MG 174 UNION CANAL COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA PAPERS ---- 7 A. Business Records, 1792-1885, n.d. Cartons Folders Delaware & Schuylkill Canal Company, 1792-1810 1 6 Schuylkill & Susquehanna Canal & Lock Navigation Company, 1792-1810 Reports, 1814-28, 1832-74, n.d. Minutes, 1813, 1819, 1921730, 1842-56, 1873-75 (Extracts) Resolutions, 1813-74, n.d. (Supplement the Minutes) Subscription Book, 1850-51 1 vol. Inventories, Personal & Real Property, 1823-76, n.d. General Correspondence, 1812-85 Board of Managers, 1821-58, 1864, 1870-74 (Inc: Loans, Reports, Elections) Collector of Tolls, 1831-39, 1856-64 Lehman, Lorenzo L., 1831-39 Lehman, Samuel B., 1856-64 Engineers, 1821-57 Baldwin, Loammi, Chief Engineer, 1821-23 ~a~a,Hother, Principal Assist. Engineer, 1859-57 (Inc: Accounts) Lehman, Benjamin Bringhurst, Resident Engineer, 1849-64 Lehman, William, Resident Engineer, 1821-55, n.d. (Inc: Proposals & Recommendations) Worrall, James, Chief Engineer, 1850-55 Presidents, 1812-85 Boyd, William, 1833-40 Clarke, James, 1840-41 Davidson, Robert B., 1843-51 Graff, Charles, President Pro Tar1825-45 Gratz, Jacob, 1833-37 Hutchinson, John N., 1871-77 McGee, James, 1852 Mifflin, Samuel, 1821-29 (Inc: Proposals & Recommendations) Morris, Thomas W., President Pro Tem, 1836 Paleske, Charles G., 1812-15 (Inc: Stock Certificates, Nos. 11, 12, 28, Oct. 2, 1812 Read, William, 1830-46 (Inc: Lottery) Smith, R. Rundle, 1850-63 (Inc: Loan for 800,000 in Bonds) Vaux, George, President Pro Tem, Board Member, 1821-35 Watson, Joseph, 1816-21 Weidman, Grant, 1880-83, 1885 Wistar, Isaac J., 1867, 1872, 1879 Zulick, Thomas C., 1876-79 Secretaries, 1821-47, 1851-83' Carton Folders Biddle, James C., 1821-22, 1828, 1830, 1847 1 Bowman, George S., 1881-83 1 Gossler, James M., 1872-78 (Inc: Broadsides of Toll&) Klein, Theodore B., 1872-74 Raudenbush, John K., Secy., Treasurer, 1877-81 (Inc : Broadsides for Rates) Roberts, Thomas P., Secy. & Treasurer, 1822-44 (Inc: Lottery, 1826-33) Thompson, Oscar J., Secy. & Treasurer, 1851-70 Superintendents, 1862-82 Eckenroth, William, 1871-72 Hynicka, L. R., 1862, 1866-67 Treasurer, 1845-51 Dutilh, Charles, 1845-51 B. Lotteries, 1814-33, n.d. Reports, 1821, 1824 General Correspondence, 1821-32 Legal Papers, 1814-33 C. Survey and Level Books (~iguringBooks), 1818, 1821, 1850-58, 1867, n.d. I 1818, 1821, 1850-58, 1867, n.d. 28 vols. Maps, Drawings, 1826-62, n.d. Broadsides, 1823, n.d. D. Legal Papers, 1812-84, n.d. Acts, 1821-70 J Articles of Agreements, 1820, 1822-71, n.d. Bonds, 1823-69, n.d. Damage Claims, 1812-67,n.d. Deeds, 1824-70 Legal, 1816-77, n.d. (Inc: Loyd Case, 1832-46) Opinions, 1821-56, n.d. Petitions, 1812-13, 1821, 1837, 1844, n.d. Releases, 1825-26, 1830-36, 1858, 1865, 1871, n.d. Summons, 1823-75 Supreme Court Equity Books, 1829-84 E. Accounts, 1812-84, n.d. Bank Books, 1832-77 32 vols. Boat Permits, 1835-62 CertiSicates of Stock, 1845, 1852-55 Check Rolls (Pay Rolls), 1816, 1825-84, n.d. Checks, 1822-82 Clearances, 1832-77, n.d. Due Bills, 1858-59 Estimates of Work Done, 1823-69, n.d. General Accounts, 1812-84, n.d. Manifests, 1826-82,,n.d. Promise to Pay, 1824-75 Steam Engines, 1827-84, n.d. (Inc: Coal used by Gngines, 1827-84, n.d.) Carton Folders Tax, 1829-82, n.d. 19 1 Timber, 1817-53 Time Sheets, 1823-74, n.d. Tolls, 1824-77, n.d. Wages, 1812-84, n. d. Various, 1821-73, n.d. Bridges, Lists of, 1824-25 Correspondence, 1821-56, 1871, 1873 Locks & Lock Keepers, Lists of, 1830-60 Rates, 1842-45, 1858, 1871, n.d. Specifications, n.d. (forms) Steam Engines, Calculations, 1827-54 Tunnel Feeder, Remarks, n.d. Water Wheels, Remarks, 1831-35, n.d. Unidentified -A. Delaware & Schuylkill Canal Companx, 1792-1810 Folders Minutes (~xtracts),1792-1807 (see also: MG 96) 1 Reports, 1794-1809 (~nc:hdrew Porter s Report, and Estimates for work) General Correspondence (~aleskeand Young., Presidents, 1800-10 Crawford, Alexander, Jan. 9, 1800 DuPonceau, Peter Stephen, and J .H. Brinton, Philadelphia, Jan. 10, 1809 DuPonceau, Peter Stephen, and James Elnor, Philadelphia, Dec. 9, 1808 Govett, William, 1809-10 Leech, Richard F. , Lancaster, Mar, 9, 1810 McKean, ~[ose~h?]B., Attorney, Jan. 22, 1804 Morgan, Benjamin R., Manager, Apr. 17, 1807 Paleske,j_ Charles G., Philadelphia, Mar. 6, 1810 Taylor, John M., Lancaster, Dec. 30, 1809 ~roposals, Wayne,? Thomas, and Gershom Johnson, Apr. 16, 1793 (digging & compleating) Legal Papers , 1792-1809 Articles of Agreement, 1793,1806 1 Bonds, 1807,1809 Land Papers, 1792-1808 -4 . Lotteries, No. 1 & No. 2, 1792-99 Accounts, 1792-1799 MG 174 UNION CmAL COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA PPSERS -A. Schuylkill & Susquehanna Ganal & Cock Navigation wy 1792-1810 Folders Minutes, Apr, 27, 1810 (~xtractsfrom, Jan. 9,1792-Oat. 18, 1809) 1 Reports, 1793-94, 1807 General Correspondence (~harlesG. Paleslce , president) , 1793,1807-10 Barker, John, Mar. 9, 1810 L Milnor, James, Clerk, Common Pleas, Apr. 1, 1809 Smith, William Moore, Philadelphia, 1793,1807,1810 Land Papers, 1793-96 1 Petitions, n.d. 1 Accounts, 1792-1809 1 MG- UNIQiN-- CmAL CO:MP&lY O,F PENNSESTANIA PAPERS -A. Business' Records Reports , 1814-28,1832-74. n. d. Folders 1814-28,1832-?4, n. d. '2 Minutes,l8l3,1819,1821-30,1842-56,1873-75 (Extracts) 1813 2 lSl9,l821-30,l842-56,1873-75 Resolutions, 1813-74,n.d. 1813-74,n.d. Subscription Book, 1850-51 1850-51 1 vol. Inventories, Personal & Real Property, 1823-76 ,n.d. 1823-76,n. d. (Inc: list dated 1793-94) ----MG 174 UNION CANAL COMPANY -OF PENNSYLVANIA PAPERS -A. --Board of Managers, 1821-1874 10 folders Folders General Correspondence, 1821-58, 1864, 1870-74 1 Alcorn, Thomas, Lachine Canal, Lower Canada, "Montrial," n.d. Allen, S. A., May 21, 1846 Aycrigg, B., Pine Grove, Aug. 7, 1843 Bache, A. D., Philadelphia, 1834 (directed to: J. Keating, Member) Biddle, Thomas & Co., Philadelphia, June 15, 1840 Budd, Henry, Chaizan, Mar. 24, 1864 Burd, Edward S ., /~hiladel~hia,~FWi. 10, 1834 Clarke, James, president, U. c .-CO . , Philadelphia, Aug . 31, 1840 Colhoun, Gustavus, Philadelphia, Nov. 14, 1837 Craige, Seth, Director, Philadelphia, June 4, 1851 (resignation) Fielding, Robert, Burlington, Nov. 14, 1825 Fowler, S. L. & R., Philadelphia, 1835-36 Gault, John N., Tamaqua, May 11, 1850 Gotz? Jacob W., Constable, June 16, 1874 Gratz, Hyman, Pres., Pa. Co. for Insurance on Lives, Philadelphia, June 24, 1840 Hale and Davidson & Others, Philadelphia, Apr. 20, 1826 Harper, Thomas,Treas. & Secy., Schuylkill Nav. Co., Philadelphia, 1825 Hodgdon, A. S.,Member, Oct. 9, 1850 Hofmeister, George, and Christian Ritter, Aug. 24, 1825 Humphreys, Samuel, Southwark, Jan. 10, 1822 Hutchinson, John N., President, Philadelphia, Feb. 14, 1870 (resignation) Kemble, William, Agent, West Point Foundary ASSOC., 1825-26, 1830 Ketland, Thomas, June 2, 1828 Landis, Felix, Treasurer, Union Deposit Furnace, Dec. 24, 1872 Lehman, William, Member, Lebanon, 1829 Loans, 1825, 1826, 1828, 1829 Proposals for~200,000,1825 Benson, Alexander, Philadelphia, Apr. 7, 1825 Biddle, Thomas & Jog G., Philadelphia, Apr. 7, 1825 Birch, William Y. /~hiladel~hia?x- n. d. Black, Mary, ~ilmi~~ton,Del., n.d. Boyd, William, Philadelphia, Apr. 7, 1825 Cox, John, Philadelphia, Apr. 7, 1825 Davis, Ann B., n.d. Dietz, Richard?, Philadelphia, Apr. 6, 1825 Evans, Griffith, Philadelphia, n.d. Female Hebrew Benevolent Society of Philadelphia, n.d. Gratz, Jacob, Philadelphia, Apr. 7, 1825 Hale & Davidson, Philadelphia, Apr. 7, 1825 McEuen, Charles, Philadelphia, Apr. 7, 1825 McEuen, Hannah, Philadelphia, Apr. 7, 1825 McIntyre, Archibald, Philadelphia, Apr. 4, 1825 Ninn, S. & J. "Co., Philadelphia, Apr, 7, 1825 Folders \ Newman, Thomas, Philadelphia, Apx. 7, 1825 Read, William, Chairman, Philadelphia, Apr. 6, 1825 Ridgway, Jacob, Philadelphia, n.d. Roberts, Thomas P., Philadelphia, Apr. 7, 1825 Samson, William, Philadelphia, n. d. :[with Ridgway) Smith, James B., Philadelphia, Apr. 7, 1825 Starr, Isaac, Apr. 7, 1825 Stocker, John Clements, Philadelphia, Apr. 7, 1825 Swift, Joseph, Philadelphia, Apr. 7, 1825 Proposals for $175,000, 1826 Brantigan, David, Philadelphia, Jan. 12, 1826 cornittee of Accounts, ~hiiadel~hia,Jan. 16, 1826 (Boyd, Gratz , Stocker) Dietz, Richard, Philadelphia, Jan. 16, 1826 Fisher, William W., Jan. 16, 1826 Hahn, Peter, Jan. 23, 1826 Insurance Company of the State of Penna., Philadelphia, Jan. 21, 1826 Read, John, Philadelphia, Jan. 23, 1826 Roberts, George, Jan. 23, 1826 ~oland,R., Jan. 23, 1826 Proposals for $171,800, 1826 Astley, Thomas, Philadelphia, May 4, 1826 Boyd, William, Philadelphia, May 5, 1826 Colhoun, Gustavus, Philadelphia, May 4, 1826 Committee of Accounts, Philadelphia, May 5, 1826 (Boyd, Gratz , Stocker) Delaware Insurance Company of Philadelphia, May 4, 1826 Ely, John, n.d. Fisher, William W., May 2, 1826 Graff, Charles, May 4, 1826 Insurance Company of North America, Philadelphia, May 4, 1826 Marine Insurance Company, Philadelphia, May 4, 1826 Matthews, Matthew, Philadelphia, May 4, 1826 Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Company, Philadelphia, May 4, 1826 Read, John, Philadelphia, May 3, 1826 Read, Johp,Philadelphia, May 4, 1826 Read, William, Philadelphia, May 3, 1826 still<, John, Philadelphia, May 4, 1826 Troutman, George, Philadelphia, May 4, 1826 Vaux, George, Philadelphia, May 4, 1826 Proposals for $280,400, 1826 Bank of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Sept. 19, 1826 Black, Mary, Sept. 20, 1826 Boyd, William, Philadelphia, Sept. 20, 1826 Caxdeza, Juan art'., Philadelphia, Sept. 20, 1826 Farmers and Mechanics Bank, Philadelphia, Sept. 20, 1826 Fleming, Robert, Philadelphia, Sept. 20, 1826 Insurance Company of the State of Penna., Philadelphia, Sept. 19, 1826 Leamy, John, Philadelphia, Sept. 20, 1826 Leamy, John A., Philadelphia, Sept. 20, 1826 Folders \ Marine Insurance Company, Philadelphia, Sept. 19, 1826 Philadelphia Bank, Philadelphia, Sept. 15, 1826 Read, John, Philadelphia, Sept. 20, 1826 Read, William, Philadelphia, Sept. 20, 1826 ~ichar'dson, William, Philadelphia, Sept .
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