Lutheran World InformationLWI LWF Member Churches Continue Highlights Steady Growth Globally North America Europe The Lutheran World Federation 2010 Membership Figures 4,699,900 36,749,519 Summary ...............................4 2010 World Lutheran Membership Details ...............5 Asia FEATURE: A Tribute to My 8,802,945 Father ..................................13 Akuel Garang Mawien was determined to cast her vote in the Latin America referendum that will decide the future of Southern Sudan, and in & the Caribbean doing so, also pay tribute to her 846,939 Africa father, the parent she never met... 19,208,991 © LWF LWF 2010 Membership Figures The Lutheran World Federation Consultations 2011 ............... 15 Slight Increase Pushes Total Figure to 70.3 Million GENEVA (LWI) – The Lutheran World Fed- The current LWF total figure compares eration (LWF) member churches main- with the end of 2009 survey results, which tained a general trend of growth globally, were updated to 70.1 million (70,094,735) according to statistics released here. in July 2010 when five churches from Asia By the end of 2010, the 145 churches (Myanmar, India and Nepal) joined the belonging to the LWF, ten recognized LWF. In 2008 LWF-affiliated churches congregations and one recognized council had a total of 68.5 million members. in 79 countries, had a combined total of In 2010 membership of churches in 70,308,294 members, an increase of 213,559 the Lutheran family, including non-LWF or 0.3 percent over the previous period. churches, rose by 237,450 to just under According to the 2010 annual statistical 74 million (73,995,576), representing an survey conducted by the LWF Office for increase of 0.3 percent. In 2009 this cat- Communication Services, LWF churches egory counted 73.7 million compared to 72 in Africa and Asia reported contin- million in 2008. ued growth, with Africa adding almost 700,000 new members, and Asia more Africa than 50,000. Membership in churches in Africa belong- The Latin American and the Caribbean ing to the LWF rose over the past year churches reversed a recent decrease, by by 688,301, or 3.7 percent, to 19,208,991 gaining almost 10,000 members. members. The membership of non-LWF Churches in Europe and North America Lutheran churches on the continent was continued to experience decreases in mem- 199,697, an increase of 2,708. bership, with European membership declin- ing by about 400,000 and North American Continues on page membership by just more than 84,000. 201101 Contents Communio 1, 2 ....LWF Member Churches Continue Steady Growth Globally 4 ........The Lutheran World Federation – 2010 Membership Figures 5 ........2010 World Lutheran Membership Details Features & Themes 13 ......FEATURE: A Tribute to My Father LWF Secretariat 15 ......The Lutheran World Federation – Consultations 2011 News in Brief 2 ........LWF German Representative Cites New Impetus in Relations with Catholics 16 ......Presiding Bishop Tells ELCA Church Leaders It’s Time to Move Forward LWF German Representative Cites New Impetus in Relations with Catholics Oberkirchenrat Noberte Denecke, executive secretary of The was created two years ago in which churches from all over Lutheran World Federation (LWF) German National Com- the world have the possibility of planting a tree as a symbol mittee (GNC), said the recent visit to Italy and the Vatican of church fellowship and as part of preparations for the 500th by leaders of the United Evangelical Lutheran Church of anniversary of the Reformation in 2017. A corresponding tree Germany (VELKD) has given new impetus to the dialogue is then to be planted in the respective countries. between Lutherans and Roman Catholics. Kurt Cardinal Koch, the new president of the Pontifical After a difficult phase over the past several years, it was Council for Promoting Christian Unity (PCPCU), planted again possible to resume the dialogue with Catholic partners, a second tree in the Basilica of St Paul Outside the Walls, remarked Denecke following the 20 to 26 January visit. “For Rome’s ecumenical church. Koch, who had been elevated to the Roman Catholic Church,” he said, “the Lutheran church the position of cardinal only several months earlier, discussed is a major interlocutor. We can still accomplish much more various topics with the delegation of German Lutherans, such theologically. This trip has given new impetus to the process,” as the understanding of the church, ministry and the doctrine he told Lutheran World Information (LWI). of the Eucharist. Both sides also emphasized the perspective VELKD Presiding Bishop Johannes Friedrich led the 19- for genuine further collaboration in these areas. member strong delegation which also included the lord mayor The PCPCU president especially highlighted the confessional of the Luther town of Wittenberg, Germany. The key moment foundations of German Lutherans, which made progress on such of the visit was a private audience with Pope Benedict XVI, important ecumenical and theological issues possible. at which matters related to the upcoming 2017 anniversary of Last December, Pope Benedict received an LWF delegation the Reformation were discussed. led by the president, Bishop Dr Munib A. Younan. During In Milan, a tree was planted in honor of the Week of Prayer the visit both church leaders pointed to the significance of the Lutheran World Information World Lutheran for Christian Unity near the Augustinian church of San Marco. 2017 anniversary and the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine The planting was an initiative of the LWF/GNC and its execu- of Justification signed in October 1999 by LWF and Vatican tive secretary Denecke. In Wittenberg itself, a Luther Garden representatives. The Lutheran World Federation Consulting Editor Circulation/subscription – A Communion of Churches John P. Asling Colette Muanda 150, route de Ferney [email protected] P.O. Box 2100 German Editor CH-1211 Geneva 2, N. N. Lutheran World Information (LWI) Switzerland is the information service Layout of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF). Telephone +41/22-791 61 11 Stéphane Gallay Fax +41/22-791 66 30 [email protected] Unless specifically noted, material presented E-mail: [email protected] does not represent positions or opinions of the www.lutheranworld.org Photos LWF or of its various units. Helen Putsman Penet Interim Editor-in-Chief and English Editor [email protected] Where the dateline of an article contains the Pauline Mumia notation (LWI), the material may be freely [email protected] reproduced with acknowledgment. 2 No. 01/2011 LWF Member Churches Continue Information World Lutheran Steady Growth Globally Continued from p. 1 ship of non-LWF churches in Europe the Caribbean rose by 9,247, or 1.05 was 79,326, a decrease of 452. percent, to 846,939. Africa’s largest Lutheran church, The Evangelical Lutheran Church The Salvadoran Lutheran Church the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland (including Finns living recorded the highest percentage increase in Tanzania, increased its mem- abroad) counted a loss of members, at 66 percent with an additional 8,000 bership by 298,544, or 5.6 percent, dropping by 62,431, or 1.4 percent, to members pushing the total to 20,000. to 5,601, 271 members. A similar 4,387,085 members. The continent’s The Christian Lutheran Church of percentage increase was recorded in largest church, Church of Sweden, Honduras grew by 300, or 25 percent, the continent’s second largest LWF saw its membership decline by 51,160, to 1,500 members; and the Evangelical church, the Ethiopian Evangelical or 0.75 percent, to 6,700,792 members. Church of the River Plate gained 2,500, Church Mekane Yesus, which added The Evangelical Lutheran Church of or 10 percent, to 27,500 members. 296,334, posting 5,576,156 members Iceland lost 1,461 members, or 0.57 The region’s largest Lutheran at the end of last year. percent, to 251,487 members. church, the Evangelical Church of The Evangelical Lutheran Church European churches that recorded the Lutheran Confession in Brazil, in Zimbabwe recorded the highest per- growth in the period included the reported no change in its member- centage increase, 40 percent, accounting Malagasy Protestant Church in ship of 717,000. for 210,000 members last year com- France which gained 1,500 members, pared to 150,000 in the previous year. or 17.6 percent, to 10,000 members; North America The Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Churches in North America belong- Malawi reported a significant increase Church added 12,000 members, or ing to the LWF posted a membership of 33 percent to reach 80,000 members 7.5 percent, to 172,000 members; decrease of 84,189, or 1.75 percent, to compared to 60,000 in 2009. Also and the Federation of Evangelical 4,699,900 members. The region’s larg- posting an increase was the Evangelical Lutheran Churches in Switzerland est Lutheran church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia (ELCIN), and in the Principality of Liechten- Lutheran Church in America, lost up by 18,000 or 2.6 percent to reach stein posted a 1.05 percent increase 80,264 members, or 1.73 percent, down 703,893 members. to reach 6,890 members. to 4,543,037. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada declined by 3,925, or Asia Germany 2.56 percent, to 148,863 members. Membership in churches in Asia be- Germany continues to be the country The Lutheran Church-Missouri longing to the LWF rose by 56,511 or with the largest number of Lutherans Synod, which is not affiliated to the 0.64 percent, to 8,802,945 members. in the world with 12,676,409 mem- LWF, did not report any changes in In the region, Indonesia remained bers. That figure dropped by 261,001, its membership of 2.4 million.
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