DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 18 NOVEMBER 2019 Case No: 19/01147/OUT (OUTLINE APPLICATION) Proposal: RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OF UP TO 31 DWELLINGS TOGETHER WITH ASSOCIATED ACCESS AND WORKS IN THE HIGHWAY, DRAINAGE AND LANDSCAPING Location: LAND REAR OF 68 TO 82 NORTH STREET STILTON Applicant: CADDICK LAND AND LANDOWNERS Grid Ref: 516277 289831 Date of Registration: 25.06.2019 Parish: STILTON RECOMMENDATION - APPROVE This application is referred to the Development Management Committee in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation as Stilton Parish Council's recommendations of refusal are contrary to the Officer recommendation of approval. The application was also called into the Development Management Committee by Cllr Tim Alban. 1. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND APPLICATION 1.1 The application site is located to the East and rear of North Street and West of the A1(M) Motorway. The western boundary of the site is formed by North Street and some rear boundaries of dwellings along the highway. The northern boundary consists of a small area of tree planting with industrial development beyond. The eastern boundary is a landscape buffer and hedgerow running alongside the A1(M). The southern boundary is adjacent to a paddock. The application site is relatively flat agricultural land. 1.2 The application proposes up to 31 residential units. The site is proposed to be accessed from North Street and this point is approximately 450m to the north of the centre of the settlement. The proposal is accessible by public transport with bus stops located on either side of North Street with services to Huntington, Peterborough Hampton and Sawtry. 1.3 This application is in outline with 'access' the only matter to be considered in detail at this stage. The final layout, scale, appearance and landscaping are 'Reserved Matters' to be considered at a future date (should outline permission be granted). The application is accompanied by an 'Illustrative Masterplan Plan showing how the application site could be developed and demonstrating that the site is capable of accommodating the scale of development proposed (up to 31 dwellings). The final layout would be established at reserved matters stage. 1.4 Although some plans and reports were amended during the determination period, the planning application is supported by the following information, plans and reports: • Planning Application Form and Ownership Certificate; • Site Location Plan • Illustrative Master Plan • Topographical Survey • Design and Access Statement • Planning Statement • Transport Assessment • Travel Plan • Flood Risk Assessment • Preliminary Ecological Appraisal • Lighting Impact Assessment • Landscape Plan • Archaeological and Heritage Assessment • Air Quality Report • Noise Report • Agricultural and Land Classification and impact assessment • Statement of Community Engagement 2. NATIONAL GUIDANCE 2.1 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF 2019) sets out the three economic, social and environmental objectives of the planning system to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development. The NPPF confirms that ‘So sustainable development is pursued in a positive way, at the heart of the Framework is a presumption in favour of sustainable development. The NPPF sets out the Government's planning policies for: • delivering a sufficient supply of homes; • achieving well-designed places; • conserving and enhancing the natural environment; • conserving and enhancing the historic environment. For full details visit the government website National Guidance 3. PLANNING POLICIES 3.1 Huntingdonshire's Local Plan to 2036 (Adopted 15th May 2019) • LP1: Amount of Development • LP2: Strategy for Development • LP4: Contributing to Infrastructure Delivery • LP5: Flood Risk • LP6: Waste Water Management • LP9: Small Settlements • LP10 The Countryside • LP11: Design Context • LP12: Design Implementation • LP13: Placemaking • LP14: Amenity • LP15: Surface Water • LP16: Sustainable Travel • LP17: Parking Provision and vehicle movement • LP24: Affordable Housing Provision • LP25: Housing Mix • LP30: Biodiversity and Geodiversity • LP31: Trees, Woodland, Hedges and Hedgerow. • LP34 Heritage Assets and their Settings • LP36: Air Quality • LP37: Ground Contamination and Ground Water Pollution 3.2 Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) and Guidance: • Huntingdonshire Design Guide SPD (2017) • Huntingdonshire Townscape and Landscape Assessment SPD 2007 • Developer Contributions SPD 2011 • Cambridgeshire Flood and Water SPD 2017 • Huntingdonshire Tree Guidance Note 3 • December 2017 Annual Monitoring Review regarding housing land supply. Local For full details visit the government website Local policies 4. PLANNING HISTORY 4.1 18/01796/OUT - Residential development of up to 90 dwellings together with associated access and works in the highway, drainage and landscaping – Refused due to an unacceptable impact on the residential amenity of future occupants due to high noise and poor air quality levels from the A1M, as well as concerns regarding school capacity at Stilton Primary School weighing against the proposal. 4.2 An Appeal was lodged against this refusal, at the time of writing this report the appeal remains undetermined. 5. CONSULTATIONS 5.1 Stilton Parish Council – Objects – comments summarised below, see full comments attached: * Not an allocated site within the local plan, small settlement already had development approved * Not the need for housing, services/infrastructure would struggle to accommodate development such as school facilities * Still a major noise issue with flawed data * Unacceptable access as well as parking and congestion 5.2 Ward Councillor Alban – Objects - comments summarised below, see full comments attached: * At odds with the Local Plan * Excessive noise levels * School capacity issue * Unsafe T Junction access in terms of highway safety, parking and congestion 5.3 Anglian Water – No objection, comments discussed within the report below: Request condition for Foul Water Drainage. 5.4 Cambridgeshire Constabulary Crime Prevention Team – No objections, comments summarised below: * Discuss community safety and vulnerability to crime at REM – this is an area that has seen some residential burglaries and thefts * In particular it needs to demonstrate: * Natural Surveillance of public and semi-private spaces e.g. entrances to a development, paths, play areas, open spaces * Defensible space and the clear definition, differentiation and robust separation of public, private and semi-private space, so spaces are defined and protected in their use and ownership. * External lighting should be column lit and all to the standard of adopted roads and include shared parking courts and footpaths. * Design and layout of pedestrian, cycle and vehicle routes into and within the site, including how these integrate in the village. * Landscaping and planting, no potential hiding places 5.5 Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue – No Objection – request adequate provision for fire hydrants via condition or Section 106 agreement 5.6 Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC) Archaeology – No objection, comments discussed with report below: * Request Archaeology condition 5.7 CCC Education – No Objections, comments summarised within the report below: * Statutory duty to secure sufficient school places not to secure places within a local school, CCC cannot object * As this development is for less than 200 dwellings then any education mitigation would be provided for under CIL. * Early years, Primary and Secondary education are all at capacity. 5.8 CCC Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) – No Objections * Initially objected to the proposal due to insufficient information. * Following amended plans, the LLFA has removed their objection. Comments are discussed within the report below. Recommended surface water drainage and drainage maintenance conditions. 5.9 CCC Local Highway Authority Development Management – No objections, comments summarised within the report below: * Recommended conditions for full details of the layout of the site including roads, footways, cycle ways, buildings, visibility splays, parking provision, turning areas and highway surface water drainage, minimum access width, radius kerbs 5.10 HDC Affordable Housing Officer– No Objections, comments summarised within the report below 5.11 HDC Environmental Health – Following amendments, no objection - comments are discussed in full within the relevant part of the report below (see ‘Residential Amenity’ section below). Issues to be discussed include Air quality, Noise and lighting. * Conditions were recommended for noise, air quality, contaminated land, construction/delivery times and a construction management plan 5.12 HDC Landscape Officer – Comments summarised below: * Defer to others on the principle of development. * Agree with U/D comments with regard to layout, and the extent of development that could be supported. The proposed “Focal Square” is nothing of the kind, being only a large area of hardstanding with little definition and enclosure, * The Landscape Position Paper is a very broad brush approach, and it mistakenly locates the site within the Northern Wolds LCA, when in fact it is in the Fen Margin LCA. * Agree with and support comments from the Wildlife Trust, outlining how a clear demonstration of Biodiversity Net Gain should be carried out. 5.13 HDC Urban Design – Comments summarised below: * Query principle of development given the adoption of the local plan but defer to case officer. Should the principle of development be accepted,
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