The Party “Discussion” Opens! FTER, not a little delay, occasioned by the eus- by James P. Cannon that Christ wrought miracles but we do not be­ A tomary cabling back and forth, by cabled ap- lieve that even he ever succeeded in riding two peals of protest by the Foster group which were horses going in opposite directions at the same time. rejected over the same cables, the statement of the group of interminable debaters. Neither are we an The Foster group took a forward step when, it Lovestone-Pepper C.E.G. on our declaration and ex­ army of voting robots. The automatic hand raiser united with us in the fight against the right wing pulsion was published in the Daily Worker on is no Communist any more than the undisciplined, (joint fight against the Panken “ maneuver” , com­ November 16th. endless talker. The one of these conceptions is mon platform at the February and May Plenary The statement of the Party majority covers jvjst as far away from Leninism as the other. We meetings of the Central Executive Committee, much paper, but it had no space to answer the hold to the principle of democratic centralism just common platform on “ the Right Danger in the criticisms of the Opposition on a single point. Our as firm ly as we reject the suppression of discussion American Party” , etc.) Its failure to develop the declaration raised principle questions. They an- and the substitution of official commands for ideo­ international implications of our common opposi­ swered with an administrative instruction to the logical and political leadership. tion stand, its failure to see that the problems of party to expel all those who share our views. The great principle questions raised by the Rus­ our party and the fight against its right wing lea­ W e said, what everyone knows, that the questions sian Opposition— questions of decisive importance dership are indissolubly bound up with the Bolshe­ have never been discussed and we demanded a for the whole future of the world proletarian re­ vik fight o f the Russian Opposition, arrested the discussion. They replied “ the discussion is closed.” volution— have never been fairly and fully dis­ forward development of the Foster group and pre­ W e said the position of the Russian Opposition cussed in any party of the Comintern, including pared the ground for its disintegration. Its pitiful, has been correct on all important questions; we our own party, and, consequently, have been de­ if shq'rt-lived, attempt to outdo the opportunist gave reasons for our'statement and demanded the cided wrongly. This is the essence of the matter, leadership in demagogy agfainst the Russian .Oppo­ right to defend these views in the pre-convention which the statement of the Lovestone majority ig­ sition and against us only sharpened its contradic­ discussion prescribed by the Party constitution. nores entirely, because it is fatal for their whole tions and made its whole position politically impos­ They disposed of this.political proposal with legal­ case. sible. Those who do not stand clearly on princi­ istic references to the decisions of thé Communist The party comrades do not know the issues from ples, foresee their implications and understand their International. all sides and cannot know them for the reason that logic are b<jund to play a sorry role when principle Such, in brief, is the political content of the long- the material of the Opposition was not published questions are placed on the agenda. delayed and much labored-over statement of the — it was suppressed. There has been no real and The resolution of the District Executive Com­ Lovestone-Pepper faction which, by grace of Bu- serious discussion in the party—it was prohibited. mittee of New York, under the direct inspiration charin, constitutes the majority of our Central The Communist militants who have had the op­ of the Central'Executive Committee majority, de­ Executive Committee. W e might add that, as an portunity to read the documents and learn the mands that the Foster opposition repudiate the extraordinary concession on their part (and con­ truth are not allowed to speak within the party— statement on “ the Right Danger in the American sidering the fact that the Party members had al­ they are expelled. Party” if it really wants to fight “Trotskyism” ready read it in The Militant) they printed our The Foster group which had the honor of car­ and logically so. The Lovestone-Pepper group of statement to the Polcom, including even a para­ rying the “ information” against us to Lovestone opportunists represents on an American scale what graph, which we, for Party reasons, had thought and Pepper, received their reward in the statement: the opportunist opponents and' calumniators of the best to eliminate from publication. a condescending pat on the back, which was no Russian opposition represent on a Russian and in­ They merely recite that the C.I. has decided doubt appreciated, even if it was accompanied ternational scale. The Lovestone faction leaders against the Trotsky platform—a fact which every­ by a rough box on the ear, to say nothing of a are merely the American representatives of the an­ body knew before—and pass that off for an an­ number of boots to the bottom. ti-Trotsky faction in the Communist International swer to the principle arguments of the Opposition. The difficulties of the Foster group arise out and have been imposed upon the party by it. They The merits of the decision of the C.I., which all of the contradictions in its position. It is claimed are not and can never be leaders of our party in Communists have a right and duty to discuss and their own right. On the other hand, the course of which is the real point of dispute, are not oci ended the American Opposition, insofar as it develops by one word in the statement. Thus the peda­ consistently, merges with the path of the Russian gogical overseers show their contemptuous esti­ Swabeck, Glotzer Join Opposition. This is the logic of the whole situa­ mate of the Party members. They do not consi­ tion. Between these two stools there is no place der it necessary for the Party comrades tp know Opposition; Expelled to sit. for themselves the issues involved. The party The forces of the Opposition were immeas­ The Foster group, by its present policy, weakens comrades are merely informed of the decisions—■ urably strengthened last Saturday by the for­ itself, strengthens the right wing leadership and discussion is not allowed. mal adhesion of a powerful group of Com­ confuses the party. They take part, shame-faced The bureaucrats who rule by decree set up a munist fighters in Chicago, headed by Arne and utterly contemptible, in the obscene lynching conception of the Comintern which Lenin never Swabeck and A1 Glotzer. In a statement campaign against us, saying we have no right to op­ knew. Instead of a living body of revolutionar­ addressed to all Party and League members pose the decision of the Communist International ies, generalizing from world experience, as Lenin these two comrades, the outstanding Chicago cm the Russian questions. The right wing leaders conceived the Comintern, they want to palm it retort: “ Very good. W e appreciate your help in leaders in the Party and Young Workers off as an institution which decides while the Party lynching and expelling Communists by wholesale, League, declared their unconditional support members need only to be informed of the decisions. but the same rule, you are supporting applies to of the platform of the Opposition and their The teachings of Marx and Lenin on the cen­ you also. You have no right to oppose the deci­ solidarity with all comrades expelled for these tralized international organization of the Com­ sion of the Communist International on the Ameri­ views. On the presentation of their statement munist workers are completely lost in such a con­ can question. Your own expulsion in next c|n the at a meeting of the Chicago D.E.C. on Satur­ ception. agenda1” day, November 24, they were also declared ex­ In this caricature of Leninism the Communist And why should they not speak this way? Is pelled from the Party together with comrades who knows for himself and defends his position there some secret paragraph of the statutes of the Mike Zalisko, Sidney Borgeson and Helen because he knows is thrown aside in favor of the Communist International which says that the de­ one who does not know and asks no questions. In Judd. Wholesale expulsions of other com­ cision on the Russian question is sacred and may rades in Chicago are being prepared. The such a scheme there is no recognition of the pos­ not even be discussed under penalty df expulsion, sibilities of errors and no provision for a correction Chicago membership has been profoundly' while the decision on the American question may of them. Tomorrow they w ill go a step further-—in­ shaken by these events. be opposed with impunity?' These decisions arc to deed they have already started on this path— and Comrade Swabeck, as is well known, is one a large extent bound together. For our part we are attempt to establish the same,relationship between o f the foremost American Communists. He is against both and openly say so. the Party members and the C.E.C. of the Party. one of the founders cf the Party and has been W e have no doubt that the overwhelming maj­ Then the Foster group which is now helping to es­ a member of the Central Executive Committee ority of the supporters of the Foster group-..above tablish this principle -which denies our right to cri­ ■ fc-r many years.
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