SIJILL A WEEKLY NEWSLETTER OF FATEMIDAWAT.COM Issue 88 SYEDNA TUS DOA بسم الل ه الرحمن الرحيم MESSAGE:Aashura On the solemn occasion of Aashura, Huzurala Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin َأي َو َد ُ َأحَدُكُ ْم َأن ت َكُونَ ل َه ُ َجن َةٌ م ِن َنخِي ٍل وََأ ْعن َا ٍب TUS bestows Doa Mubarak for all mumineen. May Allah Ta’ala grant َتجْرِي مِن َتحْتِه َا ا ْل َأ ْنه َارُ ل َه ُ فِيه َا مِن كُ ِل الثم َ َر َا ِت mumineen the strength to remember وََأ َصاب َه ُ ال ْ ِكب َرُ وَل َه ُ ذُرِ ي َةٌ ُضعَفَاء ف ََأ َصابَه َا ِإ ْع َصارٌ themusibat of Imam Husain and his ُ :Ahle Bait and Ashaab and follow in AMAL DETAILS فِيهِ نَارٌ فَاحْتَرَقَتْۗ كَذََٰلِكَ يُبَي ِنُ الل َهُ ل َكُمُ الْآيَاتِ their example. May Allah Ta’ala by the Aashura Night & Aashura Day 1437H لَعَل َكُمْ تَتَفَكَ رُونَ * wasila of Imam Husain, safe guard mumineen from all calamities -- Husain (Surat al-Baqara: 266) na gham siwa koi gham na dikhave. May Allah Ta’ala by the wasila of Does any of you wish that he should have Panjatan, Aimat, and Duat, fulfil a garden with date-palms and vines and streams flowing underneath, and all kinds mumineen’s wishes in this coming year of fruit, while he is stricken with old age, and shower them with barakaat and and his children are not strong (enough to blessings. look after themselves)- that it should be caught in a whirlwind, with fire therein, SIJILL ARTICLE: Ashara - A Time for and be burnt up? Thus doth Allah make Remembrance, Reflection & QASIDA & DOA IN TRANSLATION: clear to you (His) Signs; that ye may Rejuvenation - Part 2 ‘Ya Sayyidash-shuhadaai’ consider. SIJILL A WEEKLY NEWSLETTER OF FATEMIDAWAT.COM Issue 88 The ayat of the Quran, quoted above, indeed to strive for success in all our Allah, and our leaders in faith, the describes the tragedy of Imam Husain endeavors so that we may contribute Panjetan Paak, Imams, and Dais. In in Karbala and asks: would you not fully to our community, society at large each waaz, Molana gives guidance for want that such tragedy never befell and to the nation. this world and the next, raising high you and your loved ones (See article Sharing such deep sentiments of the stations of all mumineen who have in Sijill 38 on this ayat). sacrifice, spirituality and faith on such a the high fortune to behold his radiant The first ten days of Muharram (Ashara significant and auspicious occasion visage and hear his luminous sermons. Mubaraka) commemorate the brings the community closer together. At the heart of every waaz is Syedna’s unparalleled sacrifice and commitment The remembrance of Imam Husain SA heartrending narration of the that Imam Husain SA, the grandson of in the light of the teachings of our martyrdom of Imam HusainSA. Also in the prophet Mohammad SA, and his Hudaat Kiraam enables us to reflect every waaz, Syedna bestows pearls of family and close companions and to reassess our priorities. It gives dua for mumineen gathered here as numbering 72, demonstrated on the us the courage to face life’s challenges well as mumineen everywhere in the plains of Karbala. They died fighting and the strength to persevere. world. Waaz is held in the afternoon, against the oppression, the injustice, As the successor of the 52nd Dai and followed by maghrib-isha namaaz. the fear, and the persecution inheritor of his legacy and the legacy of After namaaz, while Syedna is in perpetrated by the rulers of the time. all the Dais before him, the 53rd Dai the qibla, poignant marsiyas are recited They reached Karbala on the 2nd Day Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin TUS and mumineen perform pur- of Muharram, held out for ten days and similarly encourages his followers to josh maatam. Each day’s program ends were finally brutally massacred on the garner the barakaat and blessings of with Imam Husain niyaaz jaman. tenth day of Muharram – known as Ashara. Syedna’s bayaan and waaz is a Ashura in the year 61 Hijri (680 AD). continuation of this legacy of Through our Hudaat Kiraam’s tradition remembrance, reflection and of narrating the events of Karbala, we rejuvenation. Even in these difficult relive those fateful days in which Imam times, mumineen are able to partake Husain was martyred, and in our these barakaat no matter where they limited capacity, relate to that ultimate are (link to live broadcast). sacrifice for the sake of Truth. (Click May Allah Ta’ala grant Syedna here to read the first part of the article, Qutbuddin the longest life to continue Remembrance & Reflection – The to guide us and may He give us purpose of Muharram Part 1 of 2) the tawfeeq and inspiration to partake In the first waaz, Maulana Qutbuddin Rejuvenation – The purpose of the barakaat of Ashara Mubaraka with TUS recited the opening praise-of-God Muharram Part 2 of 2 Him. May Allah Ta’ala grant us the formula ofhamd from the Majalis of Our Hudaat Kiraam saw the beginning strength to follow the example of the Syedna Muayyad Shirazi RA, and of the new year as an opportunity to 72 shuhadaa’ of Karbala and stand firm expounded upon our Awliya-ullah’s remember Imam Husain SA and impart with the Syedna Qutbuddin TUS, the strong faith and mumineen the knowledge, guidance and wise Dai of Imam Husain SA. That is the true mukhliseen’s fortitude and service. counsel of Aale Muhammad, thereby remembrance of Imam Husain SA. Keep faith with your principles, Syedna rejuvenating us spiritually for the year said, and your purpose in life will that is to come. The sermons give NEWS & EVENTS: Highlights & become crystal clear. Syedna mumineen an enhanced sense of Photos of Syedna TUS Ashara Waaz Qutbuddin recited the following report of glad tidings: Maula Ali SA said to his purpose and direction to work toward 1, 2, 3 Shia: “Rasulullah SA passed away both spiritual and temporal betterment. Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddintus pleased with you, for you have pledged This guidance also encourages us to be performs Ashara Mubaraka 1437H allegiance to his Wasi.” Explaining a good human beings and to uphold the wa’az on Takht-e-Imami in Darus deep chapter of prayer, he recited universal values of good character. It Sakina, Mumbai with greatshaan, Rasulullah’s hadith that those who also encourages us to get the best bestowing pearls of divine wisdom await the prayer are already in prayer: possible education for our children and and ma’refat, and delivering deeply when one Imam passes away, another apply ourselves fully to our careers, meaningful orations about faith in SIJILL A WEEKLY NEWSLETTER OF FATEMIDAWAT.COM Issue 88 takes his place, and just as mumineen pledge allegiance to him and accept his mandatory daily prayers, no matter had given misaaq to the previous Imam, guidance toward Allah are saved from where we are, or what we may be they directly give bay’at to the new the Sea of Corporeality, Bahr-e-hayula. doing. He quoted Syedna Taher Imam. Those who pledge allegiance Molana also recited Rasulullah’s hadith Saifuddin RA’s pithy words exhorting first, obtain first precedence in from Syedna Hatim’s kitaab, an attitude of enthusiasm and vigor: paradise. The same is true for Dais. “Whosoever is given the rozi of “You should not say, ‘I am made to do When the 52nd Dai Syedna Ali’s walayat obtains khayrin this world this’ (aa karwu parey chhe), rather, you Mohammed Burhanuddin RA passed and the next. Whosoever loves Ali should say, ‘I should be doing this and a away, mumineen mukhliseen has—or should aspire to have—20 lot more besides’ (ghanu karwu joiye).” immediately gave misaaq to his qualities, 10 in this world, 10 in the In a lofty bayan of haqiqatand hikmat, successor the 53rd Dai Syedna next.” Syedna explained in detail the Syedna explained the meaning of Nabi Khuzaima Qutbuddin. first two of these qualities: (1) Ibrahim’s name, which encompasses Syedna explicated the meaning renunciation of worldliness (zuhd) the barakat of the celestial beings, and of sajda: The Quran says the angels while giving priority to the hereafter, signifies the continuation of imams in offered sajda to Adam nabi. Iblis and (2) longing for knowledge (ilm), his line till the last day. Syedna ended refused and Allah banished him from particularly Dawat knowledge. the waaz with doa for all mumineen, heaven. The spiritual counterpart In the shahadat bayaan, Syedna and rendered a touching narration of of sajda is the Imam. exhorted mumineen to remember the shahadat of Ali Asghar. Husain’ssajda signified that there Husain Imam’s thirst, and the thirst of would be an Imam in his line, son after his children, especially Maulana Ali NEWS & EVENTS: Highlights of father, till the last day, who would Asghar. Shehzada Taher bhaisaheb Ashara guide the people on the path of truth. Waaz 1 & 2 Husain’s supplication (dua) signified Shz. Taher Bhaisaheb performed waaz that in the Imam’s concealment, his on the night of 2nd Moharram ul Dai would establish his Dawat and haraam in Silicon Valley. He started guide mumineen. With Ta’eed-e Imami, the waaz by explaining that mumineen Syedna explicated that the numerical have gathered in the majlis for the value of the Arabic word sajda is 72. pursuit of knowledge and in Husain, in his sajda, prayed for the 72 enthusiasm to increase their darajaat in martyrs who gave their lives for him. heaven. The Quraan states that, “Allah Molana recited touching shahadat of will exalt those who are given the martyrs of Karbala, Muslim bin knowledge.” Although atheists Usaja among Husain’s companions, describe religion as a ‘purposeful and Abbas-e-Alamdar among his Ahle suspension of critical thinking’, our Bayt.
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