University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 10-2-2009 Sandspur, Vol 116, No 04, October 02, 2009 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol 116, No 04, October 02, 2009" (2009). The Rollins Sandspur. 1890. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/1890 L & T Jail Ministry Page 8 )09 Obama Places Tariffs on China OPINION: Tariffs a bad idea Page 4 RIPTag Review Page 9 The Oldest College Newspapeantattmr In Florida, Est. 1894 r iw^nanAr in PlnriHa Pet 1flQA ^^ Friday October 25 2009 www.thesandspur.org Volume 116 Issue 4 follow us on Twitter Festival concludes seventh year Where did you party this weekend? GLOBAL PEAC ILM F TIVAL n9w CHRISTIAN KEBBEL/ the sandspur Rollins spends the weekend at \ jl t m*'~ § 9 &•$m S& #&'• § a variety of parties across the campus. T FAIR this day in history ir*AkMPM * BALDWIN P&& October 2,1950: A cartoon entitled "Peanuts" by Charles Schultz was first printed in a newspaper. The cartoon . became a major hit across America and is still incred­ ibly popular among children today. COURTESY OF PEACEFn.MFEST.ORG ALEXIS OBERNAUER Documentary," "Peace Pitch - A executive at Carrie Productions take to peace driven messages. the sandspur Filmmaker's Work in Progress," (Danny Glover's production Hopefully films and events and "Media Day of Dialogue") company), Kim Dawson and have inspired individuals to provided moderated, 90-minute David McKenna from Possibil­ volunteer their efforts toward a forums that brought filmmakers ity Pictures/the film "Letters to greater cause. The weeklong Global Peace and audience members together God", and Sylvia Caminer and Student/festival intern, Alii Film Festival concluded on Sun­ for in-depth investigations of the two subjects of her work-in- Crocker (Class of 2011), suc­ day afternoon after taking the hidden aspects of the film in­ progress, "Project Tanzania." Not cinctly summarized the week- greater Orlando community by dustry. only did the filmmakers partici­ long events; "I have attended storm in a flurry of peace signs These panels were well at­ pate in on-campus events, they the festival in previous years, and prominently displayed tended and well received, con­ also immersed themselves into but never before have I been red posters. This year's festival firmed Rollins student Madison the Winter Park community and able to go behind the scenes and produced the best turnout and Milowsky (Class of 2010). were spotted dining on Park Av­ see what really goes in to mak­ COURTESY OF highest ticket revenue in its enue on several occasions. ing the event such a success. SNOOPY.COM "My favorite part of the fes­ seven-year history; preliminary tival was the panel I attended on Chase Jennings (Class of There are a million aspects to counts place ticket sales around Thursday afternoon, 'Making 2012) discussed such an en­ the festival that make it what it Interested in 1500, nearly a 67 percent in­ Films that Make a Difference,'" counter, "It was really cool to be is, and I am so excited that I got some extra crease from roughly 900 in 2008. said Milowsky. "It was such a eating dinner at the same place to be a part of it this year. I know All of the event's proceeds sup­ privilege to meet some of the [Spice] as such prominent film­ that everyone who attended a cash? Take port the festival's continuation film directors and hear them makers. Talking to them opened film was inspired to take action pictures and and subsequent growth in fu­ talk about their work." my eyes as to what my future as is some way, and I hope that write for The ture years. Rollins is fortunate for the a Critical Media and Cultural next year even more people will Sandspur! In addition to viewing the opportunity to host such an es­ Studies major could hold." be able to attend a film and take 39 films being screened, festival- teemed festival, for it is one of By giving students and something from the festival. It is goers could also attend Q&A few schools in the nation that community members the chance a great event and an easy way sessions with filmmakers as co-sponsors such*a major, cause- to engage in meaningful discus­ to learn about the world and well as panel discussions. The driven event. Over the past sion about social justice issues, how to make a difference." Visit four panel discussions ("What week, the school co-hosted 18 there stands a better chance that peacefilmfest.org to learn more is Peace?," "Making Films That filmmakers in attendance plus these audience members will about what you can do to pro­ Make a Difference - Focus on some special guests: Karen Bolt, know the appropriate action to mote global peace. _WHERE TO GO 3%1% the$andspur,org POLL Uf:Ws pages 1-2 What is your response to Kanye West's interruption of «< Taylor Swift during the MTV Video Music Awards? WNIONS -.pages 3-4 WM He should not have been on stage unless he won CENTER SPREAD pages 6-7 Bl Who the hell gave Kanye West a microphone? LIFE & TIMES pages 5&8 I'm happy about poll and I'mma let you finish, but- E Kayne West was absolutely right 2A " pages 9-11 newsPAGE 2 BAn interesting point, but not the time to share it SP IllEveryone deserves to share his/her opinion 0RTS 44. 12 October 2,2009 The Rollins College Sandspur [email protected] NEWS W$z i£>anfcrsipur <T$ie Oldest Cottege Sutton Apartments raided during nigh vandals. The e-mail search came Newspaper in Tfbrida TJ FISHER m %<*. *£ kS* Zn m Founded in 1894 the sandspur up empty, and Res Life has yet to identify the culprits. Since Late at night on Sept. 17, there is no evidence on who f*i K *$ m %Z m Wfyt §3>unb&pux is a and early in the morning of committed the vandalism, Res ;*;$> Sept. 18, there was a disturbance Life will have to resort to billing .* ** lit ti* ** **$ M **• '#?• weekly publication in the quiet of the Sutton Place the entire building. printed on recycled South Apartments. Residents In order to prevent this sort paper, and we want ? !$i v ? woke up the morning of Sept. 18 of problem in the future, every ••h\. *« f# 1*1 ***#*$ YOU to get involved. to a myriad of vandalism in the Sutton floor will have a bulletin *n t&m *"* % m I halls of Rollins' only on-campus board warning residents of the apartment-style residence. Over risks of vandalism, and the sort Brittany Fornof the course of the night, there of punishment vandalism can Editor-in-Chief was a compilation of various incur on an individual. forms of vandalism: five exit When asked what would signs were torn down, ceiling happen should the vandals be Nick Zazulia tiles were broken, picture frames found, McDonald replied, "Their Managing Editor were broken, and an emergency actions would be documented, call box torn off of the side of the and the vandals would be building. Lauren Hames turned into the Community Hall director for the Standards and Responsibility Faculty Advisor apartments, Whitney board, and they will handle the McDonald, claims that this is problem from there. Once that Alexis Obernauer Head Copy the only instance of vandalism has happened, the punishment Greg Golden Webmaster Sutton has seen and that is out of the hands of Res Life." Amanda Hampton Badass it is uncharacteristic of the Furthermore, only those Jen AtweO Public Relations residences here on campus. who committed the vandalism, Ben Zitsman Work-Study According to McDonald, the not everyone who lives in normal procedure would Sutton, would pay the payment be to bill every resident in bill for the broken items. Section TcCitors Sutton for the damage caused Although it is still unknown to the building, but the staff who committed the vandalism, Evie Lyras Center-Spread at Residential Life (Res Life) it is good to know that Res Life Travis Clinger News wanted to avoid that. Instead, is being forward about finding Lanra Hardwicke Opinions GREG GOLDEN / the sands an e-mail was sent out to all of those who are responsible. Jen Stnll Life & Times the residents in Sutton asking Instead of taking the "guilty Sutton was the site of vandalism again. Erik Keevan. Arts&Entertainment for any information regarding by association" route, they are Shannon Lynch. Sports/Calendar the identity of the vandal or trying desperately to find the vandals and avoid having to bill the entire apartment building. Lindsey Hirsch Asst. Editor Where do you fit into the Sandspur? Have you heard of NCORE At the Sandspur, we are con­ stantly looking for more voices, be they involved in editing, writing, or DODIE O'KEEFE over the country. The confer­ also stated that they learned ute. Do not hesitate to spea photography. This year, we are adding the sandspur ence was a week in length and about ways to implement pro­ to one of these students or th| a new Staff Reporter position. Staff topics such as diversity, race, grams to work towards diver­ Office of Multicultural Affa Reporters will attend weekly assign­ ethnicity and multiculturalism sity in our universities and com­ and find out what you can d<j ment meetings and write articles to be Rollins students: are you were discussed.
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