Department of the Army, DoD § 571.1 SUBCHAPTER FÐPERSONNEL PART 571ÐRECRUITING AND grams will not meet prior service re- ENLISTMENTS quirements in this part. (6) Non-Prior Service (NPS). No pre- Sec. vious service in any of the Armed 571.1 General. Forces of the United States, or pre- 571.2 Basic qualifications for enlistment. vious service without completion of 1 571.3 Waivable enlistment criteria including or more days of active duty or active civil offenses. duty for training as given in paragraph 571.4 Periods of enlistment. 571.5 Enlistment options. (b)(5) of this section. (7) Within 3 months of separation. The AUTHORITY: Section 3012, 70A Stat. 157; 10 3 month's period when an individual U.S.C. 3012. must reenlist to be eligible for certain SOURCE: 44 FR 9745, Feb. 15, 1979, unless benefits. This period begins on the day otherwise noted. following separation and ends with the § 571.1 General. date of the month, 3 months later, that corresponds to the separation date. (a) Purpose. This part gives the quali- When there is no corresponding date in fications for men and women enlisting the 3rd month, the terminating date or reenlisting in the Regular Army will be the last day of that month. For (RA). The procedures simplify and example, an individual separated on 31 standardize the processing of appli- January has a terminating date of 30 cants through the recruiting service. April. The applicant's ability to meet all re- quirements or exceptions will deter- (8) Major commanders. The following mine eligibility. This includes obtain- have commanding generals, United ing prescribed waivers. States Army Forces Command (b) Definitions. The following defini- (FORSCOM); United States Army tions apply to this part: Training and Doctrine Command (1) Enlistment. The first voluntary en- (TRADOC); US Army Military District rollment in the Regular Army as an en- of Washington (MDW); US Army Mate- listed member. riel Development and Readiness Com- (2) Reenlistment. The second or subse- mand (DARCOM); US Army Intel- quent voluntary enrollment in the Reg- ligence and Security Command ular Army as an enlisted member. (INSCOM); US Army Communications (3) United States Army. The Regular Command (ACCOM); US Army Crimi- Army, Army of the United States nal Investigation Command (CIDC); US (AUS), Army National Guard (ARNG) Army Health Services Command of the United States, and the United (HSC); Military Traffic Management States Army Reserve (USAR). Command (MTMC); Commander in (4) Regular Army (RA). The permanent Chief, US Army Europe and Seventh Army, which is a major component of Army (CINCUSAREUR): Eighth US the United States Army, as used in this Army; and US Army Japan (USAJ). part distinguishes it from the other (9) Dependent. The term ``dependent'' major components. means: (5) Prior Service (PS). One or more (i) A spouse. This does not include a days of completed active duty in a reg- common law spouse unless so judged by ular component or of extended active a civil court. duty in a Reserve component of any of (ii) Any unmarried natural the Armed Forces, in the Army Na- (legitmate or illegitimate) or adopted tional Guard or Army Reserve pro- child of the applicant if the child is grams of active duty for training pur- under 18 year of age, whether or not suant to the Reserve Forces Act of 1955; the applicant has custody of the child, in the Reserve Enlistment Program of and regardless of who has guardianship 1963; or in similar programs of any of of the child. If the applicant's child has the Army Forces. Short periods of ac- been adopted by another person (Final tive duty for training in any other pro- adoption decree issued and effective) 387 VerDate 22-AUG-97 14:43 Sep 07, 1997 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00387 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 E:\CFR\174116.090 174116 § 571.2 32 CFR Ch. V (7±1±97 Edition) then the child is not the applicant's de- (i) Honorably discharged active duty pendent. The term ``natural child'' in- commissioned or warrant officers who cludes any illegitimate child claimed enlist within 6 months after their sepa- by the applicant to be his/her child or ration date or who were awarded the judged to be his/her child by court Medal of Honor, Silver Star, or the Dis- order. tinguished Service Cross. (iii) Stepchild of the applicant who (ii) Enlisted members who separate resides with the applicant if the step- from the Regular Army with an honor- child is under 18 years of age. able or general discharge and reenlist (iv) Any other person who is depend- within 3 months after separation date. ent on the applicant for over one-half (4) Parental consent. The written of his/her support. consent of parents or legal guardian is (10) Applicant without a spouse. An ap- required for applicants under 18 years plicant who is unmarried, is divorced, of age. is legally separated, whose spouse is (b) Citizenship requirements. The appli- deceased; has deserted applicant, is in- cant must be: carcerated, is not residing permanently (1) A citizen of the United States, or with applicant, or applicant has sole (2) An alien who has been lawfully custody of the dependent(s). admitted to the United States as a per- manent resident, or (c) Delayed Entry Program (DEP). The (3) A National of the United States Commanding General, United States (Citizen of Puerto Rico, Guam, Amer- Army Recruiting Command (USAREC) ican Samoa or the Virgin Islands). is authorized by 10 U.S.C. 5±11a to orga- (c) Trainability requirements. (1) Non- nize and administer DEP. Applicants prior service. For enlistment in mental enlisted in DEP are assigned to the group category I±III applicants must United States Army Reserve (USAR) have a high school diploma (HSD) or Control Group (Delayed Entry). Only General Education Development (GED) qualified applicants who agree to sub- Certificate. HSD or GED scores must sequently enlist in the Regular Army be 90 or above in one or more aptitude may enlist in DEP. areas in Armed Services Vocational § 571.2 Basic qualifications for enlist- Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) tests. Men- ment. tal group IV requires two. Non-high- school graduates (NHSG) in mental (a) Age requirements. (1) Non-prior group I±IIIA require two. Applicants service. Applicants must be 17 to 34 must meet all other criteria for the op- years old, inclusive. tion they wish to select. (See (2) Prior service. Applicants must be § 571.2(c)(3).) 17 to 34 years old. If 35 or older but less (2) Prior service. Applicants must than 55 years, they will qualify if they: meet the mental requirements in para- (i) Have a minimum of 3 years honor- graph (c)(3) of this section, or qualify able active service in any one of the for exemption from these requirements Armed Forces, with at least 1 or more through: days of Army service. (i) Award of the Medal of Honor. (ii) Be not less than 35 years old plus (ii) Award of the Distinguished Serv- the number of completed years of prior ice Cross, Navy Cross, or Silver Star honorable active military service. Medal, with less than 20 years of active (3) Exceptions. Applicants will be ex- military service. empt from the above age requirements (iii) Partially disabling combat- if they can qualify for retirement by wounds with less than 20 years of ac- age 60, are not 55 or older with 20 or tive military service. more years of active service, and if (3) Mental categories and eligibility they are: for enlistment. 388 VerDate 22-AUG-97 14:43 Sep 07, 1997 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00388 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 E:\CFR\174116.091 174116 Department of the Army, DoD § 571.2 Edu- Enlistment eligibility 3 Applicant Age cation Mental category 2 Remarks level 1 DEP RA NPSÐmale ................. 17 ........... HSG I±IVB ...................... Yes ....... Yes .......... 10th grade minimum unless over GED I±IIIA ...................... Yes ....... No ............ 22 years old, then 11th grade GED IIIB±IV .................... Yes .......... minimum. No ............ NHSG I±IIIA ...................... Yes ....... Yes. NHSG IIIB±IV .................... No ........ No ............ Eligible for RA if graduates. If HSSR I±IVB ...................... Yes ....... (See re- NHSG, meet criteria of this marks). table. NPSÐmale ................. 18 or HSG I±IVB ...................... Yes ....... Yes .......... 10th grade minimum unless over older. GED I±IIIB ...................... Yes ....... Yes .......... 22 years old, then 11th grade GED IV ........................... No ........ No ............ minimum. NHSG I±IIIA ...................... Yes ....... Yes. NHSG IIIB ......................... Yes ....... Yes .......... 11th grade minimum regardless NHSG IV ........................... No ........ No ............ of age. HSSR I±IVB ...................... Yes ....... (See Re- Eligible for RA if graduates. If marks). NHSG, meet criteria of this table. NPSÐfemale .............. ................ HSG WST 50 or higher .. Yes ....... Yes .......... Eligible for RA if graduates. GED ................................ No ........ No. NHSG ................................ No ........ No. HSSR ................................ Yes ....... Yes. Prior serviceÐmale .... ................ HSG I±IIIB and three ap- Yes ....... Yes .......... GED titude scores of Yes ....... Yes .......... NHSG 90 or higher. No ........ No. Prior serviceÐfemale ................ HSG Three aptitude Yes ....... Yes .......... If female is a member of USAR/ GED scores of 90 or Yes ....... Yes .......... ARNG prior to RA enlistment, NHSG higher. No ........ No ............ a minimum Womens Selection Test (WST) score of 50 is re- quired in addition to 3 aptitude scores of 90 or higher. 1 Education definitions: a. High school graduate (HSG). An applicant who has graduated from an accredited high school with a diploma, a certificate of graduation, or statement of completion. b. General Education Development (GED) equivalency. An applicant who has evidence of completion of the high school level GED equivalency. c. Non-high school graduate (NHSG) and high school senior (HSSR). Self explanatory. 2 CAT I 93±100, CAT II 65±92, CAT IIIA 50±64, CAT IIIB 31±49, CAT IVA 21±30, CAT IVB 16±20.
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