LIST OF REGISTERED COMPANIES / BUSINESSES WITH JGC-FLUOR (JFJV) – AS OF NOVEMBER 2018 . 0822198 BC Ltd . 0923529 BC Ltd DBA Prince Rupert TRUC . 101 Industries Ltd . 1315596 Alberta Ltd . 203 Industries . 3C Information Solutions Inc . 3-D Line Locating . 3M . 3Sixty Designs . 73719 NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR INC. 8646511 Canada Inc. O/A CeeCam Corporation . A&B Rail Services Ltd . A.J. Forsyth - A Division of Russel Metals Inc . A.R. Thomson Group . ABB Canada . ABB Technologies . ABC Industrial Services . ABC Recycling Ltd. Abel Pest Control . Above & Beyond Compression Inc . Absolute Completions Corporation . Acadia Northwest Mechanical Inc . Acciona . ACE Heavy Haul . Acklands Grainger Inc . ACM Facility Safety . Aconex . Acrow Bridge . ACS Air Charter Service (Canada) Corp . Active Equipment Systems Inc. Acuren Group Inc. Adams Valves Inc. Add Energy . Advance Valves Global LLP . Advanced Drive Systems . Advanced Electrical Services Ltd . Advanced Flow Systems . Advanced Geosolutions / AGI Foundation Contractors ULC. Advanced Medical Solutions Inc / Lee-Bo Medical Solutions . Advanced Paramedic Ltd . Advantage Fleet Services Inc . Advantage Print . Adventure Paving JV . AE Valves . AECOM Canada Ltd . AECOM Production Services Ltd . Aecon Industrial Management Corp . Aecon Mining Construction Management Inc . Aerotek ULC . Aescit . AGAT Laboratories Ltd . Agility Logistics . Agra Foundations . AGRA Foundations Canada Inc . AIME Consulting Inc . AIMS Group . Air Canada . Air Charter Service PLC . Air Energi . Air North . AJ Safety Centre . Alberni Engineering . Albion Marine Solutions Ltd . Alcor Kitselas . Ale Roll Lift . All Aboard America! Holdings, Inc . All Nations Group Holdings LLP . All Nations Placement Agency Inc . All Peace Industrial Contractors . All Seasons Source for Sports . All Star Shoes . All West Glass . All West Glass . Allan Construction . Allied Blower & Sheetmetal Ltd . Allnorth Consultants Ltd . Allteck Line Contractors Inc . All-West Crane & Rigging Ltd . Almita Piling . Alora Griffin Architect . Alpha & Omega . Alpha Safety Ltd . ALS Canada Ltd . Alstom Grid . Alternative Renovations . Altus Geomatics Limited Partnership . Aluma JV . Aluma Systems Inc. / Brand Energy & Infrastructure Services, Inc. Aluma Systems Industrial Services . Amardeep Steel Centre . Amazon Springs Water Co. Ltd. Ambient Dynamics Ltd . Ameco . American Piping Products Inc. Ames Construction . Anderson Steel . Andre's Electronic Experts . Andrew Sheret Ltd . Andritz Automation . Anixter Canada . Anna Christine Charters . AP/Strad . Applus Velosi Canada, Ltd. Applus+ RTD, Applus+ Velosi . Aqua Clear Bottlers . Aqua Sphere Surveyors . Arbutus West Agency Ltd . Arctic Fire Safety Services Limited . AREMECA . Arktik Daylighting (BC) Inc . Armour Valve . Arnlea . Arthon (Sandhill) . Arthon Construction Ltd . Artists At Work . Arup . Aspelund Inspection . Asplundh Canada ULC . Associated Engineering . Astaldi Canada . Atco Structures/Haisla JV . Athenian Group . Atlantic Blue Enterprises Ltd . Atlas Copco . Atlas RFID . AT-PAC Scaffold Services Inc . Ausenco . Austin Industrial Canada, Inc . Austral Asia Line . Automaster Autobody Ltd . Automatic-Systems . Autopro Automation Consultants Ltd. Axiom Equipment Inc. Axton Inc . AXYS Technologies . B I E International Ltd . B&B Heavy Civil Construction Ltd . B&D Oilfield Services . B&W Fluid Dynamics, Inc . BA Blacktop Ltd . Badger Daylighting Limited Partnership, by its General Partner Badger Daylighting Ltd . Bailey Helicopters Ltd . Bailey, Neil . BakerCorp Canada . BAM International . Bandstra Transportation Systems Ltd . Bantrel Constructors . Barbaro Group USA . Barrier Coating Services Inc. Barrie's Diversified Inc. BaseCorp Learning Systems . BAT Construction (Sims Group) . Bauer Foundations Canada Inc . Bay Industrial Instrument Ltd. Bay International Canada . BC Bolting . BC Brokers Ltd . BC Const. Alliance . BC CORPS OF COMMISSIONAIRES . BC Hydro . BC Pole Supply . BC SafetyLink . Bear Creek Contracting Group . Bear Creek Group . Bear Creek LP / Qooluun Ventures . Becht . Bechtel . BEI . Beitz Computers and Office Supplies . Belvedere Place Contracting . Bemac Construction Corporation . Benchmark Site Services Inc. Bergen Pipe Supports . BergerABAM . Bermingham Foundation Solutions . Bertling . BESIX-VanPile-Boskalis . Betts Electric . BFI Constructors . BHD Instrumentation . Bi Pure Water Inc . BID Group of Companies . Big Grizzly Construction Inc . Big Hammer Mechanical . Big River Analytics Ltd . BigSteelBox Corp . Billabong Road and Bridge Maintenance Inc . Bill's Machine Repair . Bird Construction . Bird Industrial Group Limited . Bitschnau Gleit & Schalungstechnik GmbH . BJC Heavy Industries (JV) . Black & McDonald Limited (Western Industrial Region) . Black and McDonald . Black Box Competency Inc . Black Diamon Energy Service . Black Diamond Group Ltd . Black Opal Energy Services . Blackfish Carving . Blackpress . Blue Max Drilling Inc . BNSF Logistics Canada, Inc. Board of Governor . Boluda Corporacion Maritima . BOMESC . Boni Maddison Architects . Boreal Laser Inc . Borealis Industrial Supply Ltd . Borsoi Electrical Ltd . Boskalis . Bouygues . Bouygues Travaux Publics . BPC - Belvedere Place Contracting . Brand Safway . Brandt Tractor . Bravo's Welding Contractors Ltd . Breck Scaffold Solutions . Breko Builders . Bridgeman Services Group . Brinkman Forest Ltd . Bri-Steel Manufacturing . Britco LP . British Columbia Safety Supply . Brock Canada Industrial Ltd . BROWZ . Brunel . Brymark Installations Group Inc. Buildforce . Bulhmann Tube Solutions . Bureau Veritas I & F Canada . Burnco Rock Products Ltd . Business Development Bank of Canada . Butting Canada Ltd. BV Electric Ltd . C & V Portable Accommodations Ltd . C.A.S Forest Care . C.H. Robinson Project Logistics LTD . Cahill Group . Cahill Industrial Limited . Cameron Compressions Systems . Can West Mechanical Inc . Canada NDE Technical Services Ltd . Canada Pump & Power and Round house Environment . Canada Rig Mats Ltd . Canadian Alberni Engineering Co. Ltd . Canadian Base Operators Inc. Canadian Freightways . Canadian Helicopters . Canadian Industrial Paramedics . Canadian Linen & Uniform Service . Canadian North . Canawest Technology Valves . Canmec Lajoie Somec Inc . CANNEPP . Canoe Creek Loggining Inc . Canron Western Constructors LP . Canruss Medical & Safety . Cantak Corporation . Canterbury Coffee Corporation . Cantrav Services Inc. Canweld Fabricators Inc . Canwest Propane Partnership . Cares Ltd . Carillion Canada . Carrier Manufacturing . Cascade Mechanical . Cashman Dredging and Marine . Catana Consulting . CDS Research Ltd . CDW Canada . Cedar Ridge . Cedar River Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centre . Cenergy . Centerline Geomatics . Central City Steel . Central Mountain Air . Central Steel Erectors . CFSW LNG Constructors . CG Industrial Specialities . Chamco . Chapman Freeborn Air Chartering Inc . Chehalis Consulting Ltd . Chemposite Inc . Chicago Bridge & Iron Company . China First Heavy Industries . China Harbour Engineering Company Ltd . China National Offshore Oil Corporation . Chinook Electric Ltd . Chinook Scaffold Systems Ltd . Chinwoogwi Management Group . Chongqing Gathering Marine Equipment Co. Ltd . Chromalox . CIF Construction Ltd . CIMA Canada Inc . CIMS Limited Partnership . Cinnabar Vista Alef Productions Ltd. Cisco . CityWest Cable & Telephone Corp . Civeo . Civeo JV . Clara Industrial Services Ltd . Clark Builders . Clean Harbors Canada, Inc. Clean Rinse . CleanTech Janitorial . ClearStream Energy Services . Clough-Pacific JV . Cloverdale Paints . Clow Canada . CMR Marine . Clough Murray & Roberts Marine . Coast Mountain Education School District 82 . Coast Mountain Project Services . Coast Mountain Wireless Communications Ltd . Coast to Coast Holding Ltd . Coast Tsimshian Enterprises . Coast Tsimshian Fish Plant . Coast Tsimshian Northern Contractors Alliance LP . Coast Tsimshian Resources . Coast Tsimshian Seafood . Coastal Construction Aggregates . Coastal Gaslink . Coastal Industrial Construction (CIC) . Coastal Limousine Service . Coastal Shellfish . Coastal Taxi . Code Three Emergency Vehicles Inc . Coffey International . COLMAS S.r.l. Columbia Road Maintenance . Comco Pipe and Supply Company . Command Industries Inc . Command Marine Supply Ltd . Commercial Sand Blasting & Painting . Commscope . Communica . CompuSmart 635 . Condon-Johnson & Associates, Inc . Con-Force Structures Ltd . Construction Drilling Inc . Constructions EDB Inc. Continental Conveyor . Control Components Inc. Convergint Technologies . COOEC Canada Company Ltd. Cooling Tower (CT) Depot Canada Ltd . Copp’s Services Inc. Copperside Foods . Copps . Coral Oilfield Services . Corix Water Systems . Corporate Traveller Canada . CORROSION SERVICES . Corrpro Canada Inc . Cotton Comercial . Council of Construction Association . COWI Marine North America . Cownden Engineering Ltd. CPI Pumps & Service . CQ Strategy Ltd . Cream Compression Limited . Cree Energy Corp . CrewSafeBC Wildlife Services Inc . Crosby Dewar Inc . Cross Controls Inc . Crossroads C&I Distributors Inc . Cryopeak . CT Tarpon Electrical Services Limited . Cuel Limited . Cullen Diesel . CV Portable . D & J Container Services . D. Andres Quality Construction Solutions Ltd . D.J. Catering . Dad's Computers . Daewoo Engineering & Construction . Dal Monte's Wood-Craft Ltd . Dang, Jenny . Dar-Kai Enterprise Ltd . Datoff Bros. Construction Ltd . Daudet Creek Contracting Ltd . Dawson Construction Ltd . Day Enterprises . Daybreak Farms . dBA Noise
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