\' AT*rage Dafly Net Prett Ran For Um W«ek Bndod February 16, 1M4 13,901 Member of the Audit Bureau o f Clreulatlon Manche$ter^A City o f VUtago Charm VOL. LXXXin, NO. 117 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1964 Ricksha Driver Seized In Viet Nam Bombing ng On Bettermg U.S. Security I SAIGON, South Viet Nam (A P )— Police seized a j wounded r cksha driver as a prime suspect today in a U.S. theater bombing Sun­ day that k'lled three Amer­ icans, including p heroic Marine captain cut down by debris as he shouted a warning. The shattering bla.st wounded 81 othe:’ Americr ' p ‘t’ r>’ e Vietnamese in the bloodiest ter­ rorist attpc’" *0 date on Ameri­ cans in Saigon. The Mnri’e captain saw a Vietnamese in white shirt and dark trousers da.sh into the the­ ater lobby and drop the bomb. The CP ;t"in ran i~to tlie the­ ater shouting; "Everyone get down! TTiere's a bom b!’’ The warning saved many of the 500 pe’’sons ' side a-nm death but the captain fell be­ neath the flying debris. One of the dead was a Mili­ •inaisssisittA' tary Pollcei ian shot v-hlle on General (later admiral) George (Joeeph Qarman) Washing* ington are Lt. Col. Bernard Apter, Brig. Gen. Creighton guard outside the theater. The ton, with a flagleee staff, musters his crew of merchant vol­ Shoor, Col. Paul Mlsseri, Lt. Gen. Frederick Nasslff, MaJ. body of the third American was unteers in front of the submarine Irex, preparing a sea Gen. James DeRocco, and Col." Phillip Harrison. (Herald badly mangled. hunt for the enemy — High Prices. Accompanying Wash­ photo by Oflara.) "As soon as we got the warn-1 ing,” said Sgt. l.C. Lloyd B. Members of a U.S, and Vietnamese bomb squad sift through debris following Gage of Caldwell, Idaho, "ev ­ blast in Saigon movie theater yesterday. (AP Photofsx.)________________________ Charge of the Price Brigade! Cyprus Fight eryone Jumped down or started I Events j moving away from the rear I wall of the theater. Goes Before I "I saw the orange flash of the explosion, and I saw debris fall-' Region Smackedl^^^ In State ing from the ceiling. A lot of I Gen. George (Joe) JJN Council people were scrambling around In Iwo Days under the seats. No one . was | UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. screaming, but there was a lot Piiiney - Conkling (AP)—The Cyprus dispute goes of noise.” By Sneak Storm On Tax suce Now an Admiral! before the U.N. Security Coun­ Tbe U.S. charge d’affaires, cil today as Britain and the David G. Nes, met with Pre­ Debate G>ntinues mier Nguyen Khanh to discuss WASHINGTON (AP)—Senate- United States seek to hedd off BOSTON (AP)—^A sneak northeast storm whipped House conferees resume work military intervention by 'Diriiey better security measures for (APy—Republl- Taking advantage of a (kivering storm that had Navy the nearly 10,000 Americans in by gale force winds deposited up to 18 inches of snow today on the tax bill with tiie HARTFORD and Greece. expectation a compromise , can State Chairman A., iBearle mn^. huddling iiiside warm wardrooms, a stalwart The council debate, requested Saigon. He said Khanh pro- and caused at least 13 deaths in New England. posM • two-hatlon council of Temperatures dropped into^ measure may be woiked out lav , . Plnney hSs elded with OOP _____^.df^Maiichester merchants braved yesterday’s bliz- by. both Britain and Cyprus, was six hi rn'iltlMftTfi"ItTlitr emergen­ the 'teens over mucji of the poles snapped under high winds, WAdnesday. - eriUca who don't like the way This could mean the measure ^ ' ->«Clroiiec. ut’e Finance Advisory zard to spring a surprise attack on the U.S. Navy sub-, cy motjolv .ot ' improving area after the storiii passed Sun- b r ^ ln g main power lines. marine base hi Groton. -------- ----------------- ---------------------- " international force naked would be feody for President"' ^ ■Commilttee ' ^p$ mlTutes. ' to the United Nations. Its pur­ security. toy. Many highways, cleared of Homes were without heat and Led by the indomltaible Gen­ Tlttee U.8. aceurity men were all but an inch or two of packed electricity for more than three Johnson’s signature by ncod •The commlttM "is in dlr'ect ^licuously at toad aide before pose would be to prevent anoth­ week, opening the way for high­ violation of the law in two eral Qedrge (Jonsph Oarman) seeking secret entrance. er general outbreak of fighting named on the council, which snow, became covered by sheets hours in Wellfleet, ’Truro and held its first meeting this of ice. Provlncetown. er paychecks for the average areas,” Plnney charged In a Washington, the gto>9 of Colo­ They Included; General Wash­ between the Greek and Turkish taxpayer by mid-March. weekend statement nial ‘^storm” troopers ntealthily ington, alias Joseph Garman of Cypriot communities. afternoon. The wind, clocked at 92 miles Logan International Airport in Vietnamese officials were in­ Boston was closed in midafter­ The conferees are trying to He asserted minutes of the boarded the U.SB: Irex — an Corel Caeuals, Main St.; The United States and Britain an hour at Truro on Cape Cod, iron out differences between the anU-dulmiarine warfare craft vestigating the possible involve­ noon. By 10 p.m., two runways ' meetings are not kept in an "ac­ Lt. Col. Bernard Apter, Regal fear that another serious out­ lashed coastal communities, 611.2-bilMon tax cut passed by built in 1M4— and took charge. Men’s Shop, Main St.; ment of police in the theater built up huge drifts and created had been cleared for limited cessible place,” as required by break would prompt Turkey and bombing. One U.S. witness said take-off service. .The Cape Cod the House and the |11.9-billion the state’s right-to-lmow law. Their mieelon: t o eeek out, Brig. Gen. Creighton Shoor, Gree< e to send in troops to back blizzard-like conditions. red' tion approved in the Sen­ hunt down and destroy High he saw the only Vietnamese po­ Canrl was reopened atS;80 p.m. The minutes he added, must Shoor Jewelers, Main St:; up their Cypriot kin. The result liceman on dpty pedal away on In Maine, four women after being closed seven hours ate. Prices in time for Manchester’s Col. Paul Mlsseri, Paul’s could be a war between Turkey drowned when their car slid off ' record the vote of each mem- a n n u a l George Washington his bicycle a few mlnut^ be­ by wind-blown snow. Although the pace in commit­ _ ber, o r a state statute Isi vio­ Paints, Main St.; and Greece, eastern anchors of fore the explosion. U.S. Route 1 and landed upside During the full fury of the tees was expected to pick up. Birthday Sale on Saturday. Lt. Gen. Frederick Nasslff, the North Atlantic Treaty Or­ down in a Passamaquoddy Bay lated. Arrtvsng at the base’s main ’The U.S. command in South storm, visibility was almost Congress generally planned an­ Republican members of the Nasslff Arms, Main St.), ganization. Viet Nam ordered security cove at Robbinston. zero on most hUdiways in Mas­ other light week. te early Sunday morning, the MaJ. Gen. James DeRocco, of , committee loot a move last Stactament mustered Incon- measures tightened to protect At least nine other persons, sachusetts, Mainel New Hamp­ The controversial civil rights * Thursday to have committee Sears Roebuck Co., Parkade; (See Page .Eight) American personnel In the cap­ six in Massachusetts and three shire and Vermont. bill-cornerstone with the tax I,,- sessions recorded on tape. And Col. Phillip Harrison, ital from terrorism by the Com­ In Connecticut, died from heart Traffic generally was light but cut of the Johnson administra­ Asked to comment on Pln- Harrison’s, Main St. munist Viet Cong. On Feb. 9, attacks brought on by shoveling in Vermont and New Hampshire tion’s legislative program—was Unions / Ask LBJ Affecting nonchalance, the ney’s charges. State Finance Officials Divided two bombs exploded under the snow or from storm-caused ex­ there was a considerable flow of expected to arrive at the Sen­ Commissioner George C. Conk­ detachment marched with bleachers of a softball field near haustion. skiers trying to heat the storm ate’s door today. The 11-part ling said a stenographer makes Decide on Grain muffled steps behind the turned On Rocket Value Ssdgon Airport, killing two U.S. Eighteen inches of snow fell home. omnibus measure received 290- ^ notes at meetings. Some of the backs of the military sentries, enlisted men and injuring 23 oth­ In the Plymouth, N.H., area. Coa:3t Guard crews fought 130 approval from the House last . notes are later transcribed. MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (A PI- stole silently through a bewil­ er Americans. Lebanon, N.H., had 14, Wor­ wild-seas to tow the fishing ves­ week. The untranscribed notes can Maritime union officials asked dering maze of barracks and WASHING’TON (AP) — Omi- Although police declined to cester and Bedford, Mass., 12, sel Mother Francis to Nantucket Senate Majority Leader Mike b e transcribed m i request at his President Jcdinson today to In­ aecurity fences, and arrived gress reportedly has received discuss the ricksha boy’s sus' Brunswick, Maine, 11, Boston, Island. It became disabled 40 Mansfield of Montana, by a par­ office, Conkling said. tervene personally In a labor shortly at the piers. contradictory testimony on the I pected role In the bombing, the 10, Hartford, Conn., 8 and Mont­ miles of Great Round liamentary maneuver, can keep "I cannot tmderstand why the dispute over the loading of Overcoming the sentry (with reliability of missiles from Sec- shooting and blast apparently pelier, Vt., 6.
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