
1953-54 VICTORIA COUNTRY ROADS BOARD FORTIETH ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE, 1953 PHESE~TIW TO BOTH HOUSEIS OF PARLIAMENT PURSUANT TO ACT No. 3662. (Approximate Cosl of !1Pport. -Preparathm) not given. PTinting Or058 copies), .t;55(L) !'Jl ~ uthotttu W. M. HOUSTON, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, MELBOURNE:. No. -!.-[3s. 6d.J--l0750;53. FORMER BOARD MEMBERS. W. CALDER Chairman, 1913-1928. W. T. B. McCORMACK, F. W. FRICKE, A. E. CALLAWAY, Member - 1913-1928. Member - 1913-1938. Chief Engineer 1913-1928. Chairman 1928-1938. Chairman 1938-1940. Member - • 1928-1929. W. L. DALE, A. D. MACKENZIE, L. F. LODER, Secretary 1913-1929. Member - • 1938-1940. Chief Engineer 1928-1940. Member • 1929-1945. Chairman 1940-1944. Chairman 1945-1949, COUNTRY ROADS BOARD FORTIETH ANNUAL REPORT 1953 CONTENTS RETROSPECT- The origin and tasks of the Board in 1018 7 Early investigations ll Growth of Board's responsibilitie" 9 Co-operation with Municipaliti0,.. ~~ Present-day expemliture 10 f<'INANCE- Inadequacy of funds for present needs 10 Detel'im·ation of road paYement::; and bJ·idges 10 Allocation of funds 1952-53 10 Heceipts from Motor Registmtion Fee" 13 Commonwealth Aid Roac1;, Ad 13 Loan Moneys expenditure 13 Total lVorks Allocation>< H ]\[ AIN ROADS-- Allocation of J:'und"" 14 Apportionment of Cost>< 14 Contr-ibutions by Municipal ( 'ouncils 17 Summary of \\'m·ks I i :-ITATFJ HwHWAY~- Restricted Allocation of Funds w \Vorkl" car1•il'd out 19 TounrsTH' HoADH­ Allocation of ·Fund>< \Vorks carried out FOREST ROADS- Expendit·Ul'e and extent of work l'NCLASSIFIED ROAD~- Applications from Councils for Grants 24 Allocations for :\:laintenancP 24 \Vorks carried out 24 HRIDGES·- Hate of Reconstructiou 25 Bridges completed during year 25 Metropolitan Bridges 2fi FLOOD DA:UAGE-·-- Government Assistance 3lj Grants to Municipalitiei> 83 He,;toraUon \Vorks cai•ricd out 33 \VORK FOR OTHER AFTHORTTIE.;·­ Housing Commission 37 Rtatc Hivers and \Vater Supply ConuniflHion 87 Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of \Vorks 38 State Electricity Commission 38 Department of Publie Works .. as Commonwealth Oov0rnment Depar·hnent of \Vorks 38 .SOLDIER SE'l'TLE~IE:>T EHTATE HOADH-­ J>rovision of Funds 40 Progress of Hoad Constructiou 4U [<]xpenditure ,;ince inception of sdwnw 40 ~ 1 ScHOol. Hvs HOU1'FJ:3- Provi,;ion of l•'umls Hoads to Consolidated 1-lchools HIGHWAY :YIAINTEXANCE­ Pavement Failure;; 43 Work of Patrc,l Ga.ngs 44 ],!('OLA H.OAD-- "T eight of loads carl'ie<i G DECENTRALIZATION- Development of Divisional Organization 4(i RoAD MATERIALS~- Search for new supplies 4Q Experiments with substitutes 46 PHOTOGRAPHY- Public screening of C.R.B. Films 48 Mobile Film Unit Activities 48 Production of HI m.m. films 48 CONTROL OF IlEA VY 'I'RAFF'IC- Issue of Permits to vehicle operator" 411 RESTRICTION OF LoADI"-'G ON ROADS~­ Imposition of 6-ton limit Fines for offences TRAFFIC OFFENCES­ Fines imposed 50 CoLI,ECTION OF FINES- Offences under .Motor Car Act 50 Amending Legislation 51 Unpaid fines 51 UNATTENDED STOCK­ Proceedings against Offenders 52 TRAFFIC LINE MARKING­ Mileage and expenditure 52 AVAJI,ABII.ITY OF PLANT- Hiring to Municipalities 52 Trench roller 53 SPEED Larrrs- Regulations under Motor Car Act 1950 53 Erection of signs .. 53 List of Townships to which speed limits apply 53 TRAFFIC CoNTROL LIGHTS- Contributions from C.R.B. Fund 54 DIRECTION BOARDS AND \VARNI:'S'G SIG:s-s TREE I'LANTING- \Voodburn Memorial A venue AcTS AFFECTING THE BOARD­ New Legislation CONFERENCE OF STATE ROAD A.UTHORITIES~­ Proceedings of Fifteenth Conference 55 CONFERENCE OF MUNICIPAL ENGINEERS 55 • MISSIONS ABROAD OF OFFICERS 57 bOl\IINION CIVIL SERVICE FELLOWSHIPS 57 VISITS FRO)I 0VI~RSEAS ENGINEERS- Commonwealth Technical Co-operation Scheme 58 Colombo Plan and U.N. Technical Assistance Scheme 58 EMPLOYMENT-Labour Force 58 ACCIDENTS '1'0 El\IPLOYI<JES 58 :CANTEEN AT CENTRAL \VoRKSHOPS 5!J BOARD'S ExHIBITS- Displays at Annual Motor Show, &c. 50 COMJ\fUNITY EFFORTS-~ Contributions from Landowners for roadworks 511 Longwood-Ruffy-roacl 50 VISITS BY l\:IJNISTER (lJ l\fOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATIONS 61 WAR MEMORIAL PLAQt:E-Exhibition Building STAFF- Appointments and Resignations ll2 STAFF CHARITIES FUND 62 RETIREMENT OF MR. F. H. 0LDFIELD IJB AccouNTS- Bxpenditure on road construction and maintenance, &c. ll3 Expenditure on works for other Depart,ments - 64 APPENDICES- Chief Engineer's Report 65 Statements of Receipts and Payments 81 Works executed for other Authorities 82 Loan I.iability 82 COUNTRY ROADS BOARD FORTIETH ANNUAL REPORT Exhibition Building, Carlton, N.3. :10th October. 1953. The Honorable S. JVlerrijield, J;J.L.A., 1tlinister of Public lVort\:s, Delw,rtment of Public JVork.". Melbourne, 0.2. SIR, In accordance with the requirements of Section 96 of the Countt·y Roads Act 1028 (No. 3662), the Board has the honour to submit to you, for presentation to Parliament., a report of its proceedings for the year ended 30th June, 1953. A RETROSPECT. As the Board has now been in existence for over 40 years having held its first meeting on the 31st March, 1913, it might not be out of place to look back over that peTiod in appTeciation of the wise planning and foTethought of the original Hoard, 1\lessm. \Y. Calder (Chairman), \V. T. H. 1\lcCormack, and F. W. Fricke. fn its first annual Teport, published in HH4, no reference is made to any shortage of funds, which is the majoT problem confronting the present Board, but emphasis is laid rather on the physieal diffieulties with whieh the Board was faced in its initial survey of the Toads of the State. On the contrary, the Board in its first report refers to it:-; inability at the outset to expend the moneys which were available to it.. The following extract from the Report refer:-; to thiR aspect and to the initial taskR encountered :-~· " Before any constructional work could be undertaken it was necessarv to determine what" roads should be brought under the provisions of the Act, or in other words, the roads ·which should be declared main roads. lt was obvious that this could be done only after careful investigation of the existing road conditions throughout the State. That such an investigation was a necessarv preliminary, and was recognized as such by the Government, is evident from a statement made by the Hon. H. McKenzie when introducing the Country Road~'< Bill into the Legislative Assembly, when he said, regarding the duties of the Board which it was proposed to appoint, that, ' Hs first d11ty will be to make a thorough investigation into existing highways, i'lO that it may have the materials on which to exercise Rmmd judgment.' At the outset it became apparent to the Board that, in a great many instances, municipal councils had not a clear conception of the provisions of the Country Roads Act, of the manner in which it was to be administered, or of the benefits expected to ensue from its operation ; and at-; the Act requires that Councils are to be consulted before the declaration of any main road, it was decided to visit every mru1icipal district, inspect the roads in each and if possible. to interview the councillors and give a general explanation of the provisions of the Act, and the methods proposed to be adopted in giving effect thereto : and it may be here stated that this procedure has met with the unanimous approval of those councils ·which the Board has had the privilege of meeting. The visits of the Board to districts such as Gippsland, Cape Otway, and the North-East, where the early construction of better roads is a matter of vital importance to the welfare of the settlers, have also be8n much appreciated by them, as ·the improvement of their only means of eonunnnieation appeared within m<k'1Surable distance of realization. N (J.) ,t.. 0'1 0') 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 N\ JMBER OF MOTORVEHICLES IN THUU:::,ANU s 13-14 14-15 15-16 z 16-17 c 17-18 18-19 s: 19-20 .rn '20-21 fT1 21-22 ::0 22-23 !t'l 23-24 llli·l 0 24-25 fll , 25-26 ~fi:! 26-27 f::.~li\1 ~ 27-28 I 28-29 0 "T) 11 z 29-30 lz -I G))> 30-31 I ~z 11 < 0 ::r 31-32 zz zO 0- cc .:0 32-33 () :-l> ,!~1~1 '~ ~ r 33-34 f:f ~ DJ tD -f , rrt < -< 34-35 [~) rrt ,, :::0 :::0 0 rn )> 35-36 I!~~~ 00 ::0 i I :::0 36-37 IIll "T) "T) 37-38 !: ~ - ~ oo l> 38-39 I -1 -1 •n 39-40 0 0 ll )J :::0 r 40-41 I 0 0 rn )> -< (f) 41-42 llf!,!l ::0 0 42-43 11 (J)r ~rrt 43-44 (/) ::0 ..... 44-45 I ::0 fT1 45-46 c (j) n 46-47 J1 - (J)=" 47-48 1m 48-49 il':;j;l 49-50 IUl!JJI 50-51 51-52 SZ-53 • I 8 9 Another matter which should be here referred to is the period over which the expenditure of the loan of £2,000,000 should extend. Section 29 of the Act makes provision for the raising of a sum of £400,000 per annum during a period of five years, and some disappointment may have been occasioned because this amount was not expended during the first year. It is therefore necessary to explain that during the first year the Board was, and for a considerable portion of the second year expects to be, fully occupied in making the investigation referred to, which necessitates almost continuous travelling, together 'vith much negotiation with councils.
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