Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, December 15, 2011 OUR 121st YEAR – ISSUE NO. 50-2011 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SEVENTY FIVE CENTS WF Council OKs Police Vehicles, $108,600 in Budget Transfers By LAUREN S. BARR He said that the Durango will be used needed for the parking department. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader as an unmarked vehicle for the detec- According to Mr. Gildea, the spe- WESTFIELD – At its final meet- tive bureau and that an unmarked car cial police officers, who serve under ing of 2011 on Tuesday night, the had not been purchased in the last the parking department, were needed Westfield Town Council passed mul- seven or eight years. During the re- for overtime in order to direct traffic tiple resolutions allowing for the pur- cent severe storms, Mr. Gildea said it due to traffic light outages during chase of police vehicles and making became apparent that a second pickup several storms this year. While the several budget transfers. truck was needed by the police in town has applied to Federal Emer- The council approved the police order to cover both sides of town for gency Management Agency (FEMA) department’s purchase of a 2012 the delivery of roadblocks and other in order to recoup storm-related costs, Dodge Durango for $24,161; a 2013 items. it has not yet known how much or police interceptor for $26,795 and a The council also unanimously ap- when Westfield will receive funding. 2012 GMC Sierra pickup truck for proved budget transfers in order to Additionally, there was a budget $25,483. meet several department needs. Due transfer of $12,000 to the legal bud- Town Administrator Jim Gildea to storm-related emergencies, an ad- get due to an increased cost for labor told The Westfield Leader that the ditional $12,000 was needed in gaso- attorney fees. prices are state contract pricing and line, $82,000 was needed for fire The majority of the funds that the models are stripped down. department overtime and $13,000 was ($108,600) were transferred from the town’s group insurance line item. According to Mr. Gildea, money that was budgeted was not spent due to employees opting out of insurance plans or choosing a lower-cost plan than the town had anticipated. Greg Ryan for The Westfield Leader In other business, the council EXCITEMENT BUILDS...Children and parents line up for the Santa Train last Saturday for a two-hour ride with Santa passed a resolution approving the and his Elves. Santa poses for a picture with all on board. Retired members of Jersey Central Railroad, NJ Transit and meeting schedule for 2012. The Railroad historians in cooperation with NJ Transit run the train from Westfield to Raritan and back. The children each council’s conference sessions will received a gift as well as candy canes. now begin at 7:30 p.m. instead of 8 p.m. The schedule also calls for nine of the conference sessions to be held on the same night and just prior to the Westfield BOE Approves Code of regular 8 p.m. public sessions. A resolution was approved setting the annual reorganizational meeting for Tuesday, January 3, at 7 p.m. The Conduct Upon First Reading council also approved its own $1 By KIMBERLY A. BROADWELL district’s mission statement was al- Superintendent Dolan also said, annual salary. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader ways the main focus of the group. It “We believe a school district excels During the public comment por- WESTFIELD – The Westfield reads, “The Westfield Public School when all members exhibit strong Paul J. Peyton for The Westfield Leader tion of the meeting, Central Avenue Board of Education unanimously District, in cooperation with family character, including integrity and HAPPY 104TH!...Marie Rehn blows out the birthday candles to mark her 104th resident Adina Enculescu again asked passed upon its first reading the and community, prepares all stu- honesty, a strong work ethic and birthday with the help of her daughter, Marlene Ring, far left, and granddaugh- the council to move the pedestrian district’s Code of Conduct policy at dents to reach their highest poten- sportsmanship.” She noted that ter, Suzanne Glassman, during a birthday party at Brighton Gardens in crossing signal from in front of her its meeting Tuesday evening. The tial and to become productive, well- these were the “core ethical values” Mountainside on Wednesday. home to the intersection of Clover 10-page document was the focus of balanced and responsible citizens of the code. Street and Central Avenue. She also Superintendent Margaret Dolan’s in a global society through educa- The document outlines responsi- WF Resident Is Shocked By said that while she was traveling in report. tional programs that respect indi- bilities for students, parents, teach- Europe someone planted bushes on In her report, Superintendent vidual differences and diversity.” CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 her property and damaged her sprin- Dolan thanked the 16-member com- kler system. mittee, consisting of parents, stu- Lack of Tree Removal Policy “The work was done without any- dents, local business people, law Garwood Council Freezes By LAUREN S. BARR McAloon, when a resident applies body notifying me,” she told the coun- enforcement, health-care workers Specially Written for The Westfield Leader for a demolition permit, he inspects cil. She also expressed her disap- and administrators. She also noted WESTFIELD – When Carl Cetera the site and the town’s tree commis- pointment that Mayor Andy Skibitsky that codes of conduct were reviewed Longevity; Field Delayed returned home to Wyandotte Trail sion makes recommendations re- was absent from the meeting, saying from other districts. By CHRISTINA M. HINKE Eleven non-union employees of from a weekend vacation, he was garding the number of trees being CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 The superintendent said the Specially Written for The Westfield Leader the borough will be affected by this “in shock” to find that his neighbor removed and the number to be GARWOOD – During its meet- amendment to the ordinance. had taken down more than 30 trees, planted. He said that, “for the most ing Tuesday night, the Borough Future non-union employees can- but he was further stunned when he part, we have compliance (with the Aschenbach Ends Tenure, Council voted 4-2, with Council- not receive longevity benefits, and found out there were no regulations recommendations).” man Victor DeFilippo and Council- current non-union employees who governing such practices. Councilman Dave Haas, who woman Sara Todisco voting no, on receive longevity benefits cannot While other towns have ordi- serves as the governing body liai- Criticizes Birchwood Ruling a motion to adopt an ordinance to accrue additional benefits. “It fixes nances on the books that prevent son to the tree commission, added By FRED T. ROSSI Aschenbach said it was “obviously freeze longevity benefits. their longevity. It allows them to homeowners from cutting down that the recommendations are non- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader outrageous” that a judge ruled on “If the ordinance is passed, I can retain it. They will continue to re- privately-owned trees without a per- binding. CRANFORD – Mayor Daniel Monday that the Birchwood Avenue tell you I do not intend to sign it,” ceive what they have earned – they mit, Westfield has no such ordi- Ralph Rapuano, Jr., whose com- Aschenbach bid adieu to the town- development, which calls for 360 Mayor Patricia Quattrocchi said simply will not be entitled to in- nance. Town Administrator Jim pany, Elegant Homes, is doing con- ship government on Tuesday, ending housing units to be built, can go for- during the workshop meeting. crease their longevity,” Borough Gildea told The Westfield Leader, struction on the property where Mr. a municipal government career that ward. The mayor said the township “Having worked in the field of Attorney Joseph Triarsi said. “We don’t have any regulations that Cetera is questioning the tree re- began in the early 1980s and ended committee on Monday night had ap- employment for over 20 years, I am Resident Fred McCarrick asked overstep private-property rights.” moval, said that the property owner, last month when he was defeated for proved the filing with the state Supe- very sensitive to what people have how much the borough would save He added that there are no viola- Adam Levy, has “followed every re-election to his township commit- rior Court of a motion to reconsider, agreed to when they are hired,” by doing away with longevity ben- tions on this particular property. guideline.” Mr. Rapuano told The tee seat. adding that there is a “strong case” Mayor Quattrocchi said. CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 Property owners have the right to Leader that his company is not the “Use me up until I’m done,” the for an appeal of the judge’s ruling. remove any and all trees from their property owner and that the trees mayor said at Tuesday’s committee The township has opposed the devel- property, with the exception of trees were removed prior to the applica- meeting, quoting an Oprah Winfrey opment, instead seeking to turn the located in the town or county right- tion for the demolition permit. “I aphorism. It was the final meeting of property into a retention basin in an of-way. Only when filing for a have nothing to do with cutting trees 2011, which the mayor referred to as effort to mitigate flooding on nearby demolition permit or making appli- down,” Mr.
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