T lf ' "I . THURSDAY, OCTOBER PACII ^WBNTY-EIOHT iianrItPBter H^ralb Give the United Way— Give the United Way—-yGive the United Robert Blanchard, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Blanchard, 23 Average Daily Nei Press Run The Weather About Towti Hoffman Rd., entered the Ameri­ FerecMt of U. S. We«tber Barew ./, can Acadwny of Funeral Services, ^ hen Manchester folks think oMine meats, For tbe Week Ehided ' Roykl BlEck Prep^)tory . wlU Now York a ty . He is a 1963 September 28, 1868 Clear and cold tonlgbt. Low In meat tomorrow at S p.vei. at Onngt graduate of Manchester High the SOe. Saturday eunny with nlld- Halt School. at such L G ^ prices—‘they think o f * 13,758 er afternoon temperature*. High hi The administrative board at Chapmam Court, Order of Am­ Member o i. Uie AodH mid to upper 608. Veterane ot Wbrld War I Barracka aranth, will have Advance Nl^ht Barean df Oreidattaa Manche»ter-—A City of Village Charm and AuxiliatT will meet Sunday and Ihltiation of candidates to­ at 2 pjn. at the Town Hall, Rock­ morrow at 7:46 p.m. at the Ma­ ville. sonic Temple. Refreshments will MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1963 (daMlfled AdvertMag en Page IS) PRICE SEVEN CENTS be served after the meeting. VOL. LXXXm , NO. 4 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) T h e UtUe Flower of Jesus Personathed Service... Mothers Circle will meet tomorrow at 8;1S p.m. at the home of Mrs. a tradition at Pinehurst! Although the old “Chop­ Donald Duffy, 90 Cambrldfre St. WSCS Hears Talk ping Block” days are gone and the method of Town Marking 140 Birthday. Remember When^^ Along Main Street— Mrs. Joeeiph M. LaShay will serve handling meat has changed to the new and modem as oo-hosten. By Mrs. Patterson ways, the friendly, personalized service has not "The Christian Family and Us changed at Pinehurst. it’s a tradition with us! Money" is the topic of a talk to WINDOW SHADES be given Monday at 8 p.m. at a meeting of the Woman’s , Society WASHABLE of Christian Service at North SELECTED LARGE INTERSTATE Methodist Church. Mrs. R. D. Pat­ Oldsmohile Cutlass Now at Motor Sales terson. an active member of South Chicken Breasts AQUA SHADES Methodist Church, will be the /nris 1b the Cutlass Holiday coupe in OldsmoWle’s 1964 F-86 line. It is among the OldwnoWfleB now M « C Made to Order speaker. 'displayed at Mlanaheater Motor Sales, 512 W. Center St. ________________ __ (lO-lb. lets 5.90) With Tour Rollers Mrs. Patterson attended summer School of Mission ./hnd he became pastor' of the South Full Line of Custom Christian Service of the \ySCS of Priest to Speak Windsor church last May. PINEHURST FRESHLY the New England Southern Con­ Police Arrests Standing committees of the VENETIAN BUNDS ference at Rhode Islapd College. On Guild’s Theme guild will meet in school class­ GROUND CHUCK lb. Providence. She togk a course on rooms at 8 p.m., before the open "The Christian Family and its Henry Wrobel, 33, of 452 Main St., meeting. A brief business meeting (lO-lb. lots 6.50) L A. JOHNSON Money," and ^-111 show a color last night was charged with Im­ The Rev. Gordon B. Wadhams, of all members will be conducted film. "Buyers’ Choice.” proper parking and failure to pastor of St. Francis of Assisi in the school library before the PAINT GO. Members of the Catherine Balch change address on his license. He Church, South Windsor, will speak program. PINEHURST 3 in I Circle will serve refreshments af^ was ordered to appear in Circuit Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. at the first Refreshments will be serve^L af­ 723 Main St.. Tel. MI 9-4501 ter the program. ter (he meeting. Court 12, Manchester, on Oct. 21. meeting of the 1963-64 season of MEAT LOAF BLEND The arrest stemmed from an In­ the Guild of Our Lady of St. Ground beef, veal and pork . Police Skin Divers for Swedish meatballs, too. vestigation of a truck which was Bartholomew at the church. He parked in a hazardou.*! position at will .speak on the guild's theme for (lO-lb, lots 6.50) Summit St. and E. Middle Tpke. the year, "The Holy Sacrifice of For Your Robert J. Danahy, 19, ' of 56 the Mass." All members of the Find Youth’s Body U.S., Soviets to Ban N-Satellites PAUL UODUE PONTIAC, INC. Ridgewood St., late yesterday after­ parish are invited. MISS IO W A — #> noon on Brookfield St. was stopped Father Wadhams is a graduate Cosmetics _____ i--------- In his MG sports car and. charged of Yale University, and General SLICED BACON with overcrowding the operator of Theological Seminary, New York IT’S State' police skin divers recovered the body of Ronald A . Pact Seen NOW a vehicle. Police said that three City, where he taught for several (2 lbs. 1.29) Miller, 22, from the second Bolton Lake at about l l a.m, to­ State News r persons, Danahy and two girls, years. He was rector of an Episco­ day. Miller, who lived on Llynwood Dr. in the Rosedale sec­ were riding In the front bucket pal church in New York City from tion of Vernon, had been missing since he took a canx>e out seats, which was made to seat only 1935 to 1949. Liggefts Fresh Pork Spareribs on the lake Wednesday evening. Signed by SHOWING two. He was ordered to appear in He converted to OathoUcism in At The Parkade Roundup Circuit Court 12, Manchester, on The body wa« recovered hi 16^ 1949 and was ordained as a priest feet water in the northern part Pratt and Whitney Aircraft in Oct. 7. in 1952 at St. Thomas Seminary, MANCHESTER at THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY at the lake by Trooper d i v e r e East Hartford. His home was in Bloomfield. He was a member of Greensburg, Pa., and he arrived in Thursday the faculty at the seminary until Fred Avery and David Winslow, O C T. 3-4-5 OPEN THURSDAY and FRIDAY TILL 9 and Trooper. Josej^ E. Bangaaser Hartford last June. Anti-Pollution Unit I who operated a boat pulling the He lived at the YMCA In Hart­ UNITED NATIONS, N. Y ottwra along the lake. ford until about a month ago, when Hit by Alabaman BRAND NEW LEASE MiUer became the object of a he moved in with Robert J. Mar­ (A P)— A public U.S.-Soviet America’s No. I Road Car search when roommates reported shall, Andrew Kozubal and Loren pledge against launching nu­ You get a lot of tender meat for your Otter, all engineers at the aircraft HARTFORD, Oct. 4 (AP) AGAIN, PINKHUR8T HAS A NSW him mlMlng Wednesday night. He clear-armed satellites could be PONTIAC TEMPEST PAPER and RAG COLLECTION dollar when you buy Pinehurst Fresh had taken a canoe out on the lake, plant. — An Alabama congressman arranged as soon as next LOW PRICB ON FRBBHLY OAUOHT The body was Identified by Mar- zeroed in here today on the Chuck. •jvl when he did not return hie ehall. Miller, who was bom on Thursday, when President For As Low As MU SIGMA CHI YOUTH GROUP roommates began a aearch. They March 20,1941 in Pennsylvania was six-state New England Inter­ found the canoe on the northwest Kennedy sees Soviet Foreign $96.00 per month BLOCK ISU N D FRESH the son of Arthur J. and Eleanor state W ater Pollution Control Minister Andrei A. Gromyko, side of the lake, then called Ver­ Miller oA Greensburg, Pa. Commission, saying it will Full Maintenance, Fnlly'Insured BLOCK CHtCK POT ROAST non PoHoe. U.S. sources said today. He graduated from the University “have to hasten its pace” to SATURDAY PAI„ OCT. 5 caUef Constable Bldmund F. of Plnsburgh, with a B.8. In mech­ This would be a follow-up to the Paul Dodae Pontiac lb. 49c SWOROnSH Z>wyer said that the death ap­ anical enguieering last April. help meet the region’s water agreement in principle against or­ INC. pears to be an accidental drown­ The Wmte-Olbeon Funeral Home pollution problems adequately. biting nuclear weapons ju.st an­ Phone 649-2881 Pleas* coll. 649-2564; 644-0272; ing. He said, that an autopey will in Rockville Is In charge of funeral This came from Congressman nounced by the U.S., Briti.sh and PRESIDENT MORALES 878 MAIN STREET / BLADE CENTER CUTS be conducted at I^rtford Hoe- arrangements. Robert E. Jones, a Democrat and Soviet foreign ministers. or 643-8249 pitGl. Qiief Dwyer expressed gratitude chairman of the Natural Resources American sources .said the def­ Center Miller WM emiHoyed as an' en' and Power Subcommittee of the inite form of a Washington-Mos- PONTIACS lb. 59c glneer In tim research division of (ConUnoed on Page Ten) U.S. House of Representatives dur­ cow pledge has yet to be worked j Slices ing testimony b^ore the subcom' out, but the most likely procedure Junta Reigns mittee by 'William B. Wise, direc' la to have U.S. and Soviet gov-' OPEN HOUSE~4tEFRESHMENTS SERVED emments issue separate but par­ BONELESS CHUCK ROASTS C(Nna here for Oyitera, Haddock, tor of the Connecticut War RC' In Honduras, Gompleie Luncheons Daily - - - 85c to ..99c sources Oommiseion. allel statements. Flounder Fillets and large Shrimp. Ths subcommittee held a hearing I % ^ "Agreement on policy. SnU A FINE SELECTION OF WEDNESDAY SPECIAL 69c and 79c lb. Kowalski Finally In the federal building which atv (against) nuclear weapons in or­ tracted.gevemmentiad dvle lead­ bit" was announced by Secretary Morales Out BLACKTOP Chiclien in the Bosket...............................
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