Second National Communication of Brazil to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Brasília 2010 english-parte-0.indd 1 11/10/10 4:04 PM Second National Communication of Brazil FEDERATIVE REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERATIVE REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL LUIZ INÁCIO LULA DA SILVA MINISTER OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SERGIO MACHADO REZENDE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY LUIZ ANTONIO RODRIGUES ELIAS SECRETARY OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT POLICIES AND PROGRAMS LUIZ ANTONIO BARRETO DE CASTRO EXECUTIVE SECRETARY OF THE INTERMINISTERIAL COMMISSION ON GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE JOSÉ DOMINGOS GONZALEZ MIGUEZ 2 english-parte-0.indd 2 11/10/10 4:04 PM Second National Communication of Brazil to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Coordenação-Geral de Mudanças Globais do Clima General-CoordinationMinistério on Global da Ciência Climate e Tecnologia Change Ministry of Science and Technology Brasília 2010 Brasília, 2010 english-parte-0.indd 3 11/10/10 4:04 PM MCT TEAM FOR COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION, PLEASE CONTACT: Ministry of Science and Technology - MCT Secretariat of Research and Development Policies and Programs - SEPED General-Coordination on Global Climate Change - CGMC Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco E, 2° andar - Sala 268 CEP: 70067-900 – Brasília, DF – Brazil Phone.: +55 61 3317-7923 and +55 61 3317-7523 Fax: +55 61 3317-7657 E-mail: [email protected] Web: http://www.mct.gov.br/clima COORDINATOR OF THE NATIONAL COMMUNICATION FINAL EDITING JOSÉ DOMINGOS GONZALEZ MIGUEZ EAGLES MUNIZ ALVES ADRIANO SANTHIAGO DE OLIVEIRA – Deputy Coordinator TRANSLATION ASSISTANTS ROBERT BRIAN TAYLOR ELISANGELA RODRIGUES SOUSA MARSEL NASCIMENTO G. DE SOUZA JERÔNIMA DE SOUZA DAMASCENO CÍCERA THAIS SILVA LIMA REVIEW ANEXANDRA DE ÁVILA RIBEIRO TECHNICAL COORDINATOR FOR THE SECOND SOFIA NICOLETTI SHELLARD BRAZILIAN INVENTORY OF ANTHROPOGENIC EMISSIONS BY SOURCES AND REMOVALS BY SINKS OF GREENHOUSE GASES NEWTON PACIORNIK MAURO MEIRELLES DE O. SANTOS – Deputy Coordinator TEAM ANA CAROLINA AVZARADEL DANIELLY GODIVA SANTANA DE SOUZA MÁRCIA DOS SANTOS PIMENTA MAYRA BRAGA ROCHA RICARDO LEONARDO VIANNA RODRIGUES TECHNICAL COORDINATOR FOR NATIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES, STEPS TAKEN OR ENVISAGED, AND OTHER INFORMATION CONSIDERED RELEVANT TO IMPLEMENT THE CONVENTION HAROLDO DE OLIVEIRA MACHADO FILHO RENATO DE ARAGÃO R. RODRIGUES – Deputy Coordinator TEAM MÔNICA DE OLIVEIRA SANTOS DA CONCEIÇÃO SONIA REGINA MUDROVITSCH DE BITTENCOURT ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR MARCOS WILLIAN BEZERRA DE FREITAS TEAM CLÁUDIA SAYURI MIYAKI JULIANA PATRÍCIA GOMES PEREIRA JULIANA GOMES DOS SANTOS ANDRADE I.T. TEAM HENRIQUE SILVA MOURA PEDRO GABRIEL PICANÇO MONTEJO PEDRO RENATO BARBOSA RODRIGO ALBUQUERQUE LOBO english-parte-0.indd 4 11/10/10 4:04 PM MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - MCT ESPLANADA DOS MINISTÉRIOS, BLOCO E PHONE: 55 (61) 3317-7500 FAX: 55 (61) 3317-7657 Web: http://www.mct.gov.br CEP: 70.067-900 – Brasília – DF B823s Brazil. Ministry of Science and Tecnology. General-Coordination on Global Climate Change. Second National Communication of Brazil to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. — Brasília: Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia, 2010. 2 v. : il. col., map.; 30 cm. + 1 CD-ROM (4 3/4 in.) Translation of the original in Portuguese: Segunda Comunicação Nacional do Brasil à Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre Mudança do Clima. I. Title. 1. Climate Change. 2. Global Warming. 3. National Communication CDU 551.583(81) english-parte-0.indd 5 11/10/10 4:04 PM Second National Communication of Brazil Foreword This Second National Communication to the United Nations As it is known, the responsibility for coordinating imple- Framework Convention on Climate Change describes initia- mentation of commitments resulting from the Convention tives and government programs that are helping to reduce was assigned to the Ministry of Science and Technology - greenhouse gas emissions in a consistent manner. As a re- MCT soon after Rio-92, which reflects the importance that sult of some of these programs and initiatives, Brazil has Brazil attaches to the science and the technologies associa- a comparatively “clean” energy mix, with low greenhouse ted to climate change. The issue of global climate change gas emission levels per energy unit produced or consumed. is of an eminently scientific and technological nature in the Other initiatives, such as the fight against deforestation, as short and medium term. It is a scientific issue as it invol- well as the case for biofuels and energy efficiency, also help ves defining climate change, its causes, intensity, vulnera- to achieve development goals, with a sharp deviation in the bilities, impacts and reduction of inherent uncertainties. It trend of greenhouse gas emissions curve in Brazil. is a technological issue because the measures to combat global warming lead to actions that aim at promoting de- Brazil has historically been doing its fair share in combating velopment, application, diffusion and transfer of technolo- climate change, and is prepared to sustain its leading role in gies and processes to prevent the problem and its adverse the context of the global effort to tackle the problem. Brazil effects. was the first country to sign the United Nations Framework Convention Climate Change, resulting from the United The 2007-2010 Action Plan of Science, Technology and Nations Conference on Environment and Development - Innovation for National Development - PACTI includes a Rio-92, held in Rio de Janeiro, in June 1992. The Framework specific program on climate change in its strategic com- Convention is considered to be one of the most balanced, ponent entitled Research, Development and Innovation in universal and relevant multilateral instruments of our time. Strategic Areas. The program has been called the “Natio- It was ratified by the Brazilian National Congress in 1994. nal Climate Change Program,” and its purpose is to expand Brazil’s scientific, technological and institutional capacity in The latest and one of the most effective initiatives by Brazil the field of climate change so as to increase knowledge on in this arena was the establishment of the National Policy the issue, identify the impacts on the country, and support on Climate Change - PNMC, by means of Law no 12,187/09. public policies to address the problem both at national and The voluntary mitigation actions at national level included international level. Specific actions have been designed to in it had been announced by the President of the Republic, be implemented throughout the duration of the Plan. These Mr. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, in Copenhagen, in December include an action to support preparation of the Second Na- 2009, during the High Level Segment of the 15th Confe- tional Communication of Brazil. rence of the Parties to the Convention on Climate Change - COP-15 and the 5th Conference of the Parties serving as Just like Brazil’s Initial National Communication, the work the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol - CMP-5. on the Second National Communication was guided by the In accordance with this law, Brazil will pursue voluntary ac- principles of commitment, scientific rigor, decentralization, tions for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions with a and transparency. The experience gained in the develop- view to reducing its projected emissions by 36.1%-38.9% ment of the first document allowed significant improve- by 2020. This law also provides that this projection, as well ments, which are reflected in this document. as the detailed actions to achieve the voluntary reduction objective mentioned above, will be based on the Second The MCT engaged a broad-based network of partners to Brazilian Inventory of Anthropogenic Emissions by Sources prepare the Second National Communication. This network and Removals by Sinks of Greenhouse Gases not Controlled started taking shape in the mid-1990s and became stronger by the Montreal Protocol, which is an integral part of this since then. Over 600 institutions and 1,200 experts with Second National Communication. recognized competence in their respective areas of exper- tise from a variety of sectors (energy, industry, forestry, The necessary actions to achieve the national voluntary agriculture/livestock, waste treatment, etc.) were involved, mitigation actions undertaken by Brazil will derive from the coming from the public and private sectors, as well as from effort to be made by federal and state government bodies, the academia. as well as the society as a whole. 6 english-parte-0.indd 6 11/10/10 4:04 PM The Second Brazilian Inventory of Anthropogenic Emissions obligations, the country is playing a critical role and making by Sources and Removals by Sinks of Greenhouse Gases not tangible contributions to the combat against climate change. Controlled by the Montreal Protocol is an integral part of this Communication, and it required intense work and sig- Submission of this document is yet another decisive institu- nificant human, technical and financial resources. It shows tional step made by President Lula’s administration in order significant achievements, especially because it is based on to honor one of the country’s most important commitments a complex and detailed methodology. For example, the in- under the Convention, contributing for a better understan- formation on Brazil’s land-use change and forestry sector ding of the global problem and advancing the science of cli- relied heavily on satellite imagery and a sophisticated di- mate change, taking into consideration
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