The Jersey Broadcaster NEWSLETTER OF THE NEW JERSEY ANTIQUE RADIO CLUB June 2020 Volume 26 Issue 06 MEETING/ MEETING NOTICE ACTIVITY NOTES The next NJARC meeting will take place on Friday, June 12th, at 7:30 PM. The meeting will be conducted "on-line" via the video conferencing app Zoom. Information may be found at the club's website (http:www.njarc.org) with a link being provided by the NJARC Communicator prior to the meeting. This Reported by month, Prof. Joseph Jesson will present a topic titled "RCA AR-88 - RCA's Marv Beeferman Greatest Communications Receiver." In addition, the possibility exists for a Zoom radio auction. Place close attention to the NJARC Communicator and club website for further updates prior to the meeting. The ON-LINE Broadcaster The Jersey Broadcaster is now on-line. Over 190 of your fellow NJARC mem- full membership meetings!) Al has post- king himself discovered…With kingly bers have already subscribed, saving ed the required credentials on the Com- discretion, he wrote to his ambassador [in the club a significant amount of money municator a number of times and hope- the British embassy]. " 'We are getting and your editor extra work. Interest- fully you have printed them out. They short of a certain type of paper which is ed? Send your e-mail address to will remain constant for all meetings. made in America and is unprocurable [email protected]. Be sure to However, Al can't guarantee he will send here. A packet or two of 500 sheets at include your full name. a reminder email for each meeting. If intervals would be most acceptable You you are a recent new member and wish to will understand this and its name begins Our monthly meetings continue to be participate, I'm sure Al will send you the with B!!!' " The paper in question was quite successful using the Zoom app with necessary information. ([email protected]) identified by historian Andrew Roberts as some 65 members in attendance in May. It has been a pleasure to view all the Bromo soft lavatory paper." The scheduled "show-and-tell" brought recommended reading and viewing that some very interesting items to the screen our membership has offered via the Com- Nothing new under the sun! which I usually document in the Broad- municator. A good example is a posting caster but a video probably does a much by James Doran from Erik Larson's book Upcoming Events (Tentative) better job. You can check out the April or Thunderstruck concerning Marconi's May meetings by clicking on the link on early work and thoughts on wireless June 27-28 - ARRL Field Day on InfoAge the homepage of the club's website communication. Thunderstruck is a great grounds (http:www.njarc.org). read in itself where historical fiction writ- July 10 - Monthly Zoom meeting; talk by Membership Secretary Marsha Simkin er Erik Larson tells the interwoven sto- Alan Wolke (topic TBA) reports 230 members as of June 4th with ries of two men - Hawley Crippen, a very July 25 - Summer Tailgate/Hamfest on 178 current in dues payment. President unlikely murderer, and Guglielmo Mar- InfoAge Grounds Richard Lee has sent out postcard remind- coni, the obsessive creator of a seemingly August 8 - Summer Repair Clinic, In- ers to those members who are still due for supernatural means of communication - foAge Bldg. 9032A, 9AM - 4PM renewal. Considering the circumstances, whose lives intersect during one of the August 14 - Monthly Zoom meeting, Prof. your Board will continue to be liberal greatest criminal chases of all time. Tom Perera talk on "Phil Weingarten, with regard to 2020 dues, but there will For those WWII history buffs, I high- Master Duplicator" come a time in the near future when a ly recommend Larson's latest, The Splen- September 11 - Monthly meeting at In- cutoff date will be announced. did and the Vile. While Hitler waged a foAge Bldg. 9032A, Larry Rubins audio Member Nevell Greenough reminds all relentless bombing campaign, it was up demonstration OM's and YL's that it's time to start plan- to Churchill to hold the country together September 18-19 - Kutztown Radio Show ning for Field Day (June 27-28). Please and persuade President Roosevelt that October 9 - Monthly meeting at Prince- send your name, e-mail and call directly at Britain was a worthy ally. There's lots of ton's Bowen Hall, talk by Mike Molnar [email protected] so plans may be references to beam guidance technology (topic TBA) discussed without QRM'ming up the en- which I'm sure many of you radar people November 13 - Monthly meeting at In- tire NJARC Communicator. Please also will enjoy. foAge Bldg. 9032A, (topic TBA) indicate whether you can attend, when, I found a great little piece of history in November 20 - Fall Repair Clinic at In- and your operating interests. Interested the book that I'm sure Larson could never foAge Bldg. 9032A, 9AM - 4PM others are welcome as well. have anticipated when he wrote it that is December (date TBA) - Holiday Party at Technical Coordinator Al Klase is very apropos to today's times and I hope West Lake Golf and CC scheduling a recurring Zoom meeting for it will give you a little snicker: January 8 - Monthly meeting at InfoAge the NJARC membership every Tuesday Bldg. 9032A, Members Only Auction, and Thursday until the beginning of Sep- "At least one brand of toilet paper was dues collection tember. (Note: These are not the monthly also in perilously short supply, as the June 2020 Volume 26 Issue 06 Page 2 2020 ANNUAL THE JERSEY BROADCASTER is the newsletter of the New Jersey Antique FIELD DAY Radio Club (NJARC) which is dedicated to ANNOUNCED preserving the history and enhancing the knowledge of radio and related dis- ciplines. Dues are $25 per year and By meetings are held the second Friday of each month at InfoAge or Princeton Uni- Al Klase & versity. The Editor or NJARC is not liable Nevill Greenough for any other use of the contents of this publication other than information. PRESIDENT: Field day is an annual, on-the-air radio Richard Lee (732)-927-1459 event sponsored by The American Radio [email protected] Relay League, publisher of QST Maga- zine. It is an on-the-air contest where the VICE PRESIDENT: Sal Brisindi (732)-308-1748 objective is to contact as many participat- [email protected] ing stations as possible from temporary radio installations. There are extra points SECRETARY/NEWSLETTER for running on non-commercial power. EDITOR: Marv Beeferman (609)-693-9430 The underlying motivation is to foster a [email protected] community of hams who can establish communications in case of disaster. TREASURER: The June Field Day was established in Harry Klancer (732)-238-1083 [email protected] 1933 and since then 40,000 hams throughout North America have demon- SERGEANT-AT-ARMS (WEST): strated ham radio's science, skill and ser- Darren Hoffman (732)-928-0594 vice to our communities and our nation. [email protected] The event combines public service, emer- SERGEANT-AT-ARMS (EAST): gency preparedness, community outreach Rotating and technical skills all in a single event. Last year, the NJARC decided to fur- TRUSTEES: Ray Chase (908)-757-9741 ther inaugurate our new station W2RTM [email protected] by participating in our first Field Day. Soon the lawn outside InfoAge building Phil Vourtsis (732)-208-4284 9032A was filled with antennas, a gener- [email protected] ator, tables, cables, microphones, tele- "The contest ended in exhaustion and Bill Zukowski (732)-833-1224 graph keys, cans of insect spray and an [email protected] expansive collection of amateur trans- lost voices." ceivers and equipment. Several hours TECHNICAL COORDINATOR: Al Klase (908)-892-5465 later, it all came together to a rousing SALVAGE OF [email protected] chorus by our operators of “CQ, CQ, CQ Field Day - this is W2RTM, Whisky- TITANIC'S RADIO TUBE PROGRAM CHAIRMAN: Al Klase [email protected] Two-Radio-Tango-Mike”, accompanied EQUIPMENT by the hum of the generator. APPROVED SCHEMATIC PROGRAM: The cacophony continued almost non- Aaron Hunter (609)-267-3065 stop for 24 hours until 2 PM Sunday un- [email protected] Edited by der a 10' x 10' canopy when the contest CAPACITOR PROGRAM: ended in exhaustion and lost voices. We Marv Beeferman Matt Reynolds (567)-204-3850 made about 325 contacts with other ama- [email protected] teurs around the country at similar, emer- The following article is based on report- RESISTOR PROGRAM: gency-operations style setups. About 45 ing by various sources like CNN, Yahoo (To be announced.) of those contacts were made via Morse and "Popular Mechanics." code with good-old-telegraph-key. Our WEB COORDINATOR: main transceiver was a Yaesu FT-950 A judge in Virginia has ruled that a Dave Sica (732)-382-0618 [email protected] graciously acquired from the late Joe Cro designated salvage company can open up estate. Joe certainly would enjoy that. the hull of the RMS Titanic to retrieve the MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY: This year's Field Day 2020 is 27-28 ship's Marconi radiotelegraph. It's not Marsha Simkin (609)-660-8160 June. Our club station, W2RTM will be exactly a done deal because the RMS Ti- 33 Lakeland Drive Barnegat, N.J. 08005 again setting up at InfoAge. With a mod- tanic company must still submit a funding [email protected] est, but successful, first effort last year, plan for approval before work can begin. we are hoping to improve our perfor- As expected, this decision has resulted mance this year.
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