INDEX of NAMES Aarseth, S.J., 59, 640 Abell, G.O., 24, 26, 41, 334

INDEX of NAMES Aarseth, S.J., 59, 640 Abell, G.O., 24, 26, 41, 334

INDEX OF NAMES Aarseth, S.J., 59, 640 Baan, W.A., 461-46 ...~bl:;ott, I::: .. c., 98, llJ BahcctJJ, J.N*~ 6, , 422; 4J3 Abell, G.O., 24, 26, 41, 334, Bailey, J., 483, 4 6 550, 556, 572 Baity, W.A., 169, 7 Abramowicz, M.A., 113-114, Balbus, S.A., 108, 1 0 117-118, 126, 447, 507, 543, Bald\...Jin,. J .. A~ , 1 q, 2 , 29, 34. ::.46 39, 41~42. 60, 110, 195, 193, Achterberg, A., 522-523 )08, 210, 370~ 4JJ. ~~zs·-~~26 .. Adam, G., 42, 272 529, ~177 Adams. M.T., 637, 640 Ba.l i c k ,. B . ,. 2 l £ 41 ,. 4 9 I 59 , Adams, T.F., 207-208, 689, 692 250, 270, 312-313 Ade, F.A.R., 19 Balkowski, C., 502 Aguirre, C., 271 Balzano, V .."A.., 196, 208, 210, Aharonian, F .A., 151, lf:.9 216.- 225,. 73~S Ahmed , F. , 57 7 Barbieri, C., 82, 87, 0-91, Ak.hiezer, A. I .. , r-")22-523 340, 350, 46~, 601-6 3 Aldrovandi, S.M.V., 476-477 Bardeen, J., 96, 110, 85, 39J Alladin, S.M., 573, 577 Barr ,. P . ,. 9 1 , 52 8 - 5 2 9 ,. b b 9 - 6 7 0 Allen, C.W., 645, 647 Barrow, J.D., 555, 558 Allen, D.A., 77, 582 Bar·tel. N. ,- 653 Aller, H.D., 77, 653 Barthel, F.D .• 568 Aller, M.F., 77, 653 Bassani, L .• 727, 735 Allain. D., 341, 349, 672 Baud , B , , 2 7 0 Altamore, A .• 275 Bauer, E., 661 Altschuler, D.R., 655, 657 Baum, W.A., 577 Ambartsumian, V.A., 132, 143, Beck, S.C .. 634-635 586 Becker, R.H., 269-271 Anderson, K.S., 707-708 B~cklin, E.E., 19, 42, Andrew, B.H., 87, 90-91 :.~86 f 63:.; ··636 Angel, J.R.P., 64, 77-79, 87, Beckman, J.E .• 471-472, 474, 91, 246, 250 587, 591, 601, 604 Antonucci, R.R.J., 669 Beckwith, S., 534-6351 725 Arakelian, M.A., 258, 269 Begelman, M.C., 130, lJ4, Arp, H. C. , 54-55, 59, 26£., 46 7, 142-143, 150, 169, 448, 45J, 470, 574, 577, 618 455, 521. 523, 717, 721 Athana:~soula, E., 640 Beichman, C.A., 19, 270-271 Atherton, P.D., 304 Beintema, D.A., 270-271 Atwood, B., 422, 432-433 Bet·geron, J. , 42, ~59, 300, 304, Aumann, H.H., 270-271 421-423. 425-426, 429, 433-434 Auriemma, C., 439, 441, 698, Bertola, F., 176, 190, 299, 700, 702, 704 302' 304 Aveni, A.F., 677 Bettoni, D., J04 Avni, Y., 6, 8, 226, 237, 242, Bhattachat-ia, D., 501-502 250, 334, 350, 337, 399-411, Bhavsar, S.P., 555, 558 413-414, 416, 418-413, 494, Bicknell, G.V., 541 540, 547-548, 550, 632 Biermann, P., 77, 248, 251, Avrett, E.H., 681 303-304, 552, 554, 618 Axford,, W.I., 140, 143 Bignami, G.F., 150, 168-169 Axon, D.J., 304, 483, 486, 652 Binette, L., 37, 41, 200, 208, 259, 269, 305, 475-477, 704 Baade, D .. , 554 Bingelli,, 181 741 742 INDEX OF NAMES Bingham, R.G., 649, ~52 Brand, F.W.J.L., 484, 486 Bir·etta, J., 41, 543, S46 Branduardi, G., 269, 419 BirklC?, K, 479 Beecher, K., 681 Bjornsson, C.-I., 483, 521, 523 Breqman, J.N., 16-17, 19, 77, Blackman, C.P .• 26, 41 534-·535' 735 Blad,~:,, ,J.C., 77, ~':7<), 425-426, Bridle, A., 52, 59, 304, 439, 4:13 441, 565, ~68, GJ9-640, 717, HlaP.:.:;, O~IV1,, 1.13-·114, 119, 1.21, 721 123-124, 126 Bf·iel, U., 269 Blake. G.M., 510-511 Briggs, F.H., 428, 433 Blanco, V. M., 269 Brinkman, W., 270-271, 455, Bland, J., 302, 304 523.: SjO Blandford, R.D., 75, 77, lOH, Erinkmann, W., l~l 110, 114. 124, 126, 143, 1'30, Rrumage, G.E., 144, 275, 291 1~2. 163, 166. 169, 246, 250, Rr.ord.{~tlla, IA1~, b49. t;51··652 4 4 8 I' 4-5 ~.i 1 >11 f ~i 2 l ,. 52 3 1 54 4 ; Bros~he, 2., 49S 500, 502 546 Rt·owne~ 1~W .. A., 461,470, 62:i, Bleach, R.D., 271 E.~~ b Blumenthal, G.R., 1W3-190, Bruc ~<, H. A. , 2 :::~ l 778-729. 735 Br·Ltyn,. 671 Buernstein, L., 694 Bnnual, G., 176--177, 180, 190 Bog<.Je~~,;. A., 2'26, 514, 516 Buitrago, J., ~03-50~, 507 BoggPss, N., 270-271 Bujdrrabal, V., 500, 502 Bohlin. R.C., 513, 516 BurbiJge, E.M., 19, 48, 55-56, Bohuski. T.J., 256, 269 59-60, 475, •P7 Bois:o;e, P., 422, 42::,, 433 Burbidge, G., 47-48, 50, 54-56, Boksenberg, A., 42, 143-144, 59, 77, 81, 91, 475, 477 275, 298, 304, 434, 546, 716 Burke, W.~., 370 Boldl, E.A., 269·271, 383--385, Burns, M.L., 1~51, 169 387, 189-39!, 393 394 Bul~her, H .. 304 Bolton, ,J.B., 467, 47C: Butcher, H.R., 41, 298, 304 Bu 1 t. GI1 , ,] • G . , 7 '3 , ~; l ~/ , ~·\ 1 '?I Byard, P.L., 482 Bondi, H., 117, 122, 126 Byram, E.T., 272 Bono1i, C., 487-488 Boned i, F'., 82, 84 -s:., 91, :1:34, Callan, C., G61, 667 350, 487, 502, 631 Calucci, G .. 667 Borc•son, T.A., 18--l'), 21, 41, ~alvani, M., ~46 4 •J • 59 • 2 3 9 I J Ci •t ' :H l . 3 lJ Cam~nzind, M., 476-477, 521, 523 Borto1etLo, F., 487-488 Cameron, A.G.W., 139, 143 Bosma, A., 707-708 Campbell, B., 42, 59, 312-313, Bothun, G.D., 59, 250, 312-313, 554, 608 642, 644 Canizares, C., 269 Bottinel1i, L., 501-502, 622 Canizares, C.R., 215, 226, 270, Bc•uchet, P. , 91 299, 304, 399, 403, 418 Bowy€!t··, C.S., 271 Canizares, R.G., 249-250, 547, Bowyer, S., 42, 77 5~50 Boy 1 e , B . J • , 2 3 2 , 2 50 , 3 2 5 , Cannon, R.D., 82, 91, 582 346, 350, 412, 418, 491-493, Capaccioli, M., 176, 190, 269, 631 350 Braccesi, A., 85, 91, 224-226, Carroll, T.J., 40-41, 509-511 239, 250, 317, 319, 325, 334, Carswell, R.F., 78, 425, 433-434 339, 341, 346-347, 349-350, Carter, D., 204, 208, 266, 269, 365, 370, 403, 405, 412, 419, 271, 302, 304 494, 502, 540, 631-632 Cassatella, A., 513, 516, 709 Bracewell, R.N., 91 Castor, J.I., 98, 110 INDEX Of NAMES 743 81 91 f L···,, Ct-ctmpton, Li~, 42, ::..1:t • .3lJ ~ 5:54, 2 ~:: ~-~ ' 2 3 l -- 2 2 ~ 24 I 2=lo,. 608 3JJ 1 J£,1 f ~'' 4 2, 418, Crane, P.C., 270 -':._.. Crenshaw, D.M., 48 Cav~:.:-l_llc;, G .• 5' '33 C r· i ::; t: ian i. , :_) . , 8l • e ~J , ·:-~ 0 ~ '3 J Ch.affee 1 F .. H., 4l2-43J 350,. 46~;, 470 Chanan, G.A., 21, 42, 59, 69, C r:· C)n1\..Je l ·L , E .. H . J 7 0 2 , 7 0 •J Cruz-Gunzales, ~., 78, 483, 4BA Char·leb. P ~A., 22 1 4;2 ~ 1.9~~; ~10 Cudworth, K.M., 117, 320, 334 Cheney. J., 451, 455 Cunnjfft!, F'.l::., 298, JCJ4 20:] F :23~5 t 2~~,0 F 264 f 268 --2691 I)' Addi.l:r- ~L o ..- R ~ , {~.4 0 126-327, 330-332, 134, D' Al~ssandrc), !'"1 .. ~ 487·-488 539-540, 548, 550, 202, ,-,., r. 631, t2i43-C44 207~2C8, £..J...U1 241. if"/5 T Chenq, F. H., 583 "'i ") -, ChPster. T.J., 19 Danese. L., 41, 208, 226, .£. ••••.··. f Chiavpet i. L., 9L !::. ""1-, Cl-Lincar·:i.n.i ~- G., :_:.~;4, :.. ..'! L Ch.iu,. L~-T~G .. , Jl7,. 320~ 6J.i, C44 3:;:::~ -- 32(:, 1" 334 f "340 1 J:;o 1 :370 Ddnielson, R. F:., l42--l4J Christiansen, W., 510-511 Dan z i <:p:? r , I ... J ~ , 8 , ::-~ 2 , 59 ,. 7 8 .­ 1 ::=~17--51:1 Chui Y. '31 0 2 6 9 ~ 2 71 ~ 2 9 8- 3 0 0 F ~1 0 2 1 Chubb, T.A., 272 304, 350, 418, 618, 676-677 Ciardullo, R., 59 Davidson. K .. , 9-/, 106, 110,_ ~iur·la, T'., 604 531, 535 Clark, G~ .- 263 I:ia V :i S , M • , 3 3 ,. 4 l , 1 9 :-_; , 2 0 9 ,. Cl::..n.rr:?l I J. , 144 ~" 275, :?90 70'3 350, 441, 482, 519, 568, Clr.:~t~:J, P.E.~ 16, 13, 270·-- 71 62B. -62{3 I 632 C l uv;e s , R . G. , 3 4 0 , 3 50 • 4 • , de Bruyn, A.G~, 642, 644 469 470, 493-494, 631 dt"? Grijp,. M~H.K. J 14, 19, 204, Cnuvaev, K.K., 672 208, 2G6-268, 270, 608 Cc,fu::-n, M.f-L~ 52~ ~~9--60, 31, 91, dt! JontJ,. T., 19, 204f 208,. 270, lOt~, llO ~~07 It 608 Cohen, R.D., 669. 671 De Rubertis, M., 241, 250 Cohn I H ~ , l :12 --13 3 ~ 13 ':i -- 14 0 . 14 3 DeRobertis, M.M., 33, 41, 204, Coleman, C~.S .. 1 511,521, ~~23 208 Coleman, G.D., 217, 225 de Vaucou1eurs, A., 23, 41, 271 Colgate, S.A., 140, 142~143 de Vaucou1eurs, G., 23, 11, Colina, L., 525, 528 271, ~i£)2 i 5801 582 Collin,, 42'3 de Young, D., 54, 59 Collin~Souffrin, ......c 531-532, IJe Zotti, G., 41, 208, 226, 535 232, 250, 263, 334, 384, 394, Cominsky, L., 269 418, 488, 514, 516, 537, 540, Condon, J.J., 18-19, 91, 329, 548, 550, 631, 644 334, 41'3, 441, 467, 470, 566, Dean, A.J., 727, 735 568 Deemimg, T.J., 589-590, 603-604 Contini, M., 476-477 Dehari, 0., 49, 59 Cooke, B.A., 264, 269 Dekel, A., 186, 190 Corwin, H.G.Jr., 23, 41, 271 Delpino, F., 487 Couch, W.J., 177, 190 Delvaille, J.P., 271 Courvoisier, T.J.-L., 476-477 Demoulin-Ulrich, M.H., 298, 304 Coyne, G.V., 251, 486 Dennefeld, M., 266, 269, 304 Craine, E.R., 474 Dewitt, B., 455 744 INDEX OF NAMES Dewitt, C.

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