•• •• 'March 19, 1982 aCl lC Cl lzen (4S¢ Pcstpaid)_ The National Publication of the Japanese American Citizens League News 9Rn ISSN: ~791 Whole No. 2,180 I Vol. 94 No. 11 Stand: """" · Noguchi back in center'of controversy By PETER IMAMURA Becklund also wrote separate but concurrent articles on No­ Los Angeles County Chief Medical -Examiner-Coroner Dr. guchi and his department: Thomas T. Noguchi faced a Mar. 17 deadline to respond to a (1) On Dec. TI, a report appeared OIl thefts from dead bodies. Staff 3O-day suspension issued him Mar. 11 by the County Board of persons in the department were allegedly stealing valuables, legal evi­ Supervisors, ·and answer the charges of office mismanagement dence and drugs from the dead brought in for autopsies. levied against him. The controversial county department head (2) On Dec. 28, Becklund focused on how Noguchi blended his own project, The Life Institute, with his job. The institute would conduct had been under fire since December when the board called for scientific projects in, or in conjunction with, county facilities but at no an investIgation of Noguchi's office following news reports of expense to the county. However, Becklund noted that the " institute has widespread inefficiency within his department. taken on an official aura" because Noguchi reportedly uses department staff persons to occasionally work on the projects. PC FOCUS (3) On the same date, another Becklund piece reported that the coroner After a lengthy closed-<ioor meeting, the five-member board may have been allegedly influenced by a conflict of interest in signing the death certificate of chain saw magnate Robert P. McCulloch in 1!1Tl. unanimously voted to officially notify Noguchi of his suspen­ Death was listed as "accidental" by Noguchi, even though it appeared to sion, which would go into effect Mar. 19. The board also asked be suicide. (McCulloch had taken an overdose of sleeping pills, combined Kashu Mainichi Photos the district attorney to consider a criminal investigation into the with alcohol. ) Noguchi had based his conclusion on psychological profiles SPEAKING ON NOGUCHJ-Katsumi Kunitsugu, JACCC ex­ coroner's conduct. However, the supervisors said they would from two agencies-<>ne of them the Suicide Prevention Center. But ~ ecutive secretary (left); John J. Saito, JACL Pacific Southwest review the coroner's response in executive session on Mar. 18. Times noted McCulloch's widow had been on the Center's board of di­ regional director; and Wally Ban, fonner JUST member, ex­ Upon hearing of his suspension, Noguchi and his attorney rectors. Her attorney had contact with the coroners staff during the investigation and records showed the lawyer had perfonned legal work press their concern over fate of Dr. Thomas Noguchi as county Godfrey Isaac responded at a press conference and issued a for Noguchi within a month after the death certificate was signed. No- coroner at a press conference called Mar. 11 at the JACCC. statement requesting the board appoint a panel of seven foren­ guchi, however, saw no conflict of interest. sic pathologists-four chosen by the board and three by No­ Articles Spur Board to Order Investigation JACL-PSWDC asks county for gu~ assess an "impartial evaluation" of L.A. county cor­ In wake of the Times articles, the Board of Supervisors Dec. oner's office. Such a panel would "ensure fairness ... and avoid 29 unanimously ordered. a probe of the coroner's office, Super­ 'fair handling' of Noguchi issue any taint of racial (over)tones," Noguchi said. visor Mike Antonovich, who has general oversight responsibil­ LOS ANGELES-JACL Paci- CL is concerned that the mat­ "Some are calling this Noguchi II," added Isaac, who was ities for the department, made the motion to investigate and fie Southwest regional direc- ter regarding him be handled referring to the coroner's dismlssal in March, 1969. That inci­ Chief Administrative Officer Harry L. Hufford was assigned to tor JOM Saito this past week by the COWlty in a fair and dent prompted a lengthy Civil Service Commission review, in the task. (Mar. 11) said the Japanese impartial manner." which Isaac charged that racism was behind the firing of No­ cOIitinued OD Next Page American Citizens League guchi. The coroner won reinstatement and since then Noguchi (JACL) wants the Dr. Tho­ Reporters Ask was considered a ."a political untouchable" by some officials. mas Noguchi case to be "han­ When a reporter asked if L.A. Times Stories Stir Alarm dled fairly" by the county Noguchi should resign "in the But the recent controversy focusing on Noguchi's department board of supervisors. best interest of the Japanese surfaced after a two-part series appeared Dec. 27-28 in the Los Saito was addressing a commwlity", Saito answered, Angeles ~es . as written by staff writer Laurie Becklund, "No ... Dr. Noguchi is world news conference held Mar. 11 who saJd the c.;uruller !) om",'e "has a record of making serious at the Japanese Amer~ean reknown in the field of foren- mistakes that have a direct effect on crime investigations, mur- Cultural and Community Cen­ sic medicine." der trials and life insurance settlements". ter (JACCC) with JACCC ex­ Another asked if there were Becklund pointed out numerous complaints from law en- ecutive secretary Katsumi any racial overtones in No- forcement agencies, district attorneys and criminalists, such , Kunitsugu, who covered the guchi's case. Kunitsugu said, as: inaccurate and misleading drug tests, mishandling and loss. first Noguchi hearings for Ka­ "Not in the overt sense." She ' of key evidence in homicides, poorly kept records, overcrowd­ shu Mainichi, and Wally Ban, added that Noguchi was not ing of dead bodies. All of these problems, noted her report was an executive member of the part of the "old-boy network" due in part to poor management. JUST (Japanese United in within the county administra- tseCK.luna atso SaJa tllat Noguctu's "ego" was his single Search of the Truth) Commit­ tion and that his cultural dif- "flaw ", and his staff members "repeatedly complain Ulat he tee which raised $47,250 (PC: ferences and dlllkulties with focuses only on high pUblicity cases, ignoring less-rewarding 9-12-69) to assist Noguchi in English worked against him. tasks that ensure careful handling of routine cases" . his first fight against dismis- Noguchi himself admitted to the Times that his ego is a protr sal in 1969. She felt that Noguchi should lem, but that he channels his ego into a "driving force that Saito said, "Dr. Noguchi is be "given the chance to refute makes (his) department distinguished from others". a prominent member of the the charges against him Viewed as 'Poorest AdmiJJjstrator' Japanese American commun- through the media" , One re­ The Times series further noted that Noguchi is "considered ity and the county's previous porter retorted Noguchi had one of the poorest county administrators" because of his self­ attempt 13 years ago to dis- been given a chance "but centered behavior and his employees, wrote Becklund, have credit him is still fresh in our won't talk to the news said he is so distant from office operations that they can only NOGUCHI'S ATTORNEY SPEAKS OUT-Godfrey lseu..; minds. In the present effort to media" . assume he doesn't know~r doesn't care--about the depart­ speaks to community leaders at JACL Office meeting held remove Dr. Noguchi, the JA- ----eoo=--...,.,tinued-......-oo...."P"....ag-e---,,6 ment's numerous operational problems. Mar. 10. Seated are Dr. Noguchi (left) and Michael Yamaki. San Diego CL closes escrow for sr. housing Seattle JACLer named to HUD post groups loaned the chapter . architect can be interviewed, SAN DIEGO, Ca.-An urgent SEATTLE-Wllliam Y. Ni­ and administered large PHAs appeal was issued this week $100,000, which sum will have building pennits obtained and in the country. to be repaid, the JACL News- other plans completed. The shimura, 58, was recently ap­ by San Diego JACL for pointed Regional Administra­ Nishimura, a native Seat­ $300,000 to complete purchase letter reported. project has $4.3-million re­ tlite, is a eteran of World Property is located un the served with the Dept. of Hous- tor for the U.S. Department of price of $650,000 on 3.2 acres in Housing and Urban Develop­ War II and served with United Chula Vista to situate its 100- 1200 block of :lrd Ave., north ing and Urban Development. States Army Military Intelli­ of Palomar St., near an exist- Project will also involve a ment by department Secre­ unit senior citizen housing tary Samuel R. Pierce, Jr. in gence in the Philippines and project, Kiku Gardens. ing senior citlZen .:enter, rental subsidy program for Japan. He is a past comman­ shopping center and Post low-income tenants. Washington, D.C. Escrow was closed Dec. 2 The appointment makes Ni­ der and lifetime member of after 15 loyal members of the Office. Chapter undertook the pro- the Nisei Veterans Commit­ With land acquisition, an ject three years ago. # shimura, a Seattle JA L community and community Board member, one of the top­ tee, active with the Seattle ranking Nikkei in the R~agan Downtown Rotary Club, WEEKS UNTIL THE .•• Administration. Nishimura YM A and Urban League. will be responsible for all fed­ Nishimura urrently serves erally-funded housing and on th Board of Directors of 27th Biennial National community development pro­ William Y. Nishimura the National Housing Confer­ grams in Washington, Ore­ Under Nishimw-a' direc­ ence, and the National As- gon, Idaho and Alaska (Re­ tion, HA gained a n tional ociation of Housing and Re- JACL Convention gion X), with headquarters in r putation as a fIscally-sound de elopment Officials Hosts: Gardena Valley JACL Seattle.
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