to test fo r DCOR activity. e le k , Korner, Bergstrom, and Bologna reported three melano­ Human hairbulbs: Fifty fresh human a nage n hairbulbs were incu­ genic regu latory factors that acted on the eumelanin pathway bated on ice in 250 m! of 0.05 M sodium phosphate, pH 6.8, containing after dopaquinone: "dopachrome conversion fa ctor" which pro­ 1% Trit.on X- IOO . for 1- 5 h to release enzyme. After incubation, t he hairbulbs were removed a nd the entire enzy me sample was used to test m otes the conversion of DC to DHI; "indole blocking fact.or" for DCOR activity. There was no significant. difference in DCO R w hich inhibits the conversion of DHI to IQ and "indole con­ act. ivity between the 1-, :3- or 5- h incubation for enzy me release. vers ion factor" which promotes the conversion of DHI to IQ [3,4]. Part of this latter regulatory factor activity is now thought Uopachrome Oxidareductase Assay to be the result of tyrosinase activity [5,6J. DC was produced by mixing cold dopa (0.5 mg L-dopa/ml in 0.05 M Our characterization of "dopachrome co nversion fa ctor" led sodium phosphate, pH 6.8) wi th silver oxide (6 mg Ag,O/ mg dopa) for :l min foll owed by filtrat.i on through a 0.22-/1m Millipore fil ter. T his M a nuscript received June 20, 1983: accepted for publicat ion March procedure resulted in a 77 % co nve rsion of dopa t.o DC. The sodium 20, 1984. phosphate buffer used in the prepa ra t.i on of DC was passed Ove r a S upported in part by N IH grants GM22 167 and AM32407. co lumn of Chelex- IOO chelating ion excha nge resin (Bio- Rad) for R eprint requests to: Dr. Ri cha rd A. King, Depart ment of Medicine. removal of t race metals before use. The sta ndard assay consist.ed of Box 485, University of Minnesota Hospital, Minneapoli s, Minnesota 125 fII crude DCOR (7 mg total protein), 250 fIl DC solution, and 0.05 5545.5. M sodium phosphate, pH 6.8, in a t.otal volume of I m l. Assays were A bbreviations: run with a buffer bl a nk at 25 °C in semi -micro disposable polystyrene DC: dopachrome cuvett es, and the value for t. he buffer blank was subt. ract.ed from the D COR: dopachrome oxidoreductase react ion va lu e for determinat ion of DCOR ac t.i vity. DCOR activit y was DOC: di ethyldithiocarbamate de t.ermined spectrophotometrically (Beckman Acta cIII ) by monit'oring DHI: dihydroxyindole the decrease in absorba nce at 475 nm as DC (red) was conve rt.ed to l Q: indole·5,G ·quinonc DH I (colorl ess), and was expressed in nmol per min (DC ext. inct ion PTU: phenylthiourea coeffi cient = :1700 at 475 nm) 181. All experiment s were run at least 2 T CA: trichl oroacetic acid tilll e~. 14 5 146 BARBER ET AL Vol. 83, No.2 Tyrosinase Assay and with 0.0001 M iodosobenzoate for 70 min at 25"C, after which t he residual activity of DCOR was determined. Crude DCOR preparation Tyrosin ase activity was determined using a t ri t iated tyrosi ne assay from amelanotic tumor was incubated wi t h a mi xture of 0.001 M DDC a~ described by King et al[91. The preparation to be assayed was mi xed and 0.001 M PTU on ice for 60 min, after which residual DCOR activity with an equal vo lume of 0.1 M sodiu m phosphate, pH 6.8, co ntaining was determined. Crude DCOR preparation from amelanotic tumor was 2% Triton X- I00 and in cubated on ice for 60 min for enzyme release, incubated with 1 or 2 X 10-' M 1,10-phenanthroline for 60 min, after after whi ch a sample was taken for assay. The assay incubation mixture which residual DCOR activi ty was determined. T yrosinase activity was co ntained 0.2 nmol L-[3,5-"Hjtyros ine (Amersham, 1 or 2 Ci/ mmol), determined on a number of DeOR preparations. Appropriate blank 0.1 nm ol L-dopa, 20 or 25 1'1 of the sample to be assayed and 0.1 M reactions were run with each experi ment.
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