DON RIVER WATERSHED PLAN Implementation Guide 2009 Prepared by: Toronto and Region Conservation We look forward to working with these and many other partners in implementation … D o n R i v e r W a t e r s h e d P l a n – I m p l e m e n t a t i o n G u i d e TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss List of Acronyms Executive Summary Introduction p a g e 1. Policy ..................................................................................................... 1-1 2. Regeneration......................................................................................... 2-1 3. Land Securement.................................................................................. 3-1 4. Stewardship and Outreach Education ................................................ 4-1 5. Operations and Maintenance............................................................... 5-1 6. Enforcement.......................................................................................... 6-1 7. Monitoring and Research..................................................................... 7-1 8. Tracking Progress ................................................................................ 8-1 Appendix A – Legislative and Policy Context for Watershed Plans........ 8-1 Appendix B – Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan Watershed Plan Requirements - Conformity Assessment Report ...................... 8-5 L i s t o f T a b l e s Table 1.1 Top 10 New Policy Recommendations for the Don Watershed ................................................... 1-3 Table 1.2 Policy Initiatives and Special Studies .........................................................................................1-14 Table 2.1 Regeneration Project Priorities ................................................................................................... 2-16 Table 3.1 Securement Projects..................................................................................................................... 3-2 Table 4.1 Stewardship and Education Projects ............................................................................................ 4-3 Table 5.1 Operations and Maintenance Improvement Projects ................................................................... 5-2 Table 6.1 Enforcement Actions..................................................................................................................... 6-2 Table 7.1 Evaluation of Innovative Technologies ......................................................................................... 7-2 Table 7.2 Ambient Watershed Conditions and Long-term Trends ............................................................... 7-5 Table 7.3 Adaptive Management ................................................................................................................ 7-12 i D o n R i v e r W a t e r s h e d P l a n – I m p l e m e n t a t i o n G u i d e L i s t o f F i g u r e s Figure 1-1: Special Land Use Policy Areas.................................................................................................... 1-19 Figure 1-2 Compliance Checklist for “Major Development” on ORM in Don Watershed............................... 1-20 Figure 1-3 Potentially Significant Groundwater Recharge Areas...................................................................1-21 Figure 1-4 Target Aquatic Community Indicator Species............................................................................... 1-22 Figure 1-5 Target Terrestrial Natural Heritage System .................................................................................. 1-23 Figure 1-6 Inter-regional Trails Plan............................................................................................................... 1-24 Figure 1-7 Nature-based Experience Theme Areas ...................................................................................... 1-25 Figure 1-8 Cultural Heritage Features............................................................................................................ 1-26 Figure 1-9 Flood Vulnerable Locations and Flood Infrastructure................................................................... 1-27 Figure 2-1 Priority Basins for At-Source Stormwater Controls in the Upper Don Watershed…………………..2-6 Figure 2-2: Priority Basins for At-Source Stormwater Controls in the Lower Don Watershed………………….2-7 Figure 2-3 Strategic Regeneration Themes for the Don River Watershed....…………………………………….2-8 Figure 2-4 Upper West Don River Subwatershed Regeneration Plan…………………………………………….2-9 Figure 2-5 Upper East Don River Subwatershed Regeneration Plan…………………………………………....2-10 Figure 2-6 German Mills Creek Subwatershed Regeneration Plan…………………………………..………….2-11 Figure 2-7 Lower West Don River Subwatershed Regeneration Plan…………………………………………...2-12 Figure 2-8 Lower East Don River Subwatershed Regeneration Plan………………………...………………….2-13 Figure 2-9 Taylor/Massey Creek Subwatershed Regeneration Plan…………………………………..………..2-14 Figure 2-10 Lower Don River Subwatershed Regeneration Plan …………………………………………….…2-15 ii D o n R i v e r W a t e r s h e d P l a n – I m p l e m e n t a t i o n G u i d e LLiisstt ooff AAccrroonnyymmss AMO........... Association of Municipalities of Ontario BILD........... Building Industry and Land Development Association CAMC ........ Conservation Authorities Moraine Coalition CFIA........... Canadian Food Inspection Agency CO ............. Conservation Ontario CSO……….Combined Sewer Overflow DFO ........... Department of Fisheries and Oceans EA .............. Environmental Assessment EFP............ Environmental Farm Plan FMZ ........... Fish Management Zone FMP……….Fish Management Plan GIS…………Geographic Information System GLSF ......... Great Lakes Sustainability Fund GTA ........... Greater Toronto Area HIP…………Habitat Implementation Plan (TRCA) LEED ......... Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design MEI ............ Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure MESP……..Master Environmental Service Plan MMAH........ Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing MNR........... Ministry of Natural Resources MOE........... Ministry of the Environment NGO........... Non-government organization OCETA ...... Ontario Centre for Environmental Technology Associations OFAH………Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters OIPC……….Ontario Invasive Plant Council ORC........... Ontario Realty Corporation ORM .......... Oak Ridges Moraine RAP………..Remedial Action Plan RWMN .......Regional Watershed Monitoring Network (TRCA) STEP ......... Sustainable Technologies Evaluation Program (TRCA) SW ............. Stormwater SWM.......... Stormwater management TNHS......... Terrestrial Natural Heritage System (TRCA) TRCA......... Toronto and Region Conservation Authority YPDT ......... York Peel Durham Toronto Groundwater Program iii D o n R i v e r W a t e r s h e d P l a n – I m p l e m e n t a t i o n G u i d e Executive Summary Introduction The Don River Watershed Plan was prepared by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) in consultation with its municipal partners and the Don Watershed Regeneration Council to provide effective guidance for the regeneration of the watershed. The plan builds on the hard won gains made to date in protecting, regenerating and taking collective responsibility for this abused but still beautiful feature of our natural heritage. Many stakeholders believe that it may be possible to “hold the line” and possibly improve watershed conditions, but only if every opportunity for regeneration is considered seriously. While the major period of urbanization is nearing completion and the watershed systems are beginning to adjust to these new land uses, our goal is for improved conditions and we know we must prepare for climate change affects. The watershed plan is intended to inform and guide municipalities, provincial and federal governments and TRCA as they update their policies and programs for environmental protection, conservation, and regeneration within the contexts of land and water use, and the planning of future urban growth. The plan provides direction to local non-governmental organizations and private landowners with regard to best management practices and opportunities for environmental stewardship. To accomplish the management strategies set out in the plan, there will need to be coordinated efforts by a variety of implementing partners. Purpose The purpose of this Implementation Guide is to facilitate implementation of the recommendations contained in the Don River Watershed Plan (TRCA, 2009). The Guide organizes the watershed plan recommendations according to relevant implementation tools and assembles additional information to inform initial action. The Guide further summarizes a 10 year work plan of implementation projects, within the context of existing programs and likely implementing partners. Like the watershed plan, the Implementation Guide is intended to inform and guide the ongoing implementation and development of programs and policies. The proposed projects contained in this Guide are intended to serve as a basis for discussion among implementing partners and as a source for the further development of individual partners’ own long term work plan and budget preparations. Strategic Watershed Management Direction The Don River Watershed Plan concludes that we are beginning to “hold the line” on further degradation of the watershed. Going forward, our primary challenge will be to better manage wet weather flows and to restore a more balanced flow regime to the river and its tributaries. This will be
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