Everglades NATIONAL PARK . FLORIDA Everglades Na tionalPark was established in 1947 BOATING guide, and navigational charts of the area are to protect for this and future generations a indispensible. Before starting out in your private sprawling subtropical wilderness—a complex Boats up to 100 feet long can be accommodated boat, file a "float plan" of your proposed trip- of unique plant-and-animal communities threat­ at Flamingo marina. Parking for boat trailers is then you can be assured that a park ranger will ened with destruction. Some of the habitats, ample, and a free launching ramp is nearby. Slip be looking for you if you get into difficulty. such as the everglades themselves, and some fees for boat storage are based on the length of oftheanimals — crocodile, manatee, roseate the boat. Small powered skiffs can be rented at Privately operated airboats and 'glades buggies spoonbill, reddish egret, white ibis Ireally a the service store. A park ranger or one of the are not permitted in the park. stork), and bald eagle—are rare or unseen else­ concessioner employees can give you full infor­ where in the United States. Among other in­ mation about the many other services offered. You can help protect the park by reporting to habitants are the alligator, snook, tarpon, pink Please register on the sign-out sheet near the park rangers any fires, accidents, violations, or shrimp, royal palm, mahogany, and the man­ boat ramp or with the park ranger on duty before other unusual happening. The rangers are here grove. This great biological exhibit in an aquatic you leave, and check in again when you return. to help you enjoy the area. Do not hesitate to setting provides a dramatic display of nature ask their assistance. in unspolied surroundings and gives us the Marinefacilities are also available at the town of opportunity to experience authentic wilderness. Everglades. Navigational charts can be pur­ ADMINISTRATION Here man will forever be able to find a precious chased in Homestead, Miami, the town of Ever­ solitude in the peaceful magic of nature. glades, and the Flamingo marina store. Everglades National Park is administered by the National Park Service, U.S. Department of the HOW TO ENJOY THE PARK GOOD PARK MANNERS Interior. Your first stop should be the visitor center near Please help protect the park's natural values by The National Park System, of which this park is the park entrance, on Fla. 27 not far from Home­ leaving the plants and animals undisturbed so a unit, is dedicated to conserving the natural, stead. The landscapes of Everglades National that others who come after youmayenjoy them. historical, and recreational places of the United Park will be more meaningful to you after you Practicing good outdoor manners, such as put­ States for the benefit and enjoyment of all the have learned how the land was formed, why ting litter in trash receptacles and observing people. vaiHCn=i • »uvd IVNOIIVN plants grow where they do, and something of the rules of safety and courtesy, will make your the wild creatures that make their homes here. visit much more enjoyable—for you and for A superintendent, with offices adjacent to the sape|6j9Ag You can learn these things and more from park others. main visitor center, is in immediate charge of personnel, exhibits, informational publications, the park. For further information, contact the and the film programs. After your stop at the Plants and Animals. Years of protection have Superintendent. Everglades National Park, visitor center, you will be prepared for a leisure­ made many animals lose their fear of man; thus Box 279, Homestead, Fla. 33030. ly drive through the park to Flamingo. you can view them at close range. They are still wild, however. Do not disturb the animals, or THE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR the Na­ CAMPING damage, remove, or disturb the plants in any way. tion's principal natural resource agency—has a special obligation to assure that our expendable Campsites are available at Long Pine Key or Hunting or the use of firearms is prohibited. resources are conserved, that our renewable Flamingo Campgrounds on a first-come, first- resources are managed to produce optimum served basis. Stay is limited to 14 days per year. Fishing is permitted in most areas of the park benefits, and that all resources contribute to the Drinking fountains, tables, charcoal burners, in accordance with Florida laws. Fresh-water progress and prosperity of the United States, and restrooms are available at both camp­ fishing with rod and reel requires a Florida fish­ now and in the future. grounds. Housetrailers are permitted in the ing license, but no license is required for fishing campgrounds; however, there are no water, in salt water. Ask a park ranger or watch for signs electrical, or sewage "hook-ups" for trailer use about the few areas that are closed to fishing. (deposit sewage at Flamingo). Fire sweeping across the 'glades can be a terri­ The Long Pine Key Picnic Area and Campground fying and destructive force. Smoking is not per­ is 6 miles from the park entrance, and you will mitted on nature trails, and campfires may be have to bring all supplies except water. (Sup­ built only in designated camping areas. plies can be purchased in Homestead and Florida City or other nearby towns.) Flamingo Camp­ Maximum speed on the park road is 45 miles ground, in the Flamingo developed area, offers per hour. Reduced speed limits are posted. Drive picnic and campground facilities. Limited staple slowly; the road is designed for enjoying the groceries are available at the Flamingo Marina. scenery leisurely. You may also camp on the beaches or in the back Pets must be on a leash or under other restric­ country at designated locations, but you must tive control. first obtain a campfire permit at park headquar­ ters or a ranger station. Boating. Visitors who explore the park by boat must know and practice water-safety rules and Long Pine Key campers should have their mail must have a keen awareness of potential dangers. addressed to General Delivery at either Home­ Every boat must be equipped with a U.S. Coast U. S. Department of the Interior stead or Florida City, Fla. 33030. Other visitors Guard-approved lifejacket for each passenger. National Park Service may receive mail at the Flamingo post office. Remember: You are safest with an experienced ALONG THE PARK ROAD the motor lodge. Make reservations well in ad­ rookery. Signs give point and times of departure that seemingly endless "River of Grass" is with­ 12.5 Pa-hay-okee — boardwalk and tower for vance. Rates a re lower from May 1 to December 1. for the boat trips, or you can get this and other out equal, and the tower is often a good place panoramic view. Remember you're at the fringe of the tropics information at the Gulf Coast Ranger Station. from which to observe alligators, birds, and 1 9.5 Mahogany Hammock—elevated boardwalk where you will see many tropical influences. other wildlife. Note: This road may be closed to into mahogany forest. THE TAMIAMI TRAIL AND Park facilities for visitors at the town of Ever­ public traffic during periods of high water. Con­ 24.5 Paurotis Pond— parking for view of rare It is possible to make this 38 miles trip over the THE WESTERN WATER GATEWAY glades are not yet completed, but motels are tact a park ranger for information. palms. paved road in less than an hour; but don't do it. available; for campers, the nearest sites are at 26.5 Nine Mile Pond— limited picnicking facil­ You should allow yourself at least one-half day Two other centers of interest are the Western Collier-Seminole State Park, 19 miles west of ON THE FLAMINGO ROAD ities. to become acquainted with some of the attrac­ Water Gateway, at the town of Everglades, and the town of Everglades on the Tamiami Trail. 30.5 West Lake area: Mangrove Trail -an elev at - tions along the way. Take time to explore the the Shark Valley Trail, midway between Ever­ Miles ed boardwalk into tropical mangrove ends of the short spur roads —Royal Palm, Pa- glades and Miami on the Tamiami Trail (U.S. 41). In contrast to the waterways through the coastal 2 Royal Palm Area: Royal Palm Visitor swamp; West Lake Pond— Cuthbert rook­ hay- okee. Mahogany Hammock, and others. mangrove jungles, the Shark Valley Loop Road Center— naturalist programs, restrooms; ery boattrip (from February to May); water­ The Western Water Gateway is the boater's provides an altogether different wilderness ex­ Anhinga Trail— a wildlifetrailiGumbo Limbo fowl. Excellent example of hurricane- damaged tropical vegetation. Just 2 miles from the main visitor center, a sign entrance to the waters of the Ten Thousand perience. The road is 14 miles long, cutting Trail—a jungle trail through tropical hard­ directsyouto Royal Palm Hammock, on Paradise Islands and the gulf coast—a mecca for sport deeply into the sawgrass and hammock country wood hammock. 38 Flamingo area: Exhibits, naturalist pro­ Key. This area, famed for its animal life and rich fishermen. A park concessioner also operates of the true everglades. Leave your car at one 4 Long Pine Key area: Campground; picnic grams, marina, sightseeing boats, restau­ variety of tropical plants, was the site of Florida's sightseeing boats here —one fascinating journey of the several parking areas, visit the Otter Cave area. rant, motel, service station, picnic area, first State Park. The Royal Palm interpretive leads to shell mounds built by the Calusa Indians Trail and, of course, climb the ramp of the 40-foot 6.5 Pineland Trail—a pinewoods community campground.
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