H ^ T H Tin Fes-I Niei

H ^ T H Tin Fes-I Niei

■ " I H T^ hM t infeS-INieim : Wednesday,/^Au^!!st2r^96 , ' . 50 ccntsIts Good MOB)RMNG Q W i l A T H E R s i n y (o u r Cyes ’ Today: Sunny irilfa leeKeatrindslO -% 4Ss^Hi^m d3i ^ h m S O s . - — Ltws near 50 degrees. ; Teen - Ml^c\SlIeyiair quality iwalsLAi L. these haz^5y days , drug use M a q c V a i x eE Yi B r « K *&<b£itite{j•{; gees worse wben Lumets st •• DfUBU8«ofnongl2-to Inxrauxs off:f stubble ia their field■Id? Phone inII yyour Are 'r17rtW -etis roso 76 porcortf fttxnn Reform restrictions::Astiiesae A 55*! '" Carrathersssaid. *l43okidg out from ( I9 9 & '1995, aoaiding to Iho m 6 nnai.. ^ . “ S ' .FWWiinilKi-miiloadoMnllutcioad '^uH i t t ^ S u r r a y on Drug AQuM.9. prnipgTntPTBdLki'i^Tgjrefarrn.sncne j kC3S£ilIS>iiBB b &aa b a amgSacn. ^ Pmtr.Icms: see aboot fouror five stublibble- ri9tteair;Rpoi«a weUare watdets woEQirmAiraTi^wTt f |plM 33KS3smss> ootmogcresgEgping on right now.” BurUQodJndMwaCimSwertefflebb. ■ 'msrQuafia ) tiie results. a a dh sm ete tfagig ag litj ia tig W m i o f aIp p tD 10 knots weren’t dissipatgating TbtBUitaBwlrwbui A/i bflrntted ^ 3 mason peopla f t i ^ greb^mB8e*D«D6acI«A!K*fT^iu« tfeehaieonTToesday- afteraooo, Camithithers empkgw an usi^nwrjuanaln 1994. The tnfiralLOi • iNtMtacoatnMtarItamndvOdflm, ” n rp gggygjfeuog^^iiiata;^ X, t!ie wiad has been blowi nunibBf of now usen has risen «w»tywy ieMagtcVall^. MibotiMrtPfrtoM. 'ZywMlnce199l. ■ ' t r po o c. T e d e d d b z r e qsEt tirff amoketnffltfee n n fill* aterm for ^ Roadside TexpcD^Bnghfls xDocc^*‘ * Scdd O enste^ aa m£ ' “Iteweociiither ts magnifying th e probl ii;Fbrax«npt*.11n No sale: CTWitr^ JS hanpng am imrf in*■«» w; ftSS'SSTf litlicH d ru g U te s-at T n U k Bc^aal ilspc3jpog^ sn l beoBse the sn iwhat 'omimiaaiioinl the end of the road iin n E b m i e wecalEtiteessastern Great Ba^** said Bunureau Un»DMrthelnterMC ■ Arpcngycuthoged 12-17, lOSpemxnt nt ^ a t e a o o L 5S5?3f»£" *hod tisM ari IQdt drvg vtithh a monthnth p = e B B i cTaEB^is ofLaadBibBawagxw»nr ftrp dxSpatChCT StiSteve . AwRMEntMdShoirteShOMFtOlROKl, ^ Coring OB^v^aStyatO^Jt^X d lM survey. Thai's up from B2 ’ S e n & D SB to SD sxae^ &etaaite s BOfcg.^1lo g h l? a d ozen fires, coverie ring bst.ttttnwdputtabeiiboicontnCMbum . " regon oottenfWd. wpero(iMift19M.Thaindude3 ^ S 9 Bl A e I x s J a ^ S e s 3EBB QfaoSlFS0 7 abonc2D0JX»;0 acres of public land in Orej I n c A ^ In cocaino uso (froni 0.S5 S p o r t s a t m d : Please see AIR. Pag£'ageA2 p o r ^ to 0.0 pcRent) and hakidnegongen usa prom 1.1 porcont in 1994 to 1.7.7 N e wrsott: s TVi»wwg ■■ P0fjintln1995).p« . ; . .i R o iliiL.<H n : T^lip in g jHeroIn il^anndia- - _ Looks. Mom ■ Tho tgta of heroin smoking rase ; (tradsatlhe porcont in 1994 to 0.7 p «xrl ^ H ta ^^edcrm on • ncnunUL-w unvM cf ta us.s. L a le G tj: pepUtMen^M12»ndDU<r. > PageD l T sh oaik m cy. B d ta(saS^batpcm EDrug use SahLsSTOCyJOOfied PageDZ keaps into0 Sodose:Gol£Ea-Mai]c Calcavecdoa misses a c:campaignn v4ridi cost hini tiie S7 Ifeyernfflnpny, > Associated Press_______________ WASHINGTON — A 105 per-pet nt jump in teen-agca^’ drug; ususe ice 1992 instantly becamen e a; F o o d &H o m i m pai^ issue Tuesday. ~ Doi(lie calicd it a “nationnon al Bdnlsfflsgar':— tragigedy,” and the White Houso use imed against political graric•and- ded.i>aeeci ' . staiiimding DcDole, speaking to th e Veteranirans rvwlr rro ^ orm- Ik : 0fF(Foreign \Vars in Louisville,,K Ky y., 3^^ i • said,id, “This is nothing short of a P a g e C l itional tragedy. Starting nean ex t • . Jamnuary, I’m going to make2 th e a Tn ‘^iitifn1 dru(ug war priority No. 1 oneo n ce ' ■■ T agaL;ain.” F ^ C 8 TThe l CZinton administratioitio n : H«*n i< ratiaftiTly ____ “ pr pressed concern about the nc- ----------------- govtivcniment report on drug; use,us< MBtMwiwnmttiirw rclcileased Tuesday, but said itt w:was . ' Tonab^tiniKAxeacoi B 0 S 1 QlOdtBd fingjrtps doring 8 busy Tueruesday aftamoon of flngeiprintlngInglnthehi^sclioo'ral I .........<«>«0 important to be merely fodd(3dder dned loa^ashis.____ ---------------------------------for-rrpolitical attacks.----------------- oesiixnaaer “1“The one thing we can’t do) is to1 - • tum rn drug use among young peop!eople . Martha M s how: Set to a political football, becau:M use table? Ko sweat. lat is the wrong messagee fcfo r Jewfinge;erprintkaw goes5 into praactice sds," presidential spokesmasm an Mik,ike McCurry said. “They’lll jju u s t The law req u ires cmEjmployees who have , . thin O p i n i o n EBW ink it’s an issue for the polilloliti* ola-weadier T ^ i * ___ Goodin]lg schools woriced less th an five yesyears to pay for their, ’ ' danans and not something thatI theythe _ Where home is: As Im criminal checks, whichh ocost about $40. B ut hav<ive to acccpt responsibility for.”for.’ heart is in Idaho, doe KHHSG-AsEvIii^^^Eiefs: Gooding School Distr,strict'went a step'- “1“This is a bipartisan-issu's s u e .------- put 120) O ff reco rd " ^ ” said ^^iQie a senator long beyond the new lawr ara n d ispent ro u g h ly The!lese are all of our children,” sai ■ $5,000 on fingerprintingng forf all 120 employ- Dononna S halala, secretary oif f th e Tod^e£iaiiaL waa&room afterr 1law ofEcers took h e r fln- Depepartment of Health and Humsumon M c D o n g a l 5 0 sSC ttsciKES XB GcBongToesSin gppcnjBacGoodnc^fngTTi^h Srhnnl ces. I “There were too marnany options,” said Ser:rvices, which producedi th e ' ^ ^ es; k3 S ^ B a . “ItainatQnJy!f a teacher^ I’m a. parent. I ational Household Surveyjy o0 n • p r i ™ * ® ™ Jdeep Toaoe, s Siandto-ts fcne an fryear^ii'■old T m condem ed about,”» Henry Kilmer, districtrsuperintendenL**Do SU] N a t i o n rug Abuse. r i o l e . ^ = ^n-pff>Ar feiniftUBS m 2 .. ' ' Please;ise see PRINTS, Page A2- T™' weathcf break: Code P « e M ________ Please see DRUGS. Pagq/>3gqA2 -• ^vesbdeagused&n hr»»aTf fn riipir VorHt»cS E C m O N - \ U.S. ^ ^ iinimum]I pay K Actress’;’ death mlled suicidele ■ |MS(» time: Susan Mi M l^w niiniitium i recm^atwo-jearpie a r /iti b y --------^4 3 | , \ w ag e for her AVfaiteniaiEr ro QJ C o r o n e r c aalls l sedative o')verdose causes e nits way IU p \ . | l i ^ : The Associated Press | B g | [ | | Margaux Hem-in;n-ing- : P n s i idBiitCJIntmi b ' , * “ i r : ^''sy’s death endedded a leeticoD rfatw«taBB |5 _ 1 . S e c t i o n B Y S I ___________________ LOS ANGELES} — Margaux “ V | Hollywood career•er <of n u i t w a g ^ ports-------—1-3 -------- 1^3 . Hemingway committeitted suicide like n.''” — booze, epilepsy,f, bib u ­ OTDCS------------ 4 . TS’^a ^ n a m n :— Fsessaesa CB her grandfather beforere 1her, killing her* ^tt ^th e Section A cad r e o fah* l TtcsSzr oac ci fie 5c* dsn self with an overdose•of of a sedative, the shadow of her moim ore Weather-— 2 0 ^ t5fcsrfde20aaCcEgrg.mniiaameuaemt&e Avar•afage . coroner’s office said TucTuesday. J famous sister Marie[arieL q 2 Q&xafiet^esdarses [ hourilurlywage - " The 41*year*oId modlodel and actress . a S l^ y She was treateded <a t —' N a tio n ----------3 4 MtecBonEm e loi«s^sBs£wdass &tcsttS&2ScaS?xl5 St ' was found dead JulyIy 1 in her Santa n H s th e Betty Ford CciCen- W e s t ................. 5 — ............. ........................ L m M !» apartm ent. HemingwayHci grew >5^0n f : te r in 1988. ^nDfices_2 ibe:le Hzisae C oe^ bsad pbcvedped 2S ftmpun I ' hq^<uiif up in K et^um and herier iashes were laid ''H MH . “ W h a t e V e r Opinion____^6-7 SeC d e - d o m a p s t i a r a r Sscssedsed br n rio s I - ' -wagt•se ••■- -^T ' - to rest th ere on July’ 6, near the grave - J S — d em o n s sh e w:w a s f e ^ d _ _ 2 S J I «TlW ^ T * l ^ gLi~f* . T3»CW,. W brid .™ ----- 8 , S pot « a o f .ta e W f iS * ' i B B IB 3 . of her grandfather,, £iErnest Heming- ™ - fighting, it is ov(o v e r Com Hroise^se. v*iere scares cs !b»-£3caicosewickessv ; theBunureauafLabor-. .. iK s Q .way, the literary icoicon of the 20th iT ^ v'V' i now. It’s just timeme ito :yutfeaamcal i ssfialtaJcshasliacked ' ' X ^ tu ry . ■ let her rest,” sais a id sections i h e f s g z i5 ic e d S g a tc 5 » W ;^7*”’i5 'u i I'ly [' titsaven Toxicological tests5 d(detennined that h e r agent,' G raha:aham Magic Sec r^ni ' I watpsin she was killed by hartlarbiturates in an ningway Kaye.

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