• 7 / PEroAY, SEPTEMBER 14,19«f PAGE TWENTY ATOragd Daily N et Presa Ron The Weather For the Wbek Knde# Foreoest of t , 8, Weather BureMi AFS Proposes Main Str#at, ManieKfstar Phena Ml 1-4123 September INS , ' About T own Wa' That Baton Fkir, eool tonight.. Ixnr se to H except 4e to M in vnliey nrene. The president and the aecr^ Second Student 13,611 The Zlpecr Club will- hold Its flundny partly inniiy, tittle tem­ tary of the Manchester Civic Member of the Audit iiionlhly mpeting Sifoday. The Orchestra are political act- Visit Overseas perature change. High 75 to M. bo»rd’ of directors will meet at Bureun of dreulatlou Mancheiter-~—A City of Village Charm 2:30 p.m. and the membership at Atty. Paul Groobert, the SjOrt. MOThprs are |yminded to president, and Mrs. Elizabeth The Manchester American Field linte the^chang'e from 'Saturday to Brown, secretary, are Demo­ Service Cofnmittee plans to send YOL. LXXXI, NO. 294 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEBIBER 15, 1962 (CieeeWled Adverttolng’'" eii Fage B) PRICE FIVE CENTS Sunday. '. crats running for state legisla­ another Manchester High School extra tive seats in their respective student overseas in the Americans .'Sunset Rebekah Ix>dge, lOOF, towns of Manchester and Glas­ will meet Monday at 8 p.m. at Odd Abroad program' next summer. tonbury. William Whitesell, u MHS senior, Frilows Hall. Officers will rehearse But who calls the tune? Trade Bill Unions Dispute Date a marching ceremony. Mrs. Wil­ llvejd in the Philippinejr this sum­ control, i^tate News Conductor John Gruber. mer as a participant in the pro­ liam Prentice and committee will He's a Republican, serve refreshments. Members are gram. reminded to bring vacation pack­ Giry BiigU,. chairman of the Grace Group of C»hter Congre­ cofnmittee, said interested MHS F ig h t S e t Brazilian Congress B oundup ages to the meeting. • , gational Church will meet Mondai^ juniors will be interviewed next extra Health Chiefs The Polish National Alliance, at 6:30 p.m. in the Robbins Room month by the’ committee. In Jan­ Croup 1088. will meet tomorrow of the church. Members are re­ uary, the committee will launch In S en a te night at fi at 77 North St. minded to bring a dish for the pot- a drive to raise about $700 to pay i i Schedules Plebiscite Probate luck. Mrs. Victor Herring is lead- half the cost of the program. • EASy FREE PARKING at raar of stora Mrs. Richard Chapman, 225 Hol­ The rest of the total $1,200 Ills! value WASHINGTON (AP) — Under ArreH^ lister St.. ancLMrs. M'alter Doherty, needed for the program must be President Kennedy's trade ex­ 120 Tanner .'ll., will be hostesses raised within the high school. B R A S IL IA (A P ) — T h efB «»U under a parliamentary ay- Anthony D. .Lupacchino, son of pansion bill, carrying unprece­ stem of government. As Em bezzler^ from y untiro p.m. Sunday at the Mrs. Mary Lupacchlno'' of 1.52 Bogli said the committee even­ Chamber of Deputies eased tually plans to have a Manchester dented tariff-cutting powers Since tten Goulart haa won Put 71 Junior Museum. Chestnut St., left yesterday morn­ UseX of ■rL Brazil’s political crisis today over many moderates and haa re­ ing from Idlewild for a brief tour student live for a year as an ex­ to deal with the European DEEP {RIVER (AP) — change student, instead of as an fashion news by backing a plebiscite for placed oppoeiUon military leeulere of Europe, Common Market, has emerged Town Counsel Edward A. Americans Abroad summer visi­ next January on whether to with hia own men.' unscathed from the Senate Fi­ In recent months Goulart haa Stoll, who is also Deep River’s Manchester Barracks. Veterans tor. Last year, the AFS brought give executive powers to the ps/^D BETTER ' N the softer, been carrying o a a nuining batUe probate judge, has been ar- of World War I and Auxiliary, will Miss Hiroko Nogami to Manches­ nance Committee. Statement Opponents' said today they figurehead office of President with the conservaUye-dominated r v I K REPAIRS meet for the first /time this season ter from Tokyo, and this year. rested on embezzlement Miss .Karin Jan.ssen from Sweden would take their fight to the Sen- Joao Goulart. Congress. He has demanded ex­ charges. We will fi\ your luggage Sunday at 2 p.m. ,at the VFW, ladylike look! ecutive powers, complaining that is staying here. ..ate floor when debate begins on The vote on the bill which seta Stoll, 47, was taken into cus­ and hags. Shoes made long­ Home. A (;Jasa of candidates for the plebiscite for Jan. .6 was 169- he lacks authority to meet social er or wider. We feature Monday *and akrive to write in tody on a Superior Court bench membership 'vill be guests. Plans 83—live over the majority re­ and economic problems. Due This "Shoe Repairing of the Bet­ protectionist provisions as well as warrant yesterday on one count of for a national convention in Buffa­ knock out part of the far-reaching quired. The measure already has Gen. Artur Costa Silva, com-' ter Kind!” ' lo, N.Y., Sept. 23 to 26, will be dis- embezzlement and one of embez­ authority. been approved by the Senate. mandei of the 4th Army in Bra zlement by agent. The charges Open Monday— Closed Wed. cu.ssed. Trirot Bra hy jwmfit But free trade advocates were The action apparenUy lessened zU’s poverty-stricken . northeast —— a stem from alleged shortages in Jubilant qyer the committee's the threat of mUitgry intervention area, put his troops on alert Frl accounts in his car*. 4fteriio6n Members of the American Le- votes, which constituted an un­ in Latin Am erica's largest nation, day because of the strike. The 2nd i gion Auxiliary will attend the Joint He posted bond o t $5,000. SAM YU LYES broken string of administration which has' been without -e gov­ Army in Sao' Paolo was ordered The Middlesex County Bar As­ 1 installation of bfficers of McKin- * 5 ^ More feminine, more netural it "the" fashion victories. They said they now are to stand by for an alert. WASHINGTON (A^)—An 58 OAK STREET ernment since Prime Minister sociation Grievance Committee I ney-King Post and unit tonight at nCK-UPhDiUVfRY confident of similar success on Francisco Brochado da Rocha and Gov. Carlos Lacerda of Rio de had initiated disbarment proceed­ advisory committee td^N.the Same Side As Watkins I 8 at Faith Congregational Church, line fhat'e newest— and nicest! Here, a bre Janeiro, a bitter political foe of Our Specialty Is: the floor. his,cabinet resigned Friday over ings against Stoll befora. his ar­ Public Health Service met N. Main St., Hartford. that complements this naturally elegant 'The committee approved the the plebiscite issue. the president, ordered out 6,000 rest. “ Wall to Wall Cleaning” police to ,meet possible disorders. day to decide whether the Sa- \ look. Feels like finest lingerie (silky, luxurious bill 17-0 Friday, but this surpris­ The nation was atill confronted MANCHESTER ing tally did not reflect the true Effects of the strike were wide­ bin oral polio vaccine should and BELMONT "Satin-Glo" fabric)! Shapes subtly but by a general strike, taut Goulart spread. Airline flights were ' de­ Fire Destroys Truck lineup. was reported ready to fly, to Rio still be used in mass immuni­ Rug Cleaning Company surely the look you want (Formfit shapelier On key votes the administration layed or halted in Rio de Janeiro. ASHFORD (A P ) — A targe zation programs. IS Hannaway St. de Janeiro to try to persuade In the big coffee port at Ssuitos, FREE PITRNELL PARKING had the support of nine Dem­ labor leaders to call it off. traotor-trailer truck burned to the Surgeon General Luther L. Manchester design)! Z I P ^ B R I O ocrats, a bare majority of the 17 transportaUon, uUIlUes, factories bare chassis on the Wilbur Cross Phone M l 3-0012 members, against a coalition of Leaders of the strike — involving and dock operations were af­ Highway (Route 15) early today. Terry is expected to mak* 2,000 unions claiming 12 million White only. A32 to CJ38. Democrats and Republicans. fected. State Trooper Richard Titus public the committee’s recom­ SKIPPIES Several of the senators who par­ workers — have insisted that the Bank employes -struck in Bahia said the truck, westbound, on the mendation this afternoon.' ticipated in the unanimous vote to plebiscite be held Oct. 7, samb in northeast Brazil. Sao Paolo, i express highway, blew a rear Ure date as the congressional elec­ The meeUng, originally sche<)- \ ' $ '3 , 9 5 - send the legislaUon to the floor city of 4 million already experi­ and friction set the tire afire be­ uled for Sept. 27, was moved up reserved the right to back amend­ tions. encing a shortage of combustibles, fore the driver, 42-year-oId Albert DEPARTMENT Brochado da Rocha'a failure to hurriedly after Canadian official* FURNITURE . ^ itewestl ments there. was faced with a shutdown pf its M. Goodwin of Rochester, N, H,, reported four cases of paralytic win approval of this date led to hia Just Arrived! IT’S THATy^ FORMFIT FEELING! Both friends and foes of the many industries. oould stop the heavy vehicle. polio among the four million per­ bill agreed it is the most revolu- resignation Friday after two In Washington, the White House The flames spread rapidly montha in office.
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