TOWN OF GREATER NAPANEE MUNICIPAL HERITAGE COMMITTEE A G E N D A APRIL 7, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. Town Hall Committee Room (Upstairs), 124 John Street, Napanee Page 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 2.1 Adopt Agenda Recommendation: That the agenda of the Municipal Heritage Committee dated April 7, 2016 be hereby adopted. 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 3 - 6 3.1 Municipal Heritage Committee Meeting - March 3, 3016 Recommendation: That the minutes of the Municipal Heritage Committee dated March 3, 2016 are hereby approved. 4. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION 4.1. Heritage Designations 7 - 12 4.1.1 Draft Letter from the Municipal Heritage Committee to Heritage Designated Property Owners 13 - 14 4.1.2 Designation By-law Updates: - 232 Dundas Street West - 9190 Highway 33/Loyalist Parkway - Martin/Empey Hill Cemetery - Beechwood Road - Other Updates: 138 Robinson Street, 138 John Street, 42 Dundas Street East and 124 John Street (Town Hall) 4.2. Heritage Awareness and Education 15 - 21 4.2.1 Heritage 2015 Article, "The Perfect Mix - Old Buildings and the New Economy" by Carolyn Quinn 4.2.2 Vintage Home Owners' Symposium - Saturday, September 17, 2016 from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. at the County Museum and Archives Meeting Room 22 - 33 4.2.3 Community Heritage Ontario CHOnews Re: Spring 2016 4.3. Community Recognition 34 - 37 4.3.1 2016 Municipal Heritage Awards Program Page 1 of 39 MUNICIPAL HERITAGE COMMITTEE - April 7, 2016 Agenda Page 5. CORRESPONDENCE 38 - 39 5.1 Ministry of Government and Consumer Services - March 22, 2016 Re: Waiver of Land Registry Office Fees for Municipal Heritage Committees 6. MISCELLANEOUS 6.1 Photo Project Update 7. NEW BUSINESS 8. NEXT MEETING Thursday, May 5, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. 9. ADJOURNMENT Page 2 of 39 TOWN OF GREATER NAPANEE MUNICIPAL HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting Held March 3, 2016 at 4:00 PM Committee Room, Town Hall, 124 John St., Napanee PRESENT: Jane Lovell in the Chair, Eileen Ronald, Peter Rustige, Mike Normile, Fran Goring-Koch, Shirley Boston and Ron Gillespie ABSENT: Councillor Michael Schenk, Dennis Mills, Raymond Karu and Rebecca Roy, Deputy Chief Building Official OTHERS PRESENT: Susan Beckel, Clerk CALL TO ORDER Jane Lovell, Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. ADOPTION OF AGENDA COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Normile & Rustige That the Agenda of the Municipal Heritage Committee dated March 3, 2016 be hereby adopted. ADOPTION OF MINUTES COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Gillespie & Koch That the minutes of the Municipal Heritage Committee dated February 23, 2016 are hereby approved. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION (i) HERITAGE DESIGNATIONS (a) Dan MacDonald, Manager of Parks & Facilities Re: Springside Park Portable Washroom - proposal that a small concrete pad be poured at the one end of the hatchery building that would accommodate 1 accessible portable washroom and the portable could then be chained to the hatchery building to prevent it from being tipped over. Mr. MacDonald was not in attendance as a revised proposal for the accessible portable bathroom in Springside Park will no longer require a concrete pad. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Normile & Rustige That the Municipal Heritage Committee receive and accept the information presented regarding the accessible portable bathroom at Springside Park. (b) Designation Amendments Update: - 232 Dundas Street West - Martin/Empey Hill Cemetery - Beechwood Road - 9190 Highway 33/Loyalist Parkway The committee reviewed the draft by-law amendments and provided comments. Municipal Heritage Committee Meeting - March 3, 3016 Page 3 of 39 Page 1 of 4 MUNICIPAL HERITAGE COMMITTEE - March 3, 2016 Minutes The following properties’ designation by-law amendments are in the research stage: . 42 Dundas Street East (former Richelieu Hotel) by Peter Rustige; . 138 John Street (Grange Law Office) by Eileen Ronald; and . 124 John Street (Town Hall) by Mike Normile. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Normile & Ronald That the Municipal Heritage Committee receive and accept the draft designation by-law amendments for heritage properties at: 232 Dundas Street West, Martin/Empey Hill Cemetery and 9190 Highway 33/Loyalist Parkway as amended; And further that members proceed with notifying the property owners of the proposed by-law amendments for their comments. (c) Listing Candidates Update . Potential Properties to List 3337 County Road 8 – Raymond Karu is researching this property . Falls and Bridge in Forest Mills Shirley Boston reviewed the information provided regarding the falls and bridge in Forest Mills. The property on which the sawmill is located is an original crown grant from 1802, and was built by a McNeil in 1835. At one time, the bridge was the only one over the Salmon River; only thing in Forest Mills of historical value left; riverbed under the water is owned by owner of the dam because of early transfer. Ms. Boston referenced the Bala Falls in the town of Bala, Ontario which are under threat of a development which will destroy the environmentally significant tourist attraction. Ms. Boston will contact Bert Duclos at the Ministry to obtain information and possible examples of designating falls/natural features. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Boston & Rustige That the Municipal Heritage Committee recommend proceeding with a recommendation to Council to designate the falls and bridge at Forest Mills under the Ontario Heritage Act. (d) Incentive Programs Update Jane Lovell and Ron Gillespie highlighted the research they had completed to date regarding financial incentive programs for heritage properties in other similar-sized municipalities. After discussion, the committee considered that given the cost of such a program, the small number of properties that would benefit from it and the committee’s current workload that they not proceed further with this initiative at this time. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Ronald & Normile That the Municipal Heritage Committee not proceed with further research and the development of a municipal financial incentive program for heritage properties at this time. (ii) HERITAGE AWARENESS AND EDUCATION (a) Heritage Home Owner Symposium Information COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Normile & Rustige That the Municipal Heritage Committee host a Heritage Home Owner Symposium by Dr. Christopher Cooper of Edifice Atelier on a Saturday in late September 2016; Municipal Heritage Committee Meeting - March 3, 3016 Page 4 of 39 Page 2 of 4 MUNICIPAL HERITAGE COMMITTEE - March 3, 2016 Minutes And further that the date and time be confirmed at the next committee meeting. (b) 2016 Ontario Heritage Conference - May 12 - 14, 2016 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Gillespie & Normile That the Municipal Heritage Committee receive the information regarding the 2016 Ontario Heritage Conference; And further that no members of the committee attend the conference this year. (c) Heritage Matters - A Publication of the Ontario Heritage Trust Volume 14, Issue 1, February 2016 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Koch & Boston That the Municipal Heritage Committee receive for information the Heritage Matters - A Publication of the Ontario Heritage Trust Volume 14, Issue 1, February 16. (iii) MISCELLANEOUS (a) Proposed Property Standards By-law Amendment Update COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Rustige & Normile That the Municipal Heritage Committee not proceed with further research and the development of a property standards by-law amendment pertaining to heritage properties until after the Heritage Home Owners’ Symposium, regarding maintenance of heritage homes, is held in the fall of 2016. (b) Draft Letter to Heritage Property Owners COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Koch & Ronald That Jane Lovell, Chair revise the draft letter to the heritage property owners to include information regarding: . proposed amendments to the heritage designation by-laws; . insurance information sheet regarding heritage properties; and . the date and an invitation to attend the Heritage Home Owners' Symposium; And further that the reference to a heritage incentive program and proposed property standards by-law amendment be removed; And further that the revised letter be brought back to the next committee meeting. (c) Photo Project Update Fran Koch provided the following update on the photo project: . there are 12 photographs of the falls at Forest Mills; . photographers have been reminded to stay on public property; . Dave Nicholson is working on Drop Box access for committee members; and . working through the Seniors’ Outreach Services’ 55 Alive group of creative writers to develop a story on the photo project. NEW BUSINESS Eileen Ronald referenced an article, “The Perfect Mix - Old Buildings and the New Economy” which will be included in the next committee meeting’s agenda. NEXT MEETING Thursday, April 7, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. Municipal Heritage Committee Meeting - March 3, 3016 Page 5 of 39 Page 3 of 4 MUNICIPAL HERITAGE COMMITTEE - March 3, 2016 Minutes ADJOURNMENT COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Rustige & Boston That the committee does hereby adjourn at 6:09 p.m. Jane Lovell, Chair Municipal Heritage Committee Meeting - March 3, 3016 Page 6 of 39 Page 4 of 4 April 7, 2016 Owner Street Napanee, ON. Postal Code Dear Re: Designated Heritage Properties An Introduction to the New Heritage Committee and Upcoming Activities Following the municipal elections in the fall of 2014 a new slate of volunteers was appointed to the Greater Napanee Heritage Committee, and confirmed for the next four years. I am contacting you to introduce the new committee and, more importantly, to tell you of the work we have undertaken in the past year and what we plan to accomplish over then next three years of our term. The Greater Napanee Heritage Committee now consists of ten members. Our names and the Committee's terms of reference can be found by visiting the Town of Greater Napanee website , clicking on Town Hall and then Committees. Over the past year the Heritage Committee has defined priorities for our term and has commenced work on some projects identified as high priority. Already underway is a project that affects you as owners of a designated property, and for which we are hoping to solicit your participation. We have begun work on updating the designation by-laws for all designated properties in the Town of Greater Napanee.
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