very pretty design has colored silk plied only to fabrics, but there are new- woven in the narrow beading and tied patterns that can be applied to fab¬ Berry Shortcake. around the divided tassels. Coronation rics and also to wood, china, glass, etc.. and are ART NEEDLEWORK. braid is made large for outlining: large celluloid, metal, they ap¬ Stra wherries. raspberries or black¬ flowers, such as water lilies, with the plied by friction, the heat of an iron center embroidered in colored »heavv being" unnecessary. The pattern is laid berries may be used. Take one quail silk. Flowers of loops of very heavy face down on the material and rubbed of flour, one-half easpoonful of salt Host Popular. silk are used, with of full with a spoon, or any other smooth, two of baking powder Crocheting designs Is teaspoonfuls Feminine Fancies There is scarcely an article of blossoms, such as crysanthemums. rounded surface. The impression two tablespoonfuls of butter, one pin! not have lilies, etc. These are made and clear and accurate, and the pattern catl needlework which doe* quickly with of milk. Sift flou \ salt and bakii g children's wear, not trying to the eyes. Bureau scarfs be used several times equally crocheting upon it. In and are stamp¬ results. The disappear powder together, then rub in buttei and cushion covers of linen good markings pretty and smart, but in every way especially, crocheting is prominent, ed with a design of dahlias worked out alter the first washing. thoroughl\ and put in enough milk to practical and comfortable. A bathing is effective, wearing well. Little petti¬ with dahlia braid, Cluny lace borderl¬ make a dough eas\ t<> handle Dixtda I III" have and of this lace can coats. both of muslin and flannel, inserts and medallions in half and roll out each pie-t»ar AMERICAN FASHIONS. suit be hardly expected to outlast white or part SHOWERS FOR THE BRIDE. a crocheted around the neck and aie combined with linen and Breaded and Tomatoes. size: butter on lop and a light JUNE one season, so why not make it as at¬ edge colored done Fried spread sleeves and at the bottom. embroidery lightly sprinkle of flour, and then ptit the tec tractive as possible? That is what the Cut firm tomatoes into thick slices, round of douuh d E. YOUNG. dresser scarfs, Cross-stitch alone or com¬ pieces together box BY LILLIAN designers have done, as a consequence Centerpieces, doilies, designs, but do not peel them. Sprinkle each bake on a buttered tin plat**. H»v« The woman who can think up a new under their proper headings. The are all bined with are ef¬ was order and table scarfs French embroidery, and a of ber-ies over and shower is a woman of was highly prized when it in What festive places our beaches are the shop windows are displaying some pincushions Six of cross-stitch slice with salt, dip into beaten egg ready pint picked form of bridal seen with crocheted Many are fective. medallions well washed and with pon¬ im¬ .and yet the expense to the guests this summer, when they edges. are a oval one in fine breadcrumbs. Set in a cold place sprinkle resources, for it seems as if every destined to be really fascinating designs. elaborate. connected with larger sugar a half hour before neede-l had been nothing and to the hostess and For a in black and white simple, others are quite the of stem- sides. A dered, sort of shower has already will be dotted with brilliant colors development center, with connections for an hour and fr\ on both Divide the pastry without br»-.i* i; k aginable very little. striped silk the illustrated model is to doilies are more favored at stitcliedw lines. Flowers in cross stitch out Hut for every new creations that make up the most elabo¬ Square milk gravy is a pleasing addition to the disks and put ihe berries betwee been worked be commended as being particularly or¬ present than round ones. Some are ob¬ have the center of heavy silk French the shortcake hot. is a new sort of rate bathing: costume's ever exploited. fried tomatoes. serving bride there probably namental. Ir is a model of unusual long, about IS inches in length, and knots. ahower-.new, at least. in some details. Fancy the disapproval they might lines and each adds to the attractive¬ This Diamond-shaped cushion covers of a ness used with a square centerpiece. the under One shower that created a great deal have called forth less than genera of the whole. of richly brocaded silk have THE DAILY MENU. There is. first of all. a round-necked does away with the necessity using part and of satin or chif- of fun not so very ago was a edge puffing long: waist of plain white satin, with brief tumbler or butter plate doilies, and fon velvet. tJold net over silk is* used table linen shower. The prospective sleeves cut in one with it. The tops the oblong doilies may be also used with an embroidered bordered satin bride, of course, did not know that it of the sleeves show an interesting lit¬ for tray covers or for other purposes. puffing and back, and exquisite tiny BREAKFAST the was a shower.at least she was sup¬ Cereal tle cut-out section in the shape of an chiffon flower trimming dividing Sliced Bananas ('old oval. The waist is the outfits consisting of lap center and border. damask roses posed not to know. All the other .shirred up Baby made Single Kidney Stew Toast Coffee front on a cord and hooks directly blanket, towel and wash cloth are effective. Net inserts add to the guests were asked to reach the hostess' have the edges LUNCHEON down the center back. The striped of Turkish toweling worked variety. house ton minutes before the guest of skirt is to the is circular crocheted in color. An initial Ordinarv transfer can he ap- Breaded and Fried Tomatoes joined waist, ornaments the corner patterns honor, and they gave the hostess their and mounted with a few gathers a few in French knots French Toast inches below its A of each article. linen offerings before the bride ap¬ Bread scalloped heading. bedroom set of scrim (Jinger Iced Tea white chamois belt is run through eye¬ An attractive dresser peared Then the afternoon was spent lets about the waist and fastens in consisting of window curtains, Don't bother at card? DINNER scarf, pincushion and lamp shade has Brown Veal Stew front through a steel buckle. worked in color When refreshment time came the Then comes the little bolero of striped a conventional design with Dress Shields guests were taken to the dining room Peas and New Potatoes Spinach silk, its front left wide and and the edges crocheted. and edges open Novelty braids are popular, and are seated at the dining table. Biscuits Stewed Fruit trimmed with a row of small button¬ in the i Vtt OJo-n-no ami jam mm 'I need thtm crocheting FRECKLE-FACE This was a shower, and the used together with spring Coffee holes and steel buttons. The ends are of towels and in the trim¬ decorations were yellow At each end short in front and do not the decoration Just two applications a w«k will of the extend ming of underwear. Yokes for night Sun mid Wind Brinft Oiil I gl> Spot*. L«p table was a flat dish containing waist line, but the corners are held In sleeves J the naturallv and a his dresses with the short kimono How to Remote Knwily. armpits dry daintv, and I»ig green pottery frog, and from place against the waist means of braids and ) back stalks ot daffodils, by are made in one of fancy ( your clothing free from stain and sprang yellow snappers. At the under-arm seams, are made with a Miss Freckle- }\ dampness. in the center of the table was a crocheting. Towels ( Here's chance, big however, it is to draw in, and some f > el low-iced cake. WHEN OPENING THE long enough crochet medallions set face, to try a remedy for freckles( Dress Shields then become unnecessary. down into the waist line and blouse it fine crochet with the a ( have insertions of ) with the guarantee of reliable ODO- is across the back. Like the under waist, initials crocheted in the center. Pillow ) dealer that it will not cost you a RO-NOalso keepa damp porspririK hands or fci-t comfort- Ice cream.French vanilla, which SUMMER COTTAGE it ( ably and naturally and all very yellow.was served in molds, hooks down the center back and the covers are made with hemstitched \ penny unless it r e m o v e s the f dry prevents perspiration odor. Daily ring is finished with a baths do not lessen the effect. Harmless. with a candied cherry ruby for all the top little scalloped ends and deep crocheted edges. \ freckles; while if it does give you ) Easily applied. heading of thf plain white satin. (a cler.r the expense is) guests save the briue. For her there of ;t table complexion Get your bottle of ODO-RO-XO today. See how quickly it makrs It is not l Separate tights are usually worn with Bridge sets consisting l was a sparkling candied pineapple dia¬ quite time y to open the are trifling. ) dress shields unnecessary for you.and doeg away With all pe:- the new bathing dresses, though bloom¬ square and four nine-inch napkins get an ounce of < thine.\ mond There were little cakes with summer cottage, but mo.
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