One copy per staff member 16 August 1961 GATT Office Circular No. 84 LIST OF LIAISON OFFICERS AND REPRESENTATIVES 1. 'The persons listed below are to receive a copy of all official communications sent directly to their governments. 2? Although airgrams are sent only to Ministers for Foreign Affairs, etc, a copy marked "for information" is to be addressed to each of the persons listed below.. For the convenience of representatives, care should be taken that the copy of.the airgram be sent in the language indicated by the address below even though the original may be sent to his government in the other language. ,. , , VvV ; 5. For their convenience, an extra copy (stamped "copy for information") of any correspondence sent directly to liaison officers and representatives listed below should be prepared on headed airmail stationery, and it should be attached to and despatched with the original. It should be remembered that for ariy correspondence of which a copy is to be sent to anyone outside the GATT secretariat, the copy should be prepared on headed airmail stationery and stamped "copy for information" so as to avoid any confusion in the-mind of the recipient as to its origin or purpose. Likewise, any attachment to a letter of this nature which heretofore was despatched in one copy should be sent in future in duplicate. 4. "The Chairman of the CONTRACTING PARTIES received a copy in English of all official correspondence, including airgrams, secret or otherwise, which is addressed*to all contracting parties. It is not necessary, however, to send him copies of letters despatched only to one or several contracting parties. His address is: H.E. Mr. Edmundo Penna Barbosa da Silva, Chairman of the CONTRACTING PARTIES to GATT, t Head, Economic Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rio de Janeiro. - 2 - ARGENTINE (F) CAMBODGE (F) Dr. Mario Raul Pico, M. Koch San, Représentant permanent de l'Argentine Président de la Délégation du Cambodge, près l'Office européen des 63, TXQ de Lausanne, Nations Unies, Genève 3, rue Chantepoulet, Genève CANADA (E) AUSTRALIA (E) H.E. Mr. Max Wershof, Ambassador^; ;:.-_..,•.„. •'<;' !. Mr. L.J. Arnott, Canadian Representative to the European Permanent Representative of Office of the United Nations, Australia to the European Office l6> parc, du Château BanqUet> of the United Nations, Geneva •4l, quai Wilson, •• '• • '•.••' .- - - ••).'• Geneva CEYLON (E) AUSTRIA (E) Mr. V.E. Santiapillai, " Trade Commissioner, Mr. Emanuel Treu, Ceylon High Commission, Austrian Permanent Representative to 13* Hyde Park Gardens, the International Organizations London, W.2. in Geneva, —" —T.—' 3* rue Varembé, CHILI (F) ;;"t' Geneva S.E. M. F, Garcia Oldini, Ambassadeur extraordinaire et BELGIQUE (F) ' plénipotentiaire, M. P. De Smet, Ambassade du Chili, Président dé la Délégation belge -•' Kesslergasse 2, -li à la Conférence tarifaire I96O-6I, Berne '- '••••<': 63, rue de Lausanne, CUBA (F) Genève S.E, M. Enrique Camejo-Argudin, BRAZIL (E) Ambassadeur, . I;.:- :..:_•:•?:£*•..• : Délégué permanent de Cuba, v, v;: / Mr,. Alfredo Teixèira Valladao, Case postale 336, Leader of the Permanent Delegation Genève (Mont-Blanc) : of Brazil, 1, rue du Temple,' CZECHOSLOVAKIA (E) Geneva Dr. Otto Benes, BURMA (E) Economie Adviser, Czechoslovak Permanent Delegation to the U Saw Ohn Tin, " European Office of the United Nations, First Seoretary (Commercial), 5, chemin des Crettets, Embassy of the Union of Burma, Geneva - Conches 76, Cadogan Square, London, W.l. DENMARK (E) The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. N.V. Skak-Nielsen, Government of the Union of Burma, Permanent Danish Representative to the Rangoon European Office of the United Nations, Villa "La Pelouse", Palais des Nations, Geneva -'3 - DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (F) GRECE (F) S.E. M. José Angel Savinon, ' S.E. M. Ange Vlachos, Ambassadeur, Ambassadeur, Délégué permanent de la République Délégué permanent de la Grèce près Dominicaine, l'Office européen des Nations Unies, 2, rue du Château, 7, boulevard Jaques-Dalcroze, Genève Genève ESPAGNE (F) HAITI (F) M. José Manuel Aniel-Quiroga, M. Franck Thébaud, Délégué permanent d'Espagne, Vice-président et Directeur, 5, rue Chantepoulet (2ème étage), Banque nationale de la Genève République d'Haïti, Port-au-Prince FINLAND (E) INDIA (E) H.E. Mr. 0.B, Kaila, Ambassador, H.E. Mr. T. Swaminathan, I.C.S,, Permanent Delegate of Finland to the Commissioner»«Gener*l et India for International Organizations, Economie Affairs in Europe, 11, avenue de Budé, High Commission of India, Geneva India House, Aldwych, FRANCE (F) London, W«C,2> - .-..-. M. Georges Cattand, Mr. A,S. Mehta, Délégué permanent de la France près Indian Permanent Representative "to the l'Office européen des Nations Unies, European Office of the United Nations, Villa "La Pelouse", 2, place des Eaux-Vives, Palais des Nations, Geneva Genève INDONESIA (E) M, Henri Corson, Services des Tarifs douaniers, Mr, Thobais Awuy, '.-.f'i: Ministère des Finances et des Delegation of Indonesia, Affaires économiques, 65, rue de Lausanne, . 41, quai Branly, Geneva Paris 7e ISRAEL (E) FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY (E) H.E. Mr. M. Bartur, Count Hans Carl von Hardenberg, Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of the Federal Permanent Delegate of Israel to the Republic of Germany to the European Office of the United Nations, International Organizations, 9, chemin de Bonvent, 94, rue de Lausanne, Geneva - Cointrin ; Geneva ITALIE (F) GHANA (E) M, Paolo Savini, ;/. ;-..> Mr, S.K, Anthony, Délégué permanent adjoint chargé des Permanent Representative of Ghana Affaires GATT/CEE, T.; to the European Office of the Délégation permanente de l'Italie, United Nations, 10, chemin de l'Impératrice, 13, avenue de Budé, Chambésy Geneva - 4 JAPAN (E) NORWAY (E) Mr. Morio Aoki, .. •. ,,.:.• H.E. Mr. Soren Chr. Sommerfelt, Chief of the Japanese Permanent:. Ambassador, j _•„-;^Delegation to the International Norwegian Permanent Delegate to the Organizations». :y_ .-- International Organizations, 60, rue du Rhône, Case postale 7? Geneva Geneva 19 LUXEMBOURG (P) PAKISTAN (E) M. Albert Duhr, • Mr. M.H.E.A. Baig,. " ', "'., , ; : Directeur général des Affaires• xr : Commercial Secretary, . -. économiques, Embassy of Pakistan, Ministère des Affaires étrangères, Luxembourg -.- -.: Via Politecnico J5.» : Milan FEDERATION OF MALAYA (E) • PEROU (F) •• ..... Off&2Qt of the High;; Commissioner for •the Ife(àe.fatioj%'©f -.Malayar:in the S.E. M. Max de la Fuente •Locker,.. - United Kingdom, Ambassadeur, >&••••:?:..>£]•£. 45> Portland.Place, Délégué permanent du Pérou près les London, W.l , Organisations internationales^, 1, rue d'Italie, KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS (E) .... Genève »' * •; Mr. J. Kaufmann, , • ,. , , -: POLAND (E) ! '• s Permanent;.' ; Delegate, of the X..7 kingdom of the Netherlands, •.,; Mr. Eugeniusz Kulaga-, • ' Villa "La P.elouse"/; ;. : ./. Deputy Permanent' Representative of Palais des Nations, -..:.-, Poland to the European Office of Geneva the United Nations, 4, rue Munier-Romilly, NEW ZEALAND-(E) Geneva Mr. K.L. Press, PORTUGAL (F) Counsellor (Conpe.Fci.aiL.), ; ?.;>-.. , New Zealand Senior Trade Dr. Fernando de Alcambar Pereira, •; Commissioner's Office, Délégué permanent du Portugal, . Adelphi Building, 41, quai Wilson, John Adam Street, Genève '/.•.•'-.••. :)i .-... \:•'-':" London W.C.2 '•"y'T ; ' ' ' '.' . FEDERATION OF RHODESIA AND NYASALAND ® ; NICARAGUA':(E)'•'•'• Mr. R*.wJ/p§.li, . •-'- -.;_.' The Minister for Economics, :._, ..- Senior, Trade Commissioner,; . Ministry of Economics-,/; ... -: ;,c;; Office of the,High Commissioner for Managua the Federation of Rhodesia, and Nyasaland, FEDERATION OF NIGERIA (E) 429, Strand, t.:--;j_Y' • •. London W.C.2 Mr. G.G» Qnyia>- -,.V:.j:-, . Commercial Offièê^Xï:.:/:^ SIERRA'LEONE ' (E); ^* :... ;''•'•"•' ;"' lPWigeflaKouse/.a •••••; 9 Northumberland Avenue, :-. .. (not yet appointed) .:•'•. Sy/Xi-., London W.C.2 - 5 SOUTH AFRICA (E) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (E) H.E. Mr. J.E. Bruce, Mrs. Margaret Potter, Ambassador Extraordinary and Economic Officer, Plenipotentiary, United States Mission, Embassy of South Africa, 65, rue de Lausanne, 47* Bernastrasse, Geneva Bern URUGUAY (F) SUISSE (P) M. Victor Pomes, M. Albert Weitnauer, Délégué permanent de l'Uruguay près les Délégué du Conseil fédéral aux Organisations internationales, Accords commerciaux, Case postale 192, Division du Commerce, Département Genève (Mont-Blanc) fédéral de l'Economie publique, Palais fédéral, YUGOSLAVIA (E) Berne Mr. Brahko Komatina, Deputy Permanent Delegate of Yugoslavia SWEDEN (E) to the European Office of the United H.E. Baron C.A. von Platen, Nations, Ambassador, 11 bis, avenue de Champel, Swedish Permanent Representative to Geneva the European Office of the Uniied Nations, 1, rue Varembé, Geneva TUNISIE (F) M. Tawfik Torjeman, Représentant permanent du Tunisie, 5, rue Chantepoulet, Genève TURKEY (E) Mr. Cahlt Kayra, Permanent Representative of Turkey to the GATT secretariat, Villa "La Pelouse", Palais des Nations, Geneva UNITED KINGDOM (E) IREIAND (E) H.E. Sir Edgar Cohen, Mr. T.H. Horan, United Kingdom Permanent Delegate Envoy Extraordinary and Minister to GATT, Plenipotentiary, Villa "Le Chêne", Legation of Ireland, 1, chemin de l'Impératrice, 9, Dufourstrasse, Chambésy-Geneva Bern .
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