THE NEWSLETTER OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGISTS Volume 26, Number 1 January/February 1999 Plant Biology '99 III Plant lobs Grab Crabs: Chesapeake Boy Crabs Await You 01 Plant Biology '99! Photo courtesy of Baltimore Areo Convention &Visitors Association. Join your colleagues in celebrating ASPP's SYMPOSIA 75th Anniversary at Plant Biology '99 in Baltimore, Maryland, on July 24-28! Auxin Biology Organizers: Mark Estelle and Ottaline Leyser ASPP's 75th Anniversary Meeting Events: Cell Cycle Regulation Organizer: Tom Jacobs Special President's Symposium functional Plant Genomics Banquet Honoring Past Officers, Award Winners, & Organizer: JeffBennetzen ASPP Traditions Biochemical Genetics Organizer: Dean Della Penna Chesapeake Bay Crab & Chicken Feast President's Symposium: Global Issues in Plant Biology ASPP Family Tree Organizer: Brian Larkins Speakers: Peter Raven, Lester Brown, and Extended Poster Sessions Robert Fraley INSIDE ... i T ASPP-Sponsored Workshop in Greece . ' '~. I' T Novartis, UC-Berkeley Plant Scientists Reach $25 Million Research Collaboration T Call for Nominations for Officers and Awards ASPP Future ASPP Annual Meetings OFFICERS & STAFF .CONTENTS flresident Brian A. Larkins .".""""""" """.. 520·621·9958 1 flresident·Elect .·Plant Biology '99 Deborah Delmer """"""" .."""""""""""""""",,, 530·752·7561 1999 Immediate flost flresident ·3 '" . Ken Keegstra .."""""""""""" ..""""""""""""",517·353·2770 Saturday, July 24, through Secretory . ASPP-Sponsored Workshop in Greece Daniel R. Bush ""......,.."""""""""", ..,..""""""", 217·333·6109 Wednesday, July 28 Treasurer ;MbnagingEditor of Plant Physiology Terri Lomax ."""" .."........."""""""""""."""""", 541·737·5278 .Resigns ' Baltimore, Maryland Choir, Boord of Trustees Douglas D. Randall .........".""""""....."..."""""" 573·882·4847 ASPP's 75th anniversary Choir, flublications Committee 4 . Rebella Chasan .."""""""..."......."""""""""""" 202·628·1500 Public Affairs .' '. meeting Choir, Committee on the -NSF's $85 Millibn in Awards Status of Women in fllont flhysio/ogy Ann M. Hirsch ...""..."""....""""........""""""""" 310·206·8673 Advances Plant Genome Reseprch Choir, Committee on Minority Affairs - $56Miilion NSF Plant Genome .. 2000 C. S. Prakash """""""""""""""""""""""""""" 334·727·8023 Program Includes: $20 Million for Elected Members Saturday. July 15, through Vicki L. Chandler """"""""""""""""""""""""" 520·626·8725 NewAwards Joe Chappell ..;...." ", .."""""""""""...,,",, ..,.. 606·257·4624 - .$4 Mil1i6n Rice Genome Research Wednesday, July 19 Natasha V. Ralkhel .." """""""""""".""", 517·353·3518 .REP ~xpected from USDA,NSF, DOE San Diego, California Sectional Representatives • NSF, USDA, DOE Expect Complete Midwestern Genome Sequence of Arabidopsis Mark Brodl ......,...."""""", .. ",,,....,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 309·341·7477 by 2000 . .... Northeastern -Nbvartis~ Alison Roberts """""""""""...."""""""""""",,, 401·874,4098 UC-Berkeley Plant . Southern ScientistsAg~ee on $25 Million Marc.A. Cohn "....."..""""""""""""......""""""", 504·388·1464 Research Collaboration Washington, DC Janel P. Slavin """"""""""""""""""""""""""" 301·504·5629 Western 5 Dean Della Penna """"",.."", ..""""""""""",,,,,.702·784·6911 1999 Awards Committees Headquarters Office 9; '; ..' ". 15501 Monona Drive Rockville, MD 20855-2768 USA Call for Nominations for OfficersOnd Phone: 301-251-0560 Awards Fax: 301-279-2996 Executive director, John Lisack, Jr., ext. 15 10 , """,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ilisock@ospp,org '. Eduation Foundation Video Explains Executive assistant, Donna Gordon, ext. 31 Plant Research Benefits .... """""""""""""""""""""""""""",,,,",,""",,,'" dgordon@ospp,org Director of finance and administration, News from CSWIPP ., ASPP NEWS is distributed to all Susan K. Chambers, ext. 11 """"""""',,"""'" [email protected] TravelGrantAward Program Accountant, Sondra A. Gianco/l, ext. 40 ASPP members and is published """"""""""""""""""".""""""""".",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, gionloli@ospp,org six times annually, in odd­ Information specialist, Perry Masciana, ext. 46 13 VI It ",...."""""""""....""""""""""""""""""""",,, [email protected] Section News numbered months. is edited Member services coordinator, and prepared by ASPP staff Kelley Noane, ext. 42 """"""""....""""....",...." knoone@ospp,org Accounts receivable assistant 1'4 from material provided by ASPP Ru Yang, ext. 43 """ .."""""""""""" .."""""", .. ruyong@Olpp,org .People . members and other interested Administrative assistant Amy Vollmer, ext. 22 """....."""""""""",.."" ovollmer@ospp,org Workshop in Chind parties, Director of public affairs, Brion M. Hyps, ext. 14 .letter to the Editbr' .' ,,,,,,,,, .. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,.... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ..,,, bhyps@ospp,org Foundation assistant, Janice Jordan, ext. 29 Copy deadline is the 10th day of """"....""""""""".."""""",,,, .. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,......,, iiordon@ospp,org • Director of publicotlons, 15'~'>. ", r: III the preceding even-numbered .."',}>' Nancy A. Winchester, ext. 17 month (for example, December """......""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""",,, noncyw@aspp,org "'ASPPEducatior'lFoI'Lim flublicot/ons assistant, Sylvia J. Braxlon, ext. 33 10 for January/February """"""""""""""""""......""""""""""""""",,, sbroxlon@ospp,org 17­ publication). Submit copy by Managing editor, fl/ont flhyslo/ogy, Obitu(lries. Z e-mail whenever possible; Deborah I. Weiner, ext. 18 """"""",,, .. ,,,,,,,,,,,,, dweiner@ospp,org Monovin, editor, THE PLANT CEll, submit all other copy by mail, Cmprn B. Taylor, ext. 21 .."""""""""""""""",,, doylor@ospp,org 0­ THE PLANT CELl, <1:8,.· . not lax. News and reviews editor, 2atherI~gs by Harry B. Smith, ext. 19 """""""""""""""..""" hsmith@ospp,org • flroduction editor, fl/ont flhysiology, 0­ Lauren Ransome, ext. 3D """""""""""""""" Ironsome@ospp,org 21 Contact: Nancy A, Winchester, flroduction editor, fl/ant flhyslo/ogy, Jobs Editor, ASPP NEWS, 15501 SUlaMe M. While, ext, 23 """"..""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,, suzonne@ospp,org .. 'c .i-::'··~:<::::·· U) flroductlon editor, THE PLANT CELl, Monona Drive, Rockville, MD Catherine A. Balogh, ext. 16 """""""'"'''''''''''''' balogh@ospp,org .Deadline for . "' 20855-2768 USA; e-mail Monusaipt manager, AMette Kessler, ext. 20 """"""""""".."""""""""""""""""""""""""" okessler@Olpp,org Marth/AprllJ 999, 4$" NEWS:) ." .. ,. nancyw@aspp,org; telephone Monusaipt assistant, Kimberly A. Davis, ext. 24 Jebruary 1q,J~99:;, '•.'". '. 301·251·0560, ext. 17. """"""""""""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .. ,,,,,,.... kimdovis@ospp,org « Monusaipt assistant, Stephanie M. Butta, ext. 25 """.."""""""""""""""""""""""...."....""""" .."" bu"o@ospp,org _ 2 1..-- ASPPNIWS _ ASPP-Sponsored Workshop in Greece SPP will be cosponsoring a workshop in Organization for Economic Cooperation and Richard Cyr, Penn State University, Richard AGreece in collaboration with the Development (OECD), CIHEAM is today an Dixon, Noble Foundation, Elizabeth Grabau, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of intergovernmental organization of 13 Virginia Tech University, Eva Pell, Penn State Chania (MAICh). The goal of the workshop is countries: Albania, Algeria, Egypt, France, University, Ilya Raskin, Rutgers University, to foster collaborations in research and Greece, Italy, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Athanasios Theologis, USDA Plant Gene training between ASPP scientists and Portugal, Spain, Tunisia, and Turkey. The Expression Center, and Kriton Hatzios, scientists from countries with newly Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) Virginia Tech University. The Greek and established or developing programs in plant and the European Commission also support other European teachers will be selected in biology. the activities of CIHEAM. February. Student participants will be The workshop, entitled "Plant Sciences: The two-week workshop will involve selected from Mediterranean and Balkan Perspectives Beyond 2000," will be held in lectures and laboratory sessions and provide countries with newly established programs Chania, an old port city on the island of time for small-group interactions. Professor in plant biology. Crete from July 5 through July 16, 1999. Kriton K. Hatzios, of the Virginia Polytech­ For more information, contact Andreas MAICh will provide classroom, laboratory, nic Institute and State University, is the U.S. Doulis ([email protected]) in Greece or lodging, and food facilities to participants. coordinator for the workshop. Dr. Andreas Kriton Hatzios ([email protected]) in the MAICh is one of the four centers that make Doulis, coordinator of studies at MAICh, is United States. AWeb site with more up the International Center for Advanced the Greek coordinator. As of today, the information about this workshop is available Mediterranean Agronomic Studies following ASPP members have agreed to at http://www.ppws.vt.edu. (CIHEAM). Established in 1962 under the participate as teachers in this workshop: auspices of the Council of Europe and the Carole Cramer, Virginia Tech University, Deb Weiner Leaves Plant Physiology eborah I. Weiner, managing editor of . proud that all of those challenges have been tics, religion, and ethics. It is actively DPlant Physiology, leaves ASPP February met and that Plant Physiology is such a positioning itself for strong growth over the 20th, after more than seven years' associa­ successful journal." next five years. tion with the journal and the Society. Deb is well known in the scientific Asearch for Deb's replacement at ASPP is Former executive director Mel Josephs
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