ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED NEWSPAPER Home | 2 Business | 17 Sport | 28 Ashghal hands Doha Bank Qatar’s Ogunode over 22 schools, imports record shines in 100m 11 kindergartens volumes of gold heats at World to SEC. in seven months. Championships. SUNDAY 23 AUGUST 2015 • 8 Dhul-Qa’da 1436 • Volume 20 Number 6531 www.thepeninsulaqatar.com [email protected] | [email protected] Editorial: 4455 7741 | Advertising: 4455 7837 / 4455 7780 Indian rupee Call to stop sale hits new low of Shafaf at against riyal DOHA: The Indian rupee hit a record low against the dollar- pegged Qatari riyal (QR) on petrol stations Friday, sliding to below Rs18 per riyal for the second time in two years. Foreign exchange operators, CMC concerned about public safety bankers and currency analysts in India feel the rupee may fur- DOHA: The Central Municipal The CMC panel also urged the ther weaken against the dollar. Council (CMC) has asked Woqod government not to demolish old There are others, though, who (Qatar Fuel) not to allow outlets petrol stations and build other believe that may not happen and within the premises of its petrol structures at their site. the rupee may stabilise as it had stations to store and sell cook- New petrol stations must be already tumbled enough. ing gas cylinders to ensure peo- built depending on the popula- Some say the currency may sta- ple’s safety. tion of an area, the CMC panel bilise at Rs65 to Rs65.50 per dol- Woqod, a listed entity, has a has said. lar by December-end, while others number of petrol filling and serv- For example, if one petrol sta- think it may tumble to Rs66.50 ice stations across the country tion has been planned for an area level by year-end. At Rs66.50 per and they have shops and restau- which has a large population and dollar, one Qatari riyal would fetch rants as well. it actually needs two or more A mobile phone image shows spectators at the Shoreham Air Show, in Sussex, south England, after a fighter jet Rs18.26. Yesterday, the official In some stations, there are out- petrol stations, that requirement crashed. The 1950s Hawker Hunter crashed into several cars on a nearby road exploding in a huge fireball. online rate of the riyal and rupee lets that retail the transparent should be fulfilled, reports local was Rs18.17 per riyal. However, cooking gas cylinders (Shafaf) Arabic daily Al Watan. exchange houses and banks were whose sole distributor is Woqod. The daily quoted CMC member on average offering Rs18.04. The services committee of the Saeed Mubarak Al Rashdi as say- Seven killed at British air show Some exchange houses and CMC has told Woqod to remove ing that the area of new petrol bankers here say expatriates Shafaf from those outlets warn- stations should be big and exit SHOREHAM-BY-SEA: Seven ploughed into bushes by the road- nearby, said the whole building with money, including those who ing that gas cylinders stored and entry lanes should be spa- people were killed yesterday at side. The pilot did not appear to shook. “I saw the plane going have taken bank loans, are largely and retailed by outlets within its cious enough to allow vehicles to an airshow on the English sea- deploy the ejector seat. West Sussex down,” he added. “I heard a huge holding on to cash as they expect petrol stations can be dangerous pass through easily. side when a military jet failed to Police said one casualty was in hos- bang and the glass was shaking the rupee to shed further value for people’s safety and hence the There are petrol stations with pull up out of a loop and crashed pital with serious, life-threatening and the doors were banging, the against the greenback. practice should be stopped. such narrow inlets and outlets into a busy road. injuries, while a further 14 were whole building was shaking.” The last time the rupee had “It is an unwelcome practice,” that vehicles are stuck in traffic The historic Hawker Hunter being treated for minor injuries. The second day of the airshow fallen to levels below 18 against the services panel of the public jams for hours on end, he said. aircraft, taking part in the The crash happened at around on Sunday has been cancelled. the riyal was in August-end 2013. representative body has said. Then, there are petrol stations Shoreham Air Show, hit sev- 1:20pm. The plane hit the A27, Pictures from the scene showed An exchange house was quoting Woqod has been encouraging on highways and their inlets and eral cars, creating a fireball and a major road that runs along police had cordoned off the four- Rs18.58 on August 28, 2013. That people to increasingly use the outlets are built in such a way sending thick black smoke bil- England’s southeast coast. lane dual carriageway road, with record rate is yet to be breached. transparent cylinders in place that vehicles coming out or going lowing into the sky. Eyewitness Chris Watkins said: ambulances and fire crews and According to bankers, the Indian of the metallic ones because they in can cause accident, said the Footage of the crash showed the “The Hunter came across the air- emergency service helicopters in government is not intervening to are safe. CMC member. “There is, thus, jet carrying out a loop manoeuvre field, did a turn behind us and as it attendance. Debris was visible prop up the falling rupee and is While agreeing that they are the need to review and expand the high in the air. The plane banked swooped down to do its run across across the road. Prime Minister leaving it to market forces to deter- indeed safe, the CMC stressed inlets and outlets of these petrol up steeply, turned over but did the airfield it just ploughed straight David Cameron sent his condo- mine the currency’s strength. that they must not be sold at pet- stations,” he said. not complete the loop in time to in to the road and the trees.” lences to the families of those Continued on page 4 rol stations. THE PENINSULA avoid hitting the ground. The jet Gairo Gomez, who works who died. AFP THE PENINSULA Qataris visiting Abbas quits PLO panel London ‘prefer’ stay in Mayfair ahead of internal polls RAMALLAH: Palestinian Palestinian territories and in DOHA: Most Qatari tourists President Mahmoud Abbas the diaspora. It has not met in and businessmen visiting London resigned yesterday as head of nearly 20 years. The executive prefer to stay in the upmar- the Palestine Liberation Orga- committee is the PLO’s high- ket Mayfair district in Central nisation’s Executive Committee est decision-making body and London, a media report said. in a bid to force new elections acts on behalf of Palestinians in Mayfair is famous for its elite for the top body, an official said. the occupied territories and the restaurants, shops and hotels and Wassel Abu Yussef said that diaspora, namely in the peace rents here can range in tens of more than half of the 18-mem- process with Israel. thousands of dollars a month for ber committee had also stepped In 1993, Abbas, then executive luxury apartments. Local Arabic down. committee secretary general, daily Al Watan reported yesterday “The resignation of the presi- signed the Oslo autonomy accords citing media reports that apart- dent of the executive committee on behalf of the Palestinians. ment rents in Mayfair district have Mahmud Abbas and more than Yussef said that before the been rising 7.5 percent annually. half of its members has created resignations were announced, And in the past three months, a legal vacuum, and therefore the executive committee elected there have been 40 percent more the Palestine National Council chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb enquiries about apartments avail- A policeman chases migrants who crossed Greece’s border into Macedonia near Gevgelija yesterday. has been asked to meet in one Erakat as its secretary general. able on rent than in the same month to elect a new executive That move came after Abbas period a year ago. Most Qatari committee,” Yussef said. suspended another key member, tourists and businessmen prefer Migrants storm across Macedonia Yussef added, however, that Yasser Abed Rabbo, as secretary to live in these upmarket quarters the resignations will take effect general. It was not immediately of London, said Al Watan. only when the PNC meets. The clear why Abed Rabbo, a veteran THE PENINSULA GEVGELIJA: Thousands of squeezed the migrants toward the chaos and desperately called PNC, or Palestinian parliament, PLO figure, had been sidelined. rain-soaked migrants yester- the shielded police wall. Many out for “mama, baba!” has 740 members who live in the AFP day rushed past Macedonian women, at least one pregnant, It was the second day of clashes India-Pakistan riot police who were attempt- and children fell to the ground, between the migrants and baton- ing to block them from entering apparently fainting after squeez- wielding police who are attempt- talks collapse Macedonia from Greece. Police ing past the cordon. ing to block them from heading fired stun grenades and dozens Then thousands of others, toward the European Union. NEW DELHI/ISLAMABAD: of people were injured in the including women with babies Both Greece and Macedonia Al Qaeda seizes key Aden areas Peace talks between India and border clashes. and men carrying small children, have seen an unprecedented wave Pakistan collapsed yesterday By the end of the day, every- grabbed their chance to climb of migrants this year, most fleeing SANA’A: Al Qaeda militants have seized control of key areas in hours before they were sched- one got across, including several over razor wire or run across a wars in Syria, Afghanistan or Iraq.
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