CHAIRMAN'S REPORT Another year of foot- As I stated earlier, the League is financially sound. It ball has passed and is not our endeavour to end up a wealthy organisation, again through sound but we must keep ourselves in a sound position and management in very continue to search for sponsors which in turn you, the difficult times you, clubs and leagues, must assist in promoting these the affiliates of the sponsors. N.S.W.AF.L., should be proud of your Our NO.1 priority is to continue to develop and pro- achievements in mote our juniors so the senior clubs will have a sound maintaining us in a base and future. I must emphasis no junior no seniors sound financial posi- within six years. Major development funding comes tion. from the AF.L and I wish to thank the N.AF.C Development Board for their role in allocating these We embrace new Leagues, Riverina, Hume, Careen, funds. Northern Riverina and Broken Hill to aUf fold and with their strong Australian Football base they can The League, I believe, have the. hardest working and only assist in strengthening the code in this State. best Development team in Australian Football. I thank and congratulate them on their achievements, During 1992 two Commissioners retired. We thank but you, the clubs, must assist them more as we have. John Potter and Allan Baxter for their contribution not the resources to put more men out in the field. whilst they were with us and we wish them well in their new endeavours. We welcome Reg Turner to the Umpiring has consolidated in N.S.W. thanks to David Commission and thank him for accepting the position. Levens and his co-workers throughout the State. To my fellow Commissioners, Don Roach and Colin Coaching of umpires is equally as important as coach- Kohlhagen, I thank you both for the commitment and ing foothallers and I congratulate David and his fellow co-operation you have given to me over the last twelve coaches for their achievements and assistance to the months. It is with men of their calibre that Australian standard of football in this State. Football will continue to strengthen in this State dur- ing the 90's. Honest, reliable people committed to the long haul are invaluable to any organisation and this State is Securing Carlton and United Breweries as a major very fortunate to have as its leader a hard working sponsor was welcomed, and with ever increasing Com- General Manager such as Craig Davis. Davo will go panies becoming minor sponsors or endorsed compa- in and get the hard baJJ for this State and is prepared nies, the League is secure in the knowledge that funds to get his hands dirty and I thank Craig for another derived from these sources will reduce the burden on big year on behalf of the football family. clubs. A Junior sponsor of development initiatives will be a high priority of the administration for the Administration Manager Peter Hiscock has now had coming season. a full year with us, and the dedication and commitment he has shown to this League has been outstanding. To The New South Wales Government must becongratu- the indoor staff I thank you all for a job well done. lated on the contribution they make through the De- partment of Sport, Recreation and Racing. The In closing, I thank all of the football family for their funding enables the best possible schemes to be put co-operation during 1992, and I wish all Leagues and in place for the benefit of players. clubs the best for 1993 and may we all, with commit- ment and dedication, continue to strengthen the code All New South Wales representatives can be assured together in this great State of New South Wales. that the Commission was fully satisfied with your en- deavours in wearing the Sky Blue jumpers. JOliN YATES CHIEF COMMISSIONER I GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT Damian Humphries and Scott Sponsorship & Wenke forming a superior develop- Endorsement ment team who get the job done under trying conditions. (See Appreciation Page) The League are proud of the per- The lifeblood of any organisation is centage increase in this area since the Secretary, and the League are 1988. very fortunate to have the most et. ficient Executive Secretary one 1988 1992 could ask for in Linda Blackburn. Football Record "Striving for excellence with no com- Advertising $ 525 $13,385 promise" was the catchery for foot- Crossing the ~T's" and dotting the Royalties & ball in New South Wales for season ~I's" are Administration Manager Endorsements $ 9,628 $ 26,600 1992, and this report will focus on Peter Hiscock and League Registrar Sponsorship $ 2,000 $ 75,000 areas where this has been achieved. Bob McConnell who keep the foot- ball ship on course. While QBE Insurance did not re- The football family of New South new their 3 year sponsorship, Wales is finally a united voice with The umpiring fraternity, not always Carlton and United Breweries used the establishment of six Affiliated popular but necessary, are ably led executive metal to fill the gap for Leagues Councils who have direct by State Director of Umpiring the benefit of both parties. To Ken input to the Commission to table David Levens, Umpires Coach Max Renwick (Marketing Service Man- ideas for discussion and possible Henry and members of the Umpir- ager), Reg Turner and all at CU.B., adoption. ing Network who have achieved re- thank you for your generous sup- markable results in the quality and port, and we can only build on this Chief Commissioner John Yates quantity of umpires. Results in this relationship for the next two years. and his fellow Commissioners can area surpass all expectations, espe. be justifiably proud of this achieve- cially when you consider where we Sponsorship and endorsement mo. ment. And while on the subject of were 4 years ago. Continued growth nies reduce the financial strain on the Commission, special thanks to is assured with more of the same individual Clubs and Leagues. The John Potter and Alan Baxter who astute planning. League's venture into endorsed departed for Adelaide and Sin- product agreements can only bene- gapore, respectively, we thank them The professional hard working im- fit all, however, everybody will need for their contribution, both had a age portrayed by the League would to tow the line if their to have maxi- profound effect on the growth of our not be possible without vital roles mum benefit. game and their contribution will not being filled by honourary people. be forgotten. John Lanser (Legal Advisor and Australian Chairman of the N.S.W.AF.L. Tri- Football League Welcome to replacement Commis- bunal), and his fellow Tribunal sioner Reg Turner (Cariton & Members, Representative Team Under the N.A.F.C./AF.L. agree. United Breweries Executive) who Co-ordinator Ted Ray, Ian ment, Development funding is allo- brings to the Commission table a Granland (League Historian), War- cated to States for the right of the wealth of experience in marketing ren Quintrell (By-Laws AF.L to conduct its National Com. and management structure skills, a Co-ordinator, Regional Directors petition and Stale of Origin Series. much needed commodity for sports John Wright, Greg Wollaston,Steve From this contribution the in the nineties. Lavis, Mick Dwyer, Bill Clayton and N.S.W.AF.L. initiates projects from Ron Kuhn. All of these people give the grass-roots to the elite player for Old and new development person- of their time freely and in no small the betterment of the game. nel acquisitions with the return of way the growth, direction and sta- Tony Turner (Southern Region De- bility of the League can be attrib- Special thanks are expressed to velopment Manager) and the uted to these people. Special men. Messrs. Ross Oakley, Alan-Schwab appointment of Andrew McBean tion to the League's Accountant and their fellow Commissioners, as (SydneyDeveJopmcnt Officer) have Ralph Neill for extraordinary serv- well as O'avid Anning, Dean Moore complimented Russell Campbell, ice. and other staff members for the sup- port of OUf League. 2 GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT Department of Sport, Again the League emphasises the ing our profile at State and Federal Recreation & Racing need for each club and league to level. "United we stand, divided we fully utilize their local print or elec- fall." The New South Wales Government, tronic media to convey your mes- via the Department, has again con- sage. We rely on a team effort in all • Commission and staff stability. tinued its commitment to assisting we do and particularly in this diffi- State sporting bodies in the admini- cult area we must rally to the cause. • Representative football at State stration of sports providing partici- and Inter-Regional level. pator recreation for the people of Special mention to Tony Cook, our great State. David Wunsch, Greg Aplin (Prime • Financial stab.ility of the League T.V.), Ross Ingram (Wagga Daily is ever-improving. The financial assistance ($ 56,000) Advertiser), Brian Files (Griffith received this year from the Depart- Area News), Simon Kelly (2SER Negath'es: ment has again enabled the League FM), Kathryn Wicks (Sydney Morn- • Uncertainty regarding Develop- to provide sufficient staffing levels ing Herald), Peter Kogoy (Sun Her- ment funding is a yearly dilema. But to serve constituent senior and jun- ald), Brent Rees (Telegraph! with the establishment of the Na- ior leagues. Mirror), and the team at Inside tional Development Board this con- Football. cern was to be a problem of the past, After many years of negotiating the however, the August 31 deadline League has finally has been able to CONCLUSION has come and gone with no guaran- access Faaty Tab funding on a tees given for 1993 funding.
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