Rev Bras Neurol. 55(4):18-24, 2019 NOTA HISTÓRICA France’s “année terrible” of the Franco-Prussian War and Paris Commune, 150 years ago, and some remarkable neurologists at the time M. da Mota Gomes1 ABSTRACT RESUMO Franco-Prussian War started 150 years ago, and it was a short but A guerra franco-prussiana começou há 150 anos e foi um período a tragic turning point to France as a whole, but also a challenging curto, mas trágico, para a França como um todo, mas também um moment for medicine and some outstanding French neurologists. momento desafiador para a medicina e alguns neurologistas frances- Besides, a new continental European power emerged, consolidating es de destaque. Além disso, uma nova potência da Europa continen- German as a united state. Two Parisian sieges at this time, from the tal emergiu, consolidando a Alemanha como um estado unido. Dois Prussian and that related to the Communards, struggled the Parisian cercos parisienses naquela época, dos prussianos e o relacionado health status. In Medicine, the wounded and diseased health care di- aos "communards", lutavam contra o estado de saúde parisiense. Em sorganized logistics were carried out through the military, municipal Medicina, a logística desorganizada dos serviços de saúde, de cuida- and civil health services subdivided into mobile ambulances and fi- dos aos feridos e doentes, foi realizada através dos serviços de saúde xed hospitals. The novel Cross Red ambulances took part. Moreover, militar, municipal e civil subdivididos em ambulâncias móveis e hos- anesthesia and antiseptic surgery were applied, but they were in their pitais fixos. As novas ambulâncias da Cruz Vermelha participaram. beginnings. The Faculty of Medicine of Paris physicians were char- Além disso, anestesia e cirurgia anti-séptica foram aplicadas, mas ged with the subsidiary health care of the population, among them estavam no início. Os médicos da Faculdade de Medicina de Paris Jean-Martin Charcot. Some of them added to the patient care the foram encarregados dos cuidados subsidiários de saúde da popu- meetings at the Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Medicine. lação, entre eles Jean-Martin Charcot. Alguns deles acrescentaram ao Many outstanding neurologists participated at this task force besides atendimento aos pacientes, as reuniões da Academia de Ciências e Charcot, such as Charles Lasègue, Edmé Felix Alfred Vulpian, Désiré- da Academia de Medicina. Muitos neurologistas de destaque partic- -Magloire Bourneville, AlixJoffroy, Fulgence Raymond, Jules Joseph iparam dessa força-tarefa além de Charcot, como Charles Lasègue, Déjerine and Henri Duret. Edmé Felix Alfred Vulpian, Désiré-Magloire Bourneville, AlixJoffroy, Fulgence Raymond, Jules Joseph Déjerine e Henri Duret. Key words: Franco-Prussian war, Paris Commune, Health services, Faculty of Medicine of Paris, neurology, Jean-Martin Charcot Palavras-chave: Guerra Franco-Prussiana, Comuna de Paris, Serviços de saúde, Faculdade de Medicina de Paris, neurologia, Jean-Martin Charcot 1Associate Professor, Institute of Neurology, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected] 18 Revista Brasileira de Neurologia » Volume 55 » Nº 4 » OUT/NOV/DEZ 2019 Franco-Prussian War INTRODUCTION bombing to Paris, on 27 Dec 1870, and Paris surrendered The Franco-Prussian War-FPW (July 19, 1870-Ja- on January 28, 1871, what was followed by an armistice. nuary 28, 1871) had a huge impact on all sectors of French However, the Communards, refusing capitulation, obli- life, and it temporarily reduced all scientific work1, besides ged Adolphe Thiers, the first President of the French Third it stroke a wealthy country at the time6. Likewise, the heal- Republic, to settle in Versailles10. This government was th of the starving population at the siege time, and of the threatened in March, by an insurrection in Paris, in which combatants were all subjected to lethal infectious diseases. the radicals had established their short-lived government, At this basis, the objectives of this work were to know the the Paris Commune, that had promoted the second siege of political aspects of the close antecedents of the FPW; the Paris from 18 March to 28 May 18712. At the end of May, health care logistic to face the huge health problems of Thiers had pushed the government troops against the Pa- the population; and the repercussion of the political and ris Commune revolutionaries what ended in the ‘bloody civil life dismantling caused by the two sieges of Paris, by week’, 21–28, and wind up in the bloodbath, on Sunday, the German and after by the Parisian Communards urban May 28, 1871. revolution, on the lives of prominent neurologists at the The main landmarks of the FPW and Commu- time. nards siege were depicted in Figures 2. THE AMBITIOUS AND TRAGIC WAR GAME THE AID FOR THE WOUNDED AND SICK AND THE The FPW balanced Napoleon III´s interest in AMBULANCE PARTICIPATION restoring the French Empire’s prestige against the Repu- The disorganized logistics health care were car- blican opposition, and at the other side, chancellor Otto ried out at the Wartime, moreover anesthesia and antisep- von Bismarck´s desire to consolidate German unity arou- tic surgery were in their beginnings. A summary of this nd Prussia. However, the immediate cause of the war was situation is presented at the appendix. the candidacy of a Prussian prince to the throne of Spain, The role of the ambulance and makeshift medical against France’s apprehension regarding the foreign em- care for the wounded and sick at the time of the war were powerment of an alliance between Prussia and Spain21. depicted in Figures 2. In consequence, on 19 July 1870, France declared war against the powerful Prussian military that defeated Fren- THE OUTSTANDING NEUROLOGISTS AT THE WARTIME ch armies after their successive reverses. This victory was This paper section deals with some issues about in order with the Prussian large and well trained Prussian selected outstanding neurologists represented at figure 3 army against the overconfident but fragile opposing force2. and how they were affected by this wartime. Firstly, as Markedly, the Battle of Sedan left the emperor reference, it is important to say that the FPW turmoil dis- Napoleon III as a prisoner of the German what ended the turbed the French science and some outstanding scientist, French Second Empire. On September 4, 1870, the Third such as Pasteur and Claude Bernard, as it compromised Republic was proclaimed in Paris, and a new provisional their scientific inspiration for work. They both even left government was declared having Léon Gambetta as a lea- Paris to the province2. ding figure of it who helped the defense of France during Jean-Martin Charcot was privileged in this the war. After, Prussian army laid siege to Paris, the “city approach, but others are also mentioned such as of lights”, but French resistance crumbled, and in conse- CharlesLasègue, Edmé Felix Alfred Vulpian, Désiré-Ma- quence this was the major event of the FPW (September gloire Bourneville, AlixJoffroy, Fulgence Raymond, Jules 19, 1870-January 28, 1871). During this siege, there was Joseph Déjerine and Henri Duret. an official power, but also a counterpower consisting of Charcot was associated with La Salpêtrière and Radical Republican workers and extremists of all kinds, with powerful politicians all along with his successful ca- among them, Gustave Flourens (1838-1871) son of Ma- reer2,14, besides this Parisian and La Salpêtrière are close- rie-Jean-Pierre Flourens. Gustave occupied during one ly associated with the history of Paris. La Salpêtrière was year a teaching assistant position in the same house as his originally constructed as gun factory and place to store father, at the Collège de France, about the “History of hu- gunpowder during the 16th century, in the next it was man races”6. At the first siege, the German had started the Revista Brasileira de Neurologia » Volume 55 » Nº 4 » OUT/NOV/DEZ 2019 19 Gomes MM, et al. a-Generala-General Reille Reille deliveringdelivering Napoleon III'sIII's letterletter of of surrendersurrender to King to King William William I at theI at Battlethe Battle of Sedan of Sedan (mural (mural painted in 1884 by Carl Steffeck). painted in 1884 by Carl Steffeck). b-"Defenceb-"Defence ofof ParisParis-Students-Students Going Going to Manto Manthe the Fortifications".Fortifications". After the the surrender of NapoleonNapoleon III, the III, the French Republic refused the German Frenchsettlement Republic terms, refused and thethe Germanwar was settlement forced to terms, continue (Illustrated London News Oct 1, 1870). c-Whenc-When the battlethe battle was wasover, over, Parisians Parisians buried buried the bodies and the war was forced to continue (Illustrated London of thethe Communardsbodies of the inCommunards temporary massin temporary graves. They News Oct 1, 1870). mass graves. They were quickly moved to the were quickly moved to the public cemeteries. public cemeteries. Figures 1-Some milestones of the Franco-Prussian War: a-Surrender of the French Emperor for the German Winner on the Sedan Battle; b-Engagement of the Parisian population against the German invaders; c-The carnage in the Commune (Pictures: Public domain, retrieved from Wikipedia). transformed to the Salpêtrière Hospital that was used as light” all his life, and he experienced the French Revolu- an asylum for beggars, prostitutes, and the insane. During tion of 1848, and later the FPW, and worst, the two sieges the FPW, it was turned into a field hospital for wounded of Paris. Regarding La Salpêtrière, Charcot had been resi- soldiers, but then the combatants sent in had non-surgi- dent on it in 1853, but returned to it in 1862, at the age of cal diseases, and eventually it became a medical center for 37, as head of a department to leave it no more2,15.
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