lQ&o j^29 Vol.LXXXIIINo.90 Friday. February 29,1980 (ftatmecticut Sail M Huskies knock off BC Advance to Big East Mini-finals, p. 10 UConn's Charging puppetry up the whiz drums p.6 p- < Page 2 The Connecticut Daily Campus, Friday, February 29,1980 WEEKEND CALENDAR Old State House. Hartford. To 5 Shaboo: Room Full of Blues. $4 Mark's Chapel. North Eagleville Friday 29 p.m. Saturday; noon to 5 p.m. advance, $4.50 door. Road. Free. Sunday and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Swimming: Big East tournament, "Midwav." Henry Fonda. Monday. Free. Sunday 2 here. Charlton Heston. 8 p.m.. TV Afro-American History Banquet. Wrestling: New Englands. here. channels 4. 30. With Pam Cross. WFSB-TV repor- Corelia Scott King: Speaking at Soccer: Hartford Hellions vs. Buf- "LaCombe, Lucien." French, with ter as keynote speaker. 4:30 p.m.. Jorgensen Auditorium. 7 p.m. falo Stallions, Hartford Civic Cen- subtitles. Von der Mehdcn Recital Putnam Rcfectorv. Semi-formal. Free. ter. 1:35 p.m. Hall. 8 p.m. $2. $4. "Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte." Country Silo: Plexus Jazz Quartet. "Bonnie and Clyde." 7:30 p.m. The Beach Boys. On the WHUS Bette Davis. 2 p.m. TV channel 27. Shaboo: The Trod Nossel Revue, and 10 p.m. Life Sciences 154. Unnamed Special. 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. "My Little Chickadee." W.C. with Van Duran. B. Willie Smith. "Apocalypse Now." 7:30 p.m. Hike: Guided, on the Qitinnetukct The Scratch Band and others. $4 Fields. Mae West. 12:05 p.m. TV Cincstudio. Trinity College. $1.50 Habitats Trail. Including winter door. with any student ID. tree and shrub identification. 1 channel 57. Andy Kaufman Special. 9:50 p.m.. p.m... American Indian Ar- Senior Recital: Patricia Uguccioni. Ongoing TV channels 8. 40. chaeological Institute Visitor Cen- soprano, with Jean Laframboise. The Slompers. ROTC. 9 p.m. to 1 ter. Rte. 199. Washington. piano. 2 p.m. Von der Mehden "Hair." Jorgensen Auditorium. a.m. $1 Basketball: Big East tournament Recital Hall. Free. Through March 6 at 8:15 p.m. with Basketball: Big East tournament final. Providence Civic Center. Senior Recital: Tracy Tobin. mez- a matinee Saturday. March 1. at 2 continues. Games at 7 p.m. and 9 Wrestling: New Englands. here. zo-soprano, with Richard Sullivan, p.m. No Sunday performances. p.m. Providence Civic Center. Swimming: Big East tournament. piano; Mary Connolly, violin; Sculpture: by Donald Sandstrom. Hockey: Hartford Whalers vs. St. Kendra West, soprano. Gymnastics: UConn women vs. Through March 7. Mon.-Fri. 10 Louis Blues, in Hartford. 8 p.m. a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday 1 p.m. Wcstfield and Rhode Island. I Organ Recital: Joan Lippincott. Also on TV channel 38. to 5 p.m. p.m. head of the organ department at Chuck's: Sanctuary. "The Marriage of Maria Braun." Chuck's: Don Engraham. Westminster Choir College. Prin- Country Silo: Northern Rhythm. Atheneum Cinema. Hartford. Country Silo: Northern Rhythm. ceton. New Jersey. 4 p.m.. St. Shaboo: Brian Auger. $4 advance. "Doctor Zhivago." Showcase S4.50 door. Cinemas. East Hartford. "All That Jazz." Showcase. Saturday 1 "Penitentiary." Showcase. "Going in Stlye." Showcase. "The Bridge on the River Kwai." "The Godsend." Showcase. William Holdcn. Alec Guinness. "The Fog." Showcase. 11:30 p.m.. TV channel 3. "Saturn 3." UA Theatres East. "Kolch." Walter Matthau. 11:30 Manchester. p.m.. TV channels. "Cruising." UA. "Good Neighbor Sam." Jack "Kramer vs. Kramer." UA. Lcmnion. 11:30 p.m.. TV channel "Apocalypse Now." Poor 40. Richard's Pub and Cinema. East "Apocalypse Now." 7:30 p.m. Hartford. Cincstudio. Trinity College. $1.50 "Dark Star." College Twin. with any student ID. Storrs. Chinese Art: Show and sale of con- "Hero at Large." College Twin. temporary art from the People's "Last ' Married Couple in Republic. Starting today at 10 America." Vcrnon Cine. Vcrnon. a.m.. with ceremonial fireworks. That Jazz" is playing at Showcase Cinemas, East Hartfprd "Jaws II." Vernon Cine. Editor In Chief Mary Messina Managing Editor Ken Koepper NEXT WEEK Business Manager Mark Becker Assistant Business Manager Marcel Marccau. universally ac- Graeme Brown Features Editor claimed as the greatest pan* Steve Straight lomimisi. returns to Jorgensen Senior Writer Auditorium Monday. March 3. for Julie Lipkin News Editors slums at 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. His Joanne Johnson appearance here follows a record- Carl Glendemng Dave Schoolcraf t breaking three-month Assistant News Editor engagement at the Theatre de la Tony Tyson Porte Mai tin in Paris. Arts Editor Leith G. Johnson Hailed throughout the world as Associate Arts Editor the foremost interpreter of the Rob Oble oldest, though least practiced and Sports Editor Gregg Russo most difficult of the performing ar- Associate Sports Editors is — I he art of gesture — Marccau Mark Goldberg Charlie Vachrls has received sonic of the most Circulation Manager stunning praise of any performer. Bob Giglio "Too perfect for words...one of Advertising Manager Sandy Johansen the greatest artistic experiences of Photography Manager my life." (The London Daily Mail) Dan Nelman "He is simply superb...the best Photographers Jim Loflnk thing thai ever happened to silen- Ben Levitan ce." (The Chicago Sun-Times). Ken Strieker Tickets for the two Marccau per- Production Manager Sandy Zuschlag formances arc available at the Classifieds Manager Jorgensen Box Office and at all Maria Miro Office Manager Tickctron outlets. Lois McLean Wire Editors Matt Manzella Dan Alexander DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau Kathleen Cofek Barbara Perry WHAT WAS ITUKE LIVING NEXT Ken Meyers LISTEN, I GOT THREE KIPS. fT'S ITS SORT OF CREEPY, YtNOUfJUST Pollster POOR TO AN FBI ENTRAPMENT NO, BUT UB KNEW HARP ENOUGH KEEPING THEM AWAY KNOWING THAT RIGHT ACROSS THE EVER THEY WERE BAD NEWS. Paul Haller RING ? NEIGHBOR WILBER FILBtS FROM PUSHERS AT THE PLAYGROUNP STREET, PEOPLE WERE BEING IN- TAlKEP TO ABC WIPE WORLPOF HEAR ANY THEYALL CARRJEP WfTHOUT HAVING TO WORRY ABOUT PUCEP TD COHMIT CRIMES WITH- SCREAMS? GUNS ANP NEVER Cover NEWS ABGW HIS ORPEAL.. mm axiAR CRIME NEXT POOR' OUT ANY PREPISPOS/TION AT ALL! _CAMBT0 BLOCK Jim Loflnk look the photograph I m PARTIES. of the portable television news set. Ben Levitan look the basketball picture, and Loflnk look the other two. Weather Mostly sunny and windy Friday. Highs between 20 and 25 degrees. Fair and continued cold Fridaj 2-Xf *"<S2 night and Saturday. Lows Frida\ nighl between 5 and 15. The Connecticut Daily Campus, Fri day, February 29,1980 Page 3 By JULIE LIPKIN Sometime between the establish- Ann Lee, the founder of the ment of the Julian and Gregorian Society of Shakers, was born in 1736 calendars, single women had ob- and died in 1784 before she reached tained the right to propose to single her 13th birthday. men, but only during a specified Gioacchino Antonio Rossini, the period. Though no one really knows great Italian operatic composer, the origin of this tradition, there is, lived from 1792 to 1868 and never of course, a legend behind it. saw his 20th birthday. Popular belief holds that in And John Philip Holland, the 5th-century Ireland, St. Bridget American who invented the proto- approached St. Patrick with a type of the modern submarine, was complaint. The women in the born in 1844, lived for 70 years and nunnery (where celibacy was still a died before his 18th birthday. matter of personal choice) wanted No miracle — all three were born an opportunity to propose marriage on leap year day. to eligible young men. Leap year is a man's way of Patrick suggested they be given adapting the astronomical year to a this right every seven years. workable calendar. But since its Bridget protested, and Patrick origin in 46 B.C. (designated, finally consented to grant women ironically, as "the last year of this right every four years on leap confusion"), leap year has caused More trouble than it's worth? year. almost more problems than it's By the Middle Ages the practice solved. had become tradition. Furthermore, The period required for one calendar. That's when he s£iit for his own hands. He cut 10 days from if a woman proposed to a man and revolution of the earth around the Greek astronomer Sosigenes. 1582 and decreed that three days he declined, he was required to sun — one year — has been "Look, Sosigenes," Caesar- would be dropped form the calen- offer compensation — a kiss and approximated at 365.2422 days. probably said (though it sounded dar every 400 years. Years with either a silk dress or a pair of Now, that's not an easy number to much more authoritative in Latin). dates ending in two zeros,' Gregory gloves. work with. It doesn't lend itself to "Look — this here calendar we have said, would not be leap years unless In 1288 the Scottish parliament neat division into halves, thirds, is useless. I can't even keep track of the first two digits were divisible by passed a leap year law which read in twelfths — in fact, it doesn't divide my own birthday! What I want is for four. part: "...for ilk yeare known as lepe easily at all. you to invent me a new one — one The Gregorian calendar was more yeare. ilk mayden ladye of bothe The early Romans recognized that that works." accurate than any previous one, for highe and lowe estait shall hae fact and simply chose to ignore it. And that's what he did. The the discrepancy — about 0.0003 liberte to bespeke ye man she likes, They used a lunar calendar, group- astronomer first added 85 days to days per year — amounted to an albeit he refuses to taik hir to be his ing the 12 months (alternately 29 the year 46 B.C.
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