THE BOOK OF ISAIAH Study and Outline by Messianic Leader Jacques Isaac Gabizon, Beth Ariel Congregation, Montreal, Quebec www.bethariel.ca [email protected] 1 Major Messianic Prophecies in Isaiah 1-He will be born of a virgin 7:14 2-Messiah descendant of Jesse & David 11:1,10 3- He will settle in Galilee of the Gentiles 9:1 4-He will be rejected by His own people 49:7, 53:103 5-He will voluntarily submit to suffering and death 50:6, 53:7-8 6-He will take the sins of the world 53:4-6, 10-12 7-He will resurrect 53:10 8-He will be exalted 52:13, 53:12 9-He will reign over the nations 2:3-5, 9:4, 9:6, 11:10 10-He will reign on the throne of David 9:7 11-He will be a light to the Gentiles 42:6, 49:6-7. 52:15 12-He will restore Israel 61:1-3, 49:8 2 1- INTRODUCTION The Book of Isaiah; the Bible in miniature. 66 Chapters: 39 chapters Judgement on Israel (H.S.) 27 chapters Prophecies of comfort for Israel (N.T.) OUTLINE OF THE BOOK OF ISAIAH Isaiah 1-5 The Lord’s Indictment to the Nation of Israel Isaiah 6 Isaiah’s Commission Isaiah 7-12 The Book of Emmanuel Isaiah 13-23 The Book on the Judgment on the Gentiles Nations Isaiah 24-27 The Little Apocalypse of Isaiah Isaiah 28-35 The Book of Woes Isaiah 36-39 The Book of Hezekiah Isaiah 40-53 The Book of the Servant Isaiah 54-66 The Book of the Future Glory 3 2- ISAIAH 1-5 THE LORD’S INDICTMENT OF THE NATION OF ISRAEL KINGS OF JUDAH CONTEMPORARY WITH ISAIAH Uzziah 792-740 B.C.* Good 2Kgs. 15:1-5 Jothan 750-732 B.C.* Good 2Kgs.15:32-38 Ahaz 735-716 B.C.* Wicked 2Kgs. 16:1-20 Hezekiah 716-687 B.C. Good 2Kgs.18:1-20 Manasseh 697-643 B.C.* Wicked 2Kgs. 21:1-18 *Coregencies. a-The Urgency Isaiah 1:1-5 Deuteronomy 4:26-27 b-The Remnant Isaiah 1:8-9 Romans 9:6 Matthew 7:21-24 c- Religion and Relationship Isaiah 1:11-15 Matthew 5:20 Isaiah 2:8-9 Isaiah 1:24 d-The Omniscience of God Isaiah 3:18-23 Gen. 16:13 John 3:19 Isaiah 1:16-17 Eph.5:26 Jer.5:22 Psm.51:13 e- Protection for the believer Isaiah 3:10, Gen.19:22, John 10:27-28 f-THE BRANCH OF THE LORD Isaiah 4:2-6, Jer. 23:5, Zech.3:8, Isaiah 5:13 g- Lack of Knowledge Matthew 22:29 John 5:39 Hosea 4:6 Isaiah 40:8, 55:10-11, John 1:1 4 3- ISAIAH 6 THE COMMISSION OF ISAIAH a-The Glory of the Lord Isaiah 6:1 John 12:41 Rev.13:8, 21:22 b-Meeting God Isaiah 6:5 Peter - Lk. 5:8 Jacob - Gen.32:10 Abraham - Gen. 18:27 Job - Job 42:5-6 c-Isaiah’s vision: 1-Vision of the Holy One 6:1 I saw the Lord 2- Sinfulness of Man 6:5 Woe is me, for I am undone! 3- Regeneration and Sanctification 6:7 And he touched my mouth with it. 4- Consecration to Service 6:8 "Here am I" (Gen.22:1 Exd.3:4) d-The Plurality of the Divinity Isaiah 6:8 And who will go for Us? Genesis 1:26 Genesis 3:22 Genesis 11:7 4- ISAIAH 7-12 THE BOOK OF IMMANUEL a-Introduction Isaiah 7:7 → Isaiah 7:14 → Isaiah 9:6 b-The Sign to King Ahaz Isaiah 7:11-13 5 c-THE VIRGIN BIRTH Isaiah 7:14 / Matthew 1:21-23 Gen.24:43 Exd.2:8 Ps.68:25 Prov.30:19 So.1:3, 6:8 עַלְמ ָ֗ ה Almah d-A Short History of Redemption: Genesis 3:15 → Isaiah 7:14 → Luke 1:35 Genesis 3:20: Eve – Life Genesis 4:1 …a son, Jehovah. e-The Son of Tabel: Isaiah 7:6 . f-The Nature of the Messiah Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. 1Tim.3:16 1Cor.2:14 John 1:1 Eph.2:14 The Angel of the LORD - Judges 13:17-22 g- ISAIAH 11 The Humble Beginnings of the Messiah 6 h-Branch / Nazareth Matthew 2:23, Isaiah 53:2, 8:14 i-Galilee, not Jerusalem Isaiah 9:1-2 John 7:52 Matt. 4:13-16 Judg. 5:18-20 Heb. 6:10 j-Bezalel Exodus 35:20-35 k-Animal World in the Messianic Times Isaiah 11:6-8 Rom. 8:19,21 l-Peace in the Messianic Times Isaiah 11:6-9, 2:4, Heb.11, John 14:2-3, Rev. 7:17, 21:4 7 5- Isaiah 13-23 THE BOOK ON THE JUDGMENT OF THE GENTILE NATIONS Babylon Chapt. 14:1-32, Moab (West Bank) Chapt. 15-16, Damascus (Syria) & Samaria Chapt.17 Ethiopia Chapt.18, Egypt Chapt.19-20, Edom (Southern Jordan) & Arabia Chapt.21 Jerusalem Chapt.22, Tyre (Lebanon) Chapt. 23 Amos 3:7 a-Isaiah’s love for the Nations Isaiah 15:5, 21:3-4, 16:9 God’s love for Egypt and Assyria Isaiah 19:25 b-Babylon / Babel: Genesis 11, Dan. 4 Rev. 17-18 Lucifer Isaiah 14:12-15 Rev. 22:16 Psm.1:1 His 5 “I will” Isaiah 14:13-14 Babel Reached Heaven… Gen.11:4, Dan.4:11, Rev.18:5 8 6- Isaiah 24-27 THE LITTLE APOCALYPSE OF ISAIAH a-From Judgment to Blessings: Isaiah 24:1 → Isaiah 25:6 b-Abolition of Death: Isaiah 25:8, 1Cor.15:26 c-Resurrection: Isaiah 26:19 7- Isaiah 28-35 THE BOOK OF WOES a-The 6 Woes: 1. Woe to Wanton Rulers (chap. 28). 2. Woe to Worthless Worship (29:1–14). 3. Woe to Wily Schemers (29:15–24). 4. Woe to Willful Children (chap. 30). 5. Woe to Worldly Trust (chap. 31). 6- Woe to the Wicked Oppressor (chap. 33) b-The Protection of Ariel Isaiah 29:7-8 c-THE KING MESSIAH Isaiah 33:14-17, Rev.17:14 The Two Messiahs in Rabbinical Judaism: Messiah Ben David Zechariah 9:9 & Isaiah 53 Messiah Ben Joseph Daniel 7:13 d-A Touch of Grace Isaiah 33:1-3 9 8- Isaiah 36-39 THE BOOK OF HEZEKIAH a-King Hezekiah 2Kgs 18:5, 15:14, 22:43 Isaiah 36:1-10, 37:23-26 b-The Messiah as The Angel of the LORD Isaiah 37:36 Exd. 3:2-6 Jn. 14:9 9- Isaiah 40-53 THE BOOK OF THE SERVANT MESSIAH a- Double for all her Sins Isaiah 40:2 Rom. 2:9, 1:16, 9:1-3 Genesis 32:30-32 Jacob → Israel: Sarah / Struggle & El / God b-Jacob / Israel → the Worm Isaiah 41:14 Messiah → the Worm Psalm 22:6 c-The Trinity Isaiah 41:14: The LORD, Your Redeemer, The Holy One. d-1st Coming of the Messiah Isaiah 40:1 2nd Coming of the Messiah Isaiah 40:2 e-John the Baptist Isaiah 40:3-4 f-The First and the Last Isaiah 41:4-Jehovah Rev. 2:8-Yeshua g-The Glory of the LORD Isaiah 40:5 Jn.1:14 Exd. 16:7,10 Heb. 1:3 Eze.11:23 10 h-The Circle of the Earth Isaiah 40:22 i-Prophecies in the Bible Isaiah 41:21-23 1- Let them bring forth and show us what will happen 2- Let them show the former things, what they were, That we may consider them, And know the latter end of them j-Who is the Servant of the Lord? Israel My Servant Isaiah 41:8-9 The Messiah My Servant Isaiah 42:1-4 Isa. 11:10 Matt.26:53 k-The Trinity Isaiah 42:1 → Matt.3:16-17 Isaiah: My Servant, I (Jehovah), My Spirit Matthew: The Spirit of God, The Voice from heaven, The Beloved Son l-My soul is Well Pleased! Isaiah 42:17-18 & Matthew 12:17-18 m-The Training of the Messiah Isaiah 50:4 → Luke 2:46 n-To Open the Eyes of the Blind Isaiah 42:7 → Matt. 11:5 → Acts 26:18 o-God the LORD, the Creator Isaiah 42:5 & 40:25-26 → John 1:3 p-My Glory I will not Give to Another Isaiah 40:25-26 & Isaiah 42:8 → John 10:30 11 q-One Savior Isaiah 43:11 → 2Tim.1:10 His Immutability - Heb.13:8 His Omnipresence - Matt.18:20 His Omnipotence - Col.1:17 He is the Source of Life - John 5:26, 14:6 r-Idolatry Isaiah 40:18-20 44:9-10 → Exd. 20:4 Rom.1:18-19 s-The Uniqueness of God Isaiah 45 Vs.5 ….I am the LORD, and there is no other; There is no God besides Me Vs.6 ….. there is none besides Me. I am the LORD, and there is no other Vs.14 …..there is no other; There is no other God Vs.18 …..I am the LORD, and there is no other Vs.21 …..There is none besides Me Vs.22 …..For I am God, and there is no other Vs.23 ....every knee shall bow → Philippians 2:10 t-Cyrus; a “messiah”? Isaiah 44 – 45 2Chron.
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