Sir George grant up $2 million Lion's share of english grants Sir George will receive the the university’s total expendi­ lion’s share of the extra two mil­ tures and total revenue from all lion dollar educational grants at- sources. lotted to English speaking univer­ In explaining the large increase sities during the 1966-67 academic for Sir George against the vir­ NO. 26 VOL. XXIX FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 18, 1966 year. tual pittance offered McGill this The announcement was made year, education minister Paul in Quebec Tuesday night by edu­ Gerin-Lajoie explained that the cation minister Paul Gerin La- education department had consi­ joie as part of a nine million dered McGill’s greater access to University not totally dollar increase in grants to all outside money from private out­ Quebec universities. side sources; a situation which Sir George’s share of the $2 mil­ Sir George does not find itself in. satisfied with grant lion allocated to English univer­ A further factor cited by Mr. sities amounts to $1,900,000, while Gerin-Lajoie was the new Sir McGill will receive $98,000 and are pleased. But one must re­ capita basis. But we knew George building which goes into Despite the fact that Sir Bishop’s University 102,000 dol­ George's government grant is up member that for years and years nothing about the operational operation in September and for this university was getting much grant until now — February — lars. which the university is in dire $1,886,000 from last year, the French speaking universities less than that to which it was leaving up little time to pare need of operational money. university administration is not received the bulk of the nine mil­ entitled.” our budget accordingly and make In making the announcements of completely satisfied. lion dollar increase with 78% of For the present academic year, He said that the university had a decision on fees. It is really the grants the education minister the total grants, the remaining informed the provincial govern­ too late in the year. Either the stressed that they had been fairly Sir George received $1,123,000 22% going to the English lan­ which consisted of an operational ment that it would require a government should bring down distributed between French and guage institutions. grant of $453,000 and a statutory minimum grant of $3,700,000 to its grants earlier or, if that is English-speaking institutions in allowance of $670,000. These fig­ continue to operate “what we not possible, it should find some Sir George’s grant this year the province. The only basis used ures compare with the 1966-67 have.” formula — perhaps based on a totals $3,009,000 and consists of in making the grants was that grant of $3,009,000 announced In comparison with the Uni­ per capita students basis — for an operational grant of $2,233,000 of need, Mr. Gerin-Lajoie stated. this week, of which $676,000 is versity of Sherbrooke, a French- operational budgets.” and a statutory grant of $676,000. Asked why the provincial gov­ the statutory grant based on the speaking Eastern Township in- He added, “Our students will The statutory grant is based ernment had used only 9 million number of day school degree- sitution. Sir George is still re­ still pay for more han 50 per on a per-capita basis of day stu­ of the 17 million given it by the student enrollments, and $2,333,- ceiving a smaller grant even cent of the total cost of oper­ dents proceeding towards de­ Federal government for educa­ 000 which constitutes the oper­ though it has more than double ation, whereas the national aver­ grees, while the operational is tional purposes, the minister ex­ ational grant. Sherbrooke’s day school enroll­ age is 23.5 per cent.” designed to fill the void between plained that the remainder had However, Treffle Lacombe, As­ ment. been set aside for undisclosed sistant to the Principal, said, Commenting on the situation, purposes. “We Sre relieved that we are Mr. Lacombe said, that there is At the time of the grant to P re­ getting as much as we are, but need for relief in two major Vietnam peace march mier Lesage’s government, by the we are still hot satisfied we’re areas: statutory grants for eve­ Federal government, it had been getting enough.” ning school degree-students and stressed that the money could be Sir George was scheduled to a formula for establishing oper­ used for any purposes. The pro­ receive the largest increase in ational grants. McGill opts out vincial administration designated government allocations among Commenting on the need for even though it was meant primar­ the province’s English language the new formula to be applied The Wednesday open meeting The final count in the standing ily for education. universities. Said Mr. Lacombe, to operational grants, Mr. La­ of the Students’ Society at Mc­ vote was 269 for and 228 against “We realize that we have re­ combe said, ‘‘The statutory grant Gill was quite orderly . until the motion. is easy to estim ate on a per ceive a sharp increase, and we it came time to vote on the Discussion on the subject issue at hand. The meeting was heard some of the following called to discuss McGill’s pro­ statements by students in sup­ More money- posed participation in today’s port of taking a stand. peace demonstration. Vietnam peace march “Issues such as the Vietnam bill not for Students decided at that time, war are important enough for as did students of this university students to take a stand. The night students earlier, that McGill would not U.S. nationalism of today is the planned lor today officially participate in the de­ same kind that was allowed to monstration. grow unchecked in Nazi Ger­ Despite the greatly increased A major demonstration in support of peace in Viet­ Unlike the vote at Sir George, m any." grant to Sir George this year by however, the motion further the Provincial government, the nam will take place in Montreal today. “Students should not abdicate stated that the function of the administration has once again The march and rally will be a forerunner to what their right to speak.” Student Council was not to make come out on the losing end of a will probably be one of Canada’s largest demonstrations value judgements on the foreign Some arguments opposing the battle they have waged with the to date. The latter will take place from March 1 to 5 policy of the United States. issue were as follows. government for over ten years. During that time Sir George in Ottawa. “The Student Council was As a result, students of that has been attempting to persuade Today’s protest will begin at 4:30 p.m. at Dominion university have denied their elected with a mandate to govern the government to allocate council the right to “endorse or McGill students, but this man­ Square from when it will grants for the operation of the SUPA booth in the main lobby condemn any demonstration on date does not include the right proceed to the United States evening division but, as yet, has of the Norris Building. to make decisions for them on U.S. foreign policy.” been unsuccessful. Consulate. U.S. foreign policy with regard After the march to the U.S. There was some confusion on The main contention of the to Vietnam.” After spending a short consulate, but before the meet­ this issue, however. Miss Scholz- university, according to an ad­ time in front of the Con­ ing at Plateau Hall, the Stu­ berg, when questioned, stated ‘Students of this university who ministration spokesman has been sulate, the participants will dent Union for Peace Action that the passage of this motion want to demonstrate are wel­ that the evening students con­ will be distributing leaflets ex­ would certainly not prevent Mc­ come to do so. But they should disperse and later proceed plaining its position on Viet stitute a real expense to the to Plateau Hall, located at Gill from officially participating demonstrate in their name, not Nam. in any future demonstrations. m ine.” (Continued on page 5) 3710 Calixte - Lavallee, Lafon- In addition, further informa­ taine Park. tion will be available about the The public meeting will begin demonstration taking place in at 8:00 p.m. Speakers who will Ottawa. Civil disobendience address the demonstrators in­ will be a focal point of the clude Robert Cliche who is pre­ March peace action. sident of the Quebec wing of The Parliament Buildings will the NDP and Daniel Latouche, witness at that time the first the vice-presidnt of inlrnational act of civil disobendience in affairs for UGEQ. that location in Canadian his­ Mr. Latouche was elected pre­ tory. sident of the newly formed As for to-day’s demonstration, Emergency Committee on Viet­ however, no violence is antici­ nam. This committee proposed pated and would definitely not and has organized the demon­ be welcomed by the organiza­ stration. tion officials. The chairman of The Voice The expected 800 demonstra­ of Women, Madame Therese tors will be calling for 1) an Casgrain, will also be adressing end to the bombing in Vietnam; the assembled group. Madame 2 1 immediate negotiations; 31 Casgrain has also been a mem­ that countries abide by Geneva ber of the Provincial cabinet for Convention; 4) self-determina­ several years. tion for Vietnam. Key speaker at Plateau Hall Among the groups supporting will be Staughton Lynd, a pro­ the demonstration are SUPA, fessor at Yale University.
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