PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Wed.. Sept. 6,1972 L o ttery — 61576 Justice Dissents on a Claim of Court Hardship Stamps In The New t • WASHINGTON (AP) - Ever Douglas went on. Is that "we’re week, with a conference on Satur­ view. Environmental and con­ IAP New'it»ature$ I lince Warren Burger became actually hearing and deciding day. The Job takes about four sumer class actions, he said, mutt By SYO KRONISH chief Juitlce he haa founded one fewer cases now than when we days a week.” not be shut out. penUtent theme; the Sdpreme were when I went on the court.” , Burger has signaled Congress ”If Congress should redesign 'rtie “Counos" series — a set Court if overloaded with work This means more appeal^ than that he would welcome the Jurisdiction of federal courts of three new stamps saluting and fpmething muft be done ever before are being to ss^ out legislative action to cut down the so as to leave out of them the man’s exploits into outer space about it. without full consideration. kinds of cases that can be brought environmental questions, then — has been Issued by the Re­ From Juftice William Douglas, the senior Justice, to the court. we go down the drain really very public of Indonesia. One of the PRICES EFFECTIVE WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY & FRIDAY OPEN SUNDAYS 10 A.M.-10 P.M. adhesives halls Indonesia's own O.Douglaf Wednefday night who took his seat upon appoint­ Douglas went along-to a point. fast,” the Justice said. efforts in space exploration. came a difaent—calm, aoft, with a ment of President Franklin D. One of the reasons courts are "Because we then would, be The lowest value stamp tmlle, but a characteriatically in­ Roosevelt in 1939, said the court congested, he said, ’’is that we as victims of the administrative ' shows an international weather dependent disagreemept with the still has nine men, but the selec­ a people had a great propensity to agencies. satellite in space, the ESSA-6, predominant view. tive process has changed. And make everything that somebody "And these administrative which provides information on UST MINUn SCHOOL NEEDS Burger'f plea, founded before that’s not all, he said. objects to on some moral ground agencies, though they’re very the world's weather in a m atter bar and judiclai groups and the ’’The Judges have changed, the a crime. And a lot of the stuff high-minded and thou^ they're of seconds and has enabled Eagle public at large, has won for the idea of what is important has that’s going on in our courts not venal, are very oppressive. areas to be warned of im­ JUST A FEW it court a handful of additional law changed in the minds of the involve only people but no vic­ There must be some check on pending storms as they develop. clerks and administrators, an ex­ Judges—a highly selective con­ tims” them. There must be, unless Another depicts an American OF MANY BACK 10 Pack tra few dollars from a sometimes sideration. By this he said he meant crimes they’re going to be abolished.” astronaut descending from his TO SCHOOL skeptical Congress. ’’Is this case fit to take—should like vagrancy, drunkenness and Douglas’ work methods are landing capsule on the moon's iiriiiw iriiiiii ^ t is the court overworked? we take it—and so on? And we prostitution—’’too much minutia very much in line with what he surface. T^e dates “1969-1972 " SPECIALS Pencils Douglas, in a rare CBS-TV in­ take fewer and fewer. of the lower thing. ” said. mark the first three years of indicates that a beautiful set of terview, suggested it is not. He ’When I went on the court we Judges, Douglas said, "should Every year, consistently, he lunar exploration. six stamps will be issued early agreed with Burger that the ac­ sat six days a week. Linder save their energies for the big votes to hear many more appeals The highest value in the set next year showing Chagall win­ \World Famous tual number of cases reaching the (former Chief Justice Earl) things. ” And, he added, "on the than any other member of the features Indonesia’s own "Kar- dows. high court Is on the rise—from Warren we sat five days a week, a big things, the problem has been court. Douglas also writes the . ' Flair Pens! tika I" rocket and the dates 1,800 a year three decades ago up conference on Friday. greatly exaggerated ” tersest and briefest opinions, if DID YOU KNOW THAT . "1964-1972 ” which signify that to about 4,200 currently. ’And now it looks as if our And this is where Douglas country’s rocketry program. Dutch New Guinea, which is (See Page 10) ^ WK; The more important point. trend will be to three days a clashed directly with the Burger Also issued by Indonesia, ac­ now part of Indonesia, has not ^ r-"'" LIST 49* cording to the World Wide issued any stamps since 1962 UST49c Subject Book Canvas Binder 1,000 In. Tape Philatelic Agency, is a stamp to . East Germany, not to be The felt tip pan with U S T 1.2 9 LIS? 33 Less than honor the 10th anniversa t7 of outdone in world diplomacy, is­ 101 uses. Grvot for LIST 98c half price for A Real the famed Hotel Indonesia as sued a set of stamps honoring school or officel 5 Subject Has Clip for this speciall The Weather part of its Tourist series. its friendship for the Peoples Holding Loose bargain at Composition < Fair tonight, low about SO. Republic of China — at the very Book 49 Pages. * this price! * 49 19 Friday, cloudy, high in the 80s, moment that President Nixon was meeting with Mao-Tse-tung ila n rjjp tpr iEupning Hpralib with a 20 per cent chance of rain. the U.S. Postal Rate Com­ For BkMJtet | 0 Collectors are now in the Dreitet mission has approved the larg­ And Shirt* I midst of seeing a deluge of est postal rate increase in histo­ Pencil Manche»ter— A City o f Village Charm stamps from various countries ry - a total of $1,900,(X)0.000 (1 paying tribute to the Olympic Case! For OrAt MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7,1972 VOL. XCI, No. 288 TWENTY PAGES - TWO SECTIONS PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS billion 900 million) a year. ^ ^ ^ And Slip« Games. Since the end of World 300001111 War II this outpouring of stamps has been a regular thing Canada’s latest two stamps Wooden Ruler every four years. However, feature artifacts and the way of Filler Paport many nations producing such life of that country’s Plain In­ 12 Inch Size [LIST 29* ;u stamps are more interested in dians. These are the first in a Reading U.S. in New Plea Sharing the revenues from the sale of series of 20 stamps which will Germans Hunt the stamps rather than the ath­ be issued over the next three LIST 10* Reports years. Measure letic events themselves. Uplifting To help warn the public. The One design reproduces "Buf­ Bic 'n For Cease-Fire American Philatelic Society’s falo Chase’’ by George Catlin, DRIP j«V.v C lipped More Arabs ’’Watchdog Committee ” is set­ 19th century artist noted for his ■ Banana f HARTFORD (AP) - A study ting guidelines to determine lifelong study and portrayal of Harvard DRY HANGERS PARIS (AP) — The United States told the Communists Indian life. The second stamp of the reading prowess of Connec­ today their military and political efforts in South Vietnam WASHINGTON (AP) - The MUNICH (AP) — West German police hunted for 15 more what nations were honoring the School Pens! a c t u a l l y a 98* VALUE! ticut public school pupils brings games because of their actual design was based on a photo­ haye failed and urged them to accept a cease-fire. Senate has defeated an initial Arabs today and pressed an investigation into the airfield purchose mokes this price pos- for H aIFSHp * some good news and some bad participation. The determining graph by Ray Webber, illustra- r-Only a special purch 12 FOR 4®® Ar>d UixIcrwaAr attempt to give larger industrial killing of nine Israeli hostages on Tuesday. Bag we’ve bought a big • news. U.S. Ambassador William J. factor by the committee is the ling several Indian artifacts. 'sible. Come early IN PKGS. OF 4 0 states a bigger share of the Bavarian state police said the fast at this incredible "With few exceptions, Connec­ Porter said at the 158th session of President Nguyen Van Thieu it participation by the country, or for supply^ but they II go money in a |34.8-billion revenue­ 15 were suspected of being ac­ free the hostages if Israel ticut students had higher test the Paris peace talks: ’’You have will be "unable to reach a solu­ at least having a recognized . * LIST 29c ea. -ikprice. Limit 1. incurred terrible losses but you tion to the political question in sharing bill. complices in the planning and released 200 guerrillas Jailed in national Olympic Committee. Norway has commemorated 17 7 scores than students The 61-24 vote Wednesday execution of the Arab terrorist Israel. have not broken South Vietnam's South Vietnam in particular and the 100th anniversary of the nationwide," said the report. This may not deter topical LIST 1.55 will or capacity to resist you. to the war in Vietnam in against the amendment by Sen.
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