scale the Knox Di- WHEELER IS HIGHEST While many unexpected things can LEASERS REFUSE TO SEND fortunes from Montana production, I men the old and The Record-Courier MOUNTAIN IN NEVADA If your watch is not correct happen In the course of one year to ORE TO MILLS WITH >EW SCALE took another view, and are reported vide never lost a shift at its Klondyke makes watch time BERT SELKIRK an- the as the old He your keep change the best laid plans, it la to have said they would not ship to property during strike, Owner and Publisher is the busi- threatens scale was retained there. The Knox Wheeler peak highest point nounced at this time by leading The situation at Tonopah any mill paying the new scale. This In Nevada. to a map of this town a Is In sinking, According pub- Year ness men that gigantic to become further by ap- brought about an impasse which engaged developing, Take it to‘Beck’ Subscription Rate_$3.00 per complicated United States celebration will be held and In solid ore so lished by the geological Fourth of July parent reluctance on the part of leas- could be dissolved by the MacNamara wlnzlng, drifting and of the Interior, WORK AND Published every Friday morning in In 1922. that the has reached a survey, department AIX GUARANTEED Gardnervllle ers in the district to ship their ores paying the old scale, as the leasers production entered at the Gardnerville, Nevada, this mountain stands 13,058 feet above Not one new building has been state where the workings are conges- DELIVERED PROMPTLY at second class matter. to mills operating under the reduced were perfectly willing to stand for an postoffice mall sea level. The average elevation of erected in Gardnervllle in the ted and the surface Is covered with past wage scale, according to advices re- increase in the treatment charges to the state of Nevada Is 5500 feet. and while several ore around the shaft. Only CARL P. BECHTEL ADVKBT1S1NO BATES eighteen months, ceived by the Reno Gazette from Nye absorb the increased cost, it was re- shipping four states—Utah, Mexico, Colorado. 16c new homes are under contemplation, county. ported. The leasers also are quoted Display advertising, per inch, per a average al- -At Dempsters- no Wyoming—have higher issue; single insertions 30 cents per it seems quite probable that Over 2000 tons of ore is held at as saying that a custom mill has no Attention has been invited to the inch. All will this titude. G&rdnedtllle Nevada advertising be charged building will be done here year Klondyke for shipment, but it Is excuse for Insisting on lower wages fact that the wheels of vehicles intend- for by the week, not by the month. ma- because of the uncertain price of claimed by the mine workers that none since the cost of all milling supplies ed for drlvtug-roads have not kept of the terials. It is declared that are IJfe is too short for most WILL IT HELP! prices of the companies will send ore to a have declined. The MacNamara is pace In development with other parts long speeches. expected to reach a lower level next ore and It has been advocated that as an mill that does not have the approval treating Divide Extension may of carriage mechanism. Experiments when a revival of building will aid of con- spring of their men. secure some shipments from (JoldfieUl with heavy vehicles indicate that to irrigation, a committee A woman lead a man astray, be resumed. may be sent West to first- The leasers operating In the Mon- ores, which are not ameanable to the wheels should be made both higher OS. H ermes gressmen get but she never has to pull him. hand knowledge of the possibilities tana have shipped most of their ore cyanide process installed in Tonopah and broader. In England it has been After getting a first-hand glimpse that exist through storage irrigation to the MacNamara mill, and that com- without being mixed with a consider- recommended that with a maximum of thrills that enter into the lives the there would not be able of ores. C. E. of the width of projects financed by the federal gov- pany thought any quantity Tonopah axle load eight tons, some of the local en- Painter and of racing drivers, trouble in their bins with Mon- Knox, of the Montana To- tire should be about inches. In- ernment The plan, no doubt, is a filling president 10t4 thusiasts who believed themselves tana as it was the leas- and the Knox Divide, take crease of the diameter of the wheel is good one, but the results wholly de- ore, supposed nopah may REPAIRING to a car in a road race Decorator qualified pilot ers would be to resume a hand in about an under- in pend upon the type of men that willing ship- bringing said to be more effective preventing WATCHES, CLOCKS A*D com-1 was held last have de- such as week, The between road-beds width of pose the committee. ments without delay. leasers, standing the milling company damage to than JEWELRY REPAIRING Special attention giver to high, rather enter cided that they would most of whom have and leasers. their Some ten years ago, a committee of made good-sized the The latter pay tire.. All Werk GiitruM class Painting and Decorative the ring with Dempsey and stop a congressmen came West on a similar EXPERT ENGRAVING Paperhanging right-hand punch; provided, that a mission, and during their tour the Mall-orders attended to their share of the spoils would aggre- promptly DESIGNS MADE OS BEQUEST congressmen viBited Carson Valley to gate the amount received by Carpen- Room 6 Imelll Bldg. view a project that has been talked tier for his twelve minutes of fight- of ever since William Stewart served Fred Kolster ing last Saturday. this state as United States Senator. CARSON CITY, NEVADA The visiting congressmen were given Next to Western Union If there are those in this county who; a grand reception at and Hg8DBMHlMIKBP<MWaBBWWSIW8WMBIB> Mihden, want to mix in any of the fifty-seven later were taken on a tour of Caron varieties of European controversy and Valley. had They ample opportunity attendant bloodshed. It would be ESSEX WINS Shoes to observe what had been accom- cheaper for the United States govern- The plished in an agricultural way in this ment to pay their passage to Europe valley, and what could be done through than to let them remain here and try Nevada Cleaners COMPLETE STOC K OF FISK the aid of a great storage system. to get 110,000,000 other Americans In F. S. OLIVER, Prop. SHOES FOR MEM, HOMES visited other sections where They trouble. ASD CHILDKES. EVERY. equal possibilities revealed themselves, Room 214 Bank Building THISG SEW AMD STRICTLY but nothing that they saw convinced car Phone MO UP-TO-DATE A Nevada was defeats motorist stopped oy them that the West was to Sturdy light entitled police in San Francisco not less than A Kent Reno Troy Laundry some consideration front the federal three times in one day recently and LEAVE SUITS AT government. UAKDMKKVILLK SHOE STORK aBked to show his registration card, ART NELSON HARDER SHOP For the most part the committee Ole}' 0. Ilougm-r, which is as plain as a one-piece bath- all in its class Prop. was made up of congressmen from competitors MINDEN, NEVADA ing suit that you will meet trouble Gardnervllle Nevada states east of the Mississippi, and in California If you fall to carry your trend of events proved that they were Nevada registration card with you. not open to conviction; at least ever resulted from their west- nothing Ninety thousand people paid $1,- Runs second to an automobile ern tour in the interest of irrigation. only 600,000 to see Dempsey and Carpen- No state in the West offers more op- tier fight for twelve minutes, which portunities from storage Irrigation indicates that hard times have passed costing $5,000 than does Nevada. Irrigation projects and that the country is fast returning Hobart Estate Co. must be financed by the federal or to normalcy. state government, later to be reim- NEVADA bursed by the landholders, themselves. Once more has the ear holding tlie transcontinental and the world’s MINDEN. WORK (JOES AHEAD STEADILY But until the State of Nevada takes endurance records shown the and the stamina that have made If IN FALLON OIL FIELDS speed hold of this great problem and shows famous. Its tfcne for the Nevada Classic desert road race of 1,1116 miles over its sincerity in the great undertak- course marked every natural testing the of a Fallon oil field activities of the by obstacle, dependability motor ing, we can hope for very little help car, was but SI hours, .VI minutes seconds. moment are full of potent. Receding Lumber from congress, and the visitations of finance and country-wide pessimism congressmen will count for naught. Considered from the of this have no effect on the morale of the every viewpoint, performance ESSEX, with stock chassis, especially in comparison with that of the la men who are busied with drilling en- rife, costly, car, Wood MOKE DESTBUUTIVE equipped with a special racinir was remarkable, For the terprises, and every day brings new body, truly THAN WAK thousandth time It has itself to be the world’s llirht car. And subjects for discussion and new aug- proved premier a what this ESSEX did any ESSEX will do.
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