Folk Alliance International Official Showcase Invited Artists (to date/12-18-14) Act Name Category Hometown Website 10 String Symphony Bluegrass (Nashville, TN United States) http://www.10stringsymphony.com Aallotar World (Helsinki, Finland) http://www.aallotarmusic.com Alanna and Alicia Singer-Songwriter (Melbourne, Victoria Australia) http://www.alannaandaliciaegan.com Laith Al-Saadi Blues (Ann Arbor, MI, MI United States) http://www.laithmusic.com The Amigos Roots (New York, NY United States) http://www.theamigosband.com Matthew Francis Andersen Folk (Berwyn, IL United States) http://www.matthewfrancisandersen.com Annika Singer-Songwriter (Nyack, NY United States) http://annikamusic.com Sam Baker Singer-Songwriter (Austin, TX United States) http://www.sambakermusic.com Jennah Barry Singer-Songwriter (Mahone Bay, NS Canada) http://www.iamjennahbarry.com Luke Bell Other (Cody, WY USA) http://lukebell.bandcamp.com/releases Nathan Bell Singer-Songwriter (Signal Mountain, TN United States) http://www.nathnbellmusic.com David Berkeley Singer-Songwriter (Santa Fe, NM United States) http://www.davidberkeley.com Dan Bern Singer-Songwriter (Los Angeles, CA United States) http://www.danbern.com Betty and the Boy Alt Folk (Eugene, OR United States) http://www.bettyandtheboy.com BettySoo Singer-Songwriter (Austin, TX United States) http://www.bettysoo.com/ Billy Strings & Don Julin Bluegrass (Traverse City, MI United States) http://www.billystrings.com Jeff Black Singer-Songwriter (Nashville, TN United States) http://www.jeffblack.com The Blackbird Revue Alt Folk (Kansas City, KS United States) http://theblackbirdrevue.com Eric Brace & Peter Cooper Singer-Songwriter (East Nashville, TN United States) http://www.redbeetrecords.com/eric-brace-peter-cooper Breaking Hart Benton Singer-songwriter (Brisbane, Queensland Australia) http://breakinghartbenton.com/ Briga World (Montreal, QC Canada) http://www.brigamusic.com Colleen Brown Singer-Songwriter (Edmonton, AB Canada) http://colleenbrownmusic.com Adam Burrows Folk (Hendersonville, TN United States) http://www.adamburrows.com/ Jim Byrnes Blues (Vancouver, BC Canada) http://www.jamestbyrnes.com Callaghan Singer-Songwriter (Nashville, TN, / United Kingdom) http://www.callaghansongs.com Edie Carey & Sarah Sample Singer-Songwriter (Chicago, IL United States) http://www.ediecarey.com Mary Caroline Singer-Songwriter (Yellowknife, NT Canada) http://www.marycaroline.ca Tim Chaisson Roots (Charlottetown, PE Canada) http://timchaisson.com Daniel Champagne Singer-Songwriter (Bega, New South Wales Australia) http://www.danielchampagnemusic.com Christine Tassan et les Imposteures Other (Montreal, QC Canada) http://www.christinetassanetlesimposteures.com Josienne Clarke and Ben Walker Singer-Songwriter (London, United Kingdom) http://www.josienneclarke.co.uk Dana Cooper Singer-Songwriter (Nashville, TN United States) http://www.danacoopermusic.com Corinne West Bandits Alt Folk (San Francisco, CA United States) http://www.corinnewest.com Laura Cortese & the Dance Cards Alt Folk (Boston, MA, MA United States) http://www.thisislauracortese.com Rose Cousins Singer-Songwriter (Halifax, NS Canada) http://www.rosecousins.com Kizzy Crawford Singer-songwriter (Cardiff, Wales United Kingdom) www.sonicbids.com/kizzy-crawford The Currys Singer-Songwriter (Port St. Joe, FL United States) http://www.thecurrysmusic.com Catie Curtis Singer-Songwriter (Newton, MA, MA United States) http://www.catiecurtis.com Anthony da Costa Singer-songwriter (Austin, Texas United States) http://anthonydacostamusic.tumblr.com/ Owen Danoff Singer-Songwriter (Washington, DC United States) http://www.owendanoff.com DARKLARK Other (Prince Edward County, ON Canada) http://www.darklark.com Elise Davis Singer-Songwriter (Little Rock, TN United States) http://www.elisedavis.com Steve Dawson Roots (Nashville, TN United States) http://www.stevedawson.ca Russell deCarle Other (Toronto, ON Canada) http://www.russelldecarle.com Digging Roots World (Barrie, Ontario Canada) http://diggingrootsmusic.com/ Diyet Alt Folk (Burwash Landing, YT Canada) http://www.diyetmusic.com Paul Doffing Folk (Hampton, MN United States) http://www.pauldoffing.com Tim Easton Singer-Songwriter (Nashville, TN United States) http://www.timeaston.com The Elders World (Lenexa, KS United States) http://www.eldersmusic.com ELJURI World (New York, New York United States) http://www.eljurimusic.com/ Carrie Elkin Singer-Songwriter (Austin, TX United States) http://www.carrieelkin.com Chad Elliott Singer-songwriter (Coon Rapids, Iowa United States) http://chadelliott.net/ Ellis Folk (Minneapolis, MN United States) http://www.ellis-music.com Betse Ellis Traditional (Kansas City, MO United States) http://fiddlebetse.com Dennis Ellsworth Singer-Songwriter (Charlottetown, PE Canada) http://www.dennisellsworth.com Mark Erelli Singer-Songwriter (Melrose, MA United States) http://www.markerelli.com Amado Espinoza World (Cochabamba, BO - Bolivia) http://www.amadoespinoza.com Lowri Evans Celtic/British (Newport, Wales United Kingdom) www.lowrievans.co.uk Joel Fafard Blues (Roberts Creek, BC Canada) http://joelfafard.com Dana Falconberry Alt Folk (Austin, TX United States) http://www.danafalconberry.com Rick Fines Roots (Peterborough, ON Canada) http://www.rickfines.ca Dom Flemons Roots (Hillsborough, North Carolina United States)http://www.domflemons.com/ Foes of Folly Folk (Kansas City, MO United States) http://foesoffolly.bandcamp.com FourWinds Traditional (Dublin, Limerick, Ennis, Dingle, IE - Ireland)http://www.facebook.com/fourwinds.tradmusic Tony Furtado Singer-Songwriter (Portland, OR United States) http://tonyfurtado.com Gerald Trimble's Celtic and World Music World (kansas city, MO United States) www.geraldtrimple.com Ghost of Paul Revere Other (Portland, ME United States) www.ghostofpaulrevere.com Ariana Gillis Singer-Songwriter (Vineland, ON Canada) http://www.arianagillis.com Katie Glassman and Snapshot Folk (Denver, CO United States) http://www.katieglassman.com Seth Glier Singer-Songwriter (Northampton, MA USA) www.sethglier.com Gold Heart Bluegrass (Leesburg, VA United States) http://www.goldheartsisters.com Brianna Gosse Singer-Songwriter (St. John's, NL Canada) http://www.briannagosse.com Lisa Nicole Grace Singer-Songwriter (Edmonton, AB Canada) http://www.lisanicolegrace.com Jon Dee Graham & William Harries Graham Singer-Songwriter (Austin, TX United States) http://www.jondeegraham.com Jenn Grant Alt Folk (Halifax, NS Canada) http://www.jenngrant.com Harpeth Rising Alt Folk (Louisville, KY USA) http://www.harpethrising.com Bryan Hayes Singer-Songwriter (Moscow, TN United States) http://bryanhayesmusic.com Robby Hecht Singer-Songwriter (Nashville, TN United States) http://robbyhecht.com Helen Highwater Stringband Traditional (Nashville, TN United States) http://www.helenhighwaterstringband.com Phillip Henry and Hannah Martin Roots (Exeter, Devon United Kingdom) http://www.philliphenryandhanahmartin.co.uk James Hill Roots (Brookfield, NS Canada) http://www.jameshillmusic.com The HillBenders Bluegrass (Springfield, MO United States) http://www.hillbenders.com The Honey Dewdrops Folk (Baltimore, MD United States) http://www.thehoneydewdrops.com The Honeycutters Folk (Asheville, NC United States) http://www.thehoneycutters.com The Howlin' Brothers Roots (Nashville, TN United States) http://www.thehowlinbrothers.com Lizzy Hoyt Folk (Calgary, AB Canada) http://www.lizzyhoyt.com Jacquelyn Hynes Celtic/British (London, England United Kingdom) http://www.jacquelynhynes.com/ I Draw Slow Roots (Dublin, Ireland) http://www.idrawslow.com Bill & Kate Isles Singer-Songwriter (Duluth, MN United States) http://www.billandkateisles.com Megan Jean & the KFB Other (Charleston , SC United States) http://www.meganjean.net Jacob Johnson Singer-Songwriter (Travelers Rest, SC United States) http://www.JacobJohnsonTunes.com chris jones Traditional (caernarfon, United Kingdom) http://chrisjonesgwerin.weebly.com Laney Jones & the Lively Spirits Singer-songwriter (Orlando, Florida United States) http://www.laney-jones.com/ Zack Joseph Folk (Nashville, TN United States) http://www.zackjoseph.com Kaia Kater Traditional (Toronto, ON Canada) http://www.kaiakater.com Kawehi Other (Lawrence, KS USA) http://kawehi.com Gabriel Kelley Folk (Nashville , TN United States) http://www.gabrielkelley.com Mo Kenney Singer-Songwriter (Dartmouth, NS Canada) http://www.mokenney.com Hal Ketchum Singer-Songwriter (Fischer, TX USA) http://www.halketchum.com Jess Klein Singer-songwriter (Austin, Texas United States) http://www.jessklein.com/ Dayna Kurtz Singer-Songwriter (New Orleans, LA United States) http://daynakurtz.com/wp/ Jimmy LaFave Singer-Songwriter (Austin, TX United States) http://www.jimmylafave.com Jordie Lane Singer-Songwriter (Melbourne, Australia) http://www.jordielane.com Ciaran Lavery Singer-Songwriter (Aghagallon, Belfast IE - Ireland) http://www.ciaranlaverymusic.com Les Poules a Colin Traditional (Montreal, QC Canada) http://lespoulesacolin.com/ Little Brave Singer-Songwriter (Austin, TX United States) http://www.littlebravemusic.com The Lonely Heartstring Band Bluegrass (Boston, MA United States) http://www.lonelyeheartstringband.com Lindsay Lou & the Flatbellys Roots (Ionia, Michigan United States) http://www.lindsayloumusic.com/ Demi Louise Singer-songwriter (Boronia, Victoria Australia) www.demilouise.com The Lovebirds Singer-Songwriter (San Diego, CA United States) http://www.thelovebirds.com The Lovelocks Roots (Toronto, ON Canada) http://www.thelovelocksband.com The Lowest Pair Alt Folk (Minneapolis,
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