The Architectural History of the Illyrian-Hungarian College in Bologna

The Architectural History of the Illyrian-Hungarian College in Bologna

RIHA Journal 0205 | 25 February 2019 The Architectural History of the Illyrian-Hungarian College in Bologna Danko Šourek Abstract In 1556, a house in Bologna, in via Cen o re!en o, was bough by he #e#bers o$ he Illyrian%Hungarian College o serve as &er#anen sea o$ he ins i u ion $oun'e' in 1553. A$ er a series o$ lesser in erven ions, his buil'ing was !onsi'erably enlarge' an' horoughly re#o'elle' $ro# 1690 o 1701. +he au hor o$ his &ro,e! was Bolognese ar!hi e! -iovanni Ba is a +orri, who base' he 'esign on he #o'el o$ he $a#ous Collegio 'i .&agna, buil in he sa#e universi y own #ore han hree !en uries earlier (1365-1367). +his ar i!le is he 1rs o inves iga e he ar!hi e! ural his ory o$ he Illyrian%Hungarian College by 'rawing on a large bo'y o$ ar!hival do!u#en s) Contents Illyrians an' Hungarians in Bologna 2#bellish#en s in the Seven een h Cen ury +he New Buil'ing by Giovanni Ba is a Torri +he Ar!hi e! ural For# o$ the New Illyrian%Hungarian College Illyrians an' Hungarians in Bologna 415 +he Illyrian%Hungarian College /Collegiu# Hungari!u# e Illyri!u# 6 Illyri!u# e Hungari!u#0 in Bologna &ersis e' $ro# 1553 o 1781 un'er he &a ronage o$ he 8agreb !a he'ral !ha& er)1 I was $oun'e' by 9avao 8on'in /9aulus 8on'inus), a !anon o$ 8agreb an' 2s: ergo# !a he'rals an' honorary bisho& o$ Risan /Risinu#), an' i was in en'e' as a resi'en!e $or Croa ian an' Hungarian s u'en s $ro# he 'io!ese o$ 8agreb an' he his ori!al region o$ .lavonia) Al hough ini ially an e;ual nu#ber o$ s u'en s $ro# bo h na ions, he Hungarian an' he Croa ian, was o bene1 $ro# his $oun'a ion, sin!e he la e 17 h !en ury he #a,ori y o$ s u'en s were Croa s) +he !ollege e'i1!e in via Cen o re!en o 4, buil be ween 1690 an' 1702, s ill exis s o'ay) A$ er i was sol' in 1782, i su!!essively $un! ione' as a nunnery an' a &rison, an' even ually, $ro# he 1820s onwar's, i has been serving he Collegio >en uroli, an ins i u ion "hi!h o 1 This resear!h "as carrie' ou "i hin he &ro,e! ?>isuali:ing 3a ionhoo'@ he .chiavoni6Illyrian Con$ra erni ies an' Colleges in I aly an' he Ar isti! 2=change "i h .ou h%2ast 2uro&e / 15 h –17 h !)0?, $un'e' by he Croa ian .cience Foun'a ion (Hrva ska :akla'a :a :nanost, HR880) RIHA Journal 0205 | 25 February 2019 his 'ay (as Fon'a:ione Collegio Ar is i!o >en uroli0 &rovi'es a!!o#o'a ion $or young Bolognese ar is s (Fig. 1). 1 Bologna, Collegio >en uroli, e=-Collegio Illiri!o%Cngarico, $aDa'e on via Cen o recen o, 1690-1*02, archi e! @ -iovanni Ba ista +orri /&ho ogra&h@ au hor, 20170 425 +he #os !o#&rehensive s!holarly a!!oun o$ he !ollege’s his ory is o be $oun' in an un&ublishe' manus!ri& by the Zagreb his orian Ka#ilo GoHBal (1879% 1963): Collegiu# Cngari!o%Illyri!u# Bononiae 1553 $un'a u#)2 +his, oge her "i h he in ro'u! ory e= s in he #onogra&h Annali 'el Collegio Cngaro%Illiri!o 'i Bologna (1988),( whi!h also !on ains a rans!ri& ion o$ he han'wri en re&or s o$ he !ollege’s re! ors /Chronologia illus rissi#i Collegii Illyri!o%Hungari!i Bononiae $un'a i), &rovi'e a general insigh in o he his ory o$ he !ollege) +he #os signi1!an &ar o$ he ar is i! heri age o$ he !ollege, he wall &ain ing in he re$e! ory whi!h was !arrie' ou by Bolognese &ain er -ioa!!hino 9i::oli in 1700, was analyse' in a re!en s u'y by Ganiel 9re#erl (2014).< +he e'i1!e i sel$, 2 Fa#ilo DoHBal, Collegiu# Cngari!o-Illyricu# Bononiae 155( $un'a u#, #s., 8agreb, Archie&isco&al Ar!hives (hereina$ er abbrevia e' o 3A80, IstavJ ina Fa#ila DoHBala 17) ( -ian 9aolo Bri::i, ?Il Collegio e la ci K) Cngheresi e Croa i nella ci K 'egli stu'i?L Da#ir Barbarić, ?Il Collegio Cngaro%Illirico 'i Bologna nella storia cul urale 'ella Croa:ia?L 9N er .OrBP:y, ?Il ruolo 'ellQ Cniversi K 'i Bologna e 'el Collegio Cngaro-Illirico nella storia cul urale ungherese?, in@ Annali 'el Collegio Cngaro%Illirico 'i Bologna 155(-1*<6, e's. 9aolo Bri::i an' Raria Suisa Accorsi, Bologna 1977, =v%==ivL ==v%=liL =lii-l=iii) .ee also@ -iulio -en ili, ?Il Collegio Cngaro-Illirico in Bologna?, in@ . renna . orica Bolognese (9 /1979), 171-19<) < Daniel 9re#erl, Bolon,sBe sliBe hrva sBe &ovi,esti A &oli iHBa iBonogra1,a :i'nih sliBa u Ilirsko-ugarsBo# Bolegi,u u Bolon,i [I#ages o$ Croa ian History in Bologna A The 9oli ical Iconogra&hy o$ he Tall 9ain ings in he Illyrian%Hungarian College in Bologna], 8agreb RIHA Journal 0205 | 25 February 2019 however, was no horoughly s u'ie', an' his ar i!le a e#& s o re!ons ru! i s buil'ing his ory an' o e=&lain i s s&e!i1! $or#, ha urns ou o be 1r#ly roo e' in the Bolognese ar!hi e! ural tra'i ion. 4(5 Fro# he 13 h !en ury onwar's, Bologna was one o$ he #os i#&or an I alian an' 2uro&ean universi y owns) +here exis e' over wen y !olleges o a!!o##o'a e s u'en s)5 .o#e o$ he# were shor %live', "hils o hers su!h as he Collegio 'i .an Cle#en e /Collegio 'i .&agna0 an' he Collegio Ja!obs /Collegio 'ei Fia##inghi0 s ill &ersis o'ay) +he #a& o$ Bologna by -regorio Ronari an' An onio Alessan'ro .!arselli $ro# 1745 $ea ures eleven !olleges, #os ly lo!a e' in he 'ensely buil %u& !en re o$ he !i y)6 +he #a,ori y o$ Bologna’s !olleges was es ablishe' 'uring he 16 h an' 17 h !en uries@ +here are hir een $oun'a ions o be nu#bere' $ro# ha &erio', a#ong whi!h he Illyrian% Hungarian College)* A #a,or &ur&ose o$ heir es ablish#en was o $os er he !ul ural an' e'u!a ional &oli i!s o$ he 9os %+ri'en ine Chur!h) Fur her#ore, !onsi'ering he s&e!i1! #o ives un'erlying he $oun'a ion o$ he Illyrian% Hungarian as well as he Fle#ish College /whi!h was es ablishe' in Bologna in 1650 by he gol's#i h Johann Ja!obs $ro# Brussels who ha' se le' in he own), -ian 9aolo Bri::i e#&hasises ha bo h, he $oun'ers an' he s u'en s o$ hese wo !olleges, !a#e $ro# bor'ering regions in 'ire! !on a! wi h 9ro es an is# res&e! ively wi h he Rusli# $ai h) +here$ore, heir goal was o $or# an eli e !lass un$ailingly fai h$ul to the Chur!h o$ Ro#e)7 201<) 5 -ian 9aolo Bri::i, ?I collegi &er borsisti e lo . u'io bolognese) Cara eri e' evolu:ione 'i unQisti u:ione e'uca ivo-assisten:iale ra UIII e U>III secolo?, in@ . u'ie e #e#orie &er la storia 'ellQ Cniversi K 'i Bologna, nuova serie, < (197<0, 1A176@ 51) Bri::i lists 21 colleges, e=clu'ing fve analogous insti u ions $oun'e' by he Jesui s 'uring he 16 h cen ury) .ee also@ -herar'o Forni, I collegi 'egli scolari nello . u'io 'i Bologna nel &assa o, nel &resen e e nellQavvenire, Bologna 1956L Richael Fiene, ?SQarchi e ura 'el Collegio 'i .&agna 'i Bologna@ Irgani::a:ione 'ello spa:io e infussi sullQe'ili:ia universi aria euro&ea?, in@ Il Carrobbio 9 (197(0, 2(<–2<2@ 2(<, no e 1L Richael Fiene, ?8u# ar!hi eB onischen .elbstverstWn'nis 'es universi Wren -elehr enstan'es i# .ei% .e e!en o a# Beispiel 'es Collegio Jacobs in Bologna?, in@ Bulle in 'e lQInsti u histori;ue Belge 'e Ro#e 5(65< /197(6197<), 1**–191@ 170, no e 16) 6 -regorio Ronari /'is.0 an' An onio Alessan'ro .carselli /in!)), Ci K 'i Bologna &osta in &ian a in esa a #isura con la 'istin:ione 'e &or ici che sono in essa, 1*5<, 791 = 10<9 ## (902 = 105< ##0L h &@66ba'igi )co#une)bologna)i 6#a&&e6*56library)h #l (accesse' 22 January 20170) The #a&Qs legen' /?+avola o sia Descri:ione 'i u e le Chiese, Conven i, 9arrocchie, Runisteri,, Co#&agnie, Ira ori,, Ispi ali e Suoghi 9i,?0 lists he $ollo"ing colleges: 'egli >ngari (2000L Ancarani (2010L Ferrerio o 9ie#on ese /2020L 'i .&agna (20(0L Su!hese (20<0L 9anolini (2060L Co##elli /20*0L Fia#ingo (2070L 'e 3obili 'i .) Fran[ces]co .averio /2090L 'el B) Suigi /2100L Ron QAl o 'e Rar!higiani /2110L Dosio /2120) * Those colleges "ere@ Ferrero (15<10L 9oe i /15510L Cngaro%Illirico /155(0L 9anolini /15750L Ron al o /15760L .inibal'i (16050L 9allan ieri (16100L Dosi (16190L Jacobs (16500L Co#elli /166() an' 'el .ole (16790) Bri::i, ?I collegi &er borsisti e lo .

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