- REVIEW ARTICLE systems," Venous angiomas may be Venous angiomas of quite small, draining a limited region of the brain, or may be very large, the brain a sometimes draining an entire hemi- • sphere. They can be single or multi- ple, and even bilateral.P" The com- review monest sites of occurrence are in the frontal and parietal lobes of the cere- venous anomaly' or DVA, pointing bral hemispheres and in the cerebel- Ian C Duncan out that these abnormalities actual- Ium.':" They can also be found in the ly represented an extreme anatomi- FFRad(D)SA occipital and temporal lobes, basal cal variant of the normal venous ganglia and pons." Unitas Interventional Unit POBox 14031 drainage of the brain. Lytlelton Imaging 0140 Pathology The classical radiographic appear- The theory of the development of ance of these abnormalities accurately venous angiomas is that there is fail- reflects the anatomical picture with Introduction ure of regression of normal embryon- multiple enlarged transmedullary Venous angiomas of the brain, also ic transmedullary venous channels. veins radiating in a wedge or radial termed venous malformations or These persistent transmedullary veins pattern toward the larger collecting developmental venous anomalies run axially through the white matter vein producing the pathognomic (DVA) are commonest of the to drain into a single larger calibre col- 'caput medusae' or 'spoke wheel' intracranial vascular malformations lecting venous trunk. The dilated ter- appearance during the venous phase comprising between 50% and 63% of minal collecting vein then penetrates of a cerebral angiogram (Figs 1,2).14,15 all intracranial vascular malforma- the cortex to drain either superficially A similar appearance is often seen on tions. They may be found in as many into cortical veins or dural sinuses, or computed tomographic (CT) or mag- as 2 - 2.5% of the general population." deeply in the subependymal veins and netic resonance (MR) scanning of the The term 'venous angioma' was deep venous system. In the posterior brain (Fig. I), although with smaller introduced by Russel and Rubin- fossa collecting veins may drain into angiomas often only the collecting stein in 1951.4 In 1963 Courville' the ponto mesencephalic or cerebellar vein is seen (Fig. 3). These angiomas first suggested the concept that veins. A further effect of this apparent are best seen on CT scanning follow- venous angiomas represent com- halt in venous anatomical develop- ing contrast administration. Similarly, pensatory venous drainage path- ment is that there is regional hypopla- they are also usually best seen on MR ways in the brain. Later reports sia or aplasia of norma! pial veins in imaging on contrast-enhanced Tl- indicated that these venous the same area of the brain. The result weighted images.":" The collecting angiomas seemed to drain normal of this is that the anomalous vein veins are seen as either straight or ser- brain tissue and were to be consid- drains the normal brain tissue in the piginous enhancing structures tra- ered as anomalous venous drainage area affected. versing the brain parenchyma on CT systems." Huang et al? described In the cerebral hemispheres, or MR. They may be seen as flow these anomalies as being purely Valavanis et aP described both super- voids on standard unenhanced Tl venous with no associated arterial ficial and deep types. With the super- and proton density MR sequences or capillary abnormalities and sug- ficial type there is drainage of the (Fig. 2), and due to slow flow the col- gested the term 'medullary venous subependymal and deeper medullary lecting veins may also show as hyper- malformation' rather than venous regions into the cortical veins, and intense on T2-weighted images. The angioma. with the deep type the blood from the enhancement of the collecting veins Finally in 1986 Lasjuanias et al.8 subcortical white matter drains into with gadolinium on MR scanning in coined the term 'developmental the subependymal and deep venous keeping with other normal venous 14 SA JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY • September 2002 REVIEW ARTICLE structures of the brain is in contrast to the appearance of dilated veins in a high-flow situation such as is seen with the veins draining an arteriove- nous malformation or fistula, where these veins tend to show as flow voids on all sequences despite contrast administration. Occasionally decreased signal intensity may be seen in venous angiomas on gradient-echo MR images due to magnetic susceptibility resulting from deoxyhaemoglobin in Fig. 1. Cerebellar venous angioma: characteristic appearance. Axial contrast-enhanced T1-weighted MR the veins." Venous angiomas can be image (Fig. 1a) with corresponding venous retum phase Image during a selective left vert9bral arteriogram (Fig. 1b) both showing tne typical 'caput medusae' appearance of a venous angioma within the cerebellum. seen on MR venography but this sel- dom adds any more information than standard multiplanar MR imaging. During angiography these venous angiomas are seen during the venous return phase of a selective cerebral angiogram. The arterial phase is gen- erally normal although occasional regional arterial supply variations may be seen. A prominent late capillary blush may be seen in the area drained by a venous angioma followed by fill- ing of the medullary veins and later the collecting vein producing the charac- teristic angiographic appearance. Patholo~ical associations Although most venous angiomas occur in isolation, usually found as incidental findings, they are known to have associations with other cranial vascular and developmental abnor- malities. These include cavernous malformations, arteriovenous malfor- mations, capillary telangiectasias, sinus pericranii and other facial vas- cular malformations, and cortical dys- plasias and other migrational brain Fig. 2. Frontal venous angioma: characteristic appearance. Contrest-enhanced axial CT (Fig. 2a) and axial abnormalities. Venous angiomas may proton-density MR (Fig. 2b) images at the same level showing a venous angioma in the left frontal lobe. It shbws as an enhancing stll./Ctureon the tenner and as a How-voidon the latter. The venous retum phase be associated with other intracranial images of a selective left intemal carotid arteriogram (Figs za. 2d) show the same deep venous angioma draining superficially. vascular malformations in up to 9% of cases. 15 SA JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY • September 2002 - REVIEW ARTICLE The association of venous angiomas with cavernous malforma- tions suggests a common malforma- tive mechanism, possibly with the presence of the cavernous malforma- tion somehow triggering the develop- ment of the venous anomaly (Fig. 4). Lasjaunias" has disputed this, postulating that the haemodynamic differences created by the anomalous venous drainage may, in fact, trigger the formation of the cavernoma at a later stage. Occasionally a true arteri- ovenous malformation may drain into the collecting vein of a venous Fig. 3 . Probable brainstem venous angioma. Axial T2-weighted (Fig. 38) and contrast-enhanced T1-weight- angioma. In a very small percentage ed (Fig. 3b) images showing a linear vascular structure traversing the brainstem on the right at the level of the pons In a patient who presented with an ipsilateral trigeminal neuralgia. The linear structure is probably (< 5%) of venous angiomas, associat- the col/ecting trunk of a brainstem venous angioma. This was not confirmed angiographical/y. Its relationship to the clinical presentation is questionable. ed tiny arteriovenous fistulas can be identified at angiography where small, slightly dilated arteries are seen to drain directly into the medullary veins. Mullan et al" have postulated that cerebral venous malformations and arteriovenous malformations share a related malformative mecha- nism, and the presence of these microfistulas seen with some venous angiomas seems to lend credence to this theory. Venous angiomas may also occasionally be associated with intracranial varix with stenotic nar- rowing of the outlet of the collecting vein leading to ectasia of the collect- Fig. 4. Venous angioma with associated cav- ing vein," emous angioma. A contrast-enhanced axial T1- weighted image shows the characteristic 'caput Two groups of anomalies also medusae' appearance of a periventricular venous angioma in the left frontal lobe (Fig. 4a). A coronal found in association with venous T1 image shows the same venous angioma with angiomas in children include cranio- an associated cavemous angioma barely visible above it (Fig. 4b). A coronal FLAIR image shows facial vascular malformations and the more typical MR appearance of the associat- ed cavemous angioma (Fig. 40). cortical dysplasias. The craniofacial vascular anomalies that have been described in association with venous angiomas include facial port-wine stains, lymphatic malformations, venous malformations, frontal varices, prominent transcranial veins and sinus pericranii.?" The associa- tion with port-wine stains and lym- 16 SA JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY • September 2002 REVIEW ARTICLE phatic malformations appears to be coincidental as no direct causative link has yet been established. An equally rare situation is the presence of a large hemispheric venous angioma drain- ing transcraniallythrough a sinus per- icranii defect," A sinus pericranii defect is an osteodural venous anom- aly where the intracranial venous drainage joins a midline sinus before draining externally through a skull defect directly into subcutaneous veins. The association of venous angioma
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