E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 143 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1997 No. 39 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 8, 1997, at 12:30 p.m. Senate MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1997 The Senate met at 12 noon and was RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY to confer with our colleagues on the called to order by the President pro LEADER other side of the aisle. tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The All Members should be aware that able majority leader is recognized. the next rollcall vote will occur, then, on tomorrow at either 5:15 or 5:30, PRAYER f something like that. It is my hope the The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John SCHEDULE Senate will invoke cloture tomorrow, Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, it is a which will enable us to begin consider- pleasure to be back on this spring day ation of this very important legisla- Gracious Father, Almighty Sovereign tion, which is the nuclear waste legis- of our beloved Nation, and loving Lord and to hear the Chaplain’s prayer and to see the distinguished Senator from lation. I think there is no more impor- of our lives, our hearts overflow with tant environmental issue pending in gratitude. Thank You for the privilege South Carolina here ready for business. I know we are going to have a produc- America than to make the decision of of living in this land You have blessed tive season as we go into April and what we are going to do with nuclear so bountifully. You have called this May. waste that is sitting in sites across this Nation to be a demonstration of the This afternoon there will be a period country, from South Carolina to freedom and opportunity, righteous- for morning business until the hour of Vermont, from the banks of the Mis- ness and justice You desire for all na- 1 p.m. Following morning business, the sissippi to the shores of the Pacific. We tions. Help us to be faithful to our des- Senate will resume consideration of cannot ignore this. We cannot wait an- tiny. May our response be spelled out the motion to proceed to S. 104, the Nu- other 15 years for studies to be com- in dedicated service. clear Policy Act. pleted. We have spent billions of dol- Dear God, empower the men and As I announced prior to the recess, no lars. We have been working on this for women of this Senate as they seek rollcall votes will occur during today’s years. It is time for action. Your vision and wisdom for the prob- session of the Senate. Under the order, The Senate voted by a wide margin lems we face as a nation. Proverbs re- a cloture vote on the motion to proceed last year to make a decision on this minds us that ‘‘When the righteous are to S. 104 will occur on Tuesday. issue, to pass this nuclear waste reposi- in power, the people rejoice.’’ We re- I had planned to ask unanimous con- tory legislation. The House did not act. joice in the Senators who seek to be sent that the vote on the motion to in- I have been assured this year the House right with You so they will know what voke cloture occur at 5:15 on Tuesday, will act, this matter will go to the is right for our Nation. You have told with the time between 2:15 and 5:15 to President, and we hope that it will go to him in such a way that he recog- us, ‘‘Righteousness exalts a Nation.’’ be equally divided between the pro- nizes that Senators and Congressmen Proverbs 29:2. ponents and opponents. I understand that the Democratic leader may have a and the American people all across this Lord, we live in times that challenge little bit of a conflict, where we may country feel that this decision must be faith in You. As a nation, secularity try to move that toward 5:30, although made. often replaces spirituality and human- we have other Senators who have con- So, I am looking forward to our be- istic materialism substitutes for hum- flicts at that time. So we will get a ginning the debate. If cloture is in- ble mindedness. Bless the Senators as definite unanimous consent request voked, Senators can anticipate debate they give dynamic leadership. Grant here shortly. The vote will be some- and rollcall votes during every day of them wisdom, grant them courage, for time between 5 and 5:30, I presume, and the session this week so we may com- the facing of this hour. I pray this in I believe we can get that worked out plete action on S. 104 as soon as pos- the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. just as long as we have a minute more sible. I remind my colleagues that this ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S2761 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:58 Oct 24, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\1997SENATE\S07AP7.REC S07AP7 mmaher on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with SOCIALSECURITY S2762 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 7, 1997 will be a busy period legislatively prior would like to have the President’s help, marks in relation thereto, that I be to the Memorial Day recess. but the time is over for waiting. We granted permission to speak for up to I think all Senators should be aware must move forward. I will be talking 10 minutes. that bills are beginning to be reported later today to the chairman of the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without out of committees. We have had 3 Budget Committee and interested Re- objection, it is so ordered. months to have the hearings to mark publicans and Democrats to see how we Mr. ASHCROFT. I thank the Chair. up legislation. We have a number of can proceed. We still would like to (The remarks of Mr. ASHCROFT per- bills that have now been reported, in- have the President’s involvement and taining to the introduction of S. 514 are cluding the TEAM Act and the help, but he does not seem, so far, to be located in today’s RECORD under Comptime and Flextime Act, which ready to do that. ‘‘Statements on Introduced Bills and can be very helpful to families and Our staffs were meeting during the Joint Resolutions.’’) working mothers who need time to be past 2 weeks. They were supposed to be Mr. ASHCROFT. Mr. President, I with their children. That legislation is making progress. From what I under- yield the floor. ready. Sometime late this month or stand, they had a grand time meeting Mr. JEFFORDS addressed the Chair. early next month we will, as I have and saying how wonderful it was they The PRESIDING OFFICER. The said, have a vote on the partial-birth were meeting—but that is about all. It Chair recognizes the Senator from abortion ban legislation. So we are be- was my understanding, from what the Vermont. ginning now to enter a period where we President said, that he would meet f will have a lot of legislation. with the leadership of Congress when Obviously, we need to have a vote on FDA REFORM AND PDUFA we returned from the Easter recess pe- REAUTHORIZATION the budget. I had hoped we could come riod to discuss, hopefully, the final de- to a grand agreement that would be in cisions on the budget—this week. But I Mr. JEFFORDS. Mr. President, we the best interests of all Americans understand now, that meeting is not are here today to talk about the need with the President. So far, that has going to occur this week. It is next for us to reauthorize the Prescription been fruitless. I have committed basi- week. Yet, as we wait for leadership Drug User Fee Act and pass legislation cally 3 months, along with the chair- from the White House, we see some to modernize the Food and Drug Ad- man of the Budget Committee, the people saying, why doesn’t the Con- ministration. time and the meetings, to try to see gress act? We have been trying to con- I will just remind everyone as to that something happened in this budg- firm the President’s Cabinet. We have what happened last year. The Senate et area, but we have not been success- been trying to work with the adminis- Labor Committee passed an FDA re- ful with that. I had asked the President tration and to work off of his budget form bill out of committee with a not to oppose the balanced budget con- agreement so we could move to a final strong, bipartisan vote of 12–4. stitutional amendment. He did. In fact, agreement. It has taken time. But that So we are here today to alert the he and the leadership on the other side time is gone. We have to go ahead and body that we intend to move forward of the aisle twisted arms, and two Sen- do our job. And it will be our intent to expeditiously this year in order to en- ators switched their positions, and we do so. sure that we improve the FDA review lost that by one vote.
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