Cave Resource Inventories: Why are they Important? Johanna Kovarik Hoffman Environmental Research Institute Western Kentucky University 1 College Heights Blvd Bowling Green, KY 42101 [email protected] 270-745-5201 Pat Kambesis Hoffman Environmental Research Institute Western Kentucky University 1 College Heights Blvd Bowling Green, KY 42101 [email protected] 270-745-5201 Abstract Cave resources are defined as all of the secondary attributes and features, both natural and man-made, that reside within the confines of the cave or cave sys- tem. Natural features include the biota, paleontology, mineralogy, speleothems, and sediments. Man-made features can be of archeological, historic, or cultural origin. In order to effectively manage, protect, and conserve caves, cave systems, karst areas/ecosystems, and cave resources in general, it is important to have basic knowledge of the physical extent, nature, and attributes of the system/area/re- source. Resource inventories along with geographic data and photo documenta- tion provide the baseline of information necessary to understand cave and karst resources and ecosystems. Resource inventories can be conducted graphically or as a dedicated list. The Hoffman Institute uses both types of inventory data to generate resource inventory maps of general features, hydrologic features, and ar- cheological/cultural features. Project areas where resources inventories have been conducted include Coldwater Cave, Iowa; caves of Isla de Mona in Puerto Rico; and caves in the south-central Kentucky area. Synthesis of this information into maps, databases, and Geographic Information Systems provides the framework from which to make sound and intelligent resource management decisions. Such baseline data and information is also a starting point for scientific research. Introduction tion provide the baseline of information necessary to understand cave and karst resources and ecosys- In order to effectively manage, protect, and tems. Synthesis of this information into maps, da- conserve caves, cave systems, karst areas/ecosys- tabases, and Geographic Information Systems pro- tems, and cave resources in general, it is important vides the framework from which to make sound to have basic knowledge of the physical extent, and intelligent resource management decisions. nature, and attributes of the system. Geographic Such baseline data and information is also a start- data, resource inventories, and photodocumenta- ing point for scientific research. 8 2005 National Cave and Karst Management Symposium Kovarik and Kambesis Geographic Data position of the material covering or making up the floor, speleothems, coatings, and water (flow- With respect to caves, cave systems, and karst ing, ponded, sumped, and seeps). Other impor- areas in general, there are two basic types of geo- tant things to note include wind (or changes in air graphic data: surface geographic data and cave movement), directions of water flow, passage ter- survey data. Surface geographic data consists of minations, biology, bones, and archeological/his- the location and cataloging of physical features on toric/cultural features. the land surface. This includes locations of karst More often than not, caves in an area of interest features (cave entrances, springs and spring seeps, have not been mapped. In that case it will be nec- swallets sinkholes, karst windows, sinking streams), essary to instigate cave mapping work. Sometimes surface water and drainages (lakes, ponds, rivers, even if the caves have been mapped, the data or the and streams), surface rock outcrops, and any other maps may not be to modern survey standards. For features that are related to the caves and karst area. some very old surveys, a map may exist but the data Surface geographic information can be found that produced it does not. In either case, re-survey on topographic maps, geologic maps, and aerial is in order. photographs. Reference to surface features can also As cave survey data are collected, the distance, be found in reports and written accounts about the azimuth, vertical readings, and passage dimensions area. However, in order to have the most complete are input to a cave data reduction and plotting pro- data, it is necessary to do field reconnaissance to gram. The data is converted to XYZ coordinates identify and locate features not shown on existing and plotted by the software. The result is a prelimi- maps. nary line plot showing the horizontal and vertical Once all of the surface geographic information extent of the cave and its passages. Referencing the is collected it should be cataloged and referenced cave data to surface coordinates shows how the cave to explicit location references (surface bench- passages relate to surface features. Some reduction marks, latitude and longitude, UTM coordinates) and plotting software can use the passage dimen- and plotted on a base map (which should include sions along with the XYZ coordinates to make vol- surface topography). The base map is the first layer umetric plots of the cave passages. These programs of geographic information to which all other infor- also make it possible to rotate cave and volumetric mation layers will be referenced. plots in three dimensions. This is a valuable aid for Geographic information also includes cave sur- envisioning the layout of a cave system and for de- vey data which defines the horizontal and vertical tecting geologic and/or hydrologic patterns which extent of a cave or cave system. The way to obtain are not obvious otherwise. cave survey data is to actually map the cave. The ob- One of the primary reasons for collecting cave jective of cave surveying is to collect distance, bear- survey data is to produce cave maps (Figure 1). The ing, and vertical data that will later be made into a cave plot, passage dimensions, and sketches are the cave map. necessary components of making a good map. The Another important component of the survey cartographer integrates these data into a map of the data is passage dimensions. These data are recorded cave in plan and profile. Cross sections are added to in terms of where the survey station lies with re- the plan view making for a more complete three-di- spect to the left and right walls and to the ceiling mensional representation of the cave. The availabil- and floor of the cave passage. ity of high powered PCs and easy-to-use drawing The final component of the cave survey data programs make computer cartography possible to is a detailed sketch, done to scale, of cave passages a wider range of cave map makers. Today, most all and features along the survey line. Because caves cave cartography is done digitally. are three-dimensional entities, sketches need to be A cave map, in any stage of completion, serves done in plan view, profile, and in cross section. Pas- as an underground base map from which all future sage features and attributes are shown symbolically work can be referenced. An integrated cave map– on the sketch. Features and attributes that should surface map makes for a powerful tool for cave be noted on the sketch include: domes, skylights, management and from which to conduct work for pits, ledges, slopes, changes in ceiling height, com- resource inventories, restoration, rescue planning, 2005 National Cave and Karst Management Symposium 9 Kovarik and Kambesis Figure 1. A portion of a map of Tumbling Rock Cave, Alabama, impact surveys, and ultimately, research. the cave resources. A resource inventory team can follow up on the generalized list and provide more Cave Resource Inventories detailed descriptions of the resources and the gen- eral cave conditions. Resource inventories can also Cave resources are defined as all of the second- be conducted as narrative descriptions or lists (Fig- ary attributes and features, both natural and man- ure 2). Inventories can also be done on pre-printed made, which reside within the confines of the cave checklist sheets which show a list of possible re- or cave system. Natural features include the biota, sources (Figure 3). The person inventorying sim- paleontology, mineralogy, speleothems, and sedi- ply checks the list. In either case, the data should ments. Man-made features can be of archeological, always be referenced to survey stations. historic, or cultural origin. Once the general inventories are done, it falls The first step in managing, protecting, and to the specialist with expertise and training in a studying caves resources is to know what and where particular field (biologists, paleontologists, or ar- they are. Resource inventories are descriptive lists cheologists) to conduct detailed inventories and of the cave resources referenced to survey stations. identifications. As resource inventory data is col- Most resource inventories are done in conjunction lected, the descriptive information needs to be en- with the cave survey and collect only very basic tered into a database. Data in this format can then information on the resources such as location or be searched and queried quickly and efficiently. simple descriptions. Basic training and the use of Some cave data reduction and plotting programs field guides can supply enough expertise for data have database functions that allow resource infor- collectors to provide more descriptive surveys. mation tied to survey stations to be entered into Resource inventories are generally done during a database. Plots or screen views can be produced the survey. Detailed sketches and notations from which show the resource data displayed next to the the survey notes can provide a generalized list of survey station. Dedicated GIS programs are ideal 10 2005 National Cave and Karst Management Symposium Kovarik and Kambesis nent in resource inven- tories. A camera comes in extremely handy dur- ing surface reconnais- sance in cataloging cave entrances (especially in areas where there are many cave entrances) and other karst features. In-cave photography provides excellent vi- sual information on the nature, size, shape, and contents of cave pas- sages and also serves to document the data col- lection process or new discoveries.
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