• \' .. ,,~ VlIJ:l:t:1 "000 I Help.9:ur:<?9,l?:P:fclt~~~/E!~vide. mas , 0 DI Qhrlst " .... 7>' III ... }~ <~ ... :>.,C'" ,,< -;,.., > ... '"' '>10' ~ "".--:/ {'l' ./", l' /~ • , ~ :3 Illb:l~ 0 .... o:3Vl , a. 0 r+1t):3 • , CI' '< • 1&.ecorb ....~ • WAYNE COUNTY'S OLDEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER ••.ESTABUSHED 1869 \-- Vol. 116, No. 22, Three Sections. 36 Pages, Plus Supplements WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 5. 1984-NORTHVILLE. MICHIGAN TH\ ~---- " .Ii ..................•.•..••.......•.•................•.•....•......•.....•..I •State to sell surplus Plymouth Center land ByKEVINwn.soN tlon, which must be approved by both for sale. Resources (MDNR) currently leases the area." Detroit Mayor Coleman Young reVived: houses of the legislature before taking The department of mental health office SP8ce in DMH buildings located TownshIp supervisor Susan Heintz the proposal last week, suggesting thal. More than 200 acres of state-owned effect. divided the Plymouth Center property on the larger parcel. said she was "very pleased" to hear of as many as 1,000state prisoners could. land in Northville Township may soon "The land has been declared surplus into three distinct parcels, two of which "MDNR Is on a month-ta-month the possible sale. "This Is something be housed at Piymouth Center (see: be' sold to private interests following by the department, and we approved were declared surplus and for sale. lease," Geake said. "The thought is we've been working toward for a long related story on the proposed prison· iegislative approval this week. sale for the appraised value of. $4.4 DMH will retain the third parcel, which that whoever bUyS the property might time - we're putting on a major push to uses of the Detroit House of Corree-: The state legislature'S joint capital million." Geake sald. "The sale has to is the main administration building on want to continue leasing to them. In the make sure this land is sold and put back lion). .: • The township planning commission'I$' • outlay sUbc9mmittee approved the sale approved by both houses of the the east side of Sheldon north of Five event they cannot stay there, the intent on the tax rolls while taking away the of two large portions of the M,ichigan legislature, but that Is probably routine Mile road. is to find them other leased quarters in options to put other state facilities In to consider potential rezoning of the: Department of Mental Health's - the major hurdle was the committee The parcels for sale include 158.56 the Northville area. there." . Plymouth Center property. along w1J1l~ Plymouth Center for Human Develop- approval." acres west of Sheldon near Five Mile "This Is important," Geake said, 'l11e state corrections department rezoning of, other government-owned. ment on Tuesday morning. State Geake Is a member of the subcom- and 60.38 acres on the east side of "because MDNR officials are now bUY- proposed conversion of the facUlty for lands, ,in the near future. All ~: Senator R. Robert Geake (R· mittee aM earlier this year pressed to Sheldon road, Geake said. ing houses in our community and need use as prison space last year - that Northville) proposed the committee ac- have the appraisal done in preparation The Michigan Department of Natural to be assured that they will remaIn in proposal was dropped this spring. Continued on 9- . ~'·~r.~r-~;'.·,.:,(.·':·II battle imminent ~ ,.. ,<,.,. ~<' '" t- ~ ,f t ...y -.-. ~ DeHoCo ByKEVINWlLSON model as the one currently under con- because she was in Lansing attendliJk: • struction at Beck and Five Mile in Nor- the capital outlay sUbcommi~~: :' State legislators last week provided thville Township) located both on meeting. Township manager David.· seed money for the eventual acquisition DeHoCo property and In the City of Lelko and police chief Kenneth HardeS- : , .... ":.,.. and renovation of the Detroit House of Detroit. Young suggested that two 550- ty went to the subcommittee meeting i!l- Corrections (DeBoCo) for use as a state bed prisons be built on the DeHoCo her place. :- prison, but area officials are still oppos- land. • Lelko sald his understanding Is the-: ing the proposal. Lucas' recommendation was based subcommittee will not recommend con· . / The state legislature's Joint capital on a preliminary report from his Com- struction of a regional prison at outlay subcommittee on Noyember 29 mission to Study Prison Needs, of which DeHoCo unless at least two sites are approved the expenditure of $15million Heintz Is a member. The site selection selected in the City of Detroit. to "expedite construction" of prisons at subcommittee Heintz belongs to met four sites, including DeHoCo. Other last week, but she/was unable to attend Continued on 9 sites are in the city of Detroit, city of. • Lapeer and Ionia County. state Senator R. Robert ~~(J\' Northville), a member of ~lf.iI Four school principals outlay subcommltlee, attemp~J\lt~ an amendment to the app~~ that would have required ~ealfon of two prison sJtes within tlM!1'tltY'of assigned. to new_:P9sts Detroit before any money ~could be spent on DeHoCo:The amendJDeiiffiill· . By MICHELE M. FECHT been internally posted and noted the ad' ed '. " . ministration "Is looking for a teacher of·llie . ~~. to\Vard acqutStUon • J Four of Northville's seven school within the district who has aspirations DeHOCO slte-.Is ~llmlted to a $12,500 building principals have been reassign- . to be a principal" to step into the posi· assessment of the property and its ed to new posts following the Northville tlon in the interim. potential use as a state poson, said Board of Education's Noveniber 12 Cooke JunJor High principal David state represenative Gerald H. Law CR· decision to close Cooke Junior High and Longridge will head the middle school Plymouth Township). Moraine Elementary. "Tbls Isn't approval of the site," Law Superintendent George Bell sald he ConUnued on 8 sald. "The department of corrections met with building principals individual- still has to come back to us before they ly Wednesday to discuss "their career can go abeadwith the purchase." plans and options" and noted the new The Plymouth Township Board of assignments "put everybody where Inside: Trustees was to consider the expen- they really wanted to be." diture of $40,000Tuesday evening, after Beginning with the start of the 1985-86 The Record went to press. to hire school year, current Winchester prin- • Karoub and Associates to lobby against cipal Milton Jacobi will head Amerman the proposal on the township's behalf. Elementary, and Meads Mill principal The lobbying firm, which also Ronald Horwath will take over Jacobi's represents Northville Township, was post at Winchester. instrumental in defeating a proposal Bell noted that while he felt "both earlier this year that would have junior high principals would have made renovated the Plymouth center for good middle school principals," he said Human Development for use as a Horwath has experience at the elemen- prison. tary level. (Horwath served as tem- The legislative action came in porary elementary principal at Amer- response to mounting pressure to ad- man from 1967~.) dress Michigan'S prison overcrowding Bell noted the pending retirement of • "crisis." Both Wayne County Ex- current Amerman principal BUI Craft ecutive William Lucas and Detroit will leave the post open from January Mayor Coleman Young Issued dills for to July. He said the job already has added prison space last week, with Young including proposals that virtual- ly every parcel of vacant government property in Northville and Plymouth be used to house prisoners .. "I've been getting a lot of calls about what Mayor Young was suggesting," said Law. "People should know the legIslature Isn't considering any other • property outside of DeHoCo - we turn- ed down the Plymouth center thing last year and that's over with. DeHoCo Is already a prison, It's not exacUy like the other parcels. In fact, DeHoCo would probably be run better by the Ree:ord p/lOlo by STEVe FeCHT state than It bas been by the city of Detroit." Art Radford, C.A. Smith, Santa, Rodney Cannon, Kenneth Hardesty are ready to sell Townsblp supervisor Susan Heintz Isn't so certain that Young's comments won't carry weight as tlle legislature rushes to create more prison beds. Goodfellows host 10th paper sale "We're very concerned that Mayor • Young brought up the Plymouth Center This Saturday marks the lOthyear Goodfellow project in Northville and nine famUies with chUdren who will site again," she said. "We're going to that Northville Goodfellows will be has headed it each year. He reports need Goodfellow help to have a do everything we can to make sure. • selling papers at Intersections In the that he expects to have "at least 20 Christmas this year. those vacant lands aren't turned into city and townShip to insure that volunteers" selling between 10 a.m. The Goodfellows are an informal prisons." <8ee related stGry). locally there wUl be "no child and 6p.m. Saturday. organization of local businessmen, Under proposals put forward by both without a Christmas." "The Goodfellows will gladly ac- pollee and fire officers who Lucas and Young last week, DeHoCo The sale is under the direction of cept any contribution," says Smith, would be used as temporary housing for C.A. Smith, who began the reporting he already has a list of CoIltlnUed OIl 8 1,000 state prisoners. Tbose prisoners would eventually be confined in new 55O-bed regional prisons (on the same .I.i------------------------Northville skater wins gold in Czechoslovakia....... .,. • .. • By B.J. MARTIN Slates a gold medal at the Grand PrIze original set pattern aM free dance. televised throughout the Eastern Euro- SNU (Slovak National Uprising) Junior Skaters from 12 countries were pean bloc naUons. •. Northvll1e's Jerod Swallow has made International Skating Championships represented at the Grand PrIze com- 'i'en tearns were entered In junior in Banska Bystrica, Czechoslovalda, petition.
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